964 resultados para Coplanar electrodes


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Probe-beam deflection (PBD) was used to monitor concentration gradients of anions adjacent to the surface of a platinum electrode in acidic aqueous media containing H3PO4. PBD can measure the potential-dependent extent of adsorption of H2PO4- on the Pt electrode surface and permits the Langmuir isotherm to be fitted to the experimental data. The value thus obtained for the surface concentration was 1.3 × 10-11 mol mm -2, or 1.7 atoms of Pt per H2PO4-. Also, the electron transfer number obtained was 0.24, signifying an incomplete transfer of charge, and the equilibrium constant is 1.80 suggesting a reversible adsorption process. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an investigation concerning the use of fundamental approximation analysis and a new lamp model for the prediction of the voltage over electrodes' filaments during dimming operation. The lamp model employed in this paper is based on equivalent resistances, which represent the electrodes' filaments and the gas column of a F32T8 lamp. Experimental results are presented in this paper, indicating the validity of the proposed analysis and confirming its potential to serve as an effective tool for the design of dimming electronic ballasts. © 2005 IEEE.


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This paper describes a software tool, called LEVSOFT, suitable for the electric field simulations of corona electrodes by the Finite Element Method (FEM). Special attention was paid to the user friendly construction of geometries with corners and sharp points, and to the fast generation of highly refined triangular meshes and field maps. The execution of self-adaptive meshes was also implemented. These customized features make the code attractive for the simulation of needle-type corona electrodes. Some case examples involving needle type electrodes are presented.


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The reduction of guanine was studied by microelectrode voltammetry in the room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) N-hexyltriethylammonium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide [N6,2,2,2][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorosphosphate [C4mim][PF6], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mpyrr][N(Tf)2], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [C4mim][N(Tf)2], N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium dicyanamide [C4mpyrr][N(NC)2] and tris(P-hexyl)-tetradecylphosphonium trifluorotris(pentafluoroethyl)phosphate [P14,6,6,6][FAP] on a platinum microelectrode. In [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP], but not in the other ionic liquids studied, guanine reduction involves a one-electron, diffusion-controlled process at very negative potential to produce an unstable radical anion, which is thought to undergo a dimerization reaction, probably after proton abstraction from the cation of the ionic liquid. The rate of this subsequent reaction depends on the nature of the ionic liquid, and it is faster in the ionic liquid [P14,6,6,6][FAP], in which the formation of the resulting dimer can be voltammetrically monitored at less negative potentials than required for the reduction of the parent molecule. Adenine showed similar behaviour to guanine but the pyrimidines thymine and cytosine did not; thymine was not reduced at potentials less negative than required for solvent (RTIL) decomposition while only a poorly defined wave was seen for cytosine. The possibility for proton abstraction from the cation in [N6,2,2,2][NTf2] and [P14,6,6,6][FAP] is noted and this is thought to aid the electrochemical dimerization process. The resulting rapid reaction is thought to shift the reduction potentials for guanine and adenine to lower values than observed in RTILs where the scope for proton abstraction is not present. Such shifts are characteristic of so-called EC processes where reversible electron transfer is followed by a chemical reaction. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.


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In the present paper a study is made in order to find an algorithm that can calculate coplanar orbital maneuvers for an artificial satellite. The idea is to find a method that is fast enough to be combined with onboard orbit determination using GPS data collected from a receiver that is located in the satellite. After a search in the literature, three algorithms are selected to be tested. Preliminary studies show that one of them (the so called Minimum Delta-V Lambert Problem) has several advantages over the two others, both in terms of accuracy and time required for processing. So, this algorithm is implemented and tested numerically combined with the orbit determination procedure. Some adjustments are performed in this algorithm in the present paper to allow its use in real-time onboard applications. Considering the whole maneuver, first of all a simplified and compact algorithm is used to estimate in real-time and onboard the artificial satellite orbit using the GPS measurements. By using the estimated orbit as the initial one and the information of the final desired orbit (from the specification of the mission) as the final one, a coplanar bi-impulsive maneuver is calculated. This maneuver searches for the minimum fuel consumption. Two kinds of maneuvers are performed, one varying only the semi major axis and the other varying the semi major axis and the eccentricity of the orbit, simultaneously. The possibilities of restrictions in the locations to apply the impulses are included, as well as the possibility to control the relation between the processing time and the solution accuracy. Those are the two main reasons to recommend this method for use in the proposed application.


