944 resultados para Customer surveys data


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This is the Cheshire Meres 1994 November surveys report produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1995. The report focuses on some of Cheshire meres, which were showing evidence of increasing eutrophication, commonly due to anthropogenic inputs. Concern for the deterioration of the water quality of still waters has been translated by incorporating these priorities into the NRA North West Regional Environmental Strategy for Stillwaters. The meres were also being investigated as possible polluted waters under the EC Nitrate Directive. The ultimate aim is to formulate lakes management options in order to help preserve North West still waters and minimise future restoration programmes. For such pro-active work to be carried out, sufficient background data must be available. It should then be possible to fully assess the current status of these lakes, identify seasonal trends and detect significant point/diffuse pollution inputs. These surveys were the first of a series, and it was intended to repeat similar surveys in Summer and Autumn 1995, and include a further 20 meres.


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This is the Wetland resource evaluation and the NRA's role in its conservation: Resource assessment report produced by North West Water in 1982. In this report data from a variety of sources in river Leven and Leven estuary have been examined to determine if there was any objective foundation for the allegations and for the assertion that poor fish catches were related to discharges of industrial effluent to the estuary. Catches of salmon and sea trout from the Leven did not appear to have suffered any long term declines and year to year fluctuations did not appear to be any more extreme than in other North West rivers. Fish surveys did not show any marked differences in the diversity or distribution of fish between the Kent and Leven estuaries but catches of flounders were consistently lower from the Leven estuary. Analysis of fisheries statistics of landings of fish and shellfish from Morecambe Bay did not show any evidence of localised declines in catches from the Leven estuary. Results of laboratory experiments suggested that populations of bivalve molluscs might be more at risk from the effects of discharges to the Leven estuary than resident or migratory fish.


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NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation program (CRCP) develops coral reef management priorities by bringing together various partners to better understand threats to coral reef ecosystems with the goal of conserving, protecting and restoring these resources. Place-based and ecosystem-based management approaches employed by CRCP require that spatially explicit information about benthic habitats and fish utilization are available to characterize coral reef ecosystems and set conservation priorities. To accomplish this, seafloor habitat mapping of coral reefs around the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) and Puerto Rico has been ongoing since 2004. In 2008, fishery acoustics surveys were added to NOAA survey missions in the USVI and Puerto Rico to assess fish distribution and abundance in relation to benthic habitats in high priority conservation areas. NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) have developed fisheries acoustics survey capabilities onboard the NOAA ship Nancy Foster to complement the CRCP seafloor habitat mapping effort spearheaded by the Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment Biogeography Branch (CCMA-BB). The integration of these activities has evolved on the Nancy Foster over the three years summarized in this report. A strategy for improved operations and products has emerged over that time. Not only has the concurrent operation of multibeam and fisheries acoustics surveys been beneficial in terms of optimizing ship time and resources, this joint effort has advanced an integrated approach to characterizing bottom and mid-water habitats and the fishes associated with them. CCMA conducts multibeam surveys to systematically map and characterize coral reef ecosystems, resulting in products such as high resolution bathymetric maps, backscatter information, and benthic habitat classification maps. These products focus on benthic features and live bottom habitats associated with them. NCCOS Centers (the Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research and the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research) characterize coral reef ecosystems by using fisheries acoustics methods to capture biological information through the entire water column. Spatially-explicit information on marine resources derived from fisheries acoustics surveys, such as maps of fish density, supports marine spatial planning strategies and decision making by providing a biological metric for evaluating coral reef ecosystems and assessing impacts from pollution, fishing pressure, and climate change. Data from fisheries acoustics surveys address management needs by providing a measure of biomass in management areas, detecting spatial and temporal responses in distribution relative to natural and anthropogenic impacts, and identifying hotspots that support high fish abundance or fish aggregations. Fisheries acoustics surveys conducted alongside multibeam mapping efforts inherently couple water column data with information on benthic habitats and provide information on the heterogeneity of both benthic habitats and biota in the water column. Building on this information serves to inform resource managers regarding how fishes are organized around habitat structure and the scale at which these relationships are important. Where resource managers require place-based assessments regarding the location of critical habitats along with high abundances of fish, concurrent multibeam and fisheries acoustics surveys serve as an important tool for characterizing and prioritizing coral reef ecosystems. This report summarizes the evolution of fisheries acoustics surveys onboard the NOAA ship Nancy Foster from 2008 to 2010, in conjunction with multibeam data collection, aimed at characterizing benthic and mid-water habitats in high priority conservation areas around the USVI and Puerto Rico. It also serves as a resource for the continued development of consistent data products derived from acoustic surveys. By focusing on the activities of 2010, this report highlights the progress made to date and illustrates the potential application of fisheries data derived from acoustic surveys to the management of coral reef ecosystems.


