982 resultados para DNA Double-strand Break
Synthetic lethality represents an anticancer strategy that targets tumor specific gene defects. One of the most studied application is the use of PARP inhibitors (e.g. olaparib) in BRCA1/2-less cancer cells. In BRCA2-defective tumors, olaparib (OLA) inhibits DNA single-strand break repair, while BRCA2 mutations hamper homologous recombination (HR) repair. The simultaneous impairment of those pathways leads BRCA-less cells to death by synthetic lethality. The projects described in this thesis were aimed at extending the use of OLA in cancer cells that do not carry a mutation in BRCA2 by combining this drug with compounds that could mimic a BRCA-less environment via HR inhibition. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our “fully small-molecule induced synthetic lethality” by using two different approaches. In the direct approach (Project A), we identified a series of neo-synthesized compounds (named RAD51-BRCA2 disruptors) that mimic BRCA2 mutations by disrupting the RAD51-BRCA2 interaction and thus the HR pathway. Compound ARN 24089 inhibited HR in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line and triggered synthetic lethality by synergizing with OLA. Interestingly, the observed synthetic lethality was triggered by tackling two biochemically different mechanisms: enzyme inhibition (PARP) and protein-protein disruption (RAD51-BRCA2). In the indirect approach (Project B), we inhibited HR by interfering with the cellular metabolism through inhibition of LDH activity. The obtained data suggest an LDH-mediated control on HR that can be exerted by regulating either the energy supply needed to this repair mechanism or the expression level of genes involved in DNA repair. LDH inhibition also succeeded in increasing the efficiency of OLA in BRCA-proficient cell lines. Although preliminary, these results highlight a complex relationship between metabolic reactions and the control of DNA integrity. Both the described projects proved that our “fully small-molecule-induced synthetic lethality” approach could be an innovative approach to unmet oncological needs.
Alpha-particle emitters, notably used in 224Ra-DaRT, have emerged as effective in overcoming radiation resistance and providing targeted cancer therapy. These emitters cause DNA double-strand breaks, visualizable in human lymphocytes. The 224Ra DaRT technique, using a decay chain from seeds, extends alpha particle range, achieving complete tumor destruction while sparing healthy tissue. This thesis examines a biokinetic model, validated with patient data, and a feasibility study on skin squamous cell carcinomas are discussed. The study reports 75% tumor complete response rate and 48% patients experiencing acute grade 2 toxicity, resolving within a month. An observed abscopal effect (AE), where tumor regression occurs at non-irradiated sites, is examined, highlighting DaRT's potential in triggering anti-tumor immune responses. This effect, coupled with DaRT's high-linear energy transfer (LET), suggests its superiority over low-LET radiation in certain clinical scenarios. Improvements to DaRT, including the use of an external radio-opaque template for treatment planning, are explored. This advancement aids in determining source numbers for optimal tumor coverage, enhancing DaRT’s safety. The thesis outlines a typical DaRT procedure, from tumor measurements to source assessment and administration, emphasizing the importance of precise seed positioning. Furthermore, the thesis discusses DaRT's potential in treating prostate cancer, a prevalent global health issue, by offering an alternative to traditional salvage therapies. DaRT seeds, delivering alpha particle-based interstitial radiation, require precision in seed insertion due to their limited tissue range. In conclusion, the thesis advocates for DaRT's role in treating solid tumors, emphasizing its improved radiobiological potency and potential benefits over beta and gamma source-based therapies. Ongoing studies are assessing DaRT's feasibility in treating various solid tumors, including pancreatic, breast, prostate, and vulvar malignancies, suggesting a promising future in cancer treatment.