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New assays with HepG2 cells indicate that Indigo Carmine (IC), a dye that is widely used as additive in many food and pharmaceutical industries exhibited cytotoxic effects. This work describes the development of a bicomponent nanostructured Ti/TiO2/WO3 electrode prepared by template method and investigates its efficiency in a photoelectrocatalytic method by using visible light irradiation and applied potential of 1V. After 2h of treatment there are reduction of 97% discoloration, 62% of mineralization and formation of three byproducts assigned as: 2-amine-5-sulfo-benzoic acid, 2,3-dioxo-14-indole-5-sulfonic acid, and 2-amino-α-oxo-5-sulfo-benzeneacetic acid were identified by HPLC-MS/MS. But, cytotoxicity was completely removed after 120min of treatment. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Eumelanin is a ubiquitous pigment in the human body, animals, and plants, with potential for bioelectronic applications because of its unique set of physical and chemical properties, including strong UV-vis absorption, mixed ionic/electronic conduction, free radical scavenging and anti-oxidant properties. Herein, a detailed investigation is reported of eumelanin thin films grown on substrates patterned with gold electrodes as a model system for device integration, using electrical measurements, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Under prolonged electrical biasing in humid air, one can observe gold dissolution and formation of gold-eumelanin nanoaggregates, the assembly of which leads to the formation of dendrites forming conductive pathways between the electrodes. Based on results collected with eumelanins from different sources, a mechanism is proposed for the formation of the nanoaggregates and dendrites, taking into account the metal binding properties of eumelanin. The surprising interaction between eumelanin and gold points to new opportunities for the fabrication of eumelanin-gold nanostructures and biocompatible memory devices and should be taken into account in the design of devices based on eumelanin thin films. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.


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The presence of contaminants, such as phosphate, in biodiesel, has several drawbacks for instance: current engines perform poorly, fuel tanks deteriorate, catalytic conversion is damaged, and particles emission is increased. Therefore, biodiesel quality control is extremely important for biodiesel acceptance and commercialization worldwide. In this context, a bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and another chemically modified electrode with iron hexacyanoferrate (Prussian Blue – PB) were developed for determination of phosphate in biodiesel. The LODs of 6.44 and 1.19 mg kg−1, and LOQs of 21.43 and 3.97 mg kg−1 were obtained for the bare GCE and the PB-modified GCE, respectively. The methodology was employed for analysis of Brazilian biodiesel samples, and it led to satisfactory results, demonstrating its potential application for biodiesel quality control. Additionally, recovery and interference tests were conducted, which revealed that the developed methods are suitable for analysis of phosphate in biodiesel samples.


