946 resultados para Cooking for the sick.


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O feijão é um dos alimentos mais produzidos em todo o território nacional, sendo intensa a busca por cultivares produtivas, adaptadas ao local de cultivo e com boas características culinárias. Assim, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de genótipos de feijoeiro, quanto ao teor de proteína, tempo para cozimento e capacidade de hidratação dos grãos. O experimento foi desenvolvido em três safras, correspondendo às épocas da seca 2005, das águas 2005 e da seca 2006. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com 24 tratamentos, representados pelos genótipos de feijoeiro dos grupos comerciais Carioca e Preto, com quatro repetições. Os grãos de feijão produzidos na safra das águas 2005 tiveram maior tempo médio para cozimento, menor teor de proteína bruta e maior tempo para máxima hidratação. Os genótipos LP 98-20 e CNFC 9494 (Grupo comercial Carioca), como também as cultivares Graúna e IAC Una (Grupo comercial Preto) destacaram-se quanto ao menor tempo para cozimento nas três safras estudadas, enquanto Gen 96A10, CNFC 9484 (Ambos do grupo comercial Carioca) e CNFP 10138 (Grupo comercial Preto) destacaram-se em relação aos demais pela baixa porcentagem de grãos de casca dura e menor tempo para a máxima hidratação dos grãos.


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Popular practices correspond to the resources used by households, lay people and popular therapists, whose perception of knowledge is constructed in the everyday. In this context, the sick child can become vulnerable to be dependent on a family caregiver, who often decide to employ popular practices. Thus, the child care should be shared between carer and health professional. However, they know little about the resources that the family uses to detect a grievance in infant. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyse the use of popular practices by caregivers of children with zero to five years old. We conducted an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, together with 15 caregivers of children who were treated at the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. To select the participants, they should be age and above 18 years; be caregivers of children up to five years of age; and reside in the area ascribed the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp. The data collection took place between September and October 2013, through in depth interview. This step was preceded by the approval of the Health Department of the city of Natal; the direction of the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp; as well as, the Committee on Ethics in Research from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with Certificate of Presentation and Consideration Ethics, No 15467013.8.0000.5537. Furthermore, the interviewees formally authorized their participation in the research by signing the consent form. The data were treated according to the technique of content analysis in the form of thematic analysis according to Bardin. This process, four categories emerged: "Types of popular practices used in the care of the child"; "Source of information of popular practices"; "Results obtained with popular practices"; "Factors that hinder the adoption of common practices." The results showed the use of popular practices by caregivers in the case of illness to children such as the homemade preparations with medicinal plants and folk healers. The family environment was referenced as the main learning space and spread of popular practices, which are influenced by cultural relations present in this context. As to the results obtained with popular features, the caregivers said to be satisfactory, and this triggers a feeling of confidence and acceptability of such measures. It is concluded that the use of popular practices in child care persists in everyday most of the participants, despite the hegemony of allopathic therapy. The caregivers stated that such practices are effective and easy to obtain, being secured in context by popular culture. In addition, health professionals, especially nurses, were seldom mentioned by the caregivers as to the information concerning popular resources used by them, which suggests the weakness in dialogic process of negotiating practices between both of them


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Instalou-se sobre um latossolo vermelho-escuro textura média, um experimento cujo objetivo foi avaliar a influência de modos e épocas de aplicação de gesso e de calcário sobre algumas características nutricionais e tecnológicas da cultura do feijoeiro irrigado. Utilizou-se no experimento o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (4x3)+2 com quatro repetições, correspondendo a 4 modos de aplicação de gesso e/ou calcário, 3 doses de gesso e 2 tratamentos adicionais. Os resultados mostraram que: o uso do gesso proporcionou maiores teores de Ca nos grãos e consequentemente maior tempo para o seu cozimento. A associação gesso e calcário propiciou aumento no teor de S das folhas e também no peso de 100 grãos, quando comparado à utilização de apenas gesso. A relação de hidratação diminuiu com o aumento das doses de gesso quando utilizou-se os modos de aplicação M1 (gesso aplicado no solo 45 dias antes da semeadura) e M2 (gesso e calcário aplicados conjuntamente aos 45 dias antes da semeadura).


