994 resultados para Construction en bois.


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In this study of symbolic power relations in a transnational merger, we suggest that the popular media can provide a significant arena for (re)constructing national identities and power in this kind of dramatic industrial restructuring, and are an under-utilized source of empirical data in research studies. Focusing on the press coverage of a recent Swedish-Finnish merger, we specify and illustrate a particular feature of discursive (re)construction of asymmetric power relations; superior (Swedish) and inferior (Finnish) national identities, which, we argue, are embedded in the history of colonization and domination between the two nations. The findings of the present study lead us to suggest that a lens taken from post-colonial theory is particularly useful in understanding the wider symbolic power implications of international industrial restructuring.


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The paradoxical co-existence of conflicting logics governs practices in cultural organizations. This requires ‘balancing acts’ between artistic and managerial efforts, which are often subjects to struggle among the organizational members. This ethnographic study aims to go beyond either-or thinking on the paradoxical organizational context by examining how the organizational members of an opera house construct views on their organization in dialogical meaning-making processes. Various professional groups, dozens of upcoming productions, increased international cooperation, and global competition combined with scarce financial resources make opera houses a complex though interesting context for organization studies. In order to provide a deeper knowledge of the internal dynamics of an opera organization this thesis takes an interpretative view to examine the ways organizational members construct and make sense of their organization. How is the opera organization constructed by the organizational members? How do the members draw on different logics when relating to their organization? Or what are the elements that characterize the relational processes of organizational identity construction in an opera organization? The thesis aims to answer these questions by providing a detailed description of the everyday life of an opera organization and a particular focus put on organizational identity construction. The processes of organizational identity construction are approached from a relational point of view. This may involve various relations between multiple positions, different professional groups, other organizations in the cultural field or between past and present understandings of an organization. The study shows that the construction of an opera organization involves not only the two conflicting logics of art and economy, but also the logic of a national institution. The study suggests also that organizational identities are constructed through processes related to the dialogics of positions, work and management practices. The dialogics involve various struggles through which the organizational members find themselves between the different organizational aspects such as visiting ‘stars’ and an ensemble or between ‘Finnishness’ of opera productions and internationalization. In addition, the study argues that a struggle between different elements is a general mode of relation in cultural organizations and therefore an inherent and enduring aspect in the organizational identity construction. However, the space of ‘being in between’ involves both the enabling and constraining elements in the dialogical identity construction in the context of cultural organizations, which present the struggle in a more generative light.


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This paper focuses on the time dimension in consumers’ image construction processes. Two new concepts are introduced to cover past consumer experiences about the company – image heritage, and the present image construction process - image-in-use. Image heritage and image-in-use captures the dynamic, relational, social, and contextual features of corporate image construction processes. Qualitative data from a retailing context were collected and analysed following a grounded theory approach. The study demonstrates that consumers’ corporate images have long roots in past experiences. Understanding consumers’ image heritage provides opportunities for understanding how consumers might interpret management initiatives and branding activities in the present.


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Although extant research has highlighted the role of discourse in the cultural construction of organizations, there is a need to elucidate the use of narratives as central discursive resources in unfolding organizational change. Hence, the objective of this article is to develop a new kind of antenarrative approach for the cultural analysis of organizational change. We use merging multinational corporations (MNCs) as a case in point. Our empirical analysis focuses on a revelatory case: the financial services group Nordea, which was built by combining Swedish, Finnish, Danish, and Norwegian corporations. We distinguish three types of antenarrative that provided alternatives for making sense of the merger: globalist, nationalist, and regionalist (Nordic) antenarratives. We focus on how these antenarratives were mobilized in intentional organizational storytelling to legitimate or resist change: globalist storytelling as a means to legitimate the merger and to create MNC identity, nationalist storytelling to relegitimate national identities and interests, Nordic storytelling to create regional identity, and the critical use of the globalist storytelling to challenge the Nordic identity. We conclude that organizational storytelling is characterized by polyphonic, stylistic, chronotopic, and architectonic dialogisms and by a dynamic between centering and decentering forces. This paper contributes to discourse-cultural studies of organizations by explaining how narrative constructions of identities and interests are used to legitimate or resist change. Furthermore, this analysis elucidates the dialogical dynamics of organizational storytelling and thereby opens up new avenues for the cultural analysis of organizations.


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While extant studies have greatly advanced our understanding of corruption, we still know little of the processes through which specific practices or events come to be labeled as corruption. In a time when public attention devoted to corruption and other forms of corporate misbehavior has exploded, this thesis raises – and seeks to answer – crucial questions related to how the phenomenon is socially and discursively constructed. What kinds of struggles are manifested in public disputes about corruption? How do constructions of corruption relate with broader conceptions of (il)legitimacy in and around organizations? What are the discursive dynamics involved in the emergence and evolution of corruption scandals? The thesis consists of four essays that each employ different research designs and tackle these questions in slightly different theoretical and methodological ways. The empirical focus is on the media coverage of a number of significant and widely discussed scandals in Norway in the period 2003-2008. By illuminating crucial processes through which conceptions of corruption were constructed, reproduced, and transformed in these scandals, the thesis seeks to paint a more nuanced picture of corruption than what is currently offered in the literature. In particular, the thesis challenges traditional conceptions of corruption as a dysfunctional feature of organizations in and of itself by emphasizing the ambiguous, temporal, context-specific, and at times even contradictory features of corruption in public discussions.


