Experimental suppression of chaos has been achieved in an optically pumped far-infrared (NH3)-N-15 laser which displays Lorenz-like chaos. The method of control involves the application of a large amplitude slow (i.e., nonresonant) modulation of the pump power. This may be related to a delayed bifurcation to chaos observed when the pump power is ramped at a constant late.
The testing of a 30-mer dG-rich phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide (LG4PS) for effects on the behaviour of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in vitro and in vivo is described. LG4PS at 0.3 mu M inhibited significantly the phenotype modulation of freshly isolated rabbit VSMC, and cell outgrowth from pig aortic explants was inhibited similar to 80% by 5 mu M LG4PS. The growth of proliferating rabbit and pig VSMC was inhibited similar to 70% by 0.3 mu M and 5 mu M LG4PS, respectively. Though less marked, the antiproliferative effects of LG4PS on human VSMC were comparable to those obtained with heparin. The cytotoxic effects of LG4PS on VSMC in vitro were low. Despite these promising results, adventitial application of 2-200 nmol LG4PS in pluronic gel failed to reduce vascular hyperplasia in balloon-injured rabbit carotid arteries, and the highest dose caused extensive mortality. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
To investigate changes in the three-dimensional microfilament architecture of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) during the process of phenotypic modulation, rabbit aortic SMCs cultured under different conditions and at different time points were either labelled with fluorescein-conjugated probes to cytoskeletal and contractile proteins for observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy, or extracted with Triton X-100 for scanning electron microscopy. Densely seeded SMCs in primary culture, which maintain a contractile phenotype, display prominent linear myofilament bundles (stress fibres) that are present throughout the cytoplasm with alpha-actin filaments predominant in the central part and beta-actin filaments in the periphery of the cell. Intermediate filaments form a meshed network interconnecting the stress fibres and linking directly to the nucleus. Moderately and sparsely seeded SMCs, which modulate toward the synthetic phenotype during the first 5 days of culture, undergo a gradual redistribution of intermediate filaments from the perinuclear region toward the peripheral cytoplasm and a partial disassembly of stress fibres in the central part of the upper cortex of the cytoplasm, with an obvious decrease in alpha-actin and myosin staining. These changes are reversed in moderately seeded SMCs by day 8 of culture when they have reached confluence. The results reveal two changes in microfilament architecture in SMCs as they undergo a change in phenotype: the redistribution of intermediate filaments probably due to an increase in synthetic organelles in the perinuclear area, and the partial disassembly of stress fibres which may reflect a degradation of contractile components.
Conotoxins are valuable probes of receptors and ion channels because of their small size and highly selective activity. alpha-Conotoxin EpI, a 16-residue peptide from the mollusk-hunting Conus episcopatus, has the amino acid sequence GCCSDPRCNMNNPDY(SO3H)C-NH2 and appears to be an extremely potent and selective inhibitor of the alpha 3 beta 2 and alpha 3 beta 4 neuronal subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). The desulfated form of EpI ([Tyr(15)]EpI) has a potency and selectivity for the nAChR receptor similar to those of EpI. Here we describe the crystal structure of [Tyr(15)]EpI solved at a resolution of 1.1 Angstrom using SnB. The asymmetric unit has a total of 284 non-hydrogen atoms, making this one of the largest structures solved de novo try direct methods. The [Tyr(15)]EpI structure brings to six the number of alpha-conotoxin structures that have been determined to date. Four of these, [Tyr(15)]EpI, PnIA, PnIB, and MII, have an alpha 4/7 cysteine framework and are selective for the neuronal subtype of the nAChR. The structure of [Tyr(15)]EpI has the same backbone fold as the other alpha 4/7-conotoxin structures, supporting the notion that this conotoxin cysteine framework and spacing give rise to a conserved fold. The surface charge distribution of [Tyr(15)]EpI is similar to that of PnIA and PnIB but is likely to be different from that of MII, suggesting that [Tyr(15)]EpI and MII may have different binding modes for the same receptor subtype.
