941 resultados para Consumption on nutrients
Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that has been proposed to cope with drawbacks of host-based communication protocols, namely scalability and security. In this thesis, we base our work on Named Data Networking (NDN), which is a popular ICN architecture, and investigate NDN in the context of wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. In a first part, we focus on NDN efficiency (and potential improvements) in wireless environments by investigating NDN in wireless one-hop communication, i.e., without any routing protocols. A basic requirement to initiate informationcentric communication is the knowledge of existing and available content names. Therefore, we develop three opportunistic content discovery algorithms and evaluate them in diverse scenarios for different node densities and content distributions. After content names are known, requesters can retrieve content opportunistically from any neighbor node that provides the content. However, in case of short contact times to content sources, content retrieval may be disrupted. Therefore, we develop a requester application that keeps meta information of disrupted content retrievals and enables resume operations when a new content source has been found. Besides message efficiency, we also evaluate power consumption of information-centric broadcast and unicast communication. Based on our findings, we develop two mechanisms to increase efficiency of information-centric wireless one-hop communication. The first approach called Dynamic Unicast (DU) avoids broadcast communication whenever possible since broadcast transmissions result in more duplicate Data transmissions, lower data rates and higher energy consumption on mobile nodes, which are not interested in overheard Data, compared to unicast communication. Hence, DU uses broadcast communication only until a content source has been found and then retrieves content directly via unicast from the same source. The second approach called RC-NDN targets efficiency of wireless broadcast communication by reducing the number of duplicate Data transmissions. In particular, RC-NDN is a Data encoding scheme for content sources that increases diversity in wireless broadcast transmissions such that multiple concurrent requesters can profit from each others’ (overheard) message transmissions. If requesters and content sources are not in one-hop distance to each other, requests need to be forwarded via multi-hop routing. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we investigate information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. First, we consider multi-hop broadcast communication in the context of rather static community networks. We introduce the concept of preferred forwarders, which relay Interest messages slightly faster than non-preferred forwarders to reduce redundant duplicate message transmissions. While this approach works well in static networks, the performance may degrade in mobile networks if preferred forwarders may regularly move away. Thus, to enable routing in mobile ad hoc networks, we extend DU for multi-hop communication. Compared to one-hop communication, multi-hop DU requires efficient path update mechanisms (since multi-hop paths may expire quickly) and new forwarding strategies to maintain NDN benefits (request aggregation and caching) such that only a few messages need to be transmitted over the entire end-to-end path even in case of multiple concurrent requesters. To perform quick retransmission in case of collisions or other transmission errors, we implement and evaluate retransmission timers from related work and compare them to CCNTimer, which is a new algorithm that enables shorter content retrieval times in information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. Yet, in case of intermittent connectivity between requesters and content sources, multi-hop routing protocols may not work because they require continuous end-to-end paths. Therefore, we present agent-based content retrieval (ACR) for delay-tolerant networks. In ACR, requester nodes can delegate content retrieval to mobile agent nodes, which move closer to content sources, can retrieve content and return it to requesters. Thus, ACR exploits the mobility of agent nodes to retrieve content from remote locations. To enable delay-tolerant communication via agents, retrieved content needs to be stored persistently such that requesters can verify its authenticity via original publisher signatures. To achieve this, we develop a persistent caching concept that maintains received popular content in repositories and deletes unpopular content if free space is required. Since our persistent caching concept can complement regular short-term caching in the content store, it can also be used for network caching to store popular delay-tolerant content at edge routers (to reduce network traffic and improve network performance) while real-time traffic can still be maintained and served from the content store.
Predictions about electric energy needs, based on current electric energy models, forecast that the global energy consumption on Earth for 2050 will double present rates. Using distributed procedures for control and integration, the expected needs can be halved. Therefore implementation of Smart Grids is necessary. Interaction between final consumers and utilities is a key factor of future Smart Grids. This interaction is aimed to reach efficient and responsible energy consumption. Energy Residential Gateways (ERG) are new in-building devices that will govern the communication between user and utility and will control electric loads. Utilities will offer new services empowering residential customers to lower their electric bill. Some of these services are Smart Metering, Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing. This paper presents a practical development of an ERG for residential buildings.
Hoy en día el uso de dispositivos portátiles multimedia es ya una realidad totalmente habitual. Además, estos dispositivos tienen una capacidad de cálculo y unos recursos gráficos y de memoria altos, tanto es así que por ejemplo en un móvil se pueden reproducir vídeos de muy alta calidad o tener capacidad para manejar entornos 3D. El precio del uso de estos recursos es un mayor consumo de batería que en ocasiones es demasiado alto y acortan en gran medida la vida de la carga útil de la batería. El Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha abierto una línea de trabajo que busca la optimización del consumo de energía en este tipo de dispositivos, concretamente en el ámbito de la reproducción de vídeo. El enfoque para afrontar la solución del problema se basa en obtener un mayor rendimiento de la batería a costa de disminuir la experiencia multimedia del usuario. De esta manera, cuando la carga de la batería esté por debajo de un determinado umbral mientras el dispositivo esté reproduciendo un vídeo de alta calidad será el dispositivo quien se autoconfigure dinámicamente para consumir menos potencia en esta tarea, reduciendo la tasa de imágenes por segundo o la resolución del vídeo que se descodifica. Además de lo citado anteriormente se propone dividir la descodificación y la representación del vídeo en dos procesadores, uno de propósito general y otro para procesado digital de señal, con esto se consigue que tener la misma capacidad de cálculo que con un solo procesador pero a una frecuencia menor. Para materializar la propuesta se usará la tarjeta BeagleBoard basada en un procesador multinúcleo OMAP3530 de Texas Instrument que contiene dos núcleos: un ARM1 Cortex-A8 y un DSP2 de la familia C6000. Este procesador multinúcleo además permite modificar la frecuencia de reloj y la tensión de alimentación dinámicamente para conseguir reducir de este modo el consumo del terminal. Por otro lado, como reproductor de vídeos se utilizará una versión de MPlayer que integra un descodificador de vídeo escalable que permite elegir dinámicamente la resolución o las imágenes por segundo que se decodifican para posteriormente mostrarlas. Este reproductor se ejecutará en el núcleo ARM pero debido a la alta carga computacional de la descodificación de vídeos, y que el ARM no está optimizado para este tipo de procesado de datos, el reproductor debe encargar la tarea de la descodificación al DSP. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en que mientras el descodificador de vídeo está ejecutándose en el núcleo DSP y el Mplayer en el núcleo ARM del OMAP3530 se pueda elegir dinámicamente qué parte del vídeo se descodifica, es decir, seleccionar en tiempo real la calidad o capa del vídeo que se quiere mostrar. Haciendo esto, se podrá quitar carga computacional al núcleo ARM y asignársela al DSP el cuál puede procesarla a menor frecuencia para ahorrar batería. 1 ARM: Es una arquitectura de procesadores de propósito general basada en RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). Es desarrollada por la empresa inglesa ARM holdings. 2 DSP: Procesador Digital de Señal (Digital Signal Processor). Es un sistema basado en procesador, el cual está orientado al cálculo matemático a altas velocidad. Generalmente poseen varias unidades aritmético-lógicas (ALUs) para conseguir realizar varias operaciones simultáneamente. SUMMARY. Nowadays, the use of multimedia devices is a well known reality. In addition, these devices have high graphics and calculus performance and a lot of memory as well. In instance, we can play high quality videos and 3D environments in a mobile phone. That kind of use may increase the device's power consumption and make shorter the battery duration. Electronic and Microelectronic Design Group of Technical University of Madrid has a research line which is looking for optimization of power consumption while these devices are playing videos. The solution of this trouble is based on taking more advantage of battery by decreasing multimedia user experience. On this way, when battery charge is under a threshold while device is playing a high quality video the device is going to configure itself dynamically in order to decrease its power consumption by decreasing frame per second rate, video resolution or increasing the noise in the decoded frame. It is proposed splitting decoding and representation tasks in two processors in order to have the same calculus capability with lower frecuency. The first one is specialized in digital signal processing and the other one is a general purpose processor. In order to materialize this proposal we will use a board called BeagleBoard which is based on a multicore processor called OMAP3530 from Texas Instrument. This processor includes two cores: ARM Cortex-A8 and a TMS320C64+ DSP core. Changing clock frequency and supply voltage is allowed by OMAP3530, we can decrease the power consumption on this way. On the other hand, MPlayer will be used as video player. It includes a scalable video decoder which let us changing dynamically the resolution or frames per second rate of the video in order to show it later. This player will be executed by ARM core but this is not optimized for this task, for that reason, DSP core will be used to decoding video. The target of this final career project is being able to choose which part of the video is decoded each moment while decoder is executed by DSP and Mplayer by ARM. It will be able to change in real time the video quality, resolution and frames per second that user want to show. On this way, reducing the computational charge within the processor will be possible.
