957 resultados para Controlling feeding practices


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This project will identify and evaluate grazing management and related practices for beef enterprises in northern Australia that will assist them to build resilience and adapt to a changing and more variable climate. With input from scientists and experienced producers, the trade-offs or synergies between production, sustainability and profitability indicators associated with different management practices will be evaluated in the target regions, using a bio-economic modelling framework. The latter will account for region-specific, climate-change outlooks.


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Virus diseases cause serious yield and quality losses in field grown cucurbit crops worldwide. In Australia, the main viruses of cucurbits are Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), Squash mosaic virus (SqMV), Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Plants infected early have severely distorted fruit. High infection incidences, of ZYMV and PRSV in crops cause losses of marketable fruit of up to 100% and infected crops are often abandoned. Two new alternative hosts of ZYMV were identified, the native cucurbit Cucumis maderaspatanus and wild legume Rhyncosia minima. No new alternative hosts of PRSV, SqMV or WMV were found in Western Australia or Queensland. Seed transmission of ZYMV (0.7%) was found in seedlings grown from ZYMV-infected fruit of zucchini but not of pumpkin. None was detected with PRSV or SqMV in zucchini or pumpkin seedlings, respectively. ZYMV spread to pumpkins by aphids was greater downwind than upwind of a virus source. Delaying sowing by 2 weeks decreased ZYMV spread. Millet non-host barriers between pumpkin plantings slowed ZYMV infection. Host resistance gene (zym) in cucumber cultivars was effective against ZYMV. Pumpkin cultivars with resistance gene (Zym) became infected under high virus pressure but leaf symptoms were milder and infected plants higher yielding with more market-acceptable fruit than those without Zym. Most zucchini cultivars with Zym developed severe leaf and fruit symptoms. ZYMV, PRSV, WMV and SqMV spread readily from infected to healthy cucurbit plants by direct leaf contact. ZYMV survives and remains infective on diverse surfaces for up to 6 hours but can be inactivated by some disinfectants. Phylogenetic analysis indicates at least three separate introductions of ZYMV into Australia, with new introductions rarely occurring. ZYMV isolates clustered into three groups according to collection location i) Kununurra, ii) Northern Territory and iii) Carnarvon, Qld and Vic. A multiplex Real-Time PCR was developed which distinguished between the three groups of Australian isolates. Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies for virus diseases of vegetable cucurbit crops grown in the field were improved incorporating the new information gathered. These strategies are aimed at causing using minimal extra expense, labour demands and disruption to normal practices.


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Molasses-based liquid supplements fed ad libitum are widely used to provide additional metabolisable energy, non-protein N (NPN) and other nutrients to grazing cattle, but it is often difficult to achieve target intakes of supplementary nutrients. Experiments examined the effects of increasing concentrations of phosphoric acid, urea and ammonium sulfate on the voluntary intake (VI) of molasses-based supplements offered ad libitum to heifers grazing tropical pastures. In Experiment 1, the VI of a supplement containing 78 g urea/kg and 26 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed (M80U+PA) was 3.61 g DM/kg liveweight (LW) per day, and provided 181 mg NPN and 32.4 mg phosphorus (P)/kg LW per day. Increasing the urea content of the supplement to 137 g/kg (M140U+PA) or 195 g/kg (M200U+PA) reduced VI of supplement DM, NPN and P by up to 76%, 44% and 80%, respectively. VI of supplement containing ammonium sulfate (M140+AS+PA) was lower (P < 0.05) than that of M140U+PA supplement, and tended (P > 0.05) to be lower than that of M200U+PA supplement. In experiment 2, the VI by heifers of a supplement containing 200 g urea/kg (M200U) was 1.53 g supplement DM/kg LW per day, which provided 186 mg NPN/kg LW per day. Inclusion of 49 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed in this supplement (M190U+50PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 33% and 36%, respectively, while inclusion of 97 g phosphoric acid/kg (M180U+100PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 43% and 48%, respectively. The M190U+50PA and M180U+100PA supplements provided 16 and 26 mg P/kg LW per day, respectively. Heifers not fed supplements gained 0.07 kg/day, and the M200U supplement increased (P < 0.05) LW gain to 0.18 kg/day. LW gain was further increased (P < 0.05) by the M190U+50PA to 0.28 kg/day, indicating a growth response to supplementary P. No adverse effects of the supplements on animal health were observed in any of the experiments. In conclusion, addition of urea and/or phosphoric acid to molasses supplements effectively reduced VI of supplementary DM, NPN and P, and in the circumstances of Experiment 2, both molasses-urea and P supplements increased heifer LW.