Monte Carlo track structures (MCTS) simulations have been recognized as useful tools for radiobiological modeling. However, the authors noticed several issues regarding the consistency of reported data. Therefore, in this work, they analyze the impact of various user defined parameters on simulated direct DNA damage yields. In addition, they draw attention to discrepancies in published literature in DNA strand break (SB) yields and selected methodologies. The MCTS code Geant4-DNA was used to compare radial dose profiles in a nanometer-scale region of interest (ROI) for photon sources of varying sizes and energies. Then, electron tracks of 0.28 keV-220 keV were superimposed on a geometric DNA model composed of 2.7 × 10(6) nucleosomes, and SBs were simulated according to four definitions based on energy deposits or energy transfers in DNA strand targets compared to a threshold energy ETH. The SB frequencies and complexities in nucleosomes as a function of incident electron energies were obtained. SBs were classified into higher order clusters such as single and double strand breaks (SSBs and DSBs) based on inter-SB distances and on the number of affected strands. Comparisons of different nonuniform dose distributions lacking charged particle equilibrium may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the effect of energy on relative biological effectiveness. The energy transfer-based SB definitions give similar SB yields as the one based on energy deposit when ETH ≈ 10.79 eV, but deviate significantly for higher ETH values. Between 30 and 40 nucleosomes/Gy show at least one SB in the ROI. The number of nucleosomes that present a complex damage pattern of more than 2 SBs and the degree of complexity of the damage in these nucleosomes diminish as the incident electron energy increases. DNA damage classification into SSB and DSB is highly dependent on the definitions of these higher order structures and their implementations. The authors' show that, for the four studied models, different yields are expected by up to 54% for SSBs and by up to 32% for DSBs, as a function of the incident electrons energy and of the models being compared. MCTS simulations allow to compare direct DNA damage types and complexities induced by ionizing radiation. However, simulation results depend to a large degree on user-defined parameters, definitions, and algorithms such as: DNA model, dose distribution, SB definition, and the DNA damage clustering algorithm. These interdependencies should be well controlled during the simulations and explicitly reported when comparing results to experiments or calculations.
Impaired DNA repair efficiency in systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients has been reported ill some studies, mainly regarding the repair of oxidative damage, but little is known about repair kinetics towards primarily single-stranded DNA breaks. In the present study, we aimed to investigate: (a) the efficiency of SLE peripheral blood leucocytes in repairing DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and (b) the association of DNA repair gene (XRCC1 Arg399Gln, XRCC3 Thr241Met and XRCC4 Ile401Thr) polymorphisms in SLE patients, considering the whole group, or stratified sub-groups according to clinical and laboratory features. A total of 163 SLE patients and 125 healthy control were studied. The kinetics of DNA strand break repair was evaluated by the comet assay, and genotyping for DNA repair genes was performed by PCR-RFLP. Compared with controls. SLE leucocytes exhibited decreased efficiency of DNA repair evaluated at 30 min following irradiation. A significant association with DNA repair gene polymorphisms was not observed for the whole group of SLE patients; however, the XRCC1Arg399Gln polymorphism was associated with the presence of anti-dsDNA antibody. The concomitance of two DNA repair polymorphic sites was associated with the presence of neuropsychiatric manifestations and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Taken together, these results indicated that SLE leucocytes repair less efficiently the radiation-induced DNA damage, and DNA repair polymorphic sites may predispose to the development of particular clinical and laboratory features. Lupus (2008) 17, 988-995.
Telomeric TG-rich repeats and their associated proteins protect the termini of eukaryotic chromosomes from end-to-end fusions. Associated with the cap structure at yeast telomeres is a subtelomeric domain of heterochromatin, containing the silent information regulator (SIR) complex. The Ku70/80 heterodimer (yKu) is associated both with the chromosome end and with subtelomeric chromatin. Surprisingly, both yKu and the chromatin-associated Rap1 and SIR proteins are released from telomeres in a RAD9-dependent response to DNA damage. yKu is recruited rapidly to double-strand cuts, while low levels of SIR proteins are detected near cleavage sites at later time points. Consistently, yKu- or SIR-deficient strains are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. The release of yKu from telomeric chromatin may allow efficient scanning of the genome for DNA strand breaks.
