973 resultados para Data-fusion
EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) lies in a set of software tools and applications which provide a software infrastructure for building distributed data acquisition and control systems. Currently there is an increase in use of such systems in large Physics experiments like ITER, ESS, and FREIA. In these experiments, advanced data acquisition systems using FPGA-based technology like FlexRIO are more frequently been used. The particular case of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the instrumentation and control system is supported by CCS (CODAC Core System), based on RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) operating system, and by the plant design specifications in which every CCS element is defined either hardware, firmware or software. In this degree final project the methodology proposed in Implementation of Intelligent Data Acquisition Systems for Fusion Experiments using EPICS and FlexRIO Technology Sanz et al. [1] is used. The final objective is to provide a document describing the fulfilled process and the source code of the data acquisition system accomplished. The use of the proposed methodology leads to have two diferent stages. The first one consists of the hardware modelling with graphic design tools like LabVIEWFPGA which later will be implemented in the FlexRIO device. In the next stage the design cycle is completed creating an EPICS controller that manages the device using a generic device support layer named NDS (Nominal Device Support). This layer integrates the data acquisition system developed into CCS (Control, data access and communication Core System) as an EPICS interface to the system. The use of FlexRIO technology drives the use of LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA respectively. RESUMEN. EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) es un conjunto de herramientas software utilizadas para el desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de adquisición de datos y control distribuidos. Cada vez es más utilizado para entornos de experimentación física a gran escala como ITER, ESS y FREIA entre otros. En estos experimentos se están empezando a utilizar sistemas de adquisición de datos avanzados que usan tecnología basada en FPGA como FlexRIO. En el caso particular de ITER, el sistema de instrumentación y control adoptado se basa en el uso de la herramienta CCS (CODAC Core System) basado en el sistema operativo RHEL (Red Hat) y en las especificaciones del diseño del sistema de planta, en la cual define todos los elementos integrantes del CCS, tanto software como firmware y hardware. En este proyecto utiliza la metodología propuesta para la implementación de sistemas de adquisición de datos inteligente basada en EPICS y FlexRIO. Se desea generar una serie de ejemplos que cubran dicho ciclo de diseño completo y que serían propuestos como casos de uso de dichas tecnologías. Se proporcionará un documento en el que se describa el trabajo realizado así como el código fuente del sistema de adquisición. La metodología adoptada consta de dos etapas diferenciadas. En la primera de ellas se modela el hardware y se sintetiza en el dispositivo FlexRIO utilizando LabVIEW FPGA. Posteriormente se completa el ciclo de diseño creando un controlador EPICS que maneja cada dispositivo creado utilizando una capa software genérica de manejo de dispositivos que se denomina NDS (Nominal Device Support). Esta capa integra la solución en CCS realizando la interfaz con la capa EPICS del sistema. El uso de la tecnología FlexRIO conlleva el uso del lenguaje de programación y descripción hardware LabVIEW y LabVIEW FPGA respectivamente.
In the framework of the ITER Control Breakdown Structure (CBS), Plant System Instrumentation & Control (I&C) defines the hardware and software required to control one or more plant systems [1]. For diagnostics, most of the complex Plant System I&C are to be delivered by ITER Domestic Agencies (DAs). As an example for the DAs, ITER Organization (IO) has developed several use cases for diagnostics Plant System I&C that fully comply with guidelines presented in the Plant Control Design Handbook (PCDH) [2]. One such use case is for neutron diagnostics, specifically the Fission Chamber (FC), which is responsible for delivering time-resolved measurements of neutron source strength and fusion power to aid in assessing the functional performance of ITER [3]. ITER will deploy four Fission Chamber units, each consisting of three individual FC detectors. Two of these detectors contain Uranium 235 for Neutron detection, while a third "dummy" detector will provide gamma and noise detection. The neutron flux from each MFC is measured by the three methods: . Counting Mode: measures the number of individual pulses and their location in the record. Pulse parameters (threshold and width) are user configurable. . Campbelling Mode (Mean Square Voltage): measures the RMS deviation in signal amplitude from its average value. .Current Mode: integrates the signal amplitude over the measurement period
The TEL (ETV6)−AML1 (CBFA2) gene fusion is the most common reciprocal chromosomal rearrangement in childhood cancer occurring in ≈25% of the most predominant subtype of leukemia— common acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The TEL-AML1 genomic sequence has been characterized in a pair of monozygotic twins diagnosed at ages 3 years, 6 months and 4 years, 10 months with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The twin leukemic DNA shared the same unique (or clonotypic) but nonconstitutive TEL-AML1 fusion sequence. The most plausible explanation for this finding is a single cell origin of the TEL-AML fusion in one fetus in utero, probably as a leukemia-initiating mutation, followed by intraplacental metastasis of clonal progeny to the other twin. Clonal identity is further supported by the finding that the leukemic cells in the two twins shared an identical rearranged IGH allele. These data have implications for the etiology and natural history of childhood leukemia.
Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A challenge for subunit vaccines whose goal is to elicit CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is to deliver the antigen to the cytosol of the living cell, where it can be processed for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Several bacterial toxins have evolved to efficiently deliver catalytic protein moieties to the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Anthrax lethal toxin consists of two distinct proteins that combine to form the active toxin. Protective antigen (PA) binds to cells and is instrumental in delivering lethal factor (LF) to the cell cytosol. To test whether the lethal factor protein could be exploited for delivery of exogenous proteins to the MHC class I processing pathway, we constructed a genetic fusion between the amino-terminal 254 aa of LF and the gp120 portion of the HIV-1 envelope protein. Cells treated with this fusion protein (LF254-gp120) in the presence of PA effectively processed gp120 and presented an epitope recognized by HIV-1 gp120 V3-specific CTL. In contrast, when cells were treated with the LF254-gp120 fusion protein and a mutant PA protein defective for translocation, the cells were not able to present the epitope and were not lysed by the specific CTL. The entry into the cytosol and dependence on the classical cytosolic MHC class I pathway were confirmed by showing that antigen presentation by PA + LF254-gp120 was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. These data demonstrate the ability of the LF amino-terminal fragment to deliver antigens to the MHC class I pathway and provide the basis for the development of novel T cell vaccines.
An mAb was raised to the C5 phagosomal antigen in Paramecium multimicronucleatum. To determine its function, the cDNA and genomic DNA encoding C5 were cloned. This antigen consisted of 315 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 36,594, a value similar to that determined by SDS-PAGE. Sequence comparisons uncovered a low but significant homology with a Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein and the C-terminal half of the β-fructofuranosidase protein of Zymomonas mobilis. Lacking an obvious transmembrane domain or a possible signal sequence at the N terminus, C5 was predicted to be a soluble protein, whereas immunofluorescence data showed that it was present on the membranes of vesicles and digestive vacuoles (DVs). In cells that were minimally permeabilized but with intact DVs, C5 was found to be located on the cytosolic surface of the DV membranes. Immunoblotting of proteins from the purified and KCl-washed DVs showed that C5 was tightly bound to the DV membranes. Cryoelectron microscopy also confirmed that C5 was on the cytosolic surface of the discoidal vesicles, acidosomes, and lysosomes, organelles known to fuse with the membranes of the cytopharynx, the DVs of stages I (DV-I) and II (DV-II), respectively. Although C5 was concentrated more on the mature than on the young DV membranes, the striking observation was that the cytopharyngeal membrane that is derived from the discoidal vesicles was almost devoid of C5. Approximately 80% of the C5 was lost from the discoidal vesicle-derived membrane after this membrane fused with the cytopharyngeal membrane. Microinjection of the mAb to C5 greatly inhibited the fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane and thus the incorporation of the discoidal vesicle membranes into the DV membranes. Taken together, these results suggest that C5 is a membrane protein that is involved in binding and/or fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane that leads to DV formation.
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is characterized by a specific chromosome translocation involving RARα and one of four fusion partners: PML, PLZF, NPM, and NuMA genes. To study the leukemogenic potential of the fusion genes in vivo, we generated transgenic mice with PLZF–RARα and NPM–RARα. PLZF–RARα transgenic animals developed chronic myeloid leukemia-like phenotypes at an early stage of life (within 3 months in five of six mice), whereas three NPM–RARα transgenic mice showed a spectrum of phenotypes from typical APL to chronic myeloid leukemia relatively late in life (from 12 to 15 months). In contrast to bone marrow cells from PLZF–RARα transgenic mice, those from NPM–RARα transgenic mice could be induced to differentiate by all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). We also studied RARE binding properties and interactions between nuclear corepressor SMRT and various fusion proteins in response to ATRA. Dissociation of SMRT from different receptors was observed at ATRA concentrations of 0.01 μM, 0.1 μM, and 1.0 μM for RARα–RXRα, NPM–RARα, and PML–RARα, respectively, but not observed for PLZF–RARα even in the presence of 10 μM ATRA. We also determined the expression of the tissue factor gene in transgenic mice, which was detected only in bone marrow cells of mice expressing the fusion genes. These data clearly establish the leukemogenic role of PLZF–RARα and NPM–RARα and the importance of fusion receptor/corepressor interactions in the pathogenesis as well as in determining different clinical phenotypes of APL.
