933 resultados para Conto moderno
A importância que é atribuída ao ato da leitura serviu como princípio para nortear este estudo, que se utiliza do conto da Cinderela para aprofundar a reflexão a respeito da relação entre o tipo de leitores que estamos formando e aquele que desejamos formar. Sistematizando, por meio da teoria de Vladimir Propp, nossa análise das versões de Charles Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm do conto de Cinderela, obtemos importantes conclusões a respeito de como o conto se contextualiza de acordo com as sociedades vigentes. Desse modo, este estudo permitiu o aprofundamento necessário para que nós, como profissionais responsáveis pela formação do sujeito e do leitor, nos atentemos a aspectos e valores contidos em cada versão do conto e que nos esforcemos em trabalhá-los junto aos nossos educandos. Retomamos ainda algumas produções contemporâneas a respeito do enredo da Gata Borralheira, para situar a concepção que fazemos deste conto e desta personagem ainda hoje. As reflexões finais ficaram responsáveis por apresentar algumas possibilidades de trabalho que o educador pode pensar para levar para a sala de aula
Le corpus de ce travail est constitué par le conte ―Le passe-muraille‖ de Marcel Aymé. À travers la traduction du conte, notre objectif est d’abord de commenter les difficutés trouvées et les solutions données tout du long du processus. En plus, le conte est analisé sous la perspective de la théorie du fantastique, pour montrer que cet ouvrage conserve des caractéristiques du récit fantastique traditionnel du XIX siècle, mais en même temps ces caractériques sont presentées d’une façon tout à fait différente
Bettelheim (2007), analyzing the infant psyche concluded that for the child to gain self-esteem and develop a balanced sense of self, need to learn to take certain decisions on a daily basis, which will be facilitated by identifying their problems, designed in the stories that are told (or read). Thus, it could find solutions and feel safer. Based on the reading of fairy tales, we dealt with this research, the resumption of fairy tales in homes and schools, in order to help parents and teachers to get parameters to work thinking of their children and students, from such stories, awakening the taste of children by reading and text production. The proposal considered different versions of the fairy tale Cinderella, noting as the moralizing process the messages each approach, and explores the plot and determines which versions would be appropriate for the psycho-cognitive development of children. We also investigated aspects pertinent to the narrative structure, based on literary theory, in order to work in comparative literature. From the discourse analysis, sought to address the marks left by the utterer, capable of denoting its cargo and its ideological worldview projected in the story, although he re-create the history and environment on real facts of a particular period (MARTINS, 2007)
We work with the storybook, As Palavras Secretas, written by carioca Rubens Figueiredo. We treat, then, the Brazilian contemporary tale. For we study the writer’s fiction, first we met a critical bibliography about the narrative and a set of diverse texts: reports, articles, press releases, interviews and essays about the author’s work. We discourse characteristics and the compositional elements of each story and noticed that they are full of symbolism and various elements that they are recurrent. Some of these narratives deal with fragmentation of the man who, indeed, is a very striking feature in the actual Brazilian tale. We meet, then, with characters who feel the need to simulate an identity and that, therefore, coexist with a strong inner conflict. Three of the tales include the unlikelihood of that work, and present, therefore, elements that escape from reality. Finally, Rubens Figueiredo, in As Palavras Secretas, presented us narratives rather elongated, unlike what was ordinary in the category of the tale, which it usually consists of a short extension narrative
The principal objective of this project is to present a literary translation from German to Portuguese of the short story 'Lange Schatten', in the collection of the same name, Lange Schatten Erzählungen, published in 1960, written by Marie Luise Kaschnitz. Kaschnitz was born in 1901 in Karlsruhe, south-west Germany. The translation was completed with the aid of virtual and printed dictionaries, in addition to books on the history of German literature and some translation theories. Also, this paper provides brief commentaries on topics related to translation, particularly those concerned with the difficulties posed by translation of this project
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Conto de fadas: Pele de asno de Charels Perrault, e sua retomada na modernidade por Marina Colasanti
Como base de estudo para esta pesquisa, buscaremos a comparação dos contos de fadas Pele de Asno de Charles Perrault, e sua retomada na modernidade em Entre a Espada e a Rosa por Marina Colasanti. O qual proveniente da cultura oral vem a encantar crianças e adultos por toda as gerações. Esses tão conhecidos contos sempre tiveram, como objetivo, desde seu nascimento, no século XVII, a perpetuação de valores e condutas a serem seguidas. E que hoje vem sendo utilizada como um instrumento superficial e didático, reduzindo as grandes obras clássicas em meras historinhas para passar o tempo. Recebendo ainda a critica direta que tal gênero vem determinar valores nas crianças, trataremos de analisar esses contos através das considerações apontadas por Propp em seus estudos. Assim tem-se como objetivos norteadores desta pesquisa, a comparação entre as características dessas narrativas, mantendo seus contextos histórico; as funções atribuídas pelo estruturalista russo em ambas as narrativas e suas representações na vida, contrapondo as criticas apontadas a cerca desse gênero literário
Based on the essay Kafka y sus precursores, by Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), the present essay looks for coinciding views from Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Machado de Assis (1839-1908), and Julio Cortázar (1914-1984) on thatliterary genre. A possible connection between the three writers, regarded asmasters of the short story, is suggested having the Borgean essay as a startingpoint, while emphasizing the similarities of their views on what guides theartistic elaboration of the short stories. The confirmed relationship between Poeand Machado de Assis, and between Poe and Cortázar are emphasized, openinga door to the possibility of also thinking of a close relationship between Machadode Assis and Cortázar.Keywords:Short story; Compared Literature, Edgar Allan Poe, Jorge Luis Borges, JulioCortázar.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
This paper presents an analysis of the short story Passeio Noturno I, by Rubens Fonseca, from the gerative way of sense, oriented by Greimas´ postulations of generative semiotics. For the semiotics, discourse is conceived as a superposition of levels of diferent depth which are articulated according to a way which goes from the abstract to the concrete (BARROS, 2001). Following the notion of gerative way, the analysis of the short story is three folded: the level of fundamental structures, the level of the narrative structures and the level of the discursive structures. The subject matter that underlies the structure of the short story refers to a critique of the violence present in capitalist society in which "voices of culture" coexist with "voices of barbarie".
This article intends an approach among literary analysis, philosophy and psichoanalysis in a short story from Mia Couto, Mozambican author. From the trajectory of the main character and from their relationship with the others, we intended to do a reading on the presence of anguish within this literary text. In order to do that, two definitions were used to explain what would be considered torment: one from the philosopher Kierkegaard and the other from the psichoanalyst Freud. Concluding, we aim to compare this two readings in a way that we establish bounds between both.
This article seeks to understand the production of the modern school in Brazil and Portugal at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis falls on the pedagogical knowledge constituted around school programs disseminated in pedagogical manuals at the Normal Schools in Brazil and Portugal. The study uses three teacher training manuals as source of information: Curso pratico de pedagogia destinado aos alunos-mestres das escholas normaes primarias e aos instituidores em exercício (1874), by Mr. Daligault; Elementos de Pedagogia para servirem de guia aos candidatos ao magistério primário (1870), by José Maria da Graça Affreixo and Henrique Freire; and Lições de metodologia (1920), by Bernardino da Fonseca Lage.