957 resultados para Degradation of phenols


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In the present paper, ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used to degrade porphyran. It was found that porphyran could be degraded by free radical that was generated by ascorbate and H2O2 in combination. It was possible to prepare desired porphyran products with different molecular weight by adjusting ascorbate to H,02 proportions and their concentrations. The molar ratio of I was demonstrated more effective than in other ratios. Higher concentrations accelerated the degradation. Moreover, results of chemical analysis and FT-IR spectra suggested that the main structure of degraded products still remained although some changes happened. The degraded and natural porphyrans possessed scavenging 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)-radical activity and reducing power. Higher antioxidant activities were found in both systems when the molecular weight was reduced. The results indicated that the antioxidant activities were closely related to the molecular weight. The degraded porphyrans are potential antioxidant in vitro. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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2-(9-Carbazole)-ethyl-chloroformate (CEOC), a novel pre-column fluorescence labeling reagent, has been synthesized and applied for the derivatization of phenols. Taken phenol, p-chlorophenol, 2,5-dimethylphenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 1,4-dihydroxybenzene as testing standards, the effects of derivatization conditions, such as pH of borate buffer, reaction time and fluorescent tagging reagent concentration, have been systematically studied. Under the optimized conditions, CEOC reacts readily with the phenols to form stable derivatives with excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively, at 293 and 360 nm. The single step derivatization reaction could be finished within 20 min even at room temperature. Such a method has been successfully applied to the analysis of phenols in printing ink by high-performance liquid chromatography. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A practical and efficient disposal method for hydrodechlormation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in transformer oil is reported. Transformer oil containing PCBs was treated by nanometric sodium hydride (nano-NaH) and transition metal catalysts. High destruction and removal efficiency (89.8%) can be attained by nano-NaH alone under mild conditions. The process exhibits apparent characteristics of a first order reaction. The reductive ability of nano-NaH was enhanced by the addition of transition metal catalysts. In the presence of TiCl4, 99.9% PCBs was hydrodechlorinated. The complex reducing reagents, Ni(OAc)(2) + i-PrONa, show extra hydrodechlorinating activity for di-chlorinated biphenyls. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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HFE is a transmembrane protein that becomes N-glycosylated during transport to the cell membrane. It acts to regulate cellular iron uptake by interacting with the Type 1 transferrin receptor and interfering with its ability to bind iron-loaded transferrin. There is also evidence that HFE regulates systemic iron levels by binding to the Type II transferrin receptor although the mechanism by which this occurs is still not well understood. Mutations to HFE that disrupt this function, or physiological conditions that decrease HFE protein levels, are associated with increased iron uptake, and its accumulation in tissues and organs. This is exemplified by the point mutation that results in conversion of cysteine residue 282 to tyrosine (C282Y), and gives rise to the majority of HFE-related hemochromatoses. The C282Y mutation prevents the formation of a disulfide bridge and disrupts the interaction with its co-chaperone β2-microglobulin. The resulting misfolded protein is retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where it activates the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) and is subjected to proteasomal degradation. The absence of functional HFE at the cell surface leads to unregulated iron uptake and iron loading. While the E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in the degradation of HFE-C282Y has been identified, the mechanism by which it is targeted for degradation remains relatively obscure. The primary objective of this project was to further our understanding of how the iron regulatory HFE protein is targeted for degradation. Our studies suggest that the glycosylation status, and the active process of deglycosylation, are central to this process. We identified a number of additional factors that can contribute towards degradation and explored their regulation during ER stress conditions.


