990 resultados para Costa de Beauregard, marquis, 1835-1909.
Este trabajo de divulgación científica presenta la tendencia relativa del nivel medio del mar y su aceleración, para aquellas localidades de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) de las que se dispone de series de alturas de marea que cubren por lo menos los últimos ciencuenta años. Este es el caso del puerto de Buenos Aires y el de Mar del Plata. Éstas dos localidades poseen características geográficas e hidrodinámicas distintas, por lo que resulta de mayor interés comparar los resultados obtenidos. Se discuten los mismos, y la evolución del nivel medio durante esta centuria.
En diciembre de 1992, a varios metros de profundidad y adheridos a los pilotes del muelle Almirante Storni de Puerto Madryn (Prov. Chubut, Argentina), se observaron algunos ejemplares de un alga de gran tamaño no registrada entre la flora marina argentina. Se trataba de Undaria pinnatifida, una especie originaria de las costas de Japón, que arribó presumiblemente en forma accidental, trasladada por barcos. Progresivamente esta especie se fue dispersando a lo largo de las costas de la Patagonia Argentina, con indeseables efectos ambientales, sociales y económicos. Se incluye información sobre las características del alga, su adaptación a diversas condiciones ambientales, su dispersión mundial, el impacto ambiental en la región, además de un glosario y lecturas sugeridas.
Catch and effort data and some biological characteristics of the deep water spiny lobster P. delagoae were presented.
A new species of trematodes Pleorchis heterorchis is described from the fishes Lutjanus johnii and Otolithus argenteus of Karachi coast. The new species is characterized by having a lanceolate body with a notch at the middle of the posterior end of the body. Body surface is smooth, ventral sucker rounded, situated at the anterior middle region of the body, pre-pharynx is well developed, widened posteriorly, pharynx muscular, oesophagus short, intestine H-shaped with anterior arms much shorter than the posterior, intestinal bifurcation almost in the middle of fore body, anterior caeca wide and short extending as far as anterior limit of pharynx. Posteriorly caeca reach to posterior end of the body with no lateral out pocketing. Testes 44 in number, intercecal arranged in 2 parallel rows, sub-globular, entire to slightly irregular, almost of same sizes extending immediately from posterior of the ovary to anterior of excretory vesicle. Cirrus pouch overlaps the ventral sucker, extends into hind body, terminating above the ovary, containing bipartite seminal vesicle, pars prostatica and ejaculatory duct. Genital pore behind the intestinal bifurcation and pre-acetabular. Ovary pre-testicular, consists of 16 follicles of varying sizes. Vitellaria lateral, follicular, extending from post bifurcal to posterior extremity. Excretory vesicle reaches to the posterior level of last pair of testes.
Este estudio está orientado a identificar correctamente las especies comerciales, evitar los errores que surgen como consecuencia de confundir las especies en los muestreos utilizador en los trabajos de bioestadística y por ende en la estimación del efectivo de las poblaciones. Los peneidos comerciales del litoral Atlántico de Sudamérica son fáciles de reconocer, con excepción de los representantes del género Penaeus, que en algunos casos puede ofrecer ciertas dificultades debido a la similitud en la morfología externa. Se espera que este estudio sea una contribución útil a biólogos pesqueros, pescadores y técnicos que tienen una actividad relacionada con la pesca. Hasta el presente existen sólo siete especies de camarones de la familia Penaeidae de valor comercial en aguas de Colombia, Guayanas, Venezuela, Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina.
Este trabalho descreve o modelo integrado de producao em SPD - o Sistema Santanna. São descritas acoes e operacoes que caracterizam os sistemas integrados e os seus efeitos sobre o solo e as especies vegetais que o compoem.
Rubinstein, W. (2002). Jewish Top Wealth-Holders in Britain, 1809-1909. Jewish Historical Studies. 37, pp.133-161. RAE2008
12 hojas.