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Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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This research work is based, in search of reinforcement s vegetable alternative to polymer composites. The idealization of making a hybrid composite reinforced with vegetable fibers licuri with synthetic fibers is a pioneer in this area. Thus was conceived a hybrid composite laminate consisting of 05 (five) layers being 03 (three) webs of synthetic fibers of glass and E-02 (two) unidirectional fabrics of vegetable fibers licuri. In the configuration of the laminate layers have alternating distribution. The composite laminate was manufactured in Tecniplas Commerce & Industry LTD, in the form of a card through the manufacturing process of hand lay up. Licuri fibers used in making the foil were the City of Mare Island in the state of Bahia. After cooking and the idealization of the hybrid composite laminate, the objective of this research work has focused on evaluating the performance of the mechanical properties (ultimate strength, stiffness and elongation at break) through uniaxial tensile tests and three point bending. Comparative studies of the mechanical properties and as well as among other types of laminated hybrid composites studied previously, were performed. Promising results were found with respect to the mechanical properties of strength and stiffness to the hybridization process idealized here. To complement the entire study were analyzed in terms of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the fracture for all tests.


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The proposed design provides a solar furnace alternative, box-like, low-cost operation to be used in cooking, comprising three scrap tires to make the recycling thereof. The tires were coupled to each other, forming an enclosure, which stood on its bottom covered by a parable multiple mirrors made from a urupema (sieve indigenous) and the inner sides of the oven aluminum sheet painted black, obtained from beer cans, thus being made to obtain the increase in the concentration of solar radiation incident on the inside of the prototype studied. Two tires were attached, leaving an air layer between them, with the function of thermal insulation. The third tire aimed to support the other two and thermally insulate the bottom of the oven. Externally was placed a metal frame with flat mirrors to reflect the incident rays into the oven, having a mobility to correct the apparent motion of the sun. Its primary feature is the viability of clean, renewable energy to society by tackling the ecological damage caused by the large-scale use of wood for cooking food. The tests show that the furnace reached the maximum temperature of 123.8 °C and baking various foods such as pizza, bun, and other lasagne in an average time 50 minutes. Proves the feasibility of using the oven. Presenting still able to improve their performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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The green bean has organoleptic and nutritional characteristics that make it an important food source in tropical regions such as the Northeast of Brazil. It is a cheap source of protein and important for nutrition of rural population contributing significantly in subsistence farming of the families from Brazil s northeast. It is consumed in entire region and together with the dry meat and other products composes the menu of typical restaurants, being characterized as an important product for economy of Northeast. The green bean is consumed freshly harvested and has short cycle, being characterized as a very perishable food, which hampers your market. The drying method is an alternative to increase the lifetime and provide a reduction volume of this product making easier your transportation and storage. However is necessary to search ways of drying which keep the product quality not only from the nutritional standpoint but also organoleptic. Some characteristics may change with the drying process such as the coloring, the rehydration capacity and the grains cooking time. The decrease of drying time or of exposure of the grains to high temperature minimizes the effects related with the product quality loss. Among the techniques used to reduce the drying time and improve some characteristics of the product, stands out the osmotic dehydration, widely used in combined processes such as the pretreatment in drying food. Currently the use of the microwaves has been considered an alternative for drying food. The microwave energy generates heat inside of materials processed and the heating is practically instantaneous, resulting in shorter processing times and product quality higher to that obtained by conventional methods. Considering the importance of the green beans for the Northeast region, the wastefulness of production due to seasonality of the crop and your high perishability, the proposal of this thesis is the study of drying grain by microwaves with and without osmotic pretreatment, focusing on the search of conditions of processes which favor the rehydration of the product preserving your organoleptic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the results of osmotic dehydration and dielectric properties was defined the operating condition to be used in pretreatment of the green bean, with osmotic concentration in saline solution containing 12,5% of sodium chloride, at 40°C for 20 minutes. The drying of green bean by microwave was performed with and without osmotic pretreatment on the optimized condition. The osmotic predehydration favored the additional drying, reducing the process time. The rehydration of dehydrated green bean with and without osmotic pretreatment was accomplished in different temperature conditions and immersion time according to a factorial design 22, with 3 repetitions at the central point. According to results the better condition was obtained with the osmotically pretreated bean and rehydrated at a temperature of 60°C for 90 minutes. Sensory analysis was performed comparing the sample of the green bean in natura and rehydrated in optimized conditions, with and without osmotic pretreatment. All samples showed a good acceptance rate regarding the analyzed attributes (appearance, texture, color, odor and taste), with all values above 70%. Is possible conclude that the drying of green bean by microwave with osmotic pretreatment is feasible both in respect to technical aspects and rehydration rates and sensory quality of the product