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Hip-hopin juuret juontavat 1970-luvulle Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta hip-hop-kulttuuri ja musiikkityyli ovat sen jälkeen levinneet ympäri maailmaa osana globalisaatiokehitystä. Myös monet nuoret muslimit tekevät nykyään hip-hop-musiikkia, ja yhä useampi tuo myös sanoituksiinsa vaikutteita Islamista ja elämästään muslimina. Musiikin asema on islamissa varsin kiistelty, eikä sitä ole selvästi sallittu (halal) tai kielletty (haram) muslimeilta. Muslimien tekemää hip-hoppia on toistaiseksi tutkittu hyvin vähän. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin, miten tapaustutkimuksena toimivalla muslimhiphop.com-internetsivustolla argumentoidaan ja konstruoidaan käsityksiä muslimi-identiteetistä. Teoreettisena ja analyyttisenä viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalikonstruktivistinen näkemys identiteetistä kontekstisidonnaisena sekä puheessa ja teksteissä diskursiivisesti rakentuvana. Tutkielma kyseenalaistaa aiempien tutkimusten oletuksen hip-hopista vaikutuksiltaan yksinomaan positiivisena muslimi-identiteetille sekä muslimeja yhdentävänä tekijänä. Aineisto on kerätty edellä mainitulta sivustolta syksyn 2010 ja kevään 2011 aikana, josta analyysiin on rajattu vain itse sivusto ja sen hip-hoppia käsittelevät osiot. Sivusto ja sen perustaja ovat yhdysvaltalaisia, mutta sivustolla esiteltävien artistien tausta on hyvin monikulttuurinen. Moni on myös maahanmuuttajana nykyisessä kotimaassaan. Aineistossa esiintyviä teemoja ja diskursseja eritellään ja analysoidaan tutkielmassa lainauksien avulla. Sivuston periaatteissa ja artistien esillepääsyn kriteereissä määritellään tarkasti asennoituminen Islamin ja musiikin yhdistämiseen: mikäli sanoitukset ja artistit noudattavat Islamin oppeja, on muslimin sallittua tehdä ja kuunnella tällaista musiikkia. Islam-aiheisen hip-hopin perustellaan olevan ennen kaikkea vaihtoehto valtavirran hip-hopille, jota konstruoidaan aineistossa moraalisesti arveluttavaksi. Hip-hopille sekä muslimeille sallittuja ja kiellettyjä elementtejä erottelevan halal-haram-diskurssin ohella aineistosta nousee esiin opetusdiskurssi. Muslimien tekemän hip-hopin perustellaan edistävän Islamin opettamista erityisesti nuorille muslimeille ja siten vahvistavan positiivista muslimi-identiteettiä. Myös positiivisen muutoksen diskurssia käytetään aineistossa runsaasti liittyen mm. muslimiyhteisöihin sekä muslimeihin kohdistuviin taloudellisiin ja sosiaalipoliittisiin epäkohtiin ja stereotypioihin; musiikin sisältöä ja sen tekemistä perustellaan sen voimalla muuttaa asioita parempaan suuntaan. Monet muslimiartistit kamppailevat yhdistääkseen toisaalta Islamin ja taiteellisen luovuuden ja ilmaisuvapauden, toisaalta menestyäkseen kaupallisesti unohtamatta uskonnollista vakaumustaan. Monilla heistä hip-hop on ollut vahvasti läsnä kasvuympäristössä, mutta sen yhdistäminen Islamin periaatteisiin aiheuttaa kysymyksiä ja kyseenalaistuksia oman musiikillisen ja uskonnollisen identiteetin muodosta ja sisällöstä. Aineiston perusteella monet muslimiartistit ja Islam-aiheista hip-hoppia kuuntelevat muslimit joutuvat jatkuvasti puolustamaan musiikkia siihen kielteisesti suhtautuville muslimeille sekä ei-muslimeille, jotka vierastavat sen uskonnollisuutta. Muslimi-identiteettiä neuvotellaan jatkuvasti, ja se näyttäytyy aineistossa moniulotteisena ja tilanteisesti rakentuvana. Avainsanat: Muslimit, Islam, hip-hop, identiteetti, Internet, diskurssi, diskurssianalyysi


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A stereoselective strategy for the rapid acquisition of the complete framework (dideoxyottelione A) of the promising cytotoxic agent ottelione A, with four contiguous stereogenic centres on a hydrindane skeleton and a sensitive 4-methylenecyclohex-2-enone functionality, from the readily available Diels-Alder adduct of 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,5-dimethoxycyclopentadiene and norbornadiene, is delineated.