A unique chromosomal translocation involving the genes PAX3 and FKHR is characteristic of most human alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas. The resultant chimeric protein fuses the PAX3 DNA-binding domains to the transactivation domain of FKHR, suggesting that PAX3-FKHR exerts its role in alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas through dysregulation of PAX3-specific target genes. Here, we have produced transgenic mice in which PAX3-FKHR expression was driven by mouse Pax3 promoter/enhancer sequences. Five independent lines expressed PAX3-FKHR in the dorsal neural tube and lateral dermomyotome. Each line exhibited phenotypes that correlated with PAX3-FKHR expression levels and predominantly involved pigmentary disturbances of the abdomen, hindpaws, and tail, with additional neurological related alterations. Phenotypic severity could be increased by reducing Pax3 levels through matings with Pax3-defective Splotch mice, and interference between PAX3 and PAX3-FKHR was apparent in transcription reporter assays. These data suggest that the tumor-associated PAX3-FKHR fusion protein interferes with normal Pax3 developmental functions as a prelude to transformation.
Gene expression profiling provides powerful analyses of transcriptional responses to cellular perturbation. In contrast to DNA array-based methods, reporter gene technology has been underused for this application. Here we describe a genomewide, genome-registered collection of Escherichia coli bioluminescent reporter gene fusions. DNA sequences from plasmid-borne, random fusions of E. coli chromosomal DNA to a Photorhabdus luminescens luxCDABE reporter allowed precise mapping of each fusion. The utility of this collection covering about 30% of the transcriptional units was tested by analyzing individual fusions representative of heat shock, SOS, OxyR, SoxRS, and cya/crp stress-responsive regulons. Each fusion strain responded as anticipated to environmental conditions known to activate the corresponding regulatory circuit. Thus, the collection mirrors E. coli's transcriptional wiring diagram. This genomewide collection of gene fusions provides an independent test of results from other gene expression analyses. Accordingly, a DNA microarray-based analysis of mitomycin C-treated E. coli indicated elevated expression of expected and unanticipated genes. Selected luxCDABE fusions corresponding to these up-regulated genes were used to confirm or contradict the DNA microarray results. The power of partnering gene fusion and DNA microarray technology to discover promoters and define operons was demonstrated when data from both suggested that a cluster of 20 genes encoding production of type I extracellular polysaccharide in E. coli form a single operon.
We recently established an in vitro assay that monitors the fusion between latex-bead phagosomes and endocytic organelles in the presence of J774 macrophage cytosol (Jahraus et al., 1998). Here, we show that different reagents affecting the actin cytoskeleton can either inhibit or stimulate this fusion process. Because the membranes of purified phagosomes can assemble F-actin de novo from pure actin with ATP (Defacque et al., 2000a), we focused here on the ability of membranes to nucleate actin in the presence of J774 cytosolic extracts. For this, we used F-actin sedimentation, pyrene actin assays, and torsional rheometry, a biophysical approach that could provide kinetic information on actin polymerization and gel formation. We make two major conclusions. First, under our standard in vitro conditions (4 mg/ml cytosol and 1 mM ATP), the presence of membranes actively catalyzed the assembly of cytosolic F-actin, which assembled into highly viscoelastic gels. A model is discussed that links these results to how the actin may facilitate fusion. Second, cytosolic actin paradoxically polymerized more under ATP depletion than under high-ATP conditions, even in the absence of membranes; we discuss these data in the context of the well described, large increases in F-actin seen in many cells during ischemia.
Estrogen is critical for epiphyseal fusion in both young men and women. In this study, we explored the cellular mechanisms by which estrogen causes this phenomenon. Juvenile ovariectomized female rabbits received either 70 μg/kg estradiol cypionate or vehicle i.m. once a week. Growth plates from the proximal tibia, distal tibia, and distal femur were analyzed after 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks of treatment. In vehicle-treated animals, there was a gradual senescent decline in tibial growth rate, rate of chondrocyte proliferation, growth plate height, number of proliferative chondrocytes, number of hypertrophic chondrocytes, size of terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes, and column density. Estrogen treatment accelerated the senescent decline in all of these parameters. In senescent growth plates, epiphyseal fusion was observed to be an abrupt event in which all remaining chondrocytes were rapidly replaced by bone elements. Fusion occurred when the rate of chondrocyte proliferation approached zero. Estrogen caused this proliferative exhaustion and fusion to occur earlier. Our data suggest that (i) epiphyseal fusion is triggered when the proliferative potential of growth plate chondrocytes is exhausted; and (ii) estrogen does not induce growth plate ossification directly; instead, estrogen accelerates the programmed senescence of the growth plate, thus causing earlier proliferative exhaustion and consequently earlier fusion.