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Oitenta e seis machos jovens, não-castrados, divididos em quatro grupos raciais - Nelore (n=20), Canchim (n=17), ½ Canchim ×Nelore (CN) (n=25) e ¾ Canchim ×Nelore (TQ) (n=24) - foram pesados a cada 28 dias para avaliação de ganho de peso (kg/dia), ingestão de matéria seca (kg/dia) e conversão alimentar. Ao atingirem peso de abate médio de 450 kg e espessura de gordura subcutânea superior a 4 mm, os animais foram abatidos para avaliação do peso e do rendimento de carcaça e de cortes comerciais do traseiro, área de olho-de-lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea (mm), marmorização, força de cisalhamento, extrato etéreo (%) e perdas por cocção. O grupo Nelore apresentou-se adequado ao sistema de produção proposto, revelando desempenho similar ao dos animais CN quanto ao ganho de peso (1,18 e 1,29 kg para Nelore e CN, respectivamente) e conversão alimentar (6,90 e 7,04 para Nelore e CN, respectivamente). A ingestão de matéria seca (kg/dia) diferiu entre os grupos raciais (11,82; 9,39; 8,90 e 8,31 para Canchim, TQ, CN e Nelore, respectivamente). O peso da carcaça (kg) dos Canchim (291,14) foi maior e diferiu dos outros grupos (250,74; 246,64 e 244,18 para TQ, CN e Nelore, respectivamente). Apesar de o rendimento de carcaça ter sido maior no grupo Nelore (58,75%), os animais desse grupo apresentaram menor rendimento de cortes nobres que de traseiro, com diferença para o contrafilé (10,22; 11,55; 11,64 e 11,18 para Nelore, Canchim, TQ e CN, respectivamente). Os valores de força de cisalhamento comprovam que o abate de animais jovens garante carne macia, independentemente do grupo genético estudado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The instability of cassava culinary quality is a problem in the market. This work had the purpose of evaluating the interference of the productivity, rain precipitation and physical-chemical characteristics on the cooking time of the IAC 576-70 cultivar, from the 6(th) to the 12(th) month after the planting. The physical parameters evaluated were: difficulty in peeling (easy, medium, and hard), difficulty in cutting in long, thin sticks with a manual machine, being those cut in a subjective way. In the analysis of the cooked root, the percentage of water absorbed into the cassava pieces, the color, white points formed inside the pieces of cassava, gel formation around the pieces of cassava, and cooking time were evaluated. The pH, acidity, moisture, ashes, fibers, ether extract, protein, reducing sugars, and starch of the roots were also monthly evaluated. From the results obtained in the present work, it may be concluded that the cassava IAC 576-70, when planted in July, in Botucatu-SP area, must be harvested at the age of nine months, without damage to the productivity, starch level and root cooking, and the harvest could be extended up to ten months. The producers should follow the sum of precipitation index ten days before the harvest, and this value should be the smallest as it may be and the producers should not harvest when this value is more than 100 mm, in order not to hinder the cooking of the root.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)