963 resultados para DISPOSICIÓN FINAL
O golpe militar de 1964 envolveu, acima de tudo, uma disputa de modelos de desenvolvimento para o Brasil. De um lado, setores que defendiam o progresso a partir do fortalecimento da indústria nacional, da realização da reforma agrária e de maior independência em relação ao capital internacional. Do outro, estavam o empresariado nacional ligado a multinacionais, que defendia maior vínculo com o capital estrangeiro, e grandes proprietários rurais. A partir da posse de Jango, em 1961, as forças conservadoras iniciaram uma organizada campanha ideológica que envolveu apoio político e financeiro de empresários e do governo norte-americano, e mobilização de setores importantes da classe média, das Forças Armadas e da imprensa, com o objetivo de derrubar o governo. Em março de 1964, a organização das forças conservadoras realizou manifestações populares pediam a intervenção militar. Com o advento do golpe, Jango tinha que reagir contra forças que haviam conquistado significativa parcela da população ou abrir mão de qualquer reação e partir para o exílio e retornar mais tarde pelas vias democráticas. Jango fez a opção pelo recolhimento. Não renunciou. O trabalho tem o propósito de entender os motivos que levaram João Goulart à decisão de não reagir ao golpe de 64.
During a 1995 aerial video survey of the coastline of Johnstone Strait, an unusual shoreline feature was noted and termed “clam terraces” (inset) because of the terrace-type morphology and the apparent association with high clam productivity on the sandflats. Typical alongshore lengths of the terrace ridges are 20-50m, and across-shore widths are typically 20-40m. An area with an especially high density of clam terraces was noted in the Broughton Archipelago, between Broughton and Gilford Islands of southeastern Queen Charlotte Strait. Clam terraces in this area were inventoried from the aerial video imagery to quantify their distribution. The terraces accounted for over 14 km of shoreline and 365 clam terraces were documented. A three-day field survey by a coastal geomorphologist, archeologist and marine biologist was conducted to document the features and determine their origin. Nine clam terraces were surveyed. The field observations confirmed that: the ridges are comprised of boulder/cobblesized material, ridge crests are typically in the range of 1-1.5m above chart datum, sandflats are comprised almost entirely of shell fragments (barnacles and clams) and sandflats have very high shellfish production. There are an abundance of shell middens in the area (over 175) suggesting that the shellfish associated with the terraces were an important food source of aboriginal peoples. The origin of the ridges is unknown; they appear to be a relict feature in that they are not actively being modified by present-day processes. The ridges may be a relict sea-ice feature, although the mechanics of ridge formation is uncertain. Sand accumulates behind the ridge because the supply rate of the shell fragments exceeds the dispersal rate in these low energy environments. The high density areas of clam terraces correspond to high density areas of shell middens, and it is probable that the clam terraces were subjected to some degree of modification by aboriginal shellfish gatherers over the thousands of years of occupation in the region. (Document contains 39 pages)
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):
Diking and holding water on salt marshes ("impounding" the marsh) is a management technique used on Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (MINWR) and elsewhere in the Southeast to: a) prevent the reproduction of saltmarsh mosquitos, and b) attract wintertering waterfowl and other marsh, shore, and wading birds. Because of concern that diking and holding water may interfere with the production of estuarine fish and shellfish, impoundment managers are being asked to consider altering management protocol to reduce or eliminate any such negative influence. How to change protocol and preserve effective mosquito control and wildlife management is a decision of great complexity because: a) the relationships between estuarine organisms and the fringing salt marshes at the land-water interface are complex, and b) impounded marshes are currently good habitat for a variety of species of fish and wildlife. Most data collection by scientists and managers in the area has not been focused on this particular problem. Furthermore, collection of needed data may not be possible before changes in protocol are demanded. Therefore, the purpose of this document is two-fold: 1) to suggest management alternatives, given existing information, and 2) to help identify research needs that have a high probability of leading to improved simultaneous management of mosquitos, waterfowl, other wildlife, freshwater fish, and estuarine fish and shellfish on the marshland of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. (92 page document)
(287 page document)
A study on the reproductive biology of Amblema neislerii, Elliptoideus sloatianus, Lampsilis subangulata, Medionidus penicillatus, and Pleurobema pyriforme was conducted from May 1995 to May 1997. The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) determine period of gravidity for each of the five mussel species, 2) determine host fish via laboratory experiments, 3) test whether unionid glochidia will transform on a nonidingenous fish, and 4) describe the glochidial morphology for each of the five mussel species using a scanning electron microscope. Amblema neislerii are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia in May. Elliptoideus sloatianus are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from late February to early April. Lampsilis subangulata are bradytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from December to August. Superconglutinates were released by L. subangulata from late May to early July. Medionidus penicillatus are bradytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia in November and February to April. Pleurobema pyriforme are tachytictic breeders and were found with mature glochidia from March to July. The following fish species served as hosts for A. neislerii: Notropis texanus, Lepomis macrochirus, L. microlophus, Micropterus salmoides, and Percina nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for E. sloatianus: Gambusia holbrooki, Poecilia reticulata, and P. nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for L. subangulata: G. holbrooki, P. reticulata, L. macrochirus, Micropterus punctulatus, and M. salmoides. The following fish species served as hosts for M. penicillatus: G. holbrooki, P. reticulata, Etheostoma edwini, and P. nigrofasciata. The following fish species served as hosts for P. pyriforme: Pteronotropis hypselopterus, G. holbrooki, and P. reticulata. Poecilia reticulata, a nonindigenous fish, served as a host for E. sloatianus, L. subangulata, M. penicillatus, and P. pyriforme. (76 page document)
Analisa o fenômeno da má redação das leis sob a ótica do processo legislativo, a partir do exame das etapas de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final das proposições sujeitas à apreciação do Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo é verificar se as incoerências textuais, de forma e de conteúdo, são ocasionadas também pela votação da redação presumida, a par da inobservância das regras e preceitos de Técnica Legislativa. O trabalho mostra que a prática da votação da redação presumida pode provocar lapsos e incoerências no texto final, pelo encerramento da apreciação da matéria sem a possibilidade de sanear erros materiais ou formais porventura existentes. Além disso, propõe que a própria legitimidade do processo e, por conseguinte, do ato legislativo final, estaria maculada, pela impossibilidade de se atestar a conformidade entre a Redação Final e o real conteúdo deliberado pelo Plenário, podendo o texto não espelhar a real intenção do legislador. O trabalho inicia com as noções de Técnica Legislativa, de forma a caracterizar a importância do aspecto formal e da adequada apresentação escrita das proposições legislativas. Em seguida, descreve o atual processo de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final e as suas consequências para a redação e a legitimidade dos textos legais. Para isso, foram analisadas diversas Questões de Ordem acerca do assunto e realizada uma breve pesquisa, que contempla as proposições aprovadas pelo Plenário neste ano de 2011 (até 26/10/11), para verificar a quantidade de modificações introduzidas e a possibilidade de ocorrência de deficiências redacionais em razão da não apresentação do texto da Redação Final antes de considerá-lo definitivamente aprovado. Na sequência, faz um estudo de caso do processo de votação da Lei da "Ficha Limpa". Por fim, apresenta proposta de modificação, no sentido de contribuir para o debate e consequente aperfeiçoamento do referido processo.
This report published as Information Circular No. 21, together with the interim report published in 1957 as Information Circular No. 10, Florida Geological Survey, illustrates as completely as possible the situation that now exists among the freely flowing wells of the State. (PDF contains 40 pages.)
Relatório do ano de 2000.