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The processes which control the growth, composition, succession and loss from suspension of phytoplankton algae are briefly reviewed, with special reference to function in eutrophic reservoir systems. The ecology of larger algal biomasses supported by high nutrient loading rates are more likely to be subject to physical (wash-out, underwater light penetration, thermal stability and mixing) than to chemical constraints. Sudden changes in the interactions between physical factors temporarily impair the growth of dominant algal species, and advance the succession. Certain algae may be cropped heavily, but selectively, by zooplankton feeding, but they are rarely the species which cause problems in waterworks practice. Grazing, however, does influence succession. A deeper understanding of the operation of loss control mechanism is urgently required. Potentially, manipulation of the physical environment provides an important means of alleviating day-to-day algal problems in eutrophic reservoirs; in terms of cost effectiveness these may prove to be more attractive than reducing nutrient loads at source.


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In preparing copolymer of the same composition by batch process in two - component copolymerization it is necessary to keep the monomer ratio constant by replenishing the fraction of the more reactive monomer. In this paper a calculation method for monomer feeding is derived, which iscapable of controlling the composition of cooligomer during the course of reaction. Some cooligomers of acrylonitrile and butadiene with relatively the same compositions have been prepared using the replenishing method. The method would be useful for other two - component copolymerization ion process.


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Environmental conditions play an important role in the transmission of malaria; therefore, regulating these conditions can help to reduce disease burden. Environmental management practices for disease control can be implemented at the community level to complement other malaria control methods. This study assesses current knowledge and practices related to mosquito ecology and environmental management for malaria control in a rural, agricultural region of Tanzania. Household surveys were conducted with 408 randomly selected respondents from 10 villages and qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Results show that respondents are well aware of the links between mosquitoes, the environment, and malaria. Most respondents stated that cleaning the environment around the home, clearing vegetation around the home, or draining stagnant water can reduce mosquito populations, and 63% of respondents reported performing at least one of these techniques to protect themselves from malaria. It is clear that many respondents believe that these environmental management practices are effective malaria control methods, but the actual efficacy of these techniques for controlling populations of vectors or reducing malaria prevalence in the varying ecological habitats in Mvomero is unknown. Further research should be conducted to determine the effects of different environmental management practices on both mosquito populations and malaria transmission in this region, and increased participation in effective techniques should be promoted.


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By investigating the social dynamics of home in one of the enduring communities of Cairo, this paper reveals the way ordinary people construct and consume their private and public domains on a daily basis. It reveals what is central and what is marginal in the cognitive idea of home. This paper adopts an interdisciplinary strategy of investigation, utilizing sociological and anthropological data to read and visit spatial practices in the home. Building on historical as well as contemporary accounts of residents and families, the concept of home is envisioned as a spectrum of social spheres that is liberated from the physical determinants of space, hence revealing a new domain of part-time spaces and dynamic spatiality. The emergent idea of home intertwines work, domesticity, recreation and hospitality in interplay of space-activity-time relationships. Homes of old Cairo have proved to be responsive to continuous change, and have evolved dynamic forms of the temporal settings required for accommodation of emerging home-based professional activities such as hospitality, home-workers, and care-homes.


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We report the results of a study based on revealed and stated preference data on choice of Prosecco wines in retail stores close to the origin of production in Northern Italy. Emphasis is placed on ability to reconcile the utility structure of stated preference data with that underlying revealed preference data. We extend the analysis to cover nonattendance of key attributes, such as price and certification of origin, while controlling for the large range of brand effects.


