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The phytosociological structure was studied in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest lied on the ascent of the Cuesta of Botucatu. Once the relief of the area was very heterogeneous, the forest, for the sampling process, was divided in three sampling regions: the upper one (on the plateau), the middle one (on the ascent properly said) and the lower one (on the plain). Through the point-centered method, 1224 (408 in each region) trees were sampled. For this work, only the trees with shaft equal or higher than 1.30m high were considered. The three sampling regions showed some interesting differences in regard to the phytosociologic structure. Once there are differences among the soil of the three regions, the variations in the structure must be connected to the differences in the soil.


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We describe the advertisement call, tadpole, karyotype, and additional information on the natural history of Cycloramphus lutzorum from southern Brazil. Sonograms were generated from digitally recorded calls. Tadpoles were collected in the field for description in the lab, and an adult was collected for karyotyping. Data on seasonal activity were gathered monthly from November 2005 to November 2007. All tadpoles (N = 21), juveniles (N = 18), and adults (N = 52) were found exclusively in streams. Reproduction, as identified by calling frogs, occurred from July through November. Frogs call all day long, but mostly at dusk, from rock crevices inside the stream edges near the splash zone. The call is short and loud, with 11 pulsed notes, of 491-641 ms, with a dominant frequency of 0.98-1.39 kHz. We describe the exotrophic and semiterrestrial tadpoles, always found in constantly humid vertical rock walls in the stream. Tadpoles of C. lutzorum are recognized by differences in labial tooth row formula, eye diameter, body shape, position of nares, and development of tail. Like congeneric species, the karyotype of C. lutzorum comprises 26 metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Cycloramphus lutzorum is restricted to and adapted for living in fast flowing streams, many of which are threatened by deforestation, pollution, and habitat loss. Therefore, we recommend the status of C. lutzorum be changed from its current "Data Deficient" to "Near Threatened (NT)" in the IUCN species red list.


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The jacutinga Pipile jacutinga was formerly one of the most abundant game bird cracids in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. Nowadays this species is vulnerable to extinction due to hunting and habitat loss. The ecology of the jacutinga was studied at Parque Estadual Intervales, Sao Paulo, Brazil from October 1993 to December 1995 and in adjacent areas. Jacutingas were observed to feed mainly on the sugar-rich fruit of 41 species. We recorded a low index of abundance for the jacutinga (0.018) or c.1.7 birds/km2 at Intervales, one of the best protected areas within their range. Surveys carried out in the Atlantic forest of Sao Paulo found jacutinga populations in 14 localities. Probably < 1500 birds survive in the best protected areas. The species' stronghold in southeastern Brazil is in the mountains of Serra de Paranapiacaba, an area protected by several parks suffering from hunting and palm heart harvesting and threatened by a hydroelectric project.


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The reproductive phenology of seven species of Rubiaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest was compared to evaluate the occurrence of phylogenetic constraints on flowering and fruiting phenologies. Since phenological patterns can be affected by phylogenetic constraints, we expected that reproductive phenology would be similar among plants within a family or genus, occurring during the same time (or season) of the year. Observations on flowering and fruiting phenology were carried out monthly, from December 1996 to January 1998, at Núcleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. Nine phenological variables were calculated to characterize, quantify and compare the reproductive phenology of the Rubiaceae species. The flowering patterns were different among the seven species studied, and the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated significant differences in flowering duration, first flowering, peak flowering and flowering synchrony. The peaks and patterns of fruiting intensity were different among the Rubiaceae species studied and they differed significantly from conspecifics in the phenological variables fruiting duration, fruiting peak date, and fruiting synchrony (Kruskal-Wallis test). Therefore, we found no evidence supporting the phylogenetic hypotheses, and climate does not seem to constrain flowering and fruiting patterns of the Rubiaceae species in the understory of the Atlantic forest.


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In the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF) there are at least 57 rodent species and most of them are considered omnivorous. These species feed, more or less frequently, on fruits and seeds. Nevertheless the potential role of each species as frugivorous, seed predator or seed disperser is still unclear. In the present study we analyzed patterns of fruit and seed exploitation by eight small rodent species from an Atlantic Forest site. We offered to captive animals fruits of 30 plant species (23 genera, 15 families). After 48 h we recorded consumption patterns of pulp/aril and seed. Rodent species differed in their patterns of fruit and seed exploitation. The smallest species, Akodon serrensis, Oligoryzomys nigripes, and Wilfredomys pictipes (body size range : 26-45 g), and also the medium-sized Oecomys aff. concolor (84 g) fed mainly on pulp and also on small to medium-sized seeds (< 10 mm diameter). The medium-sized rodent, Oryzomys russatus (91 g) fed on pulp and also on seeds with diameter ≤ 15 mm. Thus larger seeds remain intact after being manipulated by such species. The medium-sized Delomys dorsalis (72 g) and the larger Trinomys iheringi (274 g) and Nectomys squamipes (253 g) form a third group, which consumed both fruit and seed of most species independent of their size. These later two species and also O. russatus are probably the main seed predators in the rodent community of the BAF.