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The present work combines two rapidly growing research areas-functional supramolecular gels and lanthanide based hybrid materials. Facile hydrogel formation from several lanthanide(III) cholates has been demonstrated. The morphological and mechanical properties of these cholate gels were investigated by TEM and rheology. The hydrogel matrix was subsequently utilized for the sensitization of Tb(III) by doping a non-coordinating chromophore, 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN), at micromolar concentrations. In the mixed gels of Tb(III)-Eu(III), an energy transfer pathway was found to operate from Tb(III) to Eu(III) and by utilizing this energy transfer, tunable multiple-color luminescent hydrogels were obtained. The emissive properties of the hydrogels were also retained in the xerogels and their suspensions in n-hexane were used for making luminescent coating on glass surface.


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Resumen: El propósito del trabajo que presentamos a continuación es abordar la violencia como un aspecto de la construcción discursiva del rebelde musulmán y de la rebelión en al-Andalus entre los siglos VIII y X. En las elaboraciones históricas de los confl ictos sociales que marcaron la construcción del Estado omeya, los episodios violentos infl igidos a rebeldes políticos son un lugar común, pero la violencia como práctica también se encuentra presente explícita o implícitamente en el lenguaje utilizado en dichos discursos. De esta manera, nuestro análisis se centrará en aquellas palabras que contengan evaluaciones positivas o negativas de la fi gura del rebelde y de la rebelión en una de las crónicas históricas más tempranas de al-Andalus, el Ta’rīj iftitāh Al-Andalus de Ibn al-Qūtiyya.


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Resumen: El trabajo que presentamos a continuación tiene como objetivo abordar distintos aspectos sobre la construcción de las imágenes y de las prácticas discursivas que se proyectaron sobre el Islam y los musulmanes en la Castilla medieval. En este sentido, daremos cuenta del contexto mediterráneo y peninsular en la tensión Cristianismo-Islam, así como también de algunas medidas que desde la Iglesia romana se proyectaban sobre los moros. Recogeremos los antecedentes de las polémicas antiislámicas para luego adentrarnos en el universo castellano y ejemplificar estas disputas con algunos escritores cristianos para analizar sus posturas respecto del Islam y la veracidad de su religión.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Resumen: Este trabajo presenta información en torno a algunos puntos de encuentro en ciertos aspectos de las teorías del psicólogo ruso Lev S. Vygotsky y las del biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana. Específicamente, muestra sus similitudes en relación a los siguientes temas: la construcción del conocimiento como idea central, la perspectiva genética en sus trabajos, la reconciliación de acciones biológicas y sociales, y la aplicación de sus teorías al campo de la educación. Las posturas de ambos autores desdibujan las líneas que tradicionalmente dividen sus campos de estudio, por lo cual han podido aportar mucho a la teoría y práctica de la educación.


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Resumen: Este trabajo analiza las “redes de confi anza” que construyeron los campesinos de los concejos de la Tierra en Castilla tardomedieval. Es por ello que se estudian los resultados políticos de este tipo de construcciones y los puntos en los que poder político, gobernantes y gente del común se encuentran para organizar la vida cotidiana.


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La identificación del candidato con un producto comercial ha dado origen a una resistencia de parte de los partidos de marcada tradición ideológica y de variados ambientes culturales que ven en, lo que se ha denominado, la comercialización de la política y de las campañas un peligro para el proceso democrático. Encontramos que más allá de identificar a un candidato con un jabón, las técnicas utilizadas para elaborar los mensajes políticos no pueden ser minusvaloradas porque se utilicen en el campo comercial, sino que lo importante es establecer y respetar los contenidos de cada ámbito. Sin zanjar la cuestión, sobre el impacto que los medios de comunicación tienen en la vida democrática, este estudio intenta señalar que la personalización es parte esencial del proceso de comunicación política que genera cualquier campaña electoral. Para ello describe los factores que intervienen en la construcción del mensaje personalizado. Estudio este que debe abordarse teniendo en cuenta que el nuevo formato, a través del cual se trasmiten los mensajes políticos, es mediático y esencialmente audiovisual.


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[ES] La internacionalización de la producción de las factorías navales viene impulsada por las posibilidades que las nuevas técnicas de construcción abren a la desagregación de los procesos productivos. Además, los avances experimentados en las tecnologías de la información y comunicación reducen los inconvenientes de la deslocalización de actividades en distintos centros ubicados en áreas geográficas distantes. Asimismo, el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte resta importancia a los escollos del desplazamiento de las partes del buque entre los distintos puntos de construcción. Pese a ello, en el sector naval, cuyo mercado objetivo habitual es de ámbito mundial, la internacionalización de la producción resulta ser una práctica menos frecuente.