In two experiments we investigated the effect of generalized orienting induced by changing the modality of the lead stimulus on the modulation of blink reflexes elicited by acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1 (n = 32), participants were presented with acoustic or visual change stimuli after habituation training with tactile lead stimuli. In Experiment 2 (n = 64), modality of the lead stimulus (acoustic vs. visual) was crossed with experimental condition (change vs. no change). Lead stimulus change resulted in increased electrodermal orienting in both experiments. Blink latency shortening and blink magnitude facilitation increased from habituation to change trials regardless of whether the change stimulus was presented in the same or in a different modality as the reflex-eliciting stimulus. These results are not consistent with modality-specific accounts of attentional startle modulation.
1. The present study investigated the effects of lengthening and shortening actions on IT-reflex amplitude. H-reflexes were evoked in the soleus (SOL) and medial gastroenemius (MG) of human subject, during passive isometric, lengthening and shortening actions performed at angular velocities of 0, +/-2, +/-5 and +/- 15 deg s(-1). 2. H-reflex amplitude, in froth SOL and MG were significantly depressed during passive lengthening actions and facilitated during passive shortening actions, when compared with the isometric R-reflex amplitude. 3. Four experiments were performed in which the latencies front the onset of movement to delivery of the stimulus were altered. Passive H-reflex modulation during lengthening actions was found tee begin at latencies of less than 60 ms suggesting that this inhibition was due to peripheral and/or spinal mechanisms. 4. It is postulated that, the H-reflex modulation seen in the present study is related to the tunic discharge of muscle spindle afferents and the consequent effects of transmission within the la pathway. Inhibition of the H-reflex at less than 60 ms after the onset of muscle lengthening may he attributed to several mechanisms, which cannot be distinguished using the current protocol. These may include the inability to evoke volleys in la fibres that are refractory following muscle spindle discharge during; rapid muscle lengthening, a reduced probability of transmitter release front the presynaptic terminal (homosynaptic post.-activation depression) and presynaptic inhibition of la afferents from plantar flexor agonists. Short latency facilitation of the H-reflex may be attributed to temporal summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials arising from muscle spindle afferents during rapid muscle lengthening. At longer latencies, presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents cannot be excluded as a potential inhibitory mechanism.
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system and haem oxygenase by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 Amol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2), at various time points. Total CYP content of liver microsomes decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at 12, 18, and 24 hours (22%, 47%, and 56%, respectively) after treatment. In contrast, progressive increases of hepatic coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity (indicative of CYP2A5 activity) were observed at 8 hrs (2-fold), 12 hrs (3-fold), and 7-fold at 18 and 24 hrs. Simultaneously, haem oxygenase activity increased significantly at 4 hours and continued to increase progressively to more than 50-fold compared to control. Liver CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 hours after treatment and decreased to almost half 6 hours later, while western blot analysis showed 2- and 3- fold increase in CYP2A5 apoprotein at 12 and 24 hours. The CYP2A5 mRNA levels in the liver increased after Cd treatment in Nrf2 +/+ but not in Nrf2 / mouse. This study demonstrates that hepatic haem oxygenase and CYP2A5 are upregulated by cadmium. The upregulation of haem oxygenase precedes that of CYP2A5. The strong upregulation of the CYP2A5 both at mRNA and enzyme activity levels, with a simultaneous decrease in the total CYP concentration suggest an unusual mode of regulation of CYP2A5 in response to cadmium exposure, amongst the CYP enzymes. The observed increase in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction may suggest involvement of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation. Upregulation of CYP2A5 by cadmium in the Nrf2 +/+ mice but not in the Nrf2 / mice indicates a role for this transcription factor in the regulation.
