995 resultados para Cu(Zn)-SOD


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Avaliaram-se as produtividades em sete anos (1989 a 1995) de 36 talhões de cacaueiros (Theobroma cacao L.) de uma propriedade no município de Itagibá, Bahia. As médias das três maiores (anos mais chuvosos) e das três menores (anos mais secos) produtividades de cada talhão foram consideradas como variáveis principais na análise de trilha. As variáveis explicativas foram as características químicas (pH em H2O e em KCl, carbono orgânico, N-total, Al, Ca, Mg, P, K, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, H + Al e P remanescente), em duas profundidades (0-20 e 30-50 cm), de solos com diferentes texturas. Dados de análise de rotina de solo (pH, Ca, Mg, P e K), do ano de 1995 foram correlacionados com valores dessas mesmas variáveis obtidos nos anos de 1988 e de 1991, com a finalidade de verificar se a fertilidade atual refletiria uma condição passada. O K e o P do solo, nutrientes que foram fornecidos pelas adubações, modificaram-se muito ao longo desses sete anos, enquanto o pH, o Ca e o Mg mantiveram-se mais estáveis ao longo do tempo. Cobre foi o nutriente que mais restringiu a produtividade do cacaueiro; Ca, P e N também limitaram a produtividade da cultura, principalmente em anos chuvosos. Os níveis de pH, K e Mg apresentaram-se altos em alguns talhões, tendo efeitos significativos e negativos sobre a produtividade. Em anos mais secos, os talhões menos produtivos estavam sobre solos mais férteis (possivelmente mais jovens), com menor capacidade tampão e com menor teor de matéria orgânica. Independentemente da quantidade de chuva, dentre os talhões com solos argilosos os mais produtivos tinham maior capacidade tampão de P.


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Os sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras são muito pobres em minerais primários fontes de nutrientes. Para estudar a distribuição de K, Mg e outros metais em minerais das frações argila, silte e areia, coletaram-se 11amostras nas profundidades de 0,7; 1,4; 2,1; 2,8; 3,5; 4,2; 4,9; 5,6; 7,7; 10,5 e 14,0m, em um pacote de sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras, no município de Aracruz (ES) (19º49'13"S 40º16'24"O). Os teores totais de K, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Sr e Ga na terra fina seca em estufa e nas frações argila, silte e areia foram determinados por espectrômetria de emissão por plasma, após digestão completa da amostra com ácido fluorídrico concentrado. Para avaliar a contribuição de cada espécie mineral nos teores totais de K e de Mg, amostras da fração argila foram submetidas a extrações seqüenciais e seletivas de minerais. Em virtude da presença de camadas enriquecidas com concreções ferruginosas (principalmente do tamanho silte), ao longo do pacote de sedimentos, obtiveram-se os maiores teores totais de Fe2O3, nas profundidades de 2,1; 4,2 e 7,7m. Os sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras apresentaram limitada reserva de nutrientes, com baixos teores totais de K, Mg e Ca. Verificou-se aumento nos teores de K na fração argila com a profundidade, atingindo 618,2mgkg-1 a 14m. Na fração areia, os teores de K e de Mg foram maiores nas amostras com maior impureza de quartzo. A reserva em K e Mg na fração argila foi associada com a presença de mica e caulinita. A contribuição dos óxidos de Fe e de Al, dos aluminossilicatos de baixa cristalinidade e dos óxidos de Fe mais cristalinos, nos teores totais de K e de Mg, foi inexpressiva. As frações argila e silte foram as principais fontes de metais pesados nas amostras estudadas.