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beta-arrestin-1 is an adaptor protein that mediates agonist-dependent internalization and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and also participates in the process of heterologous desensitization between receptor tyrosine kinases and GPCR signaling. In the present study, we determined whether beta-arrestin-1 is involved in insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) degradation. Overexpression of wild-type (WT) beta-arrestin-1 attenuated insulin-induced degradation of IRS-1, leading to increased insulin signaling downstream of IRS-1. When endogenous beta-arrestin-1 was knocked down by transfection of beta-arrestin-1 small interfering RNA, insulin-induced IRS-1 degradation was enhanced. Insulin stimulated the association of IRS-1 and Mdm2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and this association was inhibited to overexpression of WT beta-arrestin-1, which led by decreased ubiquitin content of IRS-1, suggesting that both beta-arrestin-1 and IRS-1 competitively bind to Mdm2. In summary, we have found the following: (i) beta-arrestin-1 can alter insulin signaling by inhibiting insulin-induced proteasomal degradation of IRS-1; (ii) beta-arrestin-1 decreases the rate of ubiquitination of IRS-1 by competitively binding to endogenous Mdm2, an E3 ligase that can ubiquitinate IRS-1; (iii) dephosphorylation of S412 on beta-arrestin and the amino terminus of beta-arrestin-1 are required for this effect of beta-arrestin on IRS-1 degradation; and (iv) inhibition of beta-arrestin-1 leads to enhanced IRS-1 degradation and accentuated cellular insulin resistance.


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Proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members, such as Bax, promote release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, leading to caspase activation and cell death. It was previously reported that modulator of apoptosis protein 1 (MOAP-1), an enhancer of Bax activation induced by DNA damage, is stabilized by Trim39, a protein of unknown function. In this paper, we show that MOAP-1 is a novel substrate of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C(Cdh1)) ubiquitin ligase. The influence of Trim39 on MOAP-1 levels stems from the ability of Trim39 (a RING domain E3 ligase) to directly inhibit APC/C(Cdh1)-mediated protein ubiquitylation. Accordingly, small interfering ribonucleic acid-mediated knockdown of Cdh1 stabilized MOAP-1, thereby enhancing etoposide-induced Bax activation and apoptosis. These data identify Trim39 as a novel APC/C regulator and provide an unexpected link between the APC/C and apoptotic regulation via MOAP-1.


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Purpose. To study thermal stability of Aspirin and define thermal events that are associated with the thermal degradation of aspirin. Methods. Experiments were performed using a DSC 823e (Mettler Toledo, Swiss). Aspirin is prone to thermal degradation upon exposure to high temperatures. The melting point of aspirin is 140.1±0.4ºC (DSC). Aspirin has been examined by heating samples to 120ºC, 155ºC and 185ºC with subsequent cooling to -55ºC and a final heating to 155ºC. Although different heating and cooling ranges have been used, only results obtained at a rate of 10ºC/min will be presented. All runs where conducted in hermetically sealed pans. Results. Upon heating the sample to 120ºC no significant thermal event can be detected. After cooling the sample and reheating a glass transition can be observed at ~-8ºC, followed by the melting of aspirin at ~139ºC. By heating the sample to 155ºC melting of aspirin has been detected at ~139ºC. On cooling and subsequent heating a glass transition occurs at ~-32ºC, together with a broad crystallisation (onset at ~38ºC and peak maximum at ~57ºC) followed by a broad melting with an onset at 94ºC and peak maximum at ~112ºC. Finally, by heating the sample to 185ºC melting at ~ 139ºC was observed, and upon cooling and reheating a glass transition was detected at ~-26ºC and no further events could be recorded. Conclusions. This research demonstrates that the degradation steps of Aspirin depend on the thermal treatment. The main degradation products of different thermal treatments are currently unknown it is clear that acetic acid, which is one of the degradation products, acts as an antiplasticiser by lowering the glass transition temperature. In addition, due to the presence of the degradation products in liquid form (observed by hot stage microscopy), Aspirin is still present in the sample and recrystallises during the second heating step and melts at much lower temperatures.