To better understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying anisosmotic extracellular regulation in the freshwater Brachyura, we kinetically characterized the V-ATPase from the posterior gills of Dilocarcinus pagei, acclimated for 10 days to salinities up to 21%.. Specific activity was highest in fresh water (26.5 +/- 2.1 U mg(-1)), decreasing in 5 parts per thousand to 21 parts per thousand, attaining 3-fold less at 15 parts per thousand. Apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased 3.2- and 2-fold at 10 parts per thousand, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes. In a 240-h time-course study of exposure to 21%., maximum specific activity decreased 2.5- to 4-fold within 1 to 24 h while apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased by 12-fold within 24 h and 2.4-fold after 1 h, unchanged thereafter. K(I) for bafilomycin A(1) decreased 150-fold after 1 h, remaining constant up to 120 h. This is the first kinetic analysis of V-ATPase specific activity in crustacean gills during salinity acclimation. Our findings indicate active gill Cl(-) uptake by D. pagei in fresh water, and short- and long-term down-regulation of V-ATPase-driven ion uptake processes during salinity exposure, aiding in comprehension of the biochemical adaptations underpinning the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study (N532) investigated attentional modulation of the startle blink reflex at long lead intervals under conditions of differing emotional valence. Participants performed a visual discrimination and counting task while coloured lights indicated whether it was possible for the participant to receive an electrotactile shock (threat of shock) or if no shock would be presented (safe). Latency and magnitude of startle responses to probes during inter-stimulus intervals were facilitated during threat periods relative to safe periods. Startle latency and magnitude modulation were enhanced during attended discrimination and counting task stimuli relative to startle during ignored stimuli. This attention effect did not vary under threat or safe conditions, suggesting that attentional startle modulation is not affected by the emotional valence of the context.
The electrocatalytic activity of Pt and RuO(2) mixed electrodes of different compositions towards methanol oxidation was investigated. The catalysts were prepared by thermal decomposition of polymeric precursors and characterized by energy dispersive X-ray, scanning electronic microscopy, X-ray diffraction and cyclic voltammetry. This preparation method allowed obtaining uniform films with controlled stoichiometry and high surface area. Cyclic voltammetry experiments in the presence of methanol showed that mixed electrodes decreased the potential peak of methanol oxidation by approximately 100 mV (RHE) when compared to the electrode containing only Pt. In addition, voltammetric experiments indicated that the Pt(0.6)Ru(0.4)O(y) electrode led to higher oxidation current densities at lower potentials. Chronoamperometry experiments confirmed the contribution of RuO(2) to the catalytic activity as well as the better performance of the Pt(0.6)Ru(0.4)O(y) electrode composition. Formic acid and CO(2) were identified as being the reaction products formed in the electrolysis performed at 400 and 600 mV. The relative formation of CO(2) was favored in the electrolysis performed at 400 mV (RHE) with the Pt(0.6)Ru(0.4)O(y) electrode. The presence of RuO(2) in Pt-Ru-based electrodes is important for improving the catalytic activity towards methanol electrooxidation. Moreover, the thermal decomposition of polymeric precursors seems to be a promising route for the production of catalysts applicable to DMFC. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The blue crab, Callinectes danae, tolerates exposure to a wide salinity range employing mechanisms of compensatory ion uptake when in dilute media. Although the gill (Na(+), K(+))-ATPase is vital to hyperosmoregulatory ability, the interactions occurring at the sites of ATP binding on the molecule itself are unknown. Here, we investigate the modulation by Na(+) and K(+) of homotropic interactions between the ATP-binding sites, and of phosphoenzyme formation of the (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase from the posterior gills of this euryhaline crab. The contribution of the high- and low-affinity ATP-binding sites to maximum velocity was similar for both Na(+) and K(+). However, in contrast to Na(+), a threshold K(+) concentration triggers the appearance of the high-affinity binding sites, displacing the saturation curve to lower ATP concentrations. Further, a low-affinity site for phosphorylation is present on the enzyme. These findings reveal notable differences in the catalytic mechanism of the crustacean (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase compared to the vertebrate enzyme. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In primates, the observation of meaningful, goaldirected actions engages a network of cortical areas located within the premotor and inferior parietal lobules. Current models suggest that activity within these regions arises relatively automatically during passive action observation without the need for topdown control. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine whether cortical activit)' associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Normal observers viewed movie clips of reach-to-grasp actions while performing an easy or difficult visual discrimination at the fovea. A wholebrain analysis was performed to determine the effects of attentional load on neural responses to observed hand actions. Our results suggest that cortical areas involved in action observation are significantiy modulated by attentional load. These findings have important implications for recent attempts to link the human action-observation system to response properties of "mirror neurons" in monkeys.