En Ecuador el maíz es el cultivo más importante en superficie y es base de la alimentación para la población rural que vive en los Andes. A diferencia de lo que sucede en la Costa, en la región Sierra todavía se cultivan numerosas variedades tradicionales que se agrupan en veinticuatro razas. Mantener esta diversidad es, pues, de gran importancia no solo para la seguridad alimentaria, sino también como fuente de genes para tolerancia a factores abióticos que podrían ser incorporados a las variedades modernas. Si bien parte de esta diversidad fue recolectada a mediados del siglo pasado y está siendo conservada en distintos bancos de germoplasma, es deseable que su conservación in situ también esté asegurada, entre otras razones, porque de esta manera el cultivo puede seguir evolucionando. Para poder implementar un plan de conservación en finca que contribuya a preservar este patrimonio, resulta imprescindible identificar áreas idóneas donde concentrar los recursos y conocer las características y tipologías de los agricultores que manejan la diversidad actual. Generar esta información es el objetivo principal de esta investigación y para lograrlo se han llevado a cabo cuatro estudios: (1) Análisis de la diversidad a nivel de razas e identificación de áreas de alta riqueza de razas, alta diversidad morfológica y/o alta diversidad ecogeográfica en la Sierra de Ecuador, (2) Identificación del perfil y las características de los agricultores que conservan y manejan las variedades tradicionales de maíz en la Sierra de Ecuador, (3) Análisis del conocimiento local, manejo y usos de variedades tradicionales de maíz en la Sierra de Ecuador, y (4) Identificación de áreas de alta diversidad y bajo riesgo de pérdida para la conservación en finca de maíz en la Sierra de Ecuador. Para el primer estudio se visitaron 303 fincas distribuidas a lo largo de la Sierra y se recolectaron 636 muestras que fueron caracterizadas morfológicamente mediante 14 variables: 8 relacionadas con la mazorca (forma, longitud y diámetro de la mazorca, color y diámetro de olote y número y disposición de hileras) y 7 referidas el grano (número total de granos, color, forma, longitud, anchura y grosor de grano y tipo de endospermo). Adicionalmente, las fincas donde se tomaron las muestras fueron caracterizadas ecogeográficamente mediante 5 variables climáticas (temperatura media estacional, rango de temperatura media anual, temperatura mínima de diciembre, precipitación estacional y precipitación de octubre), 2 geofísicas (altitud y pendiente) y 5 edáficas (textura principal del suelo, profundidad a roca, pH, contenido en materia orgánica y fertilidad). A partir de esta información y mediante técnicas de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), se generaron mapas de distribución por raza en formato vectorial y un mapa de riqueza de razas, un mapa de diversidad morfológica y un mapa de diversidad ecogeográfica en formato ráster con celdas de 10 km x 10 km. Los resultados permitieron constatar que, en los últimos 60 años, no se ha perdido ninguna raza. Sin embargo, Canguil, Chaucho y Clavito han dejado de cultivarse en algunas provincias con la consiguiente erosión genética del cultivo. La caracterización morfológica detectó diferencias en el grado de variabilidad intra-raza, siendo Patillo Ecuatoriano, Racimo de Uva y Uchima las razas más heterogéneas tanto para los caracteres cualitativos como cuantitativos. A nivel climático y geofísico, también se detectaron diferencias en el grado de variación intra-raza; Cuzco Ecuatoriano, Kcello Ecuatoriano y Montaña Ecuatoriana fueron las razas que en promedio presentaron mayores rangos y coeficientes de variación para estas variables ecogeográficas. En cuanto a las condiciones edáficas todas las razas, excepto Cónico Dentado, presentaron una gran heterogeneidad, pudiendo crecer tanto en suelos ricos como pobres, con valores de pH entre ácido y moderadamente alcalino. La comparación entre razas reveló diferencias significativas en los rangos ambientales de algunas razas como Cónico Dentado, que tiende a cultivarse a menor altitud y, por tanto, en ambientes menos fríos y de mayor precipitación que Blanco Blandito, Patillo Ecuatoriano, Sabanero Ecuatoriano, Uchima y Zhima. Para la mayoría de las razas se encontraron materiales potencialmente adaptados a condiciones de estrés (precipitación estacional inferior a 500 mm y suelos con pH entre 4.5 y 5.5). Finalmente, los mapas de riqueza, de diversidad morfológica y de diversidad ecogeográfica mostraron 36 celdas de alta diversidad repartidas en las 10 provincias de la Sierra: 11 celdas en las provincias del norte, 11 en las provincias del centro y 14 en las provincias del sur. Para la caracterización e identificación de las tipologías de los agricultores que cultivan maíz en la Sierra de Ecuador y el análisis de los posibles factores de riesgo de pérdida de diversidad, se realizaron entrevistas individuales y semiestructuradas a los agricultores dueños de las fincas donde se recolectaron las muestras para el estudio de diversidad (254 en total). Las preguntas que se formularon (11 abiertas y 5 cerradas) estuvieron organizadas en seis bloques: datos del agricultor, características de la finca, diversidad y conocimiento del cultivo, manejo del cultivo, usos y flujo de semillas. Los resultados indicaron que la diversidad de maíz que hay en la Sierra de Ecuador es manejada mayoritariamente por agricultores mestizos, de entre 30 y 55 años, que cultivan una o dos variedades tradicionales para autoconsumo, en parcelas de menos de 0.5 ha y en asocio con fréjol. El análisis de segmentación mediante el algoritmo Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) permitió identificar un pequeño grupo de agricultores indígenas con parcelas medianas (entre 0.5 ha y 1.5 ha) que conservan un mayor número de variedades tradicionales por finca que el agricultor promedio. Los análisis estadísticos no detectaron diferencias significativas entre etnias (mestizo vs. indígena), géneros (hombre vs. mujer) y grupos de edad (jóvenes menores de 30 años, adultos entre 30 y 55 años y adultos mayores de 55 años) en lo que respecta al conocimiento del cultivo (criterios de reconocimiento y razones de preferencia) y manejo (tipo de cultivo), pero sí detectaron diferencias entre regiones, principalmente en el modo de cultivar el maíz; mientras que en el norte y sur tienden a sembrarlo en asocio y con un mayor número de especies, en el centro acostumbran a cultivarlo preferentemente solo. En cuanto a los usos, se recopilaron hasta 39 modos diferentes de consumir maíz, siendo Kcello Ecuatoriano y Zhima las razas para las que se registró un mayor número de usos. La comparación del número medio de usos por variedad entre etnias evidenció que los agricultores mestizos utilizan sus variedades tradicionales de forma más variada que los indígenas. Entre los factores de riesgo que se analizaron, el bajo porcentaje de jóvenes agricultores que se ocupan de las fincas podría suponer una amenaza a medio plazo por falta de relevo generacional. Adicionalmente, las numerosas sinonimias y homonimias que se detectaron y el bajo intercambio de semillas también podrían ser causa de pérdida de diversidad, bien por reemplazo o por envejecimiento de la semilla. Finalmente, se concluyó que las razas Chaucho, Complejo Chillo-Huandango, Complejo Mishca-Huandango, Cónico Dentado, Montaña Ecuatoriana y Sabanero Ecuatoriano son particularmente vulnerables, no solo por su baja presencia, sino también por el color de grano que tienen (los mismos que la mayoría de las razas más comunes) y carecer de nombres y usos específicos. Finalmente, para la priorización de áreas de conservación en finca para maíz en la Sierra de Ecuador, se utilizaron 13 criterios de diferente naturaleza: 2 ecogeográficos (precipitación, diversidad ecogeográfica), 6 biológicos (grado de presencia del cultivo, riqueza de razas, diversidad morfológica, presencia de mezclas, presencia de razas locales y riesgo de erosión genética), 3 culturales (abundancia de variedades por finca, diversidad de usos y frecuencia de intercambio) y 2 demográficos (tamaño de la población y distancia a núcleos urbanos). Mediante técnicas SIG y de evaluación multicriterio, los valores originales de las capas-criterio fueron transformados a una escala de 0 a 100. Posteriormente, las capas-criterio normalizadas fueron sumadas utilizando tres métodos de ponderación: (1) mismo peso, (2) diferente peso según la puntuación otorgada por 72 expertos, y (3) diferente peso según el método de comparación entre pares de criterios. Los resultados permitieron identificar ocho celdas de 10 km x 10 km con alta puntuación (> 65): tres celdas en el norte (una en cada una de las provincias), una celda en el centro (en la provincia de Cotopaxi), y cuatro celdas en la región sur (dos en Azuay y otras dos en Loja). ABSTRACT In Ecuador, the maize is the most important cultivation in surface and it is a base of the feeding for the rural population who lives in the Andes. In contrast to what it happens on the Coast, in the Sierra region still there are cultivated numerous traditional varieties that are grouped into twenty-four races. Maintaining this diversity is, therefore, of great importance not only for food security, but also as a source of genes for tolerance to abiotic factors could be incorporated into modern varieties. Although part of this diversity was collected in the middle of the last century and is still preserved in various germplasm banks, it is desirable for the in situ conservation also is assured, among other reasons, because in this way the crop can continue to evolve. To be able to implement a conservation plan on farm that contribute to preserving this heritage, it is essential to identify suitable areas where to concentrate resources and know the characteristics and typology of farmer who managed the current diversity. To generate this information is the main target of this investigation and to achieve this, four studies have been carried out: (1) Analysis of the diversity at races and identification of areas of high richness of races, high morphological diversity and / or ecogeographical high diversity in the Sierra of Ecuador, (2) Identification of the profile and characteristics of farmers who conserve and manage traditional varieties of maize in the Sierra of Ecuador, (3) Analysis of local knowledge, management and use of traditional varieties of maize in the Sierra of Ecuador, and (4) Identification of areas of high diversity and low risk of loss for the conservation of maize in the Sierra of Ecuador. For the first study were visited 303 farms distributed along the Sierra and collected 636 samples that were characterized morphologically by 14 variables: 8 related to the ear (shape, length and diameter of the cob, colour, and diameter of cob and number and arrangement of rows) and 7 referred to the grain (total number of grain, colour, shape, length, width, and thickness and type of grain endosperm). In addition, the farms where the samples were taken were characterized ecogeographically through 5 climatic variables (seasonal average temperature, range of average annual temperature, minimum temperature for December, seasonal precipitation and precipitation of October), 2 geophysical (altitude and slope) and edaphic 5 (main texture of the soil, deep rock, pH, content of organic matter and fertility). From this information and techniques of geographic information systems (GIS), maps were generated for distribution by race in vector format and a map of richness of races, a map of morphological diversity and a map of ecogeographical diversity in raster format with cells of 10 km x 10 km. The results allowed observing that, over the past 60 years, it has not lost any race. Nevertheless, Canguil, Chaucho and Clavito have stopped being cultivated in some provinces with the consequent genetic erosion of the cultivation. The morphological characterization detected differences in the degree of variability intra-race, being Patillo Ecuatoriano, Racimo de Uva and Uchima races more heterogeneous both for the qualitative and quantitative characters. At climate and geophysical level, also detected differences in the degree of variation intra-race; Cuzco Ecuatoriano, Kcello Ecuatoriano and Montaña Ecuatoriana were races that, on average, showed higher ranges and coefficients of variation for these geographical characters. In terms of the edaphic conditions, all races, except Cónico Dentado, showed a great heterogeneity, and can grow both in rich and poor soils, with pH values between acid and moderately alkaline. The comparison between races revealed significant differences in the environmental ranges in some races as Cónico Dentado, which tends to be grown at lower elevations and, therefore, in environments less cold and greater precipitation than Blanco Blandito, Patillo Ecuatoriano, Sabanero Ecuatoriano, Uchima and Zhima. For most of the races were found materials potentially adapted to stress conditions (seasonal precipitation less than 500 mm and soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5). Finally, the maps of richness, morphologic diversity and ecogeographical diversity showed 36 cells high diversity distributed in 10 provinces of the Sierra: 11 cells in the northern provinces, 11 in the central provinces and 14 in the southern provinces. For the characterization and identification of the typology of the farmers who cultivate corn in the Sierra of Ecuador and the analysis of the possible factors of risk of loss of diversity, there were realized interviews individual and semistructured to the farmers’ owners of the farms where the samples were gathered for the study of diversity (254 in whole). The questions that were formulated (11 opened ones and 5 closed ones) were organized in six blocks: data of the farmer, characteristics of the farm, diversity and knowledge of the crop, crop management, uses and seed flow. The results indicated that the maize diversity that exist in the Sierra of Ecuador is managed mainly by mestizo farmers, aged between 30 and 55, who cultivate one or two traditional varieties for self-consumption, on plots of less than 0.5 has and in associated with beans. The segmentation analysis algorithm using the Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID technique), allowed to identify a small group of indigenous farmers with medium-sized plots (between 0.5 there is and 1.5 it is) that a major number of traditional varieties preserves for farm that the average farmer. The statistical analysis did not detect significant differences between ethnic groups (mestizos vs. indigenous), genres (man vs. women) and age groups (young people under 30 years of age, adults between 30 and 55 years and adults over 55 years old) in regards to the knowledge of the cultivation (recognition criteria and reasons of preference) and management (type of crop), but if detected differences between regions, mainly on the mode of cultivating the maize; while in the north and south they tend to sow in associate and with a greater number of species, in the center accustomed to cultivate it preferably only. In regards to the uses, they were compiled up to 39 different ways of consuming maize, being Kcello Ecuatoriano and Zhima the races for which a major number of uses registered. The comparison of the average number of uses per variety between ethnic groups showed that the mestizo farmers used their traditional varieties of form more varied than the indigenous people. Between the factors of risk that were analyzed, the low percentage of young farmers who deal with the farms might suppose a medium-term threat for lack of generational relief. In addition, the numerous synonyms and homonyms that were detected and the low seed exchange could also be a cause of loss of diversity, either by replacement or by aging of the seed. Finally, it was concluded that the races Chaucho, Complex Chillo-Huandango, Complex Mishca-Huandango, Cónico Dentado, Montaña Ecuatoriana and Sabanero Ecuatoriano are particularly vulnerable, not only because of their low presence, but also by the grain color they have (the same as the majority of races more common) and lack of names and specific uses. Finally, for the prioritization of maize conservation areas on farm in the Sierra of Ecuador, used 13 criteria of different nature: 2 ecogeographic (precipitation, diversity ecogeographical), 6 biological (degree of presence of the crop, races richness, morphological diversity, the presence of mixtures, presence of local races and risk of genetic erosion), 3 cultural (abundance of varieties per farm, diversity of uses and frequency of exchange) and 2 demographic (population size and distance to urban centers). Using GIS techniques and multicriteria evaluation, the original values of the layers-criterion were transformed to a scale of 0 to 100. Later, the normalized layers - criteria were added using three weighting methods: (1) the same weight, (2) different weight according to the score given by 72 experts, and (3) different weight according to the method of comparison between pairs of criteria. The results allowed to identify eight 10 km cells x 10 km with high punctuation (> 65): three cells in the north (one in each of the provinces), a cell in the center (in the Cotopaxi province), and four cells in the south region (two in Azuay and other two in Loja).
Formula Racing Team Manager (FRTM) se trata de un juego de un solo jugador, para Android, donde el jugador tendrá como objetivo principal ascender desde la quinta división inicial hasta la primera y lograr allí ganar la clasificación por equipos ante 19 equipos manejados por el sistema. Por el camino tendrá que gestionar una gran cantidad de tareas distintas en el juego, desde la gestión del equipo en sí a la gestión estratégica de las carreras. Para conseguir el objetivo será básico lograr una buena gestión económica, la fuente principal de ganancias son los patrocinadores, pudiendo contar con un total de cuatro simultáneamente. El dinero conseguido se utilizará en mejorar el equipo (empleados, coche y pilotos) lo máximo posible para conseguir mejores resultados en carrera. Hay una gran cantidad de circuitos disponibles, todos reales, combinando circuitos históricos del calendario de Fórmula 1 con actuales y con circuitos otros populares en otras categorías (a destacar la inclusión de carreras de resistencia como las 500 millas de Indianápolis o las 24 horas de Le Mans). Será importante entender bien los parámetros de cada circuito para lograr un buen resultado en todos ellos. La temporada se divide en 20 grandes premios, formado cada uno por tres sesiones (entrenamientos, clasificación y carrera). En los entrenamientos el jugador podrá, durante dos horas, dar todas las vueltas que cree oportuno hasta que su tiempo se agote, para encontrar así la mejor configuración posible para el coche, y obtener los datos de consumos y desgastes que encuentre necesarios para emplearlos en carrera. En la sesión de clasificación (separada en tres rondas), se decidirán las posiciones de salida en carrera Antes de la carrera el jugador deberá decidir qué estrategia utilizar en ella, escogiendo la configuración del coche, los compuestos de neumáticos y las cargas de combustible a utilizar en cada parada. Durante la carrera también podrá cambiar ciertos parámetros en caso de que la situación de carrera no se adapte a sus expectativas, teniendo así un control total de lo sucedido en carrera, como si de un director deportivo de un equipo real de Fórmula 1 se tratase. Durante la carrera, se irán simulando las vueltas cuando el jugador así lo desee y lo indique mediante un reproductor disponible. Posteriormente, al terminar la carrera volverá a predominar la gestión económica del equipo por parte del jugador, teniendo que controlar los desgastes de cada una de las diez piezas distintas del coche para evitar roturas, y volviendo a poder entrenar a pilotos y empleados. El juego está disponible tanto en español como en inglés. ABSTRACT. Formula Racing Team Manager (FRTM) is a single player game, for Android, where the player has the main objective of promoting from the initial fifth division to the first one, and winning there the championship against 19 teams managed by the system. On the way, the player will have to manage a different number of tasks in the game, from the team management to the race strategic management. To complete that objective a basic key is to achieve a good economic management, the main source of incomes are the sponsors; being able to have a total of four at the same time. The money received will have to be spent on improving the team (staff, car and drivers) the best as possible to try to achieve even better race results. There are a lot of available circuits throughout the game, all of them real, combining some historical from Formula 1 calendar with actual ones, and also with some popular circuits from other categories (to highlight the inclusion of endurance races like the 500miles from Indianapolis and the 24 hours of Le Mans). It will be basic to fully understand the parameters from each circuit to achieve a good result in all of them. The season is divided in 20 Grand Prix, every one of them composed by three sessions (free practice, qualifying and race). In the Free Practice session the player will get the chance to driver all the laps he can in two hours, to try to get the best possible setup for the car and to obtain data from tyres wear and fuel consumption. On the qualifying session (composed by three rounds), the starting grid for the race will be decided. Before the race, the player will have to choose the strategy to use, deciding the car setup, the tyres compound and the fuel inputs for every pit stop to do. Also, throughout the race, the player will get the chance to change some parameters of that strategy in case of the race not going as expected. On the race, every lap will be simulated when the player decides. And, after the race is finished, the player will have to work again on the economy and team management, controlling the wear of every car part to avoid malfunctions, and being able to train drivers and staff. The game is available in both spanish and english.
El consumo de energía es responsable de una parte importante de las emisiones a la atmósfera de CO2, que es uno de los principales causantes del efecto invernadero en nuestro planeta. El aprovechamiento de la energía solar para la producción de agua caliente, permite economizar energía y disminuir el impacto del consumo energético sobre el medio ambiente y por tanto un menor impacto medioambiental. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en estudiar el aprovechamiento solar para el calentamiento de los fangos en los digestores anaerobios mediante agua caliente circulando en el interior de un serpentín que rodea la superficie de dicho digestor, como apoyo a los métodos convencionales del calentamiento de fangos como la resistencia eléctrica o el intercambiador de calor mediante la energía obtenida por el gas metano producido en la digestión anaerobia. Para el estudio se utilizaron 3 digestores, dos delos cuales se calentaron con agua caliente en el interior de un serpentín (uno aislado mediante una capa de fibra de vidrio y poliuretano y otro sin aislar).El tercer digestor no tenía calentamiento exterior con el objetivo de observar su comportamiento y comparar su evolución con el resto de los digestores .La comparación de los digestores 1 y 2 nos permitió estudiar la conveniencia de proveer de aislamiento al digestor. La transferencia de calor mediante serpentín de cobre dio valores comprendidos entre 83 y 92%. La aplicación de la instalación a una depuradora a escala real para mantenimiento en el interior del digestor a T=32ºC en diferentes climas: climas templados, cálidos y fríos, consistió en el cálculo de la superficie de colectores solares y superficie de serpentín necesario para cubrir las necesidades energéticas anuales de dicho digestor, así como el estudio de rentabilidad de la instalación, dando los mejores resultados para climas cálidos con períodos de retorno de 12 años y una tasa interna de rentabilidad (TIR) del 16% obteniendo una cobertura anual del 79% de las necesidades energéticas con energía solar térmica. Energy consumption accounts for a significant part of the emissions of CO2, which is one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect on our planet. The use of solar energy for hot water production. can save energy and reduce the impact of energy consumption on the environment and therefore a reduced environmental impact. The objective of this research is to study the solar utilization for heating the sludge in anaerobic digesters by hot water circulating inside a coil surrounding the surface of digester, to support conventional heating methods sludge as the electrical resistance or heat exchanger by energy generated by the methane gas produced in the anaerobic digestion. To study 3 digesters used two models which are heated with hot water within a coil (one insulated by a layer of fiberglass and polyurethane and other uninsulated) .The third digester had no external heating in order to observe their behavior and compare their evolution with the rest of the .The comparison digesters digesters 1 and 2 allowed us to study the advisability of providing insulation to the digester. Heat transfer through copper coil gave values between 83 and 92%. The installation application to a treatment for maintaining full scale within the digester at T = 32ºC in different climates: temperate, warm and cold climates, consisted of calculating the surface area of solar collectors and coil required to cover the annual energy needs of the digester, and the study of profitability of the installation, giving the best results for hot climates with return periods of 12 years and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 16% achieving an annual coverage of 79 % of energy needs with solar energy.
Este proyecto se incluye en una línea de trabajo que tiene como objetivo final la optimización de la energía consumida por un dispositivo portátil multimedia mediante la aplicación de técnicas de control realimentado, a partir de una modificación dinámica de la frecuencia de trabajo del procesador y de su tensión de alimentación. La modificación de frecuencia y tensión se realiza a partir de la información de realimentación acerca de la potencia consumida por el dispositivo, lo que supone un problema ya que no suele ser posible la monitorización del consumo de potencia en dispositivos de estas características. Este es el motivo por el que se recurre a la estimación del consumo de potencia, utilizando para ello un modelo de predicción. A partir del número de veces que se producen ciertos eventos en el procesador del dispositivo, el modelo de predicción es capaz de obtener una estimación de la potencia consumida por dicho dispositivo. El trabajo llevado a cabo en este proyecto se centra en la implementación de un modelo de estimación de potencia en el kernel de Linux. La razón por la que la estimación se implementa en el sistema operativo es, en primer lugar para lograr un acceso directo a los contadores del procesador. En segundo lugar, para facilitar la modificación de frecuencia y tensión, una vez obtenida la estimación de potencia, ya que esta también se realiza desde el sistema operativo. Otro motivo para implementar la estimación en el sistema operativo, es que la estimación debe ser independiente de las aplicaciones de usuario. Además, el proceso de estimación se realiza de forma periódica, lo que sería difícil de lograr si no se trabajase desde el sistema operativo. Es imprescindible que la estimación se haga de forma periódica ya que al ser dinámica la modificación de frecuencia y tensión que se pretende implementar, se necesita conocer el consumo de potencia del dispositivo en todo momento. Cabe destacar también, que los algoritmos de control se tienen que diseñar sobre un patrón periódico de actuación. El modelo de estimación de potencia funciona de manera específica para el perfil de consumo generado por una única aplicación determinada, que en este caso es un decodificador de vídeo. Sin embargo, es necesario que funcione de la forma más precisa posible para cada una de las frecuencias de trabajo del procesador, y para el mayor número posible de secuencias de vídeo. Esto es debido a que las sucesivas estimaciones de potencia se pretenden utilizar para llevar a cabo la modificación dinámica de frecuencia, por lo que el modelo debe ser capaz de continuar realizando las estimaciones independientemente de la frecuencia con la que esté trabajando el dispositivo. Para valorar la precisión del modelo de estimación se toman medidas de la potencia consumida por el dispositivo a las distintas frecuencias de trabajo durante la ejecución del decodificador de vídeo. Estas medidas se comparan con las estimaciones de potencia obtenidas durante esas mismas ejecuciones, obteniendo de esta forma el error de predicción cometido por el modelo y realizando las modificaciones y ajustes oportunos en el mismo. ABSTRACT. This project is included in a work line which tries to optimize consumption of handheld multimedia devices by the application of feedback control techniques, from a dynamic modification of the processor work frequency and its voltage. The frequency and voltage modification is performed depending on the feedback information about the device power consumption. This is a problem because normally it is not possible to monitor the power consumption on this kind of devices. This is the reason why a power consumption estimation is used instead, which is obtained from a prediction model. Using the number of times some events occur on the device processor, the prediction model is able to obtain a power consumption estimation of this device. The work done in this project focuses on the implementation of a power estimation model in the Linux kernel. The main reason to implement the estimation in the operating system is to achieve a direct access to the processor counters. The second reason is to facilitate the frequency and voltage modification, because this modification is also done from the operating system. Another reason to implement the estimation in the operating system is because the estimation must be done apart of the user applications. Moreover, the estimation process is done periodically, what is difficult to obtain outside the operating system. It is necessary to make the estimation in a periodic way because the frequency and voltage modification is going to be dynamic, so it needs to know the device power consumption at every time. Also, it is important to say that the control algorithms have to be designed over a periodic pattern of action. The power estimation model works specifically for the consumption profile generated by a single application, which in this case is a video decoder. Nevertheless, it is necessary that the model works as accurate as possible for each frequency available on the processor, and for the greatest number of video sequences. This is because the power estimations are going to be used to modify dynamically the frequency, so the model must be able to work independently of the device frequency. To value the estimation model precision, some measurements of the device power consumption are taken at different frequencies during the video decoder execution. These measurements are compared with the power estimations obtained during that execution, getting the prediction error committed by the model, and if it is necessary, making modifications and settings on this model.
La obra de Emilio Pérez Piñero que se desarrolla entre los años 1961 y 1972 año en el que muere en un accidente de tráfico volviendo de Figueras, se centra principalmente en artefactos desplegables y desmontables, ejecutando prototipos que en el presente trabajo se han dividido en dos grupos; la cúpula reticular y la infraestructura. No pudo por tanto acudir al Congreso de 1972 de la UIA a recoger el premio Auguste Perret a la innovación tecnológica, que en años anteriores habían recibido Félix Candela, Jean Prouvé, Hans Scharoun o Frei Otto, y que en aquella ocasión tuvo que recoger su viuda. Parámetros como el de la movilidad, indeterminación, intercambiabilidad, obsolescencia y otros que se analizan en el presente trabajo, aparecen a lo largo de toda su obra ya que muchos de sus artefactos están ubicados en no-lugares y tienen un carácter itinerante y por tanto se hace indispensable su rápido montaje y desmontaje, que unas veces se resuelve mediante la desmontabilidad y otras con la plegabilidad de éstos. Aunque pueda parecer Piñero una figura autárquica, lo cierto es que durante la década donde concentra su trabajo se produce una explosión en torno a al arquetipo que será denominado de forma genérica `artefacto´, ligado conceptualmente a los parámetros que aquí se definen. Entendemos artefacto como objeto material realizado por una o varias personas para cumplir una función, es sinónimo de máquina y aparato y deriva de las palabras latinas ars o artis (técnica) y facto (hecho), para designar a los objetos cuya fabricación requiere alguna destreza. El término latino `ars´ engloba a las técnicas y a las artes, lo que no ocurre con el término castellano arte que deriva de él. Los movimientos utópicos que comparte la década con Piñero, utilizan el arquetipo infraestructural, ligero y high tech, para a través de una arquitectura más ligada a la ciencia ficción, realizar una crítica al Movimiento Moderno institucionalizado, todos ellos comparten cierta obsesión por la movilidad, ligada ésta a la idea de espacio flexible, dinámico, nómada. Este concepto de neo-nomadismo, que representa un habitar dinámico, aglutina las nuevas formas de vivir donde la movilidad social y geográfica son habituales. El nomadismo, por otra parte se entiende como sinónimo de democracia y libertad. La arquitectura pasa de ser pesada, estática, permanente a ser un elemento dinámico en continuo movimiento. A veces con connotaciones biológicas se asimilan los artefactos a organismos vivos y les confieren dichas propiedades de crecimiento y autonomía energética, acumulándose en torno a megaestructuras, donde quedan `enchufados´. En este intento de dotar movilidad a lo inmueble, se buscan estructuras vivas y modificables que crecen en una asimilación de las leyes naturales utilizando los parámetros de metamorfosis, simbiosis y cambio. Estos movimientos de vanguardia tienen también ciertas connotaciones políticas y sociales basadas en la libertad y la movilidad y reniegan del consumismo institucionalizado, de la arquitectura como instrumento de consumo, como objeto de usar en la cultura de masas. El carácter político de la autogestión, de la customización como parámetro proyectual, de la autosuficiencia energética, que anticipa la llegada de la crisis energética del año 1973. Objeto de este trabajo será relacionar los conceptos que aparecen fuertemente en el entorno de la década de los años sesenta del siglo XX, en el trabajo de Emilio Pérez Piñero. Parámetros encontrados como conceptos en los grupos de vanguardia y utopía a su vez fuertemente influenciados por las figuras del ingeniero Richard Buckminster Fuller y del arquitecto Konrad Wachsmann. Se analizará que posible influencia tiene la obra de Fuller, principalmente el prototipo denominado cúpula reticular, en la obra de Pérez Piñero y sus coetáneos analizando sus pensamientos teóricos en torno a parámetros como la energía, principalmente en las teorías relativas a Synergetics. El término inventado por Richard B. Fuller es una contracción de otro más largo que en inglés agrupa tres palabras; synergetic-energetic geometry. La definición de sinergia es la cooperación, es decir es el resultado de la acción conjunta de dos o más causas, pero con un efecto superior a la suma de estas causas. El segundo término, energetics geometry, que traducido sería geometría energética hace referencia en primer lugar a la geometría; ya que desarrolla el sistema de referencia que utiliza la naturaleza para construir sus sistemas y en segundo lugar a la energía; ya que además debe ser el sistema que establezca las relaciones más económicas utilizando el mínimo de energía. Por otro lado se analiza la repercusión del prototipo denominado Infraestructura, término acuñado por Yona Friedman y basado estructuralmente y conceptualmente en los desarrollos sobre grandes estructuras de Konrad Wachsmann. El arquitecto alemán divulga su conocimiento en seminarios impartidos por todo el mundo como el que imparte en Tokio y se denomina Wachsmann´s Seminar donde participan algunos de los componentes del grupo Metabolista que sorprenderán al mundo con sus realizaciones en la exposición de Osaka de 1970. El intervalo temporal entre 1961 hasta 1972 hace referencia a la horquilla donde Pérez Piñero realiza su obra arquitectónica, que comienza en 1961 cuando gana el concurso convocado en Londres por la UIA (Unión Internacional de Arquitectos) con el proyecto conocido como Teatro Ambulante, hasta 1972 que es cuando fallece volviendo de Figueras donde está realizando dos encargos de Salvador Dalí; la cubrición del escenario del futuro Teatro-Museo Salvador Dalí y la Vidriera Hipercúbica que debía cerrar la boca de tal escenario. Bajo el título de `Artefactos energéticos. De Fuller a Piñero (1961-1972)´, se presenta esta Tesis doctoral, que tiene la intención de vincular la obra de Emilio Pérez Piñero con la de las neo vanguardias producidas por una serie de arquitectos que operan en el ámbito internacional. Estas vinculaciones se producen de una forma general, donde a través de una serie de estrategias según la metodología que posteriormente se describe se buscan relaciones de la obra del autor español con algunos de los movimientos más significativos que aparecen en dicha década y de manera específica estableciendo relaciones con las obras y pensamientos de los autores que pertenecen a estos movimientos y donde estas relaciones se hacen más evidentes. El objeto del presente trabajo es analizar y explicar la obra del arquitecto Emilio Pérez Piñero, que espacialmente se localiza en el territorio español, desde el punto de vista de estos movimientos para posteriormente poder determinar si existen puntos en común y si el arquitecto español no solo comparte la década temporalmente sino también conceptualmente y por tanto utiliza el ideario que utilizan sus coetáneos que forman parte de las neovanguardias de los años sesenta de siglo XX. ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The Work of Emilio Perez Piñero was developed between the years 1961 and 1972 when he died in a car accident coming back from Figueres, where he was building a geodesic dome to close the building that enclose the Dali’s museum. All his Work is mainly centered in artifact that could be collapsible and removable, taking the two prototypes that are described in this work as a recurrent element in all his creation. These are the reticular dome and the infrastructure that are very influenced by the work from Richard B. Fuller and Konrad Wachsmann. Emilio Pérez Piñero could not receive the Auguste Perret Prize in 1972 awarded by the UIA that years before have received architects as Felix Candela, Jean Prouvé, Hans Scharoun or Frei Otto, and this time Pérez Piñero´s wife will accept it because of his death. Parameters like mobility, changeability, expendability, indetermination and others appear currently in his Work. All the inventions that Piñero had been patented and all of the artifacts that he created are usually located in no-places, because they do have a shifting identity. This kind of building has to be quickly set on site, and this problem has to be solved in term of foldability or demounting. In the decade where his work focuses, an explosion has occurred around this archetype to be generally called artifact that is usually linked to mobility. We understand artifact as a material object made by one or more people to work in a particular way. It is sometimes equated with the terms machinery and apparatus and it is derived from the Latin word `ars´ or `artis´, what means techniques and `facto´ (fact). And we use this term to refer to objects whose manufacture requires the same skill, in fact the Latin word `ars´ covers the techniques and arts, which does not occur with the Castillan term `arte´ that derives from it and means only art. The term neo-nomadic is a relatively new name used for a dynamic life, commonly referred to new forms of life where social and geographical mobility are common. On the other hand nomadic could be understood as a synonymous for democracy and freedom. The architecture is not going to be hard and static anymore but a dynamic element in the move. The Neo-avant-garde movement that shares the decade with Piñero uses this infrastructural archetype, which is light and high-tech, to criticize the institutionalized Modern Movement through architecture linked to science fiction. They all share an obsession with mobility, a concept that is connected to the terms `dynamic´, `nomadic´, `flexibile´, etc. Sometimes, with biological connotations, the utopian assimilate the artifacts to living organisms and give them these properties of growth and energy autonomy, and they apparently grow around megastructures where they are plugged. In this attempt to provide mobility to the inertness, living structures and possibility of change are sought in order to make them grow like a living organism and to assimilate the natural laws of growth. According to a definition from architecture provided by Fernández- Galiano who calls it `exosomatic artifact´, he understand architecture as artifact of the human environment that regulates natural energy flows and channels the energy stored in fuels for the benefit of living beings that inhabit. It is also true that during the sixties a new environmental awareness in public opinion is formed and that is due to the exploitation and disproportionate use of energy resources, acceleration of technological processes and mass consumption. Consequently a new concept is born: energy autonomy, it is very close to rational use of natural energy. Such a concept will be culturally assimilated with the requirement of independence not only in the management but also in the building construction until we arrive at energy autonomy. The individuals become energy consumer, which in turn can enter the energy produced in the system to `life in an eco-mode way´. The objectives of this research are analyzing all of these parameters and concepts that are coming into view in the surrounding of the decade and relate them with the Work of Pérez Piñero. Terms strongly present in the avant-garde movements around the decade, a young architect’s generation strongly influenced by Richard B. Fuller and Konrad Wachsmann. However, it will be analyzed how important the influence of Buckminster Fuller's Work was and his theoretical text about energy on the Work of Pérez Piñero and his fellows of the decade. The term Synergetic was invented by Fuller and came from the words synergy and energetic geometry. Synergy is the cooperation or interaction of two or more agents to produce a greater effect than the sum of their separate effects. Energetic geometry is related to the geometries that the Nature is using to build their construction but always using low energy consumption. On the other hand, the influences from Wachsmann around the prototype called Infrastructure have been analyzed. The German architect has developed knowledge around huge structures that he has spread all around the world through seminars that he has been conducted. One of these was the Wachsmann´s seminar in Tokyo, where same of the members of the Metabolist group were taking part of. Later these young architects will surprise the world with his artifacts at the World Exposition in Osaka in 1970. Between 1961 and 1972 Pérez Piñero produced his architectural work. It began in 1961 when he received the first prize with his project Mobile Theatre in the competition organized by the UIA in London. In 1972 the Auguste Perret Prize was granted by the UIA too. He could not accept it because he died before in a car accident when he was coming from Figueres, when he was designing two projects for Dali. With the title `Energetic Artifacts. From Fuller to Piñero (1961- 1972)´, this thesis relates the Work of Emilio Pérez Piñero with the neo avant-garde made by a young architects’ generation who is sharing the time with him. Several strategies have been used to formed relationships between them. They are described in the present work to set up a method that allows us to relate the work and ideas of the architects of the neo avant-garde with the ones from Piñero. This work is intended to analyze and explained the work of Pérez Piñero from the point of view of the international architects’ generation who is operating at the same time and finally to determinate if Piñero is not sharing the time with them but the concepts, ideas and architectural parameters.
Epidemiological studies suggest that there is a beneficial effect of moderate ethanol consumption on the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde, a two-carbon carbonyl compound that can react with nucleophiles to form covalent addition products. We have identified a biochemical modification produced by the reaction of acetaldehyde with protein-bound Amadori products. Amadori products typically arise from the nonenzymatic addition of reducing sugars (such as glucose) to protein amino groups and are the precursors to irreversibly bound, crosslinking moieties called advanced glycation endproducts, or AGEs. AGEs accumulate over time on plasma lipoproteins and vascular wall components and play an important role in the development of diabetes- and age-related cardiovascular disease. The attachment of acetaldehyde to a model Amadori product produces a chemically stabilized complex that cannot rearrange and progress to AGE formation. We tested the role of this reaction in preventing AGE formation in vivo by administering ethanol to diabetic rats, which normally exhibit increased AGE formation and high circulating levels of the hemoglobin Amadori product, HbA1c, and the hemoglobin AGE product, Hb-AGE. In this model study, diabetic rats fed an ethanol diet for 4 weeks showed a 52% decrease in Hb-AGE when compared with diabetic controls (P < 0.001). Circulating levels of HbA1c were unaffected by ethanol, pointing to the specificity of the acetaldehyde reaction for the post-Amadori, advanced glycation process. These data suggest a possible mechanism for the so-called “French paradox,” (the cardioprotection conferred by moderate ethanol ingestion) and may offer new strategies for inhibiting advanced glycation.