The DNA topology is an important modifier of DNA functions. Torsional stress is generated when right handed DNA is either over- or underwound, producing structural deformations which drive or are driven by processes such as replication, transcription, recombination and repair. DNA topoisomerases are molecular machines that regulate the topological state of the DNA in the cell. These enzymes accomplish this task by either passing one strand of the DNA through a break in the opposing strand or by passing a region of the duplex from the same or a different molecule through a double-stranded cut generated in the DNA. Because of their ability to cut one or two strands of DNA they are also target for some of the most successful anticancer drugs used in standard combination therapies of human cancers. An effective anticancer drug is Camptothecin (CPT) that specifically targets DNA topoisomerase 1 (TOP 1). The research project of the present thesis has been focused on the role of human TOP 1 during transcription and on the transcriptional consequences associated with TOP 1 inhibition by CPT in human cell lines. Previous findings demonstrate that TOP 1 inhibition by CPT perturbs RNA polymerase (RNAP II) density at promoters and along transcribed genes suggesting an involvement of TOP 1 in RNAP II promoter proximal pausing site. Within the transcription cycle, promoter pausing is a fundamental step the importance of which has been well established as a means of coupling elongation to RNA maturation. By measuring nascent RNA transcripts bound to chromatin, we demonstrated that TOP 1 inhibition by CPT can enhance RNAP II escape from promoter proximal pausing site of the human Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 (HIF-1) and c-MYC genes in a dose dependent manner. This effect is dependent from Cdk7/Cdk9 activities since it can be reversed by the kinases inhibitor DRB. Since CPT affects RNAP II by promoting the hyperphosphorylation of its Rpb1 subunit the findings suggest that TOP 1inhibition by CPT may increase the activity of Cdks which in turn phosphorylate the Rpb1 subunit of RNAP II enhancing its escape from pausing. Interestingly, the transcriptional consequences of CPT induced topological stress are wider than expected. CPT increased co-transcriptional splicing of exon1 and 2 and markedly affected alternative splicing at exon 11. Surprisingly despite its well-established transcription inhibitory activity, CPT can trigger the production of a novel long RNA (5’aHIF-1) antisense to the human HIF-1 mRNA and a known antisense RNA at the 3’ end of the gene, while decreasing mRNA levels. The effects require TOP 1 and are independent from CPT induced DNA damage. Thus, when the supercoiling imbalance promoted by CPT occurs at promoter, it may trigger deregulation of the RNAP II pausing, increased chromatin accessibility and activation/derepression of antisense transcripts in a Cdks dependent manner. A changed balance of antisense transcripts and mRNAs may regulate the activity of HIF-1 and contribute to the control of tumor progression After focusing our TOP 1 investigations at a single gene level, we have extended the study to the whole genome by developing the “Topo-Seq” approach which generates a map of genome-wide distribution of sites of TOP 1 activity sites in human cells. The preliminary data revealed that TOP 1 preferentially localizes at intragenic regions and in particular at 5’ and 3’ ends of genes. Surprisingly upon TOP 1 downregulation, which impairs protein expression by 80%, TOP 1 molecules are mostly localized around 3’ ends of genes, thus suggesting that its activity is essential at these regions and can be compensate at 5’ ends. The developed procedure is a pioneer tool for the detection of TOP 1 cleavage sites across the genome and can open the way to further investigations of the enzyme roles in different nuclear processes.
