882 resultados para Congo (Democratic Republic)
Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zahlreiche Organisationen gegründet, die es sich zur Aufgabe machten, auf die Meinungsbildung im Osten und Westen Einfluss zu nehmen. Dazu zählte von 1957 bis 1990 die Psychologische Kampfführung / Psychologische Verteidigung der Bundeswehr (PSK/PSV). Ihr primäres Ziel war es, das Staats- und Gesellschaftssystem der Bundesrepublik nach innen und außen zu konsolidieren. Der Dissertationsschrift liegt ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zugrunde: Zum einen wird die PSK/PSV im Kontext der Propagandageschichte und -theorie dargestellt und untersucht – von diesem Standpunkt aus betrachtet handelt es sich um eine publizistikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Zum anderen wird die Wirklichkeit der PSK/PSV mit erziehungswissenschaftlichen Begriffen beschrieben, analysiert und unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert – aus dieser Sichtweise liegt hier eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Untersuchung vor. Die PSK/PSV stand historisch betrachtet keineswegs im wertfreien Raum. Vor allem die Ausprägungen von Propaganda im Dritten Reich – aber auch in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik – spielten für die PSK/PSV eine bedeutende Rolle. Sie waren gewissermaßen stets zu meidende (politische) rechte und linke Grenze in dem Unterfangen, eine eigene Form von Propaganda zu entwickeln und zu betreiben. Die PSK/PSV wirkte unter politischer Zielsetzung auf Einstellungen und Verhalten von Personen beiderseits des Eisernen Vorhangs ein. Ihre Aktivitäten weisen in auffälliger Weise Schnittmengen zu Feldern der Erziehung auf. Die unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Programme und Strategien der vier PSK/PSV-Bereiche – (1) Lehr- und Forschungsstätten, (2) PSK/PSV-Truppe, (3) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialbeziehungen e.V. und (4) Studiengesellschaft für Zeitprobleme e.V. – werden in der Dissertationsschrift dargestellt, analysiert und bewertet. In den Schlussbetrachtungen wird unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert, ob der in Presse und Politik geäußerte Vorwurf einer Nähe der PSK/PSV zur Propaganda und Erziehung im Dritten Reich haltbar ist.
La Peste dei Piccoli Ruminanti (PPR) è una patologia virale ed acuta che colpisce i piccoli ruminanti, diffusa in Africa Sub-Sahariana, in Medio Oriente ed in Asia Meridionale. Questo lavoro si propone di effettuare il primo studio epidemiologico sulla PPR nella Repubblica Araba Saharawi Democratica (RASD), che comprende i Campi Profughi Saharawi, in territorio algerino, ed i “Territori Liberati” del Sahara Occidentale, valutando la potenziale presenza, prevalenza e distribuzione del virus della PPR in questi territori. Lo studio si è basato su una metodica di campionamento “a cluster” secondo la tecnica “a due stadi”. Sono stati individuati 23 siti di campionamento dai quali sono stati raccolti un totale di 976 campioni di siero prelevati da pecore, capre e cammelli. I campioni sono stati prelevati in Marzo ed Aprile 2008. I risultati dei test Competitive-Elisa hanno evidenziato una sieroprevalenza nel 28,26% degli animali testati, benché durante la raccolta dei campioni nessun animale abbia presentato sintomi clinici riferibili alla PPR. Tra Gennaio e Maggio 2010, in seguito ad episodi di aumentata mortalità nella popolazione ovi-caprina presente nei Campi Profughi, le autorità veterinarie locali sospettarono un outbreak di PPR. Tra Maggio ed Ottobre 2010 è stato sviluppato un outbreak investigation nei Campi Profughi Saharawi con lo scopo di confermare la circolazione del PPRV. I risultati di laboratorio hanno confermato la presenza del virus nel 33,33% dei campioni. Il sequenziamento del genoma virale ha rivelato che il virus apparteneva al Lignaggio 4 e le analisi filogenetiche hanno indicato una stretta relazione (99.3%) con il PPRV isolato durante l'epidemia di PPR in Marocco del 2008.