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Nonindigenous species (NIS) are a major threat to marine ecosystems, with possible dramatic effects on biodiversity, biological productivity, habitat structure and fisheries. The Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) has taken active steps to mitigate the threats of NIS in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Of particular concern are the 13 NIS already detected in NWHI and two invasive species found among the main Hawaiian Islands, snowflake coral (Carijoa riseii) and a red alga (Hypnea musciformis). Much of the information regarding NIS in NWHI has been collected or informed by surveys using conventional SCUBA or fishing gear. These technologies have significant drawbacks. SCUBA is generally constrained to depths shallower than 40 m and several NIS of concern have been detected well below this limit (e.g., L. kasmira – 256 m) and fishing gear is highly selective. Consequently, not all habitats or species can be properly represented. Effective management of NIS requires knowledge of their spatial distribution and abundance over their entire range. Surveys which provide this requisite information can be expensive, especially in the marine environment and even more so in deepwater. Technologies which minimize costs, increase the probability of detection and are capable of satisfying multiple objectives simultaneously are desired. This report examines survey technologies, with a focus on towed camera systems (TCSs), and modeling techniques which can increase NIS detection and sampling efficiency in deepwater habitats of NWHI; thus filling a critical data gap in present datasets. A pilot study conducted in 2008 at French Frigate Shoals and Brooks Banks was used to investigate the application of TCSs for surveying NIS in habitats deeper than 40 m. Cost and data quality were assessed. Over 100 hours of video was collected, in which 124 sightings of NIS were made among benthic habitats from 20 to 250 m. Most sightings were of a single cosmopolitan species, Lutjanus kasmira, but Cephalopholis argus, and Lutjanus fulvus, were also detected. The data expand the spatial distributions of observed NIS into deepwater habitats, identify algal plain as an important habitat and complement existing data collected using SCUBA and fishing gear. The technology’s principal drawback was its inability to identify organisms of particular concern, such as Carijoa riseii and Hypnea musciformis due to inadequate camera resolution and inability to thoroughly inspect sites. To solve this issue we recommend incorporating high-resolution cameras into TCSs, or using alternative technologies, such as technical SCUBA diving or remotely operated vehicles, in place of TCSs. We compared several different survey technologies by cost and their ability to detect NIS and these results are summarized in Table 3.


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The Gulf of Mexico (GMx) is a subtropical marginal sea of the western North Atlantic Ocean with a diverse cetacean community. Ship-based, line-transect abundance surveys were conducted in oceanic waters (>200 m deep) of the northern GMx within U.S. waters (380,432 square km) during summer 2003 and spring 2004. Data from these surveys were pooled and minimum abundance estimates were based on 10,933 km of effort and 433 sightings of at least 17 species.The most commonly sighted species (number of groups) were pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata (115); sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus (85); dwarf/pygmy sperm whale, Kogia sima/breviceps (27); Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus (26); and bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (26). The most abundant species (number of individuals; coefficient of variation) were S. attenuata (34,067; 0.18); Clymene dolphin, S. clymene (6,575; 0.36); T. truncatus (3,708; 0.42); and striped dolphin, S. coeruleoalba (3,325; 0.48). The only large whales sighted were P. macrocephalus (1,665; 0.20) and Bryde’s whale, Balaenoptera edeni (15; 1.98). Abundances for other species or genera ranged from 57 to 2,283 animals. Cetaceanswere sighted throughout the oceanic northern GMx, and whereas many species were widely distributed, some had more regional distributions. Compared to abundance estimates for this area based on 1996-2001 surveys, the estimate for S. attenuata was significantly smaller (P <0.05) and that for the spinner dolphin, S. longirostris, appeared much smaller. Also, P. macrocephalus estimates were based on less negatively biased estimates of group-size using 90-minute counts during 2003 and 2004.