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On the forest floor of a fragment of the Atlantic Forest which is considered to be in a stage of recuperation, located in southeastern Brazil, we recorded 54 species of ants interacting with the fruits of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Arecaceae). Myrmicinae was the subfamily which was the richest in species, followed by Ponerinae, Formicinae, Ecitoninae, Dolichoderinae, Pseudomyrmecinae and Cerapachyinae. The fruits of S. romanzoffiana can be classified according to whether or not they are preyed by the squirrel Sciurus ingrami, and the ant fauna that visits the fruits has an average similarity. Regarding diversity, the data suggest that there is no significant difference between ant assemblages at preyed and non-preyed-upon fruit falls. The results also indicate that there is no specific interaction between the ant fauna that visits the fruits of S. romanzoffiana, as it consists largely of species with omnivorous feeding habits.


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The number of individuals and species richness of ants were investigated in two species of Euphorbiaceae found in three areas of differentiated flora. These areas form part of a fragment of the Atlantic Forest located in the Serra do Itapety, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Fifty eight ant species were sampled, belonging to 23 genera and 6 sub-families; 40% of the species are arboreal. The sub-family Myrmicinae was the richest in species, with Pheidole being the most diverse genus and Crematogaster the most commonly-occurring. In the three study areas, no significant differences were found between the number of individuals and the species richness of ants collected on the trunks of Euphorbiaceae. C. floribundus Spreng and A. sidifolia Muell. Arg. are similar with respect to the number of ant species sampled; the number collected being 40 and 47, respectively.


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Habitat fragmentation is predicted to restrict gene flow, which can result in the loss of genetic variation and inbreeding depression. The Brazilian Atlantic forest has experienced extensive loss of habitats since European settlement five centuries ago, and many bird populations and species are vanishing. Genetic variability analysis in fragmented populations could be important in determining their long-term viability and for guiding management plans. Here we analyzed genetic diversity of a small understory bird, the Blue-manakins Chiroxiphia caudata (Pipridae), from an Atlantic forest fragment (112 ha) isolated 73 years ago, and from a 10,000 ha continuous forest tract (control), using orthologous microsatellite loci. Three of the nine loci tested were polymorphic. No statistically significant heterozygote loss was detected for the fragment population. Although genetic diversity, which was estimated by expected heterozygosity and allelic richness, has been lower in the fragment population in relation to the control, it was not statistically significant, suggesting that this 112 ha fragment can be sufficient to maintain a blue-manakin population large enough to avoid stochastic effects, such as inbreeding and/or genetic drift. Alternatively, it is possible that 73 years of isolation did not accumulate sufficient generations for these effects to be detected. However, some alleles have been likely lost, specially the rare ones, what is expected from genetic drift for such a small and isolated population. A high genetic differentiation was detected between populations by comparing both allelic and genotypic distributions. Only future studies in continuous areas are likely to answer if such a structure was caused by the isolation resulted from the forest fragmentation or by natural population structure.


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Physalaemus crombiei is a small foam-nesting frog endemic to the Atlantic forest. It is a member of the P. signifer group known only from its type locality in Santa Teresa, State of Espírito Santo, and from another locality in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Most Physalaemus species are aquatic breeders, and species in the P. signifer group are the only ones exhibiting a tendency toward terrestrial reproduction in the genus. Here we describe the reproductive period, breeding site and reproductive modes of P. crombiei from a third population in the Atlantic forest, southeastern Brazil. We also investigated reproductive effort and size-fecundity relationships in females. Reproductive traits were compared to other species in the genus Physalaemus, especially those included in the P. signifer group. Physalaemus crombiei is a prolonged breeder, reproducing throughout the year with a peak of activity during the most rainy months (October-March). Males called from the humid forest foor and eggs embedded in foam nests were deposited in the water as well as on the humid foor amidst the leaf litter, or inside fallen leaves or tree holes containing rainwater on the forest foor. As expected, P. crombiei exhibited three alternative reproductive modes, as described for other species of the P. signifer group. The number of eggs produced per female varied from 91 to 250. Female body size is positively correlated both with ovary mass and clutch size (number of eggs per clutch). Variation in the number and size of eggs observed in Physalaemus species may be explained not only by female size, but also by the terrestrial reproductive mode exhibited by the species in the P. signifer group.