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Foi estudado a viabilidade de aplicação do arranjo coplanar de bobinas nas sondas de perfilagem em poço por indução eletromagnética. Paralelamente foram geradas as respostas do convencional arranjo coaxial, que é o amplamente utilizado nas sondas comerciais, com o propósito de elaborar uma análise comparativa. Através da solução analítica (meios homogêneos) e semi-analítica (meios heterogêneos) foram geradas inicialmente as respostas para modelos mais simples, tais como os do (1) meio homogêneo, isotrópico e ilimitado; (2) uma casca cilíndrica simulando a frente de invasão; (3) duas cascas cilíndricas para simular o efeito annulus; (4) uma interface plana e dois semi-espaços simulando o contato entre duas camadas espessas e (5) uma camada plano-horizontal e dois semi-espaços iguais. Apesar da simplicidade destes modelos, eles permitem uma análise detalhada dos efeitos que alguns parâmetros geoelétricos têm sobre as respostas. Aí então, aplicando ainda as condições de contorno nas fronteiras (Sommerfeld Boundary Value Problem), obtivemos as soluções semi-analíticas que nos permitiram simular as respostas em modelos relativamente mais complexos, tais como (1) zonas de transição gradacional nas frentes de invasão; (2) seqüências de camadas plano-paralelas horizontais e inclinadas; (3) seqüências laminadas que permitem simular meios anisotrópicos e (4) passagem gradacional entre duas camadas espessas. Concluimos que o arranjo coplanar de bobinas pode ser uma ferramenta auxiliar na (1) demarcação das interfaces de camadas espessas; (2) posicionamento dos reservatórios de pequenas espessuras; (3) avaliação de perfis de invasão e (4) localizar variações de condutividade azimutalmente.


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A ferramenta de indução triaxial ou multicomponente foi desenvolvida recentemente para solucionar os problemas de medição da convencional perfilagem de indução em formações anisotrópicas. Neste trabalho são apresentadas as respostas da sonda de indução triaxial em reservatórios que possuem seqüências finamente laminadas de arenito e folhelho. Reservatórios como estes apresentam a conhecida anisotropia macroscópica, portanto, os resultados demonstrarão a existência de uma resistividade horizontal e outra vertical. Devido a sonda triaxial de indução apresentar dois pares de bobinas coplanares, os quais em geral fornecem os valores de resistividade vertical, este trabalho apresenta inicialmente um estudo analítico e qualitativo das respostas obtidas pelo arranjo coplanar onde o transmissor é tratado como um dipolo. Também será apresentada a solução analítica em que a bobina transmissora é considerada como um loop de dimensão finita.


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A aplicabilidade de uma ferramenta de indução coplanar de duas bobinas na detecção de zonas fraturadas é estudado através de modelamento reduzido em laboratório. O fator de escala escolhido foi 10 e as condutividades de campo foram representadas por soluções de Cloreto de Amônia. O modelo geológico é composto por uma rocha homogênea resistiva com porções fraturadas e não-fraturada. As resistividades de campo são 4 Ω-m e 200 Ω-m para a zona fraturada e zona não-fraturada, respectivamente. As zonas fraturadas estudadas eram verticais, a várias distâncias da parede do poço, e cruzando a perfuração com mergulhos de 0°, 45° e 60°. A maioria dos perfis foram corridos em uma freqüência de laboratório de 100 kHz. Os resultados apresentados sob a forma de perfis mostraram que a ferramenta coplanar fornece informações sobre o mergulho, espessura e distância da parede do poço, dependendo da posição relativa das bobinas e da zona fraturada. Como a ferramenta coplanar não fornece informação de toda a formação ao redor da mesma, foi sugerido a construção de um sistema de duplo acoplamento semi-nulo (DASN) e alguns perfis são apresentados. Além do maior recobrimento, essa ferramenta fornece uma "técnica de olhada rápida" (quick-look technique) para estimar o mergulho da zona fraturada qualitativamente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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With the fast growth of cancer research, new analytical methods are needed to measure anticancer drugs. This is usually accomplished by using sophisticated analytical instruments. Biosensors are attractive candidates for measuring anticancer drugs, but currently few biosensors can achieve this goal. In particular, it is challenging to have a general method to monitor various types of anticancer drugs with different structures. In this work, a biosensor was developed to detect anticancer drugs by modifying carbon paste electrodes with glutathione-s-transferase (GST) enzymes. GST is widely studied in the metabolism of xenobiotics and is a major contributing factor in resistance to anticancer drugs. The measurement of anticancer drugs is based on competition between 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and the drugs for the GST enzyme in the electrochemical potential at 0.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl by square wave voltammetry (SWV) or using a colorimetric method. The sensor shows a detection limit of 8.8 mu M cisplatin and exhibits relatively long life time in daily measurements. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)