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A large proportion of soybean fields in Brazil are currently cultivated in the Cerrado region, where the area planted with this crop is growing considerably every year. Soybean cultivation in acid soils is also increasing worldwide. Since the levels of toxic aluminum (Al) in these acid soils is usually high it is important to understand how cations can reduce Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. In the present study we evaluated the ameliorative effect of nine divalent cations (Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr, Sn, Cu, Zn, Co and Ba) in solution culture on Al rhizotoxicity in soybean. The growth benefit of Ca and Mg to plants in an acid Inceptisol was also evaluated. In this experiment soil exchangeable Ca:Mg ratios were adjusted to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, controlled by different amounts of CaCl2 or MgCl2 (at proportions from 100:0 up to 0:100), without altering the soil pH level. The low (10 %) and adequate (60 %) base saturation were used to examine how plant roots respond to Al at distinct (Ca + Mg)/Al ratios, as if they were growing in soils with distinct acidity levels. Negative and positive control treatments consisted of absence (under native soil or undisturbed conditions) or presence of lime (CaCO3) to reach 10 and 60 % base saturation, respectively. It was observed that in the absence of Aluminum, Cu, Zn, Co and Sn were toxic even at a low concentration (25 µmol L-1), while the effect of Mn, Ba, Sr and Mg was positive or absent on soybean root elongation when used in concentrations up to 100 µmol L-1. At a level of 10 µmol L-1 Al, root growth was only reverted to the level of control plants by the Mg treatment. Higher Tin doses led to a small alleviation of Al rhizotoxicity, while the other cations reduced root growth or had no effect. This is an indication that the Mg effect is ion-specific and not associated to an electrostatic protection mechanism only, since all ions were divalent and used at low concentrations. An increased exchangeable Ca:Mg ratio (at constant soil pH) in the acid soil almost doubled the soybean shoot and root dry matter even though treatments did not modify soil pH and exchangeable Al3+. This indicates a more efficient alleviation of Al toxicity by Mg2+ than by Ca2+. The reason for the positive response to Mg2+ was not the supply of a deficient nutrient because CaCO3 increased soybean growth by increasing soil pH without inducing Mg2+ deficiency. Both in hydroponics and acid soil, the reduction in Al toxicity was accompanied by a lower Al accumulation in plant tissue, suggesting a competitive cation absorption and/or exclusion of Al from plant tissue stimulated by an Mg-induced physiological mechanism.


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Embora não seja considerado nutriente essencial às plantas, o Si é classificado como elemento benéfico ou útil, mas pode alterar a dinâmica nutricional das plantas. Objetivando comparar a eficiência nutricional de variedades de cafeeiro (Catuaí, Mundo Novo e Icatu) em resposta à adubação silicatada, realizou-se um experimento em blocos casualizados, com as três variedades de mudas em tubetes combinadas com seis doses de CaSiO3 (T0 = 0, T1 = 0,063, T2 = 0,125, T3 = 0,25, T4 = 0,5 e T5 = 1,0 g dm-3 de substrato). A variedade Icatu teve a maior eficiência de absorção (EA) de Cu, Zn, Fe e Si, maior eficiência de uso (EU) de N, K, Ca, B e Mn, não diferindo da Mundo Novo com relação aos nutrientes N, Ca e Mn, e maior eficiência de translocação (ET) de N, S, Zn e de Fe. A Catuaí teve maior EA de P, K, B e Mn, não diferindo da Mundo Novo com relação aos nutrientes P, K e Mn, maior EU para Mg, S, Cu, Zn, Fe e Si, provavelmente devido à melhor ET desses nutrientes, exceto para Fe e Si. A Mundo Novo foi mais eficiente na absorção de N, K, Ca, Mg, Mn e Si, teve maior EU de P e Mn e maior ET de K, Ca, B, Mn e Si.


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Systematic pig slurry application to crop soils may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in regions with intensive pig raising. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of Cu, Zn and Mn in soils under systematic pig slurry application. For this purpose, soil samples were collected from two of the most representative watersheds of Santa Catarina where the predominant activity is pig raising. In each watershed, 12 properties were chosen to evaluate the different systems of pig husbandry (complete cycle (CC), farrowing (FaU) and finishing units (FiU)). Based on information of the producers, soil samples were collected in areas with and without systematic manure application. To determine the total Cu, Zn and Mn content in soils and manure, a methodology proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (USEPA), method nº 3050B, was used. For the available heavy metal content, Cu and Zn was extracted with HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and Mn with KCl 1 mol L-1. Data were subjected to multivariate analysis, using the canonical discriminant analysis to identify the metals that best differentiate the soils studied within each swine housing system. Successive pig slurry applications cause an increase in Cu, Zn and Mn availability in the soil and this indicates the need for monitoring of the metal concentrations over time. The critical values of Cu in the soil can be reached and exceeded more rapidly than Zn. The results showed that the soil type may be one of the attribute underlying the determination of public policies in pig raising and waste management because soils such as Inceptisols were shown to be more prone to possible contamination since they may more rapidly reach total critical Cu levels.