University of Pretoria / Dissertation / Department of Church History and Church Policy / Advised by Prof J W Hofmeyr
Paleoprimatologists depend on relationships between form and function of teeth to reconstruct the diets of fossil species. Most of this work has been limited to studies of unworn teeth. A new approach, dental topographic analysis, allows the characterization and comparison of worn primate teeth. Variably worn museum specimens have been used to construct species-specific wear sequences so that measurements can be compared by wear stage among taxa with known differences in diet. This assumes that individuals in a species tend to wear their molar teeth in similar ways, a supposition that has yet to be tested. Here we evaluate this assumption with a longitudinal study of changes in tooth form over time in primates. Fourteen individual mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were captured and then recaptured after 2, 4, and 7 years when possible at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica between 1989-1999. Dental impressions were taken each time, and molar casts were produced and analyzed using dental topographic analysis. Results showed consistent decreases in crown slope and occlusal relief. In contrast, crown angularity, a measure of surface jaggedness, remained fairly constant except with extreme wear. There were no evident differences between specimens collected in different microhabitats. These results suggest that different individual mantled howling monkeys wear their teeth down in similar ways, evidently following a species-specific wear sequence. Dental topographic analysis may therefore be used to compare morphology among similarly worn individuals from different species.
We examined the association between geographic distribution, ecological traits, life history, genetic diversity, and risk of extinction in nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica. All of the current nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica are included in the study; spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata), capuchins (Cebus capucinus), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedii). Geographic distribution was characterized accessing existing databases. Data on ecology and life history traits were obtained through a literature review. Genetic diversity was characterized using isozyme electrophoresis. Risk of extinction was assessed from the literature. We found that species differed in all these traits. Using these data, we conducted a Pearson correlation between risk of extinction and ecological and life history traits, and genetic variation, for widely distributed species. We found a negative association between risk of extinction and population birth and growth rates; indicating that slower reproducing species had a greater risk of extinction. We found a positive association between genetic variation and risk of extinction; i.e., species showing higher genetic variation had a greater risk of extinction. The relevance of these traits for conservation efforts is discussed.
A total of 54 free-ranging monkeys were captured and marked in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, during May 1985, and an additional 17 were captured during March 1986. The animals were darted using a blowpipe or a CO2 gun. The drugs used were Ketaset, Sernylan and Telazol. Ketaset was effective for Cebus capucinus but unsuccessful for Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi. Sernylan was successful for A. geoffroyi and A. palliata but is no longer commercially available. Telazol proved to be an excellent alternative capture drug for both A. palliata and A. geoffroyi.
Primate species often eat foods of different physical properties. This may have implications for tooth structure and wear in those species. The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanical defenses of leaves eaten by Alouatta palliata from different social groups at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica. Leaves were sampled from the home-ranges of groups living in different microhabitats. Specimens were collected during the wet and dry seasons from the same tree, same plant part, and same degree of development as those eaten by the monkeys. The toughness of over 300 leaves was estimated using a scissors test on a Darvell mechanical tester. Toughness values were compared between social groups, seasons, and locations on the leaves using ANOVA. Representative samples of leaves were also sun-dried for subsequent scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analyses in an attempt to locate silica on the leaves. Both forms of mechanical defense (toughness and silica) were found to be at work in the plants at La Pacifica. Fracture toughness varied significantly by location within single leaves, indicating that measures of fracture toughness must be standardized by location on food items. Monkeys made some food choices based on fracture toughness by avoiding the toughest parts of leaves and consuming the least tough portions. Intergroup and seasonal differences in the toughness of foods suggest that subtle differences in resource availability can have a significant impact on diet and feeding in Alouatta palliata. Intergroup differences in the incidence of silica on leaves raise the possibility of matching differences in the rates and patterns of tooth wear.
One problem with dental microwear analyses of museum material is that investigators can never be sure of the diets of the animals in question. An obvious solution to this problem is to work with live animals. Recent work with laboratory primates has shown that high resolution dental impressions can be obtained from live animals. The purpose of this study was to use similar methods to begin to document rates and patterns of dental microwear for primates in the wild. Thirty-three Alouatta palliata were captured during the wet season at Hacienda La Pacifica near Canas, Costa Rica. Dental impressions were taken and epoxy casts of the teeth were prepared using the methods of Teaford and Oyen (1989a). Scanning electron micrographs were taken of the left mandibular second molars at magnifications of 200x and 500x. Lower magnification images were used to calculate rates of wear, and higher magnification images were used to measure the size and shape of microwear features. Results indicate that, while basic patterns of dental microwear are similar in museum samples and samples of live, wild-trapped animals of the same species, ecological differences between collection locales may lead to significant intraspecific differences in dental microwear. More importantly, rates of microwear provide the first direct evidence of differences in molar use between monkeys and humans.