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Variations in the concentrations and microheterotrophic degradation rates of selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the water column of the Tamar Estuary were investigated in relation to the major environmental variables. Concentrations of individual PAH varied typically between i and 50 ng l−1 Based on their observed environmental behaviour the PAH appeared divisible into two groupings: (1) low molecular weight PAH incorporating naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracence and (a) the larger molecular weight homologues (fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)-pyrene). Group 1 PAH showed a complex distribution throughout the estuary with no significant correlations with either salinity or suspended particulates. Based on their relatively low particle affinity and high water solubilities and vapour pressures, volatilization is proposed as an important process in determining their fate. Microheterotrophic turnover times of naphthalene varied between x and 30 days, and were independent of suspended solids with maximum degradation rates located in the central and urban regions of the Estuary. When compared with the flushing times for the Tamar (3–5 days), it is probable that heterotrophic activity is important in the removal of naphthalene (and possibly the other Group 1 PAH) from the estuarine environment. In contrast Group 2 PAH concentrations exhibited highly significant correlations with suspended particulates. Highest concentrations occurred at the turbidity maximum, with a secondary concentration maximum localized to the industrialized portion of the estuary and associated with anthropogenic inputs. Laboratory degradation studies of benzo(a)pyrene in water samples taken from the estuary showed turnover times for the compound of between 2000 and 9000 days. Degradation rates correlated positively with suspended solids. The high particulate affinity and microbial refractivity of Group 2 PAH indicate sediment burial as the principal tate of these PAH in the Tamar Estuary. Estuarine sediments contained typically 50–1500 ng g−1 dry weight of individual PAH which were comparable to the levels of Group 2 PAH associated with the suspended particulates. Highest concentrations occurred at the riverine end of the estuary resulting from unresolved inputs in the catchment. Subsequent dilution by less polluted marine sediments together with slow degradation results in a seaward trend of decreasing concentrations. However, there is a secondary maximum of PAH superimposed on this trend which is associated with urban Plymouth.


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Poly-L-Lactide is a bioresorbable polymer which degrades through hydrolysis of its ester linkage influenced by initial molecular weight and degree of crystallinity. Polymers belonging to the aliphatic polyester family currently represent the most attractive group of polymers that meet the medical and physical demands for safe clinical applications. Compression moulded PLLA pellets were produced as rods, sterilized and degraded both in vitro and in vivo (sub-dermal implantation model). The material molecular weight, crystallinity, mechanical strength and thermal properties were evaluated. In both in vitro and in vivo environments, degradation proceeded at the same rate and followed the general sequence of aliphatic polyester degradation, ruling out enzymes accelerating the degradation rate in vivo. By 44 weeks duration of implantation the PLLA rods were still biocompatible, before any mass loss was observed.


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Poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is one of the most significant members of a group of polymers regarded as bioresorbable. The degradation of PLLA proceeds through hydrolysis of the ester linkages in the polymer's backbone; however, the time for the complete resorption of orthopaedic devices manufactured from PLLA is known to be in excess of five years in a normal physiological environment. To evaluate the degradation of PLLA in an accelerated time period, PLLA pellets were processed by compression moulding into tensile test specimens, prior to being sterilized by ethylene oxide gas (EtO) and degraded in a phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) at both 50°C and 70°C. On retrieval, at predetermined time intervals, procedures were used to evaluate the material's molecular weight, crystallinity, mechanical strength, and thermal properties. The results from this study suggest that at both 50°C and 70°C, degradation proceeds by a very similar mechanism to that observed at 37°C in vitro and in vivo. The degradation models developed also confirmed the dependence of mass loss, melting temperature, and glass transition temperature (Tg) on the polymer's molecular weight throughout degradation. Although increased temperature appears to be a suitable method for accelerating the degradation of PLLA, relative to its physiological degradation rate, concerns still remain over the validity of testing above the polymer's Tg and the significance of autocatalysis at increased temperatures.


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The ageing behaviour of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) has been studied following gamma irradiation (25 or 40 kGy) in air. Accelerated ageing procedures used elevated temperature (70°C) and/or pressurised oxygen (5 bar). Shelf-aged UHMWPE was also studied. The variation in surface density and mechanical properties were determined following the various sterilisation and ageing treatments. Microabrasive wear testing was also performed. Wear rates were found to correlate well with stress at break for sterilised and aged UHMWPE but not with elongation to failure. It is proposed that the wear mechanism is fracture dominated and occurs following some disentanglement of the polymer chains. Wear also depends upon embrittlement of the surface layer due to its processing and ageing. Elongation to failure in a tensile test is not a good measure of this embrittlement whereas the microabrasion test provides more surface sensitive information concerning this property.