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In Brazil, plant-available micronutrients in the soil can be determined by several chemical extractants, the most common of which are dilute acid and chelating solutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the extractants 0.1 mol L-1 HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA for analysis of the micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils from the state of Paraná. In samples from 12 soils (0-20 cm layer), wheat was planted (Triticum aestivum), grown for 42 days after emergence, and then bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for 38 days. At the end of each planting period, the soil was sampled again. All extractants tested to assess the availability of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn correlated with each other. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Cu was similar, unlike Mehlich-1, which proved less efficient. The extractants HCl, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 were less efficient in estimating plant-available Zn and Fe, and the most indicated extractant is DTPA. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Mn in soils from Paraná was similar.


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We study the driving-rate and temperature dependence of the power-law exponents that characterize the avalanche distribution in first-order phase transitions. Measurements of acoustic emission in structural transitions in Cu-Zn-Al and Cu-Al-Ni are presented. We show how the observed behavior emerges within a general framework of competing time scales of avalanche relaxation, driving rate, and thermal fluctuations. We confirm our findings by numerical simulations of a prototype model.


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The elastocaloric effect in the vicinity of the martensitic transition of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal has been studied by inducing the transition by strain or stress measurements. While transition trajectories show significant differences, the entropy change associated with the whole transformation (DeltaSt) is coincident in both kinds of experiments since entropy production is small compared to DeltaSt. The values agree with estimations based on the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The possibility of using these materials for mechanical refrigeration is also discussed.


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Estudos que visem elucidar a variação espacial de atributos de solo associada à resposta de produção das lavouras podem contribuir para a aplicação racional de insumos, possibilitando ganhos econômicos e ambientais. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a variabilidade espacial dos micronutrientes Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn e da matéria orgânica, bem como sua correlação espacial com a produtividade de uma lavoura de pimenta-do-reino cultivada em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico. O estudo foi realizado em uma lavoura comercial de pimenta-do-reino da variedade Bragantina, em regime de irrigação por microaspersão, no município de São Mateus-ES. A área experimental possui dimensões de 100 x 120 m, onde se amostrou uma malha de 126 pontos com distância mínima de 5 m entre eles. Em cada ponto amostral foram coletadas três subamostras de solo na projeção da copa da pimenteira-do-reino, compondo uma amostra, na profundidade de 0-20 cm. A produtividade da lavoura foi estimada por meio da colheita das três plantas circunvizinhas a cada ponto amostral. Os atributos estudados apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial forte e moderada, sendo o modelo esférico o que melhor se ajustou para todas as variáveis avaliadas. Verificou-se correlação espacial negativa para o teor de Fe e positiva para os teores de Zn, Mn e matéria orgânica do solo com a produtividade da pimenta-do-reino.


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The monitoring of heavy metal concentrations in areas under intensive agriculture is essential for the agricultural sustainability and food safety. This paper evaluates the total contents of heavy metals in soils and mango trees in orchards of different ages (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, and 26 years) in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. Soil samples were taken from the layers 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm, and mango leaves were collected in the growth stage. Areas of native vegetation (Caatinga) adjacent to the cultivated areas were used for comparison. The total concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ni, and Pb) were determined in soils and leaves. In general, mango cultivation led to Cu and Zn accumulation in the soil surface and to a reduction in the contents of Ni, Pb, Mn, and Fe in surface and subsurface. Since contamination by Cu, Zn, and Cr was detected, these areas must be monitored to prevent negative environmental impacts. For instance, the presence of Cr in mango tree leaves indicates the need to investigate the source of the element in these orchards. The management strategies of the different companies led to deficiency or excess of some metals in the evaluated areas. However, the Fe and Mn levels were adequate for the mineral nutrition of mango in all areas.