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In this work, a new approach for supervised pattern recognition is presented which improves the learning algorithm of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier (OPF), centered on detection and elimination of outliers in the training set. Identification of outliers is based on a penalty computed for each sample in the training set from the corresponding number of imputable false positive and false negative classification of samples. This approach enhances the accuracy of OPF while still gaining in classification time, at the expense of a slight increase in training time. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Ant assemblages are almost all related with the vegetation composition and so can provide us important information for conservation strategies, which are especially relevant to an environmentally protected area. We sampled the ant fauna in three different phytophysionomies in order to verify if the composition of ant species is different among the areas, especially because one of the areas is a Rocky Field and there is little information about the ant fauna in this habitat. A total of 8730 individuals were registered and an NMDS analysis showed that the ant assemblies are different at the three phytophysionomies (Rocky Field, Riparian Forest, and Secondary Forest). This study shows that the species that compose the ant assemblies in different phytophysionomies are a reflex of the environment, supporting the hypothesis that the vegetational composition results in different compositions in the ant assembly. Vegetal composition is determinant in the formation of the litter and consequently in the occurrence of ant species that depend on this layer of organic matter for nesting and foraging. © 2012 Juliane Floriano Santos Lopes et al.


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Despite important progress on Amazonian floodplain research, the flooded forest of the Negro River igapó has been little investigated. In particular, no study has previously focused the linkage between fluvial geomorphology and the floristic variation across the course of the river. In this paper we describe and interpret relations between igapó forest, fluvial geomorphology and the spatial evolution of the igapó forest through the Holocene. Therefore, we investigate the effect of geomorphological units of the floodplain and channel patterns on tree diversity, composition and structural parameters of the late-successional igapó forest. Our results show that sites sharing almost identical flooding regime, exhibit variable tree assemblages, species richness and structural parameters such as basal area, tree density and tree heights, indicating a trend in which the geomorphologic styles seem to partially control the organization of igapó's tree communities. This can be also explained by the high variability of well-developed geomorphologic units in short distances and concentrated in small areas. In this dynamic the inputs from the species pool of tributary rivers play a crucial role, but also the depositional and erosional processes associated with the evolution of the floodplain during the Holocene may control floristic and structural components of the igapó forests. These results suggest that a comprehensive approach integrating floristic and geomorphologic methods is needed to understand the distribution of the complex vegetation patterns in complex floodplains such as the igapó of the Negro River. This combination of approaches may introduce a better comprehension of the temporal and spatial evolutionary analysis and a logic rationale to understand the vegetation distribution and variability in function of major landforms, soil distributions and hydrology. Thus, by integrating the past into macroecological analyses will sharpen our understanding of the underlying forces for contemporary floristic patterns along the inundation forests of the Negro River. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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O efeito de borda e do fogo sobre a comunidade de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores foi investigada em uma área de transição entre Cerrado e Floresta em uma área de matriz de soja na Amazônia Oriental. Os indivíduos foram coletados em 24 transectos, dos quais 16 foram distribuídos em área sem efeito do fogo e oito distribuídos com efeito do fogo. Um total de 11 espécies foi registrado, incluindo seis roedores e cinco marsupiais. A espécie Hylaeamys megacephalus foi a mais abundante em áreas sem efeito do fogo. A abundância e riqueza de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores apresentaram uma diminuição em áreas queimadas, entretanto o efeito do fogo parece mascarar o efeito de borda nestas mesmas áreas. Em relação ao efeito de borda, sem nenhum efeito de fogo, a relação entre a abundância de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores com a distância da borda foi positiva. A relação entre a diversidade de pequenos mamíferos e efeito de borda pode ser ligada à vegetação matriz e características ecológicas de cada espécie.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a organização funcional da fauna de peixes de riachos do nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil, com base em observações comportamentais das táticas alimentares das espécies. Sete igarapés foram amostrados entre junho e novembro de 2010 por técnicas de observações diretas durante sessões de mergulho livre, totalizando 91h 51min de observação, nos períodos diurno, crepuscular vespertino e noturno. Foram observadas 73 espécies distribuídas em seis ordens, 26 famílias e 63 gêneros, com predomínio de Characiformes, seguidos por Siluriformes. A partir de informações coligidas por observações ad libitum, as espécies foram organizadas em 18 grupos tróficos funcionais (GTFs), de acordo com duas características principais: (1) a tática alimentar observada com maior frequência; e (2) sua distribuição espacial no riacho, considerando suas dimensões lateral (margens e canal central) e vertical (coluna d'água). Os GTFs mais frequentes foram Catadores noturnos de invertebrados (9 espécies), Coletores diurnos de canal (8 spp.), Catadores diurnos de superfície (7 spp.), e Predadores de tocaia e emboscada (6 spp.). Os GTFs aqui definidos possibilitam uma análise comparativa da estrutura e composição da ictiofauna, que representa uma abordagem alternativa ao uso da estrutura taxonômica em estudos ecológicos. A classificação da ictiofauna baseada em GTFs proposta neste trabalho é comparada com outras três classificações, propostas por Sazima (1986), Sabino & Zuanon (1998) e Casatti et al. (2001).