Monozyten wie auch dendritische Zellen (DCs) und Makrophagen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des angeborenenen unspezifischen Immunsystems. Ein Kennzeichen dieser Zellen ist die Produktion von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) zur Abtötung von Pathogenen. Im Fall von chronischen Entzündungen oder Infekten kann es zu einer explosionsartigen Freisetzung freier Radikale kommen ('Oxidative Burst'). Aus vorangegangenen Untersuchungen war bekannt, dass die Expression der beiden Basen Exziosions Reparatur (BER)-Proteine XRCC1 und Ligase III während der Ausreifung humaner Monozyten zu DCs induziert wird (Briegert and Kaina, 2007). Dies lies vermuten, dass Monozyten aufgrund einer defekten BER eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber ROS aufweisen. Um diese Hypothese zu überprüfen, wurde die Wirkung von ROS auf humane Monozyten und daraus abgeleiteten DCs und Makrophagen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Monozyten eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress aufweisen, was auf eine höhere Einzelstrangbruch-Rate zurückzuführen war. Ursache hierfür ist das Fehlen der BER-Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1. Die fehlende Expression dieser Proteine resultierte letztendlich in Monozyten in einem Defekt der BER und DNA-Einzelstrangbruchreparatur. rnDie Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1 sind auch Bestandteil des Apparats des B-NHEJ ('backup-non homologous end joining'), was auf eine Beeinträchtigung der Monozyten hinsichtlich der Prozessierung von Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs) schließen lässt. Zur Untersuchung dieser Vermutung, wurde die Wirkung von Ionisierender Strahlung ('ionizing radiation'; IR) auf Monozyten, DCs und Makrophagen bestimmt. Monozyten zeigten eine signifikant höhere Sensitivität gegenüber IR als DCs und Makrophagen, was auf eine erhöhte DSB-Rate in den Monozyten nach IR zurückzuführen war. Expressionsanalysen und ein DNA-PK-Aktivitäts-Assay zeigten zusätzlich, dass Monozyten keine DNA-PKcs, ein bedeutender Faktor des C-NHEJ, exprimieren. Somit haben Monozyten sowohl einen Defekt im B-NHEJ als auch im C-NHEJ und sind demnach nicht in der Lage, DSBs zu reparieren.rnAuch gegenüber dem Alkylanz und Chemotherapeutikum Temozolomid bewirken die Reparaturdefekte eine hohe Sensitivität der Monozyten. Zur Therapie von Hirntumoren werden neben der Operation, die Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid angewendet. Die hohe Sensitivität von Monozyten gegenüber IR und Temozolomid könnte eine Erklärung für die starke Immunsuppression bei einer derartigen Therapie sein.rn
Abnormal activation of DNA repair pathways by deregulated signaling of receptor tyrosine kinase systems is a compelling likelihood with significant implications in both cancer biology and treatment. Here, we show that due to a potential substrate switch, mutated variants of the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor Met, but not the wild-type form of the receptor, directly couple to the Abl tyrosine kinase and the Rad51 recombinase, two key signaling elements of homologous recombination-based DNA repair. Treatment of cells that express the mutated receptor variants with the Met inhibitor SU11274 leads, in a mutant-dependent manner, to a reduction of tyrosine phosphorylated levels of Abl and Rad51, impairs radiation-induced nuclear translocation of Rad51, and acts as a radiosensitizer together with the p53 inhibitor pifithrin-alpha by increasing cellular double-strand DNA break levels following exposure to ionizing radiation. Finally, we propose that in order to overcome a mutation-dependent resistance to SU11274, this aberrant molecular axis may alternatively be targeted with the Abl inhibitor, nilotinib.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) eliminates helix-distorting DNA base lesions. Seven XP-deficient genetic complementation groups (XPA to XPG) have already been identified in mammals, and their corresponding genes have been cloned. Hereditary defects in NER are associated with several diseases, including xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). UV-DDB (XPE) is formed by two associated subunits, DDB1 and DDB2. UV-DDB was identified biochemically as a protein factor that exhibits very strong and specific binding to ultraviolet (UV)-treated DNA. As a preliminary step to characterize the components of the NER in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, here we identified a putative DDB1 homologue, DdbA. Deletion and expression analysis indicated that A. nidulans ddbA gene is involved in the DNA damage response, more specifically in the UV light response and 4-nitroquinoline oxide (4-NQO) sensitivity. Furthermore, the Delta ddbA strain cannot self-cross and expression analysis showed that ddbA can be induced by oxidative stress and is developmentally regulated in both asexual and sexual processes. The Delta ddbA mutation can genetically interact with uvsB(ATR), atmA(ATM), nkuA(KU70), H2AX-S129A (a replacement of the conserved serine in the C-terminal of H2AX with alanine), and cshB (a mutation in CSB Cockayne`s syndrome protein involved in the transcription-coupled repair subpathway of NER) mutations. Finally, to determine the DdbA cellular localization, we constructed a GFP:DdbA strain. In the presence and absence of DNA damage, DdbA was mostly detected in the nuclei, indicating that DdbA localizes to nuclei and its cellular localization is not affected by the cellular response to DNA damage induced by 4-NQO and UV light.