We have cloned a fusion partner of the MLL gene at 11q23 and identified it as the gene encoding the human formin-binding protein 17, FBP17. It maps to chromosome 9q34 centromeric to ABL. The gene fusion results from a complex chromosome rearrangement that was resolved by fluorescence in situ hybridization with various probes on chromosomes 9 and 11 as an ins(11;9)(q23;q34)inv(11)(q13q23). The rearrangement resulted in a 5′-MLL/FBP17-3′ fusion mRNA. We retrovirally transduced murine-myeloid progenitor cells with MLL/FBP17 to test its transforming ability. In contrast to MLL/ENL, MLL/ELL and other MLL-fusion genes, MLL/FBP17 did not give a positive readout in a serial replating assay. Therefore, we assume that additional cooperating genetic abnormalities might be needed to establish a full malignant phenotype. FBP17 consists of a C-terminal Src homology 3 domain and an N-terminal region that is homologous to the cell division cycle protein, cdc15, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Both domains are separated by a consensus Rho-binding motif that has been identified in different Rho-interaction partners such as Rhotekin and Rhophilin. We evaluated whether FBP17 and members of the Rho family interact in vivo with a yeast two-hybrid assay. None of the various Rho proteins tested, however, interacted with FBP17. We screened a human kidney library and identified a sorting nexin, SNX2, as a protein interaction partner of FBP17. These data provide a link between the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway and an MLL fusion protein.
Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of such constructs for the treatment of hepatic and pulmonary metastases of different melanoma cell lines. Two antibody-interleukin 2 (IL-2) fusion proteins, ch225-IL2 and ch14.18-IL2, constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human IL-2 to the carboxyl end of the Cgamma1 gene of the corresponding antibodies, were tested for their therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human melanoma in vivo. Tumor-specific fusion proteins completely inhibited the growth of hepatic and pulmonary metastases in C.B-17 scid/scid mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, whereas treatment with combinations of the corresponding antibodies plus recombinant IL-2 only reduced the tumor load. Even when treatment with fusion proteins was delayed up to 8 days after inoculation of tumor cells, it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point. Selection of tumor cell lines expressing or lacking the targeted antigen of the administered fusion protein proved the specificity of the observed antitumor effect. Biodistribution analysis demonstrated that the tumor-specific fusion protein accumulated not only in subcutaneous tumors but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases. Survival times of animals treated with the fusion protein were more than doubled as compared to those treated with the combination of the corresponding antibody plus IL-2. Our data demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using cytokines targeted by antibodies to tumor sites has potent effects against disseminated human melanoma.
Chromosomal rearrangements involving band 12p13 are found in a wide variety of human leukemias but are particularly common in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The genes involved in these rearrangements, however, have not been identified. We now report the cloning of a t(12;21) translocation breakpoint involving 12p13 and 21q22 in two cases of childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in which t(12;21) rearrangements were not initially apparent. The consequence of the translocation is fusion of the helix-loop-helix domain of TEL, an ETS-like putative transcription factor, to the DNA-binding and transactivation domains of the transcription factor AML1. These data show that TEL, previously shown to be fused to the platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, can be implicated in the pathogenesis of leukemia through its fusion to either a receptor tyrosine kinase or a transcription factor. The TEL-AML1 fusion also indicates that translocations affecting the AML1 gene can be associated with lymphoid, as well as myeloid, malignancy.
Nowadays, the use of RGB-D sensors have focused a lot of research in computer vision and robotics. These kinds of sensors, like Kinect, allow to obtain 3D data together with color information. However, their working range is limited to less than 10 meters, making them useless in some robotics applications, like outdoor mapping. In these environments, 3D lasers, working in ranges of 20-80 meters, are better. But 3D lasers do not usually provide color information. A simple 2D camera can be used to provide color information to the point cloud, but a calibration process between camera and laser must be done. In this paper we present a portable calibration system to calibrate any traditional camera with a 3D laser in order to assign color information to the 3D points obtained. Thus, we can use laser precision and simultaneously make use of color information. Unlike other techniques that make use of a three-dimensional body of known dimensions in the calibration process, this system is highly portable because it makes use of small catadioptrics that can be placed in a simple manner in the environment. We use our calibration system in a 3D mapping system, including Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM), in order to get a 3D colored map which can be used in different tasks. We show that an additional problem arises: 2D cameras information is different when lighting conditions change. So when we merge 3D point clouds from two different views, several points in a given neighborhood could have different color information. A new method for color fusion is presented, obtaining correct colored maps. The system will be tested by applying it to 3D reconstruction.