953 resultados para DOPA-RESPONSIVE DYSTONIA
PURPOSE: To explore potential differences in efficacy, treatment completion, and adverse events (AEs) in elderly women receiving adjuvant tamoxifen or letrozole for five years in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial. METHODS: This report includes the 4,922 patients allocated to 5 years of letrozole or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial. The median follow-up was 40.4 months. Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP) analysis was used to examine the patterns of differences in disease-free survival and incidences of AEs according to age. In addition, three categoric age groups were defined: "younger postmenopausal" patients were younger than 65 years (n = 3,127), "older" patients were 65 to 74 years old (n = 1,500), and "elderly" patients were 75 years of age or older (n = 295). RESULTS: Efficacy results for subpopulations defined by age were similar to the overall trial results: Letrozole significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS), the primary end point, compared with tamoxifen. Elderly patients were less likely to complete trial treatment, but at rates that were similar in the two treatment groups. The incidence of bone fractures, observed more often in the letrozole group, did not differ by age. In elderly patients, letrozole had a significantly higher incidence of any grade 3 to 5 protocol-specified non-fracture AE compared with tamoxifen (P = .002), but differences were not significant for thromboembolic or cardiac AEs. CONCLUSION: Adjuvant treatment with letrozole had superior efficacy (DFS) compared with tamoxifen in all age groups. On the basis of a small number of patients older than 75 years (6%), age per se should not unduly affect the choice of adjuvant endocrine therapy.
To compare the efficacy of chemoendocrine treatment with that of endocrine treatment (ET) alone for postmenopausal women with highly endocrine responsive breast cancer. In the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trials VII and 12-93, postmenopausal women with node-positive, estrogen receptor (ER)-positive or ER-negative, operable breast cancer were randomized to receive either chemotherapy or endocrine therapy or combined chemoendocrine treatment. Results were analyzed overall in the cohort of 893 patients with endocrine-responsive disease, and according to prospectively defined categories of ER, age and nodal status. STEPP analyses assessed chemotherapy effect. The median follow-up was 13 years. Adding chemotherapy reduced the relative risk of a disease-free survival event by 19% (P = 0.02) compared with ET alone. STEPP analyses showed little effect of chemotherapy for tumors with high levels of ER expression (P = 0.07), or for the cohort with one positive node (P = 0.03). Chemotherapy significantly improves disease-free survival for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, but the magnitude of the effect is substantially attenuated if ER levels are high.
In a Chinese myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS) family presented with a phenotype including a typical MDS, cervical dystonia, and writer's cramp, genetic analyses revealed a novel 662 + 1insG heterozygous mutation in exon 5 in the epsilon-sarcoglycan (SGCE) gene, leading to a frameshift with a down stream stop codon. Low SGCE mRNA levels were detected in the mutation carriers by real-time PCR, suggesting that the nonsense mutation might interfere with the stability of SGCE mRNA. This is the first report on Chinese with a SGCE mutation leading to MDS. Our data support the fact that same mutation of SGCE gene can lead to a varied phenotype, even in the same family.
OBJECT: The authors studied the long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posteroventral lateral globus pallidus internus up to 2 years postoperatively in patients with primary non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. The results are briefly compared with those reported for DBS in DYT1 dystonia (Oppenheim dystonia), which is caused by the DYT1 gene. METHODS: Enrollment in this prospective expanded pilot study was limited to adult patients with severely disabling, medically refractory non-DYT1 generalized dystonia or choreoathetosis. Six consecutive patients underwent follow-up examinations at defined intervals of 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years postsurgery. There were five women and one man, and their mean age at surgery was 45.5 years. Formal assessments included both the Burke-Fahn-Marsden dystonia scale and the recently developed Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Two patients had primary generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and four suffered from choreoathetosis secondary to infantile cerebral palsy. Bilateral quadripolar DBS electrodes were implanted in all instances, except in one patient with markedly asymmetrical symptoms. There were no adverse events related to surgery. The Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in the two patients with generalized dystonia improved by 78 and 71% at 3 months, by 82 and 69% at 1 year, and by 78 and 70% at 2 years postoperatively. This was paralleled by marked amelioration of disability scores. The mean improvement in Burke-Fahn-Marsden scores in patients with choreoathetosis was 12% at 3 months, 29% at 1 year, and 23% at 2 years postoperatively, which was not significant. Two of these patients thought that they had achieved marked improvement at 2 years postoperatively, although results of objective evaluations were less impressive. In these two patients there was a minor but stable improvement in disability scores. All patients had an improvement in pain scores at the 2-year follow-up review. Medication was tapered off in both patients with generalized dystonia and reduced in two of the patients with choreoathetosis. All stimulation-induced side effects were reversible on adjustment of the DBS settings. Energy consumption of the batteries was considerably higher than in patients with Parkinson disease. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic pallidal DBS is a safe and effective procedure in generalized non-DYT1 dystonia, and it may become the procedure of choice in patients with medically refractory dystonia. Postoperative improvement of choreoathetosis is more modest and varied, and subjective ratings of outcome may exceed objective evaluations.