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a phosphatidyl-3-kinase-related protein kinase that functions as a central regulator of the DNA damage response in eukaryotic cells. In humans, mutations in ATM cause the devastating neurodegenerative disease ataxia telangiectasia. Previously, we characterized the homolog of ATM (AtmA) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to its expected role in the DNA damage response, we found that AtmA is also required for polarized hyphal growth. Here, we extended these studies by investigating which components of the DNA damage response pathway are interacting with AtmA. The AtmA(ATM) loss of function caused synthetic lethality when combined with mutation in UvsB(ATR). Our results suggest that AtmA and UvsB are interacting and they are probably partially redundant in terms of DNA damage sensing and/or repairing and polar growth. We identified and inactivated A. nidulans chkA(CHK1) and chkB(CHK2) genes. These genes are also redundantly involved in A. nidulans DNA damage response. We constructed several combinations of double mutants for Delta atmA, Delta uvsB, Delta chkA, and Delta chkB. We observed a complex genetic relationship with these mutations during the DNA replication checkpoint and DNA damage response. Finally, we observed epistatic and synergistic interactions between AtmA, and bimE(APCI), ankA(WEE1) and the cdc2-related kinase npkA, at S-phase checkpoint and in response to DNA-damaging agents.
The process of immobilization of biological molecules is one of the most important steps in the construction of a biosensor. In the case of DNA, the way it exposes its bases can result in electrochemical signals to acceptable levels. The use of self-assembled monolayer that allows a connection to the gold thiol group and DNA binding to an aldehydic ligand resulted in the possibility of determining DNA hybridization. Immobilized single strand of DNA (ssDNA) from calf thymus pre-formed from alkanethiol film was formed by incubating a solution of 2-aminoethanothiol (Cys) followed by glutaraldehyde (Glu). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used to characterize the self-assembled monolayer on the gold electrode and, also, to study the immobilization of ssDNA probe and hybridization with the complementary sequence (target ssDNA). The ssDNA probe presents a well-defined oxidation peak at +0.158 V. When the hybridization occurs, this peak disappears which confirms the efficacy of the annealing and the DNA double helix performing without the presence of electroactive indicators. The use of SAM resulted in a stable immobilization of the ssDNA probe, enabling the hybridization detection without labels. This study represents a promising approach for molecular biosensor with sensible and reproducible results.
The very high antiproliferative activity of [Co(Cl)(H2O)(phendione)(2)][BF4] (phendione is 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione) against three human tumor cell lines (half-maximal inhibitory concentration below 1 mu M) and its slight selectivity for the colorectal tumor cell line compared with healthy human fibroblasts led us to explore the mechanisms of action underlying this promising antitumor potential. As previously shown by our group, this complex induces cell cycle arrest in S phase and subsequent cell death by apoptosis and it also reduces the expression of proteins typically upregulated in tumors. In the present work, we demonstrate that [Co(Cl)(phendione)(2)(H2O)][BF4] (1) does not reduce the viability of nontumorigenic breast epithelial cells by more than 85 % at 1 mu M, (2) promotes the upregulation of proapoptotic Bax and cell-cycle-related p21, and (3) induces release of lactate dehydrogenase, which is partially reversed by ursodeoxycholic acid. DNA interaction studies were performed to uncover the genotoxicity of the complex and demonstrate that even though it displays K (b) (+/- A standard error of the mean) of (3.48 +/- A 0.03) x 10(5) M-1 and is able to produce double-strand breaks in a concentration-dependent manner, it does not exert any clastogenic effect ex vivo, ruling out DNA as a major cellular target for the complex. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy studies are indicative of a strong and specific interaction of the complex with human serum albumin, involving one binding site, at a distance of approximately 1.5 nm for the Trp214 indole side chain with log K (b) similar to 4.7, thus suggesting that this complex can be efficiently transported by albumin in the blood plasma.
