996 resultados para Copepoda, eggs, production as carbon


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The effects of CO2-induced seawater acidification on plankton communities were also addressed in a series of 3 mesocosm experiments, called the Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment (PeECE I-III) studies, which were conducted in the Large-Scale Mesocosm Facilities of the University of Bergen, Norway in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively. Each experiment consisted of 9 mesocosms, in which CO2 was manipulated to initial concentrations of 190, 350 and 750 µatm in 2001 and 2003, and 350, 700 and 1050 µatm in 2005. The present dataset concerns PeECE III.


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Rate of CO2 assimilation was determined above the Broken Spur and TAG active hydrothermal fields for three main ecosystems: (1) hydrothermal vents; (2) 300 m near-bottom layer of plume water; and (3) bottom sediments. In water samples from warm (40-45°C) vents assimilation rates were maximal and reached 2.82-3.76 µg C/l/day. In plume waters CO2 assimilation rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.65 µg C/l/day. In bottom sediments CO2 assimilation rates varied from 0.8 to 28.0 µg C/l/day, rising up to 56 mg C/kg/day near shrimp swarms. In the most active plume zone of the long-living TAG field bacterial production of organic matter (OM) from carbonic is up to 170 mg C/m**2/day); production of autotrophic process of bacterial chemosynthesis reaches about 90% (156 mg C/m**2/day). Thus, chemosynthetic production of OM in September-October is almost equal to that of photosynthetic production in the oceanic region. Bacterial production of OM above the Broken Spur hydrothermal field is one order lower and reaches only 20 mg C/m**2/day.


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We present three new benthic foraminiferal delta13C, delta18O, and total organic carbon time series from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean between 41°S and 47°S. The measured glacial delta13C values belong to the lowest hitherto reported. We demonstrate a coincidence between depleted late Holocene (LH) delta13C values and positions of sites relative to ocean surface productivity. A correction of +0.3 to +0.4 [per mil VPDB] for a productivity-induced depletion of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) benthic delta13C values of these cores is suggested. The new data are compiled with published data from 13 sediment cores from the eastern Atlantic Ocean between 19°S and 47°S, and the regional deep and bottom water circulation is reconstructed for LH (4-0 ka) and LGM (22-16 ka) times. This extends earlier eastern Atlantic-wide synoptic reconstructions which suffered from the lack of data south of 20°S. A conceptual model of LGM deep-water circulation is discussed that, after correction of southernmost cores below the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) for a productivity-induced artifact, suggests a reduced formation of both North Atlantic Deep Water in the northern Atlantic and bottom water in the southwestern Weddell Sea. This reduction was compensated for by the formation of deep water in the zone of extended winter sea-ice coverage at the northern rim of the Weddell Sea, where air-sea gas exchange was reduced. This shift from LGM deep-water formation in the region south of the ACC to Holocene bottom water formation in the southwestern Weddell Sea, can explain lower preformed d13CDIC values of glacial circumantarctic deep water of approximately 0.3 per mil to 0.4 per mil. Our reconstruction brings Atlantic and Southern Ocean d13C and Cd/Ca data into better agreement, but is in conflict, however, with a scenario of an essentially unchanged thermohaline deep circulation on a global scale. Benthic delta18O-derived LGM bottom water temperatures, by 1.9°C and 0.3°C lower than during the LH at deepest southern and shallowest northern sites, respectively, agree with the here proposed reconstruction of deep-water circulation in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean.