999 resultados para Compound request


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The C-H stretching, C-H bending, C-C stretching and the low-frequency vibration regions have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy for [n-CnH2n+1NH3]2 ZnCl4 with n=7 approximately 12, 16. It is found that their frequency and relative intensities are related to the length of carbon chain in the molecules and present the odd-even effect to carbon atom numbers in chain. Some changes in spectra are interpreted in terms of the different molecular packing and interaction of chain.


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The solid-solid phase transitions in the perovskite-type layer compound [n- C16H33NH3]2CoCl4 have been studied by infrared spectroscopy. A new phase transition at 340 K was found by comparison with differential scanning calorimetry results. A temperature dependence study of the infrared spectra provides evidence of the occurrence of structural phase transitions related to the dynamics of the alkylammonium ions and hydrogen bonds. The main transition at 374 K corresponds to the conformational order-disorder change in the chain, which probably couples with reorientational motions of the NH3 polar heads. GTG or GTG' defects appear in the high temperature disordered phase.


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In this study, using a bioassay-guided isolation and purification procedure, we obtained 3-chloro-2,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol from a marine-derived Ampelomyces species that effectively inhibited larval settlement of the tubeworm Hydroides elegans and of cyprids of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. The inhibitive effect on larval settlement was nontoxic and the EC50 of 3-chloro-2,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol ranged from 3.19 mu g ml(-1) to 3.81 mu g ml(-1) while the LC50 was 266.68 lambda g ml(-1) for B. amphitrite cyprids; EC50 ranged from 0.67 mu g ml(-1) to 0.78 mu g ml(-1), and LC50 was 2.64 mu g ml(-1) for competent larvae of H. elegans, indicating that inhibitive effect of this compound was nontoxic. At a concentration of 50 mu g per disc, this compound showed strong inhibitive effects on the growth of 13 out of 15 marine bacterial species tested in disc diffusion bioassay. Overall, the high inhibitory activities against bacteria and larval settlement as well as the non- or low-toxic nature of this compound to the barnacle and polychaete larvae suggest this compound could be a potent antifoulant and/or antibiotic.


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Twenty-nine marine bacterial strains were isolated from the sponge Hymeniacidon perleve at Nanji island, and antimicrobial screening showed that eight strains inhibited the growth of terrestrial microorganisms. The strain NJ6-3-1 with wide antimicrobial spectrum was identified as Pseudoalteromonas piscicida based on its 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The major antimicrobial metabolite, isolated through bioassay-guide fractionation of TLC bioautography overlay assay, was identified as norharman (a beta-carboline alkaloid) by EI-MS and NMR.


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High-molecular-weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, > 1,000 Daltons) is actively involved in the global biogeochemical cycling of many elements, but its carbon sources and detailed formation pathways are still not well understood. In this study, we measured bulk stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios, lipid composition, and compound-specific carbon isotopic ratios of HMW-DOM samples collected from four U.S. estuaries (Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay, Delaware/Chesapeake Bay, San Diego Bay, and San Francisco Bay). Analytical results show (1) a fraction of HMW-DOM (lipid associated) in estuarine and coastal waters is derived from bacteria and phytoplankton; (2) this fraction of HMW-DOM is formed by various release processes of bacterial membrane components and bacterial reworking of phytoplankton-derived material; (3) this fraction of HMW-DOM is generally present in all samples from different coastal systems despite variable organic matter inputs and environmental conditions, suggesting an important bacterial role in HMW-DOM formation.


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Laboratory studies have shown that Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) shrink if maintained in conditions of low food availability. Recent studies have also demonstrated that E. superba individuals may be shrinking in the field during winter. If krill shrink during the winter, conclusions reached by length-frequency analysis may be unreliable because smaller animals may not necessarily be younger animals. In this study, the correlation between the body-length and the crystalline cone number of the compound eye was examined. Samples collected in the late summer show an apparent linear relationship between crystalline cone number and body-length. From a laboratory population, it appears that when krill shrink the crystalline cone number remains relatively unchanged. If crystalline cone number is little affected by shrinking, then the crystalline cone number may be a more reliable indicator of age than body-length alone. The ratio of crystalline cone number to body-length offers a method for detecting the effect of shrinking in natural populations of krill. On the basis of the crystalline cone number count, it appears from a field collection in early spring that E. superba do shrink during winter.


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High molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, > 1000 Da) represents a major fraction (> 30%) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean and thus plays an important role in the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon and many other elements. Its organic sources and formation mechanisms, however, are still not well understood especially in estuarine and coastal regions where multiple natural and anthropogenic sources contribute to total HMW-DOM. In this paper we report our measurements of natural radiocarbon (C-14) abundances and stable carbon isotope (C-13) compositions of the major biochemical compound classes: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids separated from eight HMW-DOM samples collected from five US estuaries as part of our on-going study of sources, distribution and transport of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in estuarine and coastal waters. Distinct differences in both C-14 and C-13 values were found among the bulk HMW-DOM samples as well as the individual compound classes. Radiocarbon ages of the major compound classes varied by as much as 27,000 years in a single sample. The calculated average radiocarbon ages of the compound fractions of HMW-DOM indicate that the total lipid fraction is very "old", while the acid-insoluble fraction is slightly younger. Total amino acid and carbohydrate fractions, however, have relatively modern apparent C-14 ages. The significant variability in C-14 ages among the compound classes indicates not only multiple organic carbon sources but also different formation and turnover pathways controlling the cycling of different biochemical components of HMW-DOM in estuarine and coastal waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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the novel One-dimensional chain structure of the title cluster compound was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, TGA and X-ray single-crystal diffraction. The title cluster compound crystallized in a monochnic system with space group C2/c, a = 1.2656 nm, b = 2.20656 (4) nm