OBJECTIVE: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a useful therapeutic option for patients with insufficient benefit from conservative treatment. METHODS: Nine patients with chronic DBS who suffered from cervical dystonia (4), generalized dystonia (2), hemidystonia (1), paroxysmal dystonia (1) and Meige syndrome (1) were available for formal follow-up at three years postoperatively, and beyond up to 10 years. All patients had undergone pallidal stimulation except one patient with paroxysmal dystonia who underwent thalamic stimulation. RESULTS: Maintained improvement was seen in all patients with pallidal stimulation up to 10 years after surgery except in one patient who had a relative loss of benefit in dystonia ratings but continued to have improved disability scores. After nine years of chronic thalamic stimulation there was a mild loss of efficacy which was regained when the target was changed to the pallidum in the patient with paroxysmal dystonia. There were no major complications related to surgery or to chronic stimulation. Pacemakers had to be replaced within 1.5 to 2 years, in general. CONCLUSION: DBS maintains marked long-term symptomatic and functional improvement in the majority of patients with dystonia.
CopR of Lactococcus lactis is a copper-responsive repressor involved in copper homoeostasis. It controls the expression of a total of 11 genes, the CopR regulon, in a copper-dependent manner. In the absence of copper, CopR binds to the promoters of the CopR regulon. Copper releases CopR from the promoters, allowing transcription of the downstream genes to proceed. CopR binds through its N-terminal domain to a 'cop box' of consensus TACANNTGTA, which is conserved in Firmicutes. We have solved the NMR solution structure of the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of CopR. The protein fold has a winged helix structure resembling that of the BlaI repressor which regulates antibiotic resistance in Bacillus licheniformis. CopR differs from other copper-responsive repressors, and the present structure represents a novel family of copper regulators, which we propose to call the CopY family.
BACKGROUND: To compare the incidence and timing of bone fractures in postmenopausal women treated with 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen or letrozole for endocrine-responsive early breast cancer in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial. METHODS: We evaluated 4895 patients allocated to 5 years of letrozole or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial who received at least some study medication (median follow-up 60.3 months). Bone fracture information (grade, cause, site) was collected every 6 months during trial treatment. RESULTS: The incidence of bone fractures was higher among patients treated with letrozole [228 of 2448 women (9.3%)] versus tamoxifen [160 of 2447 women (6.5%)]. The wrist was the most common site of fracture in both treatment groups. Statistically significant risk factors for bone fractures during treatment included age, smoking history, osteoporosis at baseline, previous bone fracture, and previous hormone replacement therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with other trials comparing aromatase inhibitors to tamoxifen, letrozole was associated with an increase in bone fractures. Benefits of superior disease control associated with letrozole and lower incidence of fracture with tamoxifen should be considered with the risk profile for individual patients.
A comatose 30-month-old, entire male boxer was presented because of an acute history of a cluster of three to four seizures. Neurological examination suggested a diffuse to multifocal intracranial lesion. Magnetic resonance tomography revealed symmetrical multifocal to diffuse changes of the cerebral grey matter and ependymal lining with sediment in the lateral ventricles. Haematological examination revealed leucocytosis with neutrophilia. Cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed high protein concentration and polymorphonuclear pleocytosis. Despite antiepileptic treatment, therapy against increased intracranial pressure and antibiosis, the dog's condition continued to deteriorate and he was euthanased. Pathological examination revealed fibrinosuppurative meningo-ependymitis and necrotising arteritis throughout the brain. In addition, chronic inflammation and arterial stenosis was found in the spinal meninges. No infectious agent was found. A diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis was made. The massive extension into the meninges and ventricular system of the forebrain has not been described previously in dogs with steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis when an intracranial suppurative infection is suspected.