Riconoscendo l’importanza delle traduzioni all’interno della cosiddetta repubblica democratica dell’infanzia, il lavoro analizza le prime traduzioni tedesche e italiane del classico della letteratura per l’infanzia I ragazzi della Via Pál di Ferenc Molnár, al fine di metterne in luce i processi non solo prettamente traduttivi, ma anche più ampiamente culturali, che hanno influenzato la prima ricezione del romanzo in due contesti linguistici spesso legati per tradizione storico-letteraria alla letteratura ungherese. Rispettando la descrizione ormai comunemente accettata della letteratura per ragazzi come luogo di interazione tra più sistemi – principalmente quello letterario, quello pedagogico e quello sociale –, il lavoro ricostruisce innanzitutto le dinamiche proprie dei periodi storici di interesse, focalizzando l’attenzione sulla discussione circa l’educazione patriottica e militare del bambino. In relazione a questa tematica si approfondisce l’aspetto della “leggerezza” nell’opera di Molnár, ricostruendo attraverso le recensioni del tempo la prima ricezione del romanzo in Ungheria e presentando i temi del patriottismo e del gioco alla guerra in dialogo con le caratteristiche linguistico-formali del romanzo. I risultati raggiunti – una relativizzazione dell’intento prettamente pedagogico a vantaggio di una visione critica della società e del militarismo a tutti i costi – vengono messi alla prova delle traduzioni. L’analisi critica si basa su un esame degli elementi paratestuali, sull’individuazione di processi di neutralizzazione dell’alterità culturale e infine sull’esame delle isotopie del “gioco alla guerra” e dei “simboli della patria”. Si mostra come, pur senza un intervento censorio o manipolazioni sensibili al testo, molte traduzioni italiane accentuano l’aspetto patriottico e militaresco in chiave pedagogica. Soprattutto in Italia, il romanzo viene uniformato così al contesto letterario ed educativo dell’epoca, mentre in area tedesca la ricezione nell’ambito della letteratura per ragazzi sembra aprire al genere del romanzo delle bande.
This paper presents an indicator for measuring multidimensional poverty in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic applying the Alkire–Foster methodology to the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2002/2003 and 2007/2008. We calculated a multidimensional poverty index (MPI) that includes three dimensions: education, health, and standard of living. Making use of the MPI’s decomposability, we analyse how much each of the different dimensions and its respective indicators contribute to the overall MPI. We find a marked reduction in the multidimensional poverty headcount ratio over the study period, regardless of how the indicators are weighted or how the deprivation and poverty cut-offs are set. This reduction is based on improvements regarding all indicators except cooking fuel and nutrition. We observe no significant reduction in the intensity of poverty, however; there are wide disparities between the country’s regions and between urban and rural areas. The proportion of poor people in rural areas is more than twice as high as that in urban areas. By complementing the traditional income-based poverty measure, we hope to provide useful information that can support knowledge-based decision-making for poverty alleviation.
Este breve texto se propone analizar la participación de los estudiantes universitarios durante la transición democrática en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en particular en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Se postula que se constituyó una conflictiva díada sobre la tensión entre los legados de los años setenta y la construcción de una república democrática que pretendía liderar el Partido Radical, a partir de la cual una no pudo definirse sin la otra y a partir de las cuales se definieron las formas de participación estudiantil
Este breve texto se propone analizar la participación de los estudiantes universitarios durante la transición democrática en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en particular en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Se postula que se constituyó una conflictiva díada sobre la tensión entre los legados de los años setenta y la construcción de una república democrática que pretendía liderar el Partido Radical, a partir de la cual una no pudo definirse sin la otra y a partir de las cuales se definieron las formas de participación estudiantil
Este breve texto se propone analizar la participación de los estudiantes universitarios durante la transición democrática en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en particular en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Se postula que se constituyó una conflictiva díada sobre la tensión entre los legados de los años setenta y la construcción de una república democrática que pretendía liderar el Partido Radical, a partir de la cual una no pudo definirse sin la otra y a partir de las cuales se definieron las formas de participación estudiantil
In order to prevent, suppress and punish human trafficking, bilateral agreements between origin of victim countries and destination countries are crucial, because their cooperation involves cross-border activities such as repatriation of victims, extradition of criminals and information-sharing. This article analyzes three bilateral legal instruments between The Government of The Kingdom of Thailand and her three neighboring countries, namely The Royal Government of Cambodia, The Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic and The Government of The Union of Myanmar. The analysis will examine the legal status of the victim, the victim as witness in criminal proceedings, the victim protection programs, the recovery and restitution of damages, the process of repatriating the victim, and the prosecution of the criminal.
