962 resultados para Coromines, Joan, 1905-1997
This is the Cheshire stillwaters. Summary results of 1997 data Oak Mere, Betley Mere and Marbury Big from the National Rivers Authority, June 1998. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. The stillwaters where chosen due to water quality (i.e potential polluted / sensitive waters), fisheries and ecological interests. The Still waters chosen for the first year (1997) were Oak Mere, Betley Mere and Marbury Big Mere. The surveys were aimed to produce a comprehensive study of the still water through monitoring a variety of parameters. Algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples were taken three times a year, (April, July and September). In addition, fisheries surveys were taken in July and marginal invertebrate surveys taken in September.
This is the Oak Mere continuous monitoring summary report, 1997 to 2000 from the Environment Agency North West. This report focuses on the continuous monitoring programme made by a multi -parameter probe in Oak Mere since summer 1997. From 1999 nutrient and chlorophyll samples were taken when the water quality instrument was serviced. Water level measurements were made since 1998. Moreover, the report shows a summary Oak mere water quality of each year (1997-2000). The physico-chemical parameters and nutrient levels included are: temperature, specific conditions, dissolved oxygen, pH, Depth, secchi disc measurements, chlorophyll a, total Phosphorus, orto-Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonia, and Silicate.
This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats WRc Interim 1997 document produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. This document reports progress on R&D Project 640, which aims to provide information on species of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency, in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. A range of stand-alone outputs is being produced, comprising Species Action Plans, practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and ecological requirements of priority species. The species of conservation values are: water shrew, daubenton’s bat, Kingfisher, yellow wagtail, Grey wagtail, sand martin, reed bunting, dipper, marsh warbler, great crested new, spined loach, brook lamprey, river lamprey, sea lamprey, shining rams-horn snail, little whirlpool rams-horn snail, depressed river mussel, a freshwater pea mussel, native crayfish, and triangular club-rush. The process of species selection was altered during the course of the project by the report on biodiversity by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group (1995). Whilst still including species that were not particularly endangered but were greatly influenced by the activities of the Agency, the project addressed species on the ‘short’ and ‘middle’ priority lists of the Biodiversity report, particularly those for which the Agency had specific responsibilities.
This report is the third collation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the Environment Agency. For the years 1989-94, these statistics were published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the years 1983-88 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research in its Data Report series. This report is designed to be a reference document of declared salmonid catches in England and Wales and is produced in the autumn following the season. Salmon stock assessment data including provisional catches, counter run estimates and some juvenile data are now published in an annual assessment for the International Council for the Exploitation of the Seas (ICES). The first report in this series was published jointly by the Environment Agency and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquatic Science (CEFAS) in April 1997 (Anon 1998).