Imitation learning is a promising approach for generating life-like behaviors of virtual humans and humanoid robots. So far, however, imitation learning has been mostly restricted to single agent settings where observed motions are adapted to new environment conditions but not to the dynamic behavior of interaction partners. In this paper, we introduce a new imitation learning approach that is based on the simultaneous motion capture of two human interaction partners. From the observed interactions, low-dimensional motion models are extracted and a mapping between these motion models is learned. This interaction model allows the real-time generation of agent behaviors that are responsive to the body movements of an interaction partner. The interaction model can be applied both to the animation of virtual characters as well as to the behavior generation for humanoid robots.
OBJECTIVES In 2003 the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) initiated the TEXT and SOFT randomized phase III trials to answer two questions concerning adjuvant treatment for premenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer: 1-What is the role of aromatase inhibitors (AI) for women treated with ovarian function suppression (OFS)? 2-What is the role of OFS for women who remain premenopausal and are treated with tamoxifen? METHODS TEXT randomized patients to receive exemestane or tamoxifen with OFS. SOFT randomized patients to receive exemestane with OFS, tamoxifen with OFS, or tamoxifen alone. Treatment was for 5 years from randomization. RESULTS TEXT and SOFT successfully met their enrollment goals in 2011. The 5738 enrolled women had lower-risk disease and lower observed disease-free survival (DFS) event rates than anticipated. Consequently, 7 and 13 additional years of follow-up for TEXT and SOFT, respectively, were required to reach the targeted DFS events (median follow-up about 10.5 and 15 years). To provide timely answers, protocol amendments in 2011 specified analyses based on chronological time and median follow-up. To assess the AI question, exemestane + OFS versus tamoxifen + OFS, a combined analysis of TEXT and SOFT became the primary analysis (n = 4717). The OFS question became the primary analysis from SOFT, assessing the unique comparison of tamoxifen + OFS versus tamoxifen alone (n = 2045). The first reports are anticipated in mid- and late-2014. CONCLUSIONS We present the original designs of TEXT and SOFT and adaptations to ensure timely answers to two questions concerning optimal adjuvant endocrine treatment for premenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer. Trial Registration TEXT: Clinicaltrials.govNCT00066703 SOFT: Clinicaltrials.govNCT00066690.
Retinoids such as all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) are promising agents for cancer chemoprevention and therapy. ATRA can cause growth inhibition, induction of differentiation and apoptosis of a variety of cancer cells. These effects are thought to be mediated by nuclear retinoids receptors which are involved in ligand-dependent transcriptional activation of downstream target genes. Using differential display, we identified several retinoic acid responsive genes in the head and neck squamous carcinoma cells and lung cancer cells, including tissue type transglutaminase, cytochrome P450-related retinoic acid hydroxylase, and a novel gene, designated RAIG1. RAIG1 has two transcripts of 2.4 and 6.8 kbp, respectively, that are generated by alternative selection of polyadenylation sites. Both transcripts have the same open reading frame that encodes a protein comprised of 357 amino acid residues. The deduced RAIG1 protein sequence contains seven transmembrane domains, a signature structure of G protein-coupled receptors. RAIG1 mRNA is expressed at high level in fetal and adult lung tissues. Induction of RAIG1 expression by ATRA is rapid and dose-dependent. A fusion protein of RAIG1 and the green fluorescent protein was localized in the cell surface membrane and perinuclear vesicles in transiently transfected cells. The locus for RAIG1 gene was mapped to a region between D12S358 and D12S847 on chromosome 12p12.3-p13. Our study of the novel retinoic acid induced gene RAIG1 provide evidence for a possible interaction between retinoid and G protein signaling pathways.^ We further examined RAIG1 expression pattern in a panel of 84 cancer cell lines of different origin. The expression level varies greatly from very high to non-detectable. We selected a panel of different cancer cells to study the effects of retinoids and other differentiation agents. We observed: (1) In most cases, retinoids (including all-trans retinoic acid, 4HPR, CD437) could induce the expression of RAIG-1 in cells from cancers of the breast, colon, head and neck, lung, ovarian and prostate. (2) Compare to retinoids, butyrate is often a more potent inducer of RAIG-1 expression in many cancer cells. (3) Butyrate, Phenylacetate butyrate, (R)P-Butyrate and (S)P-Butyrate have different impact on RAIG1 expression which varies among different cell lines. Our results indicate that retinoids could restore RAIG1 expression that is down-regulated in many cancer cells.^ A mouse homologous gene, mRAIG1, was cloned by 5$\sp\prime$ RACE reaction. mRAIG1 cDNA has 2105 bp and shares 63% identity with RAIG1 cDNA. mRAIG1 encodes a polypeptide of 356 amino acid which is 76% identity with RAIG1 protein. mRAIG1 protein also has seven transmembrane domains which are structurally identical to those of RAIG1 protein. Only one 2.2 kbp mRAIG1 transcript could be detected. The mRAIG1 mRNA is also highly expressed in lung tissue. The expression of mRAIG1 gene could be induced by ATRA in several mouse embryonal carcinoma cells. The induction of mRAIG1 expression is associated with retinoic acid-induced neuroectoderm differentiation of P19 cells. Similarity in cDNA and protein sequence, secondary structure, tissue distribution and inducible expression by retinoic acid strongly suggest that the mouse gene is the homologue of the human RAIG1 gene. ^