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Management of coastal species of small cetaceans is often impeded by a lack of robust estimates of their abundance. In the Austral summers of 1997−98, 1998−99, and 1999−2000 we conducted line-transect surveys of Hector’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) abundance off the north, east, and south coasts of the South Island of New Zealand. Survey methods were modified for the use of a 15-m sailing catamaran, which was equipped with a collapsible sighting platform giving observers an eye-height of 6 m. Eighty-six percent of 2061 km of survey effort was allocated to inshore waters (4 nautical miles [nmi] or 7.4 km from shore), and the remainder to offshore waters (4−10 nmi or 7.4–18.5 km from shore). Transects were placed at 45° to the shore and spaced apart by 1, 2, 4, or 8 nmi according to pre-existing data on dolphin density. Survey effort within strata was uniform. Detection functions for sheltered waters and open coasts were fitted separately for each survey. The effect of attraction of dolphins to the survey vessel and the fraction of dolphins missed on the trackline were assessed with simultaneous boat and helicopter surveys in January 1999. Hector’s dolphin abundance in the coastal zone to 4 nmi offshore was calculated at 1880 individuals (CV=15.7%, log-normal 95% CI=1384−2554). These surveys are the first line-transect surveys for cetaceans in New Zealand’s coastal waters.


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Demersal groundfish densities were estimated by conducting a visual strip-transect survey via manned submersible on the continental shelf off Cape Flattery, Washington. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the statistical sampling power of the submersible survey as a tool to discriminate density differences between trawlable and untrawlable habitats. A geophysical map of the study area was prepared with side-scan sonar imagery, multibeam bathymetry data, and known locations of historical NMFS trawl survey events. Submersible transects were completed at randomly selected dive sites located in each habitat type. Significant differences in density between habitats were observed for lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus), yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus), and tiger rockfish (S. nigrocinctus) individually, and for “all rockfish” and “all flatfish” in the aggregate. Flatfish were more than ten times as abundant in the trawlable habitat samples than in the untrawlable samples, whereas rockfish as a group were over three times as abundant in the untrawlable habitat samples. Guidelines for sample sizes and implications for the estimation of the continental shelf trawl-survey habitat-bias are considered. We demonstrate an approach that can be used to establish sample size guidelines for future work by illustrating the interplay between statistical sampling power and 1) habitat specific-density differences, 2) variance of density differences, and 3) the proportion of untrawlable area in a habitat.


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This paper records the results of the Chanos fry surveys carried out in Mannar, Puttalam and Negombo lagoon areas since 1967, and gives a summary of the earlier surveys. The maximum amount of Chanos fry was obtained from Mannar area during April and May. All three areas have their main commercial fry season in April and May with a second commercially negligible season in October–November. The quantity of fry collected has been utilized to evaluate the potential fry production figures. Mannar 400,000,000 fry/annum. Puttalam 200,000,000 fry/annum. It would be extremely difficult to estimate the number of eggs laid, the larvae hatched and the fry available each year along the coastal areas of Ceylon. It is necessary to obtain biological, meteorological and oceanographical data so as to provide a basis for the prediction and estimation of fry populations in the coastal waters of Ceylon. The suggested ideal season for commercial catches of Chanos fry is April–May with operations to be carried out simultaneously all along the west coast.