Since the fall of the Wall, Eastern Germans have drastically changed their demographic behavior. Marriages and births have dropped to an unprecedented low level. Our paper tracks birth rates of the East German population, past, present, and future. We propose a simulation model of future cohort fertility. The hypotheses we develop build on the historical record of reproductive behavior in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) since 1960 and on an analysis of the pattern of change between 1990 and 1994. The particular emphasis lies in the assumption that East German couples will rapidly westernize their family size by trying to reach completed fertility levels of the corresponding West German cohort. This implies that the resulting adaptation process includes the postunification crisis as a logical first step.
Through a case study of the diffusion of the celebrated West Gennan "dual system" of vocational training to the territory of the fonner German Democratic Republic, we develop the argument that local sociopolitical relations matter crucially for the successful transfer and implementation of institutional arrangements. Notwithstanding massive levels of government funding, the presence of complementary supports, and the concerted efforts of Germany's social partners, the dual system is experiencing significant difficulties in the new federal states of the East. These difficulties are not due simply to the particular politics of unification (the wholesale transfer of West German institutions whether or not they were appropriate to Eastern Germany) nor even simply to the paucity of dynamic private firms capable of and willing to train new apprentices. The difficulties stem also from the under lying weaknesses of the East German sociopolitical infrastructure on which the entire dual system rests. This. hy pothesis is elaborated and substantiated through a range of data on training in the East and especially through the use of detailed case studies of Leipzig and Chemrutz.
This study compares monetary and multidimensional poverty measures for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Using household data of 2007/2008, we compare the empirical outcomes of the country’s current official monetary poverty measure with those of a multidimensional poverty measure. We analyze which population subgroups are identified as poor by both measures and thus belong to the category of the poorest of the poor; and we look at which subgroups are identified as poor by only one of the measures and belong either to the category of the income-poor (identified as poor only by the monetary measure) or to that of the overlooked poor (identified as poor only by the multidimensional poverty measure). Furthermore, we examined drivers of these differences using a multinomial regression model and found that monetary poverty does not capture the multiple deprivations of ethnic minorities, who are only identified as poor when using a multidimensional poverty measure. We conclude that complementing the monetary poverty measure with a multidimensional poverty index would enable more effective targeting of poverty reduction efforts.
v. 1. The Revolution under the monarchy, 1789-1792 -- v. 2. The democratic republic, 1792-1795 -- v. 3. The revolutionary government, 1793-1797 -- v. 4. The bourgeois republic and the Consulate, 1797-1804.
Translation of: Histoire politique de la révolution française.
This study investigated the comparative susceptibility of indigenous Moo Laat and improved Large White/Landrace pig breeds to infection with classical swine fever virus (CSFV) under controlled conditions in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). The Moo Laat (ML) and Large White/Landrace crossbreed (LWC) pigs were inoculated with a standard challenge strain designated Lao/Kham225 (infectivity titre of 10(2.75) TCID50/ml). The results demonstrated that both the native breed and an improved pig breed are fully susceptible to CSFV infection and the mortality rate is high. LWC pigs demonstrated lower (or shorter) survival times (50% survival time: 11 days), earlier and higher pyrexia and earlier onset of viraemia compared to ML pigs (50% survival time: 18 days). In the context of village-based pig production, the longer time from infection to death in native ML pigs means that incubating or early sick pigs are likely to be sold once an outbreak of CSF is recognized in a village. This increased longevity probably contributes to the maintenance and spread of disease in a population where generally the contact rate is low.