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O sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação DRIS (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System) tem sido uma boa alternativa para a avaliação do estado nutricional de diversas culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi calcular índices DRIS mediante o uso de três métodos (Beaufils, Elwali & Gascho e Jones) de cálculo das funções das razões dos nutrientes e de dois critérios (Letzch e Nick) para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes, em pomares comerciais irrigados de laranjeira 'Valência'. Informações sobre a produtividade, porta-enxerto e teor de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e B em folhas de ramos não-frutíferos de cada talhão foram processadas nos anos de 1994 a 1998. O índice de balanço nutricional (IBN) foi calculado pela média da soma dos valores em módulo dos índices nutricionais e do índice de matéria seca. Os índices DRIS e IBN foram calculados e os valores de r² (produtividade em função de IBN) foram obtidos para cada método. O método Jones para cálculo do DRIS apresentou melhor correlação com a produtividade, e o critério Nick mostrou-se mais eficiente na escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes. Populações específicas, com pequeno número de observações, padronizadas quanto ao porta-enxerto e referentes a um ou dois anos de amostragem foliar e produção foram bancos de dados eficientes para a obtenção das normas DRIS.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos dos sistemas de preparo do solo, arado de aiveca, grade aradora e plantio direto, sobre a variabilidade de atributos físico-químicos do solo. O trabalho foi conduzido em Latossolo Vermelho perférrico, textura argilosa, cultivado com milho no verão e feijão no inverno, durante cinco anos consecutivos. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em 49 pontos, de uma malha quadrada de 7x7, espaçados de 4x4 m, nas profundidades de 0-5 cm e 5-20 cm de solo. Os valores de Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, B, matéria orgânica (MO) e argila do solo variaram nos diferentes tratamentos. Na profundidade de 0-5 cm, os valores de Cu, Mn, B, MO e argila foram maiores no sistema plantio direto. Os valores de Cu e de Zn apresentaram as maiores variabilidades, e os de MO e argila, as menores. Utilizando-se o procedimento de coletar 20 subamostras para formar uma amostra composta, os teores de argila, MO, B e Mn estariam sendo estimados com erro em torno de 10% do valor médio. Para o Cu e o Zn a variação em torno da média atingiu mais de 25%.


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Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) applies nutrient ratios instead of the isolated concentration values of each nutrient in interpretation of tissue analysis. The objectives of this research were to establish adequate DRIS norms for 'Valencia' sweet orange irrigated commercial groves budded on three rootstocks and correlate indexes of nutrition balance with yield. Experiments were conducted in São Paulo State, Brazil. Rootstocks Rangpur lime, Caipira sweet orange, and Poncirus trifoliata, with more than six years old and yield above 40 ton ha-1 were utilized. Data referred to yield, tree spacing, rootstock and foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and B in non fruiting terminals for each grove were processed for the years 1994 through 1998. DRIS indexes were calculated by Nick criterion for choosing the ratio order of the nutrients and Jones calculation method of the ratio functions. Indexes of nutritional balance calculated from DRIS norms presented high correlation with yield for the three scion/rootstock combinations. DRIS norms defined in this research are valid, since leaf sampling is done on non fruiting terminals and the grove is irrigated.