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The penaeid prawns of Sri Lanka from estuaries and sea are an important commercial fishery resource. This resource has been exploited over the last century or more by local fishermen using indigenous fishing gear from locally sail-driven or oar-driven fishing crafts. In more recent times, the Fisheries Research Division of the Department of Fisheries undertook surveys of the seas and lagoons of Sri Lanka with a view to ascertain whether any unexploited resources of prawns existed. These publications deal with the species composition, biology, distribution and abundance in the lagoons and inshore waters of Sri Lanka.


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The fisheries of Lake Victoria have undergone many changes in the recent past which have been characterized by shifts in abundance of different fish Species and changes in fishing effort. Monitoring of the population dynamics as well as the magnitude, distribution and trends of fishing effort and fish Catches is probably more necessary now than ever before for sound management of the fisheries of the lake. This will enable the formulation of appropriate fisheries policies and legislation to ensure that the fisheries are sustainable. One of the avenues to collect information to support the above process is through conducting regular Catch Assessment Surveys (CASs). The EU funded Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) project for Lake Victoria through the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) is supporting the implementation of regionally harmonized CASs in Lake Victoria. The CASs under IFMP are following a statistically design laid down in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) agreed around the whole lake. In the Ugandan part of the lake, the CASs are carried out at 54 fish landing sites selected in the eleven districts sharing the lake. They are jointly conducted by the Fisheries Resources Research Institute (FIRRI), Jinja; the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Entebbe; and the Districts of Busia, Bugiri, Mayuge, Jinja, Mukono, Wakiso, Kampala, Mpigi, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai. The CAS enumerators are recruited from the fishing communities and work under direct supervision of sub county Fisheries Officers. It is planned to involve the recently formed Beach Management Units (BMUs) in fisheries data collection when modalities for their roles have been streamlined.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990 and conducted a similar survey in U.S. Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters from Miami, Florida, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 1992. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The preliminary analyses for abundance estimation from the 1990-1993 surveys are presented in this report.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The analyses for abundance estimation from the 1991-1994 surveys are presented in this report.


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The purpose of this report is to describe very briefly the new program of catch assessment surveys in Lake Victoria. The CAS program, less than a year old is a joint venture of EAFFRO and the Fisheries Departments of the partner states, with assistance from FAO Statistician. The program arose out of the need to establish uniform statistically sound system of data collection in Victoria fisheries, has a topic of discussion at past meetings of the Fisheries Technical Committee.


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Successful inclusive product design requires knowledge about the capabilities, needs and aspirations of potential users and should cater for the different scenarios in which people will use products, systems and services. This should include: the individual at home; in the workplace; for businesses, and for products in these contexts. It needs to reflect the development of theory, tools and techniques as research moves on. And it must also to draw in wider psychological, social, and economic considerations in order to gain a more accurate understanding of users' interactions with products and technology. However, recent research suggests that although a number of national disability surveys have been carried out, no such knowledge currently exists as information to support the design of products, systems and services for heterogeneous users. This paper outlines the strategy behind specific inclusive design research that is aimed at creating the foundations for measuring inclusion in product designs. A key outcome of this future research will be specifying and operationalising capability, and psychological, social and economic context measures for inclusive design. This paper proposes a framework for capturing such information, describes an early pilot study, and makes recommendations for better practice.


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Customer feedback is normally fed into product design and engineering via quality surveys and therefore mainly comprises negative comments: complaints about things gone wrong. Whilst eradication of such problems will result in a feeling of satisfaction in existing customers, it will not instil the sense of delight required to attract conquest buyers. CUPID's aim is to conceive and evaluate ideas to stimulate product desirability through the provision of delightful features and execution. By definition, surprise and delight features cannot be foreseen, so we have to understand sensory appeal and, therefore, the "hidden" voice of the customer. Copyright © 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.