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Liiketoiminnan organisoiminen projekteiksi on erittäin yleistä nykyisin. Suuri osa projekteista erityisesti IT-alalla epäonnistuu kuitenkin saavuttamaan tavoitteensa. Projektin menestys on tyypillisesti mitattu budjetin, aikataulun, laadun ja sidosryhmien tyytyväisyyden perusteella. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on etsiä tyypillisimpiä syitä projektien epäonnistumiseen ja löytää projektien seurannan ja mittaamisen avulla keinoja näiden epäonnistumisten ehkäisemiseen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Empiirinen aineisto on kerätty haastattelujen, eri materiaalien analysoinnin ja havainnoinnin avulla. Teoriaosuus tarjoaa kattavan yhteenvedon projektiliiketoiminnan ja yksittäisten projektien johtamiseen sekä projektien seurantaan ja mittaamiseen aikaisemman kirjallisuuden perusteella. Empiirisessä osiossa suoritetaan analyysi Case -yrityksen projektien seurantaan ja valittuihin projekteihin. Analyysien, haastattelujen ja havainnoinnin pohjalta tehdään johtopäätökset tyypillisimmistä, ongelmia projekteissa aiheuttavista tekijöistä sekä näiden esiintymisestä projektin elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Mahdolliset ongelmia ehkäisevät keinot esitetään myös. Ehdotuksia kehityskohteiksi esitetään lopuksi teorian ja empirian pohjalta.


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De nous jours, les modèles se référant aux comportements individuels représentent la pensée dominante pour comprendre les choix alimentaires dans le domaine de la nutrition en santé publique. Ces modèles conceptualisent les choix alimentaires comme un comportement de consommation décidé de façon rationnelle par des individus, en réponse aux multiples déterminants personnels et environnementaux. Même si ces modèles sont utiles pour décrire les déterminants des comportements individuels d’alimentation, ils ne peuvent expliquer les choix alimentaires en tant que processus social façonné en fonction des individus et des lieux, dans des contextes diversifiés. Cette thèse élabore le Cadre Conceptuel sur la Pratique des Choix Alimentaires afin d’explorer les choix alimentaires comme phénomène social. En utilisant le concept de pratique sociale, les choix alimentaires des individus symbolisent une relation récursive entre la structure sociale et l’agence. Ce cadre conceptuel nous donne un moyen d’identifier les choix alimentaires comme des activités sociales modelées sur la vie de tous les jours et la constituant. Il offre des concepts pour identifier la manière dont les structures sociales renforcent les activités routinières menant aux choix alimentaires. La structure sociale est examinée en utilisant les règles et les ressources de Giddens et est opérationnalisée de la façon suivante : systèmes de significations partagées, normes sociales, ressources matérielles et ressources d'autorité qui permettent ou empêchent les choix alimentaires désirés. Les résultats empiriques de deux études présentées dans cette thèse appuient la proposition que les choix alimentaires sont des pratiques sociales. La première étude examine les pratiques de choix alimentaires au sein des familles. Nous avons identifié les choix alimentaires comme cinq activités routinières distinctes intégrées dans la vie familiale de tous les jours à partir d’analyses réalisées sur les activités d’alimentation habituelles de 20 familles avec de jeunes enfants. Notre seconde étude a élaboré les règles et les ressources des pratiques alimentaires à partir des familles de l’étude. Ensuite, nous avons analysé la façon dont les règles et les ressources pouvaient expliquer les pratiques de choix alimentaires qui sont renforcées ou limitées au sein des familles lors de la routine spécifique à la préparation des repas et de la collation. Les ressources matérielles et d'autorité suffisantes ont permis d’expliquer les pratiques de choix alimentaires qui étaient facilitées, alors que les défis pouvaient être compris comme etant reliés à des ressources limitées. Les règles pouvaient empêcher ou faciliter les pratiques de choix alimentaires par l’entremise de normes ou de significations associées à la préparation de repas. Les données empiriques provenant de cette thèse appuient les choix alimentaires comme étant des activités routinières qui sont structurées socialement et qui caractérisent les familles. Selon la théorie de la structuration de Giddens, les pratiques routinières qui persistent dans le temps forment les institutions sociales. Ainsi, les pratiques routinières de choix alimentaires façonnent les styles d’habitudes alimentaires familiales et contribuent par ailleurs à la constitution des familles elles-mêmes. Cette compréhension identifie de nouvelles directions concernant la façon dont les choix alimentaires sont conceptualisés en santé publique. Les programmes de promotion de la santé destinés à améliorer la nutrition sont des stratégies clés pour prévenir les maladies chroniques et pour améliorer la santé populationnelle. Les choix alimentaires peuvent être abordés comme des activités partagées qui décrivent des groupes sociaux et qui sont socialement structurés par des règles et des ressources présentes dans les contextes de pratiques de choix alimentaires.