A number of novel, water-stable redox-active cobalt complexes of the C-functionalized tripodal ligands tris(pyrazolyl)methane XC(pz)(3) (X = HOCH2, CH2OCH2Py or CH2OSO2Me) are reported along with their effects on DNA. The compounds were isolated as air-stable solids and fully characterized by IR and FIR spectroscopies, ESI-MS(+/-), cyclic voltammetry, controlled potential electrolysis, elemental analysis and, in a number of cases, also by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. They showed moderate cytotoxicity in vitro towards HCT116 colorectal carcinoma and HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma human cancer cell lines. This viability loss is correlated with an increase of tumour cell lines apoptosis. Reactivity studies with biomolecules, such as reducing agents, H2O2, plasmid DNA and UV-visible titrations were also performed to provide tentative insights into the mode of action of the complexes. Incubation of Co(II) complexes with pDNA induced double strand breaks, without requiring the presence of any activator. This pDNA cleavage appears to be mediated by O-centred radical species.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), also known as Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), is an untreatable autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease, and the most common such inherited ataxia worldwide. The mutation in SCA3 is the expansion of a polymorphic CAG tri-nucleotide repeat sequence in the C-terminal coding region of the ATXN3 gene at chromosomal locus 14q32.1. The mutant ATXN3 protein encoding expanded glutamine (polyQ) sequences interacts with multiple proteins in vivo, and is deposited as aggregates in the SCA3 brain. A large body of literature suggests that the loss of function of the native ATNX3-interacting proteins that are deposited in the polyQ aggregates contributes to cellular toxicity, systemic neurodegeneration and the pathogenic mechanism in SCA3. Nonetheless, a significant understanding of the disease etiology of SCA3, the molecular mechanism by which the polyQ expansions in the mutant ATXN3 induce neurodegeneration in SCA3 has remained elusive. In the present study, we show that the essential DNA strand break repair enzyme PNKP (polynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase) interacts with, and is inactivated by, the mutant ATXN3, resulting in inefficient DNA repair, persistent accumulation of DNA damage/strand breaks, and subsequent chronic activation of the DNA damage-response ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) signaling pathway in SCA3. We report that persistent accumulation of DNA damage/strand breaks and chronic activation of the serine/threonine kinase ATM and the downstream p53 and protein kinase C-d pro-apoptotic pathways trigger neuronal dysfunction and eventually neuronal death in SCA3. Either PNKP overexpression or pharmacological inhibition of ATM dramatically blocked mutant ATXN3-mediated cell death. Discovery of the mechanism by which mutant ATXN3 induces DNA damage and amplifies the pro-death signaling pathways provides a molecular basis for neurodegeneration due to PNKP inactivation in SCA3, and for the first time offers a possible approach to treatment.
Double-strand breaks (DSBs) occur frequently during DNA replication. They are also caused by ionizing radiation, chemical damage or as part of the series of programmed events that occur during meiosis. In yeast, DSB repair requires RAD52, a protein that plays a critical role in homologous recombination. Here we describe the actions of human RAD52 protein in a model system for single-strand annealing (SSA) using tailed (i.e. exonuclease resected) duplex DNA molecules. Purified human RAD52 protein binds resected DSBs and promotes associations between complementary DNA termini. Heteroduplex intermediates of these recombination reactions have been visualized by electron microscopy, revealing the specific binding of multiple rings of RAD52 to the resected termini and the formation of large protein complexes at heteroduplex joints formed by RAD52-mediated annealing.