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J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Thesis abstract Mine waste is the largest volume of materials handled in the world. The oxidation of sulfidic mine waste may result in the release of acid mine drainage (AMD) rich in heavy metals and arsenic to the environment, one of the major problems the mining industry is facing today. To control and reduce this environmental impact, it is crucial to identify the main geochemical and hydrological processes influencing contaminant liberation, transport, and retention. This thesis presents the results of a geochemical, mineralogical and stable isotope study (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) from two active porphyry copper tailings impoundments in Mediterranean (Carén tailings impoundment, El Teniente mine, Central Chile) and hyper-arid climate (Talabre tailings impoundment, Chuquicamata, Northern Chile) from the deposition in alkaline environment (pH 10.5) towards acidification after several years of exposure. The major hydrological results were the identification of vertical contaminant and water transport in the uppermost, not water-saturated zone, triggered by capillary rise due to evaporation, and infiltration downwards due to new tailings deposition, and of horizontal transport in the groundwater zone. At the surface of the sedimented tailings, evaporation of pore water led to the precipitation of Na-Ca-Mg sulfates (e.g., gypsum, tenorite), in hyper-arid climate also halite. At the Carén tailings impoundment, renewed deposition in a 4-week interval inhibited a pH decrease below neutral values and the formation of an efflorescent salt crust. At the Talabre tailings impoundment, deposition breaks of several years resulted in the formation of acidic oxidation zones in the timeframe of less than 4 years. This process enabled the transport of liberated Cu, Zn, and Fe via capillary rise to the surface, where these metals precipitated as heavy-metal sulfates (e.g., devilline, krohnkite) and chlorides (eriochalcite, atacamite). Renewed depositing may dissolve efflorescent salts and transport liberated elements towards the groundwater zone. This zone was found to be highly dynamic due to infiltration and mixing with water from different sources, like groundwater, catchment water, and infiltration from superficial waters. There, Cu was found to be partially mobile due to complexation with Cl (in Cl-rich groundwater, Talabre) and dissolved organic matter (in zones with infiltration of catchment water rich in dissolved organic matter, Carén). A laboratory study on the isotopic fractionation of sulfur and oxygen of sulfate in different minerals groups (water-soluble sulfates, low- and high-crystalline Fe(III) oxyhydroxides) contributed to the use of stable isotopes as tracer of geochemical and transport processes for environmental studies. The results highlight that a detailed geochemical, stable isotope and mineralogical study permits the identification of contamination processes and pathways already during the deposition of mine tailings. This knowledge allows the early planning of adequate actions to reduce and control the environmental impact during tailings deposition and after the closing of the impoundment. J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Résumé de these Les déchets miniers constituent les plus grands volumes de matériel gérés dans le monde. L'oxydation des déchets miniers sulfuriques peut conduire à la libération de drainages miniers acides (DMA) riches en métaux et arsenic dans l'environnement, ce qui est l'un des principaux problèmes de l'industrie minière aujourd'hui. Pour contrôler et réduire ces impacts sur l'environnement, il est crucial d'identifier les principaux processus géochimiques et hydrologiques influençant la libération, le transport et la rétention des contaminants. Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une étude géochimique, minéralogique et des isotopes stables (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) sur des déchets miniers de 2 sites de dépôt actifs en climat méditerranéen (Dépôt de déchets de Carén, mine de El Teniente, Centre du Chili) et en climat hyper-aride (Dépôt de déchets de Talabre, mine de Chuquicamata, Nord du Chili). L'objectif était d'étudier l'évolution des déchets de la déposition en milieu alcalin (pH = 10.5) vers l'acidification après plusieurs années d'exposition. Le principal résultat hydrologique a été l'identification de 2 types de transport : un transport vertical de l'eau et des contaminants dans la zone non saturée en surface, induit par la montée capillaire due à l'évaporation et par l'infiltration subséquente de la déposition de sédiments frais ; et un transport horizontal dans la zone des eaux souterraines. À la surface des déchets, l'évaporation de l'eau interstitielle conduit à la précipitation de sulfates de Na-Ca-Mg (ex. gypse, ténorite) et halite en climat hyper-aride. Dans le site de Carén, une nouvelle déposition de déchets frais à 4 semaines intervalle a empêché la baise du pH en deçà des valeurs neutres et la formation d'une croûte de sels efflorescentes en surface. Dans le site de Talabre, les fentes de dessiccation des dépôts ont entraîné la formation d'une zone d'oxydation à pH acide en moins de 4 ans. Ce processus a permis la libération et le transport par capillarité de Cu, Zn, Fe vers la surface, où ces éléments précipitent sous forme de sulfates de métaux lourds (ex., dévilline, krohnkite) de chlorures (ex. ériochalcite, atacamite). Une nouvelle déposition de sédiments frais pourrait dissoudre ces sels et les transporter vers la zone des eaux souterraines. Cette dernière zone était très dynamique en raison du mélange d'eaux provenant de différentes sources, comme les eaux souterraines, l'eau de captage et l'infiltration des eaux superficielles. Egalement dans cette zone, le cuivre était partiellement mobile à cause de la formation de complexe avec le chlore (dans les zone riche en Cl, Talabre) et avec la matière organique dissoute (dans les zones où s'infiltre l'eau de captage riche en matière organique, Carén). Une étude en laboratoire sur le fractionnement des isotopes stables de sulfure et d'oxygène des sulfates dans différents groupes de minéraux (sulfates hydrosolubles, sulfures de oxy-hydroxyde de Fe(III) faiblement ou fortement cristallins) a permis d'apporter une contribution à leur utilisation comme traceurs dans l'étude des processus géochimiques et de transport lors d'études environnementales. Les résultats montrent qu'une étude détaillée de la géochimie, des isotopes stables et de la minéralogie permet d'identifier les processus et les voies de contamination déjà pendant la période de dépôt des déchets miniers. Cette connaissance permet de planifier, dès le début de l'exploitation, des mesures adéquates pour réduire et contrôler l'impact sur l'environnement pendant la période de dépôts de déchets miniers et après la fermeture du site.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e caracterizar os sintomas de deficiências de macro e micronutrientes em mudas de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas). As mudas foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa e, também, em soluções com omissão de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn ou Zn, pelo uso da técnica do elemento faltante. Foram avaliados os sintomas visuais de deficiência de nutrientes e a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, respectivamente aos 90 e 120 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. As omissões de macro e micronutrientes provocaram sintomas visuais de deficiência nutricional comuns a outras espécies. As deficiências limitaram a produção de massa de matéria seca na seguinte ordem: Ca>Mg>K>N>P>S, para macronutrientes; e Fe>Cu>Zn>Mn>B, para micronutrientes.