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In the twentieth century, as technology grew with it. This resulted in collective efforts and thinking in the direction of controlling work related hazards and accidents. Thus, safety management developed and became an important part of industrial management. While considerable research has been reported on the topic of safety management in industries from various parts of the world, there is scarcity of literature from India. It is logical to think that a clear understanding of the critical safety management practices and their relationships with accident rates and management system certifications would help in the development and implementation of safety management systems. In the first phase of research, a set of six critical safety management practices has been identified based on a thorough review of the prescriptive, practitioner, conceptual and empirical literature. An instrument for measuring the level of practice of these safety conduction a survey using questionnaire in chemical/process industry. The instrument has been empirically validated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach. As the second step. Predictive validity of safety management practices and the relationship between safety management practices and self-reported accident rates and management system certifications have been investigated using ANOVA. Results of the ANOVA tests show that there is significant difference in the identified safety management practices and the determinants of safety performance have been investigated using Multiple Regression Analysis. The inter-relationships between safety management practices, determinants of safety performance and components of safety performance have been investigated with the help of structural equation modeling. Further investigations into engineering and construction industries reveal that safety climate factors are not stable across industries. However, some factors are found to be common in industries irrespective of the type of industry. This study identifies the critical safety management practices in major accident hazard chemical/process industry from the perspective of employees and the findings empirically support the necessity for obtaining safety specific management system certifications


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Controlling the inorganic nitrogen by manipulating carbon / nitrogen ratio is a method gaining importance in aquaculture systems. Nitrogen control is induced by feeding bacteria with carbohydrates and through the subsequent uptake of nitrogen from the water for the synthesis of microbial proteins. The relationship between addition of carbohydrates, reduction of ammonium and the production of microbial protein depends on the microbial conversion coefficient. The carbon / nitrogen ratio in the microbial biomass is related to the carbon contents of the added material. The addition of carbonaceous substrate was found to reduce inorganic nitrogen in shrimp culture ponds and the resultant microbial proteins are taken up by shrimps. Thus, part of the feed protein is replaced and feeding costs are reduced in culture systems.The use of various locally available substrates for periphyton based aquaculture practices increases production and profitability .However, these techniques for extensive shrimp farming have not so far been evaluated. Moreover, an evaluation of artificial substrates together with carbohydrate source based farming system in reducing inorganic nitrogen production in culture systems has not yet been carried-out. Furthermore, variations in water and soil quality, periphyton production and shrimp production of the whole system have also not been determined so-far.This thesis starts with a general introduction , a brief review of the most relevant literature, results of various experiments and concludes with a summary (Chapter — 9). The chapters are organised conforming to the objectives of the present study. The major objectives of this thesis are, to improve the sustainability of shrimp farming by carbohydrate addition and periphyton substrate based shrimp production and to improve the nutrient utilisation in aquaculture systems.


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Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems have grown and changed because of the developments in planning tools and models as well as the use of computers and information systems in this area. Though so much is available in research journals, practice of PPC is lagging behind and does not use much from published research. The practices of PPC in SMEs lag behind because of many reasons, which need to be explored This research work deals with the effect of identified variables such as forecasting, planning and control methods adopted, demographics of the key person, standardization practices followed, effect of training, learning and IT usage on firm performance. A model and framework has been developed based on literature. Empirical testing of the model has been done after collecting data using a questionnaire schedule administered among the selected respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India. Final data included 382 responses. Hypotheses linking SME performance with the use of forecasting, planning and controlling were formed and tested. Exploratory factor analysis was used for data reduction and for identifying the factor structure. High and low performing firms were classified using a Logistic Regression model. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the structural relationship between firm performance and dependent variables.


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The broad objective of the study is to find out the management practices followed in the rubber estates in India. Comparing the management practices followed in the estates belonging to Indian and non-Indian companiess is also an objective. It has been widely held that the management practices followed in the estates belonging to these groups vary considerably. Hence attempt is made to find out the divergence between them in regard to various practices and to identify and bring them into broader relief so that the strong points of each would be emulated by the other. The management practices are examined in the light of well-established management principles and techniques adopted in business and industry. The principles of management which are widely accepted are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. Other management principles and techniques relating to personnel - finance, marketing, materials and transporting - are also examined in the appropriate context