For controlled caffeine release, light-responsive membranes were developed. It was possible to produce membranes that reduced their caffeine permeability resistance by about 97% when irradiated with UV-light compared to measurements at daylight. This was achieved by grafting polymers possessing photochromic units onto track-edged polycarbonate membranes. Covalently linked coatings on porous polycarbonate membranes were obtained by plasma activation of the membrane surface followed by plasma-induced graft polymerization. Copolymerization of spiro-compounds during the coating process as well as postmodification of preformed coatings with spiropyran resulted in photochromic membranes. For the copolymerization process, the synthesis of five photochromic methacrylic and acrylic spiropyrans and spirooxazines was successfully performed. Additionally, a spiropyran with carboxylic acid functionality was synthesized for the postmodification process. This enabled us to postmodify polymeric materials containing alcohol or amine groups to obtain photochromic materials. UV-irradiation of these light-responsive membranes resulted in a strong colouration of the membrane, in a reduction of surface tension, which resulted in a decreased caffeine permeability resistance. The membranes were characterized using XPS for the elemental composition of the coating, contact angle measurements for the surface tension, solid-state UV/VIS measurements for the determination of the kinetic and stability properties, and two-photon microscopy for the localisation of the photochromic substance in the porous membrane.
Currently, systemic immunosuppression is used in vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA). This treatment has considerable side effects and reduces the quality of life of VCA recipients. We loaded the immunosuppressive drug tacrolimus into a self-assembled hydrogel, which releases the drug in response to proteolytic enzymes that are overexpressed during inflammation. A one-time local injection of the tacrolimus-laden hydrogel significantly prolonged graft survival in a Brown Norway-to-Lewis rat hindlimb transplantation model, leading to a median graft survival of >100 days compared to 33.5 days in tacrolimus only-treated recipients. Control groups with no treatment or hydrogel only showed a graft survival of 11 days. Histopathological evaluation, including anti-graft antibodies and complement C3, revealed significantly reduced immune responses in the tacrolimus-hydrogel group compared with tacrolimus only. In conclusion, a single-dose local injection of an enzyme-responsive tacrolimus-hydrogel is capable of preventing VCA rejection for >100 days in a rat model and may offer a new approach for immunosuppression in VCA.
BACKGROUND There is ample evidence that a subgroup of Parkinson's disease patients who are treated with dopaminergic drugs develop certain behavioral addictions such as pathological gambling. The fact that only a subgroup of these patients develops pathological gambling suggests an interaction between dopaminergic drug treatment and individual susceptibility factors. These are potentially of genetic origin, since research in healthy subjects suggests that vulnerability for pathological gambling may be linked to variation in the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene. Using a pharmacogenetic approach, we investigated how variation in this gene modulates the impact of dopaminergic stimulation on gambling behavior in healthy subjects. METHODS We administered 300 mg of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) or placebo to 200 healthy male subjects who were all genotyped for their DRD4 polymorphism. Subjects played a gambling task 60 minutes after L-DOPA administration. RESULTS Without considering genetic information, L-DOPA administration did not lead to an increase in gambling propensity compared with placebo. As expected, however, an individual's DRD4 polymorphism accounted for variation in gambling behavior after the administration of L-DOPA. Subjects who carry at least one copy of the 7-repeat allele showed an increased gambling propensity after dopaminergic stimulation. CONCLUSIONS These findings demonstrate that genetic variation in the DRD4 gene determines an individual's gambling behavior in response to a dopaminergic drug challenge. They may have implications for the treatment of Parkinson's disease patients by offering a genotype approach for determining individual susceptibilities for pathological gambling and may also afford insights into the vulnerability mechanisms underlying addictive behavior.