O câncer de mama é o segundo tipo de neoplasia mais prevalente no mundo e o mais comum entre as mulheres. É descrito que o padrão de consumo alimentar materno e paterno está relacionado à suscetibilidade da prole ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, inclusive o câncer. A amora-preta é uma das frutas com maior conteúdo antioxidante e seus compostos bioativos possuem atividade antioxidante, anticarcinogênica e anti-inflamatória. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho propõe avaliar os efeitos do consumo materno e/ou paterno de extrato de amora-preta (Rubus spp.) na suscetibilidade da prole feminina ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias mamárias quimicamente induzidas. Para tanto, camundongos da linhagem C57BL/6 foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: pai amora (PA), mãe amora (MA), pai e mãe amora (PMA) e controle (CTRL). Os pais receberam extrato de amora-preta logo após o desmame durante 8 semanas e as mães receberam o extrato durante a gestação e lactação. O extrato de amora-preta foi administrado na água de beber (0.84g de antocianinas/L) ad libitum. Os pais tratados com extrato de amora apresentaram redução na atividade enzimática da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e da catalase (CAT) no testículo (p<0.05 e p<0.001, respectivamente), aumento na capacidade antioxidante plasmática, na porcentagem de espermatozoides normais e na produção diária de espermatozóides em relação ao grupo controle (p<0.001 para todos). Além disso, os grupos PA, MA e PMA apresentaram aumento na taxa de prenhez (p<0.05) e redução da mortalidade perinatal (p<0.01, p<0.05 e p<0.001, respectivamente). Em relação à prole feminina não submetida à carcinogênese foi observada redução na capacidade antioxidante plasmática nos grupos PA (p<0.001) e MA (p<0.01), enquanto o grupo PMA apresentou aumento nesse parâmetro (p<0.001). No desenvolvimento da glândula mamária, houve aumento do desenvolvimento epitelial nos grupos PA, MA e PMA (p<0.001 para todos), de diferenciação nos grupos MA e PMA (p<0.01 para ambos) e da taxa de apoptose nos grupos MA e PMA (p<0.05), além de redução no número de TEBs nos grupos PA, MA e PMA (p<0.01, p<0.001 e p<0.001, respectivamente). Não foram observadas alterações significativas nas filhas submetidas à indução química da carcinogênese mamária por DMBA. Assim, é possível concluir que apesar de ter alterado o desenvolvimento da glândula mamária, o consumo materno e/ou paterno de extrato de amora-preta não foi capaz de impactar sobre a suscetibilidade da prole feminina à carcinogênese mamária quimicamente induzida.
Paper notebook in Latin on classical Greek grammar. The name "Thomas Prince" appears on the first page. The manuscript is undated. Based on the signature, this volume is assumed to have belonged to Thomas Prince, Sr., although it is undated and may have indeed belonged to Thomas Prince, Jr.
Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
This paper presents a theoretical model for the analysis of decisions regarding farm household labour allocation. The agricultural household model is selected as the most appropriate theoretical framework; a model based on the assumption that households behave to maximise utility, which is a function of consumption and leisure, and is subject to time and budget constraints. The model can be used to describe the role of government subsidies in farm household labour allocation decisions; in particular the impact of decoupled subsidies on labour allocation can be examined. Decoupled subsidies are a labour-free payment and as such represent an increase in labour-free income or wealth. An increase in wealth allows farm households to work less while maintaining consumption. On the other hand, decoupled subsidies represent a decline in the return to farm labour and may lead to a substitution effect, i.e., farmers may choose to substitute non-farm work for farm work. The theoretical framework proposed in this paper allows for the examination of these two conflicting effects.
Germany’s current energy strategy, known as the “energy transition”, or Energiewende, involves an accelerated withdrawal from the use of nuclear power plants and the development of renewable energy sources (RES). According to the government’s plans, the share of RES in electricity production will gradually increase from its present rate of 26% to 80% in 2050. Greenhouse gas emissions are expected to fall by 80–95% by 2050 when compared to 1990 levels. However, coal power plants still predominate in Germany’s energy mix – they produced 44% of electricity in 2014 (26% from lignite and 18% from hard coal). This makes it difficult to meet the emission reduction objectives, lignite combustion causes the highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reach the emission reduction goals, the government launched the process of accelerating the reduction of coal consumption. On 2 July, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy published a plan to reform the German energy market which will be implemented during the present term of government. Emission reduction from coal power plants is the most important issue. This problem has been extensively discussed over the past year and has transformed into a conflict between the government and the coal lobby. The dispute reached its peak when lignite miners took to the streets in Berlin. As the government admits, in order to reach the long-term emission reduction objectives, it is necessary to completely liquidate the coal energy industry in Germany. This is expected to take place within 25 to 30 years. However, since the decision to decommission nuclear power plants was passed, the German ecological movement and the Green Party have shifted their attention to coal power plants, demanding that these be decommissioned by 2030 at the latest.
De-inking sludge can be converted into useful forms of energy to provide economic and environmental benefits. In this study, pyrolysis oil produced from de-inking sludge through an intermediate pyrolysis technique was blended with biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil, and tested in a multi-cylinder indirect injection type CI engine. The physical and chemical properties of pyrolysis oil and its blends (20 and 30 vol.%) were measured and compared with those of fossil diesel and pure biodiesel (B100). Full engine power was achieved with both blends, and very little difference in engine performance and emission results were observed between 20% and 30% blends. At full engine load, the brake specific fuel consumption on a volume basis was around 6% higher for the blends when compared to fossil diesel. The brake thermal efficiencies were about 3-6% lower than biodiesel and were similar to fossil diesel. Exhaust gas emissions of the blends contained 4% higher CO2 and 6-12% lower NOx, as compared to fossil diesel. At full load, CO emissions of the blends were decreased by 5-10 times. The cylinder gas pressure diagram showed stable engine operation with the 20% blend, but indicated minor knocking with 30% blend. Peak cylinder pressure of the 30% blend was about 5-6% higher compared to fossil diesel. At full load, the peak burn rate of combustion from the 30% blend was about 26% and 12% higher than fossil diesel and biodiesel respectively. In comparison to fossil diesel the combustion duration was decreased for both blends; for 30% blend at full load, the duration was almost 12% lower. The study concludes that up to 20% blend of de-inking sludge pyrolysis oil with biodiesel can be used in an indirect injection CI engine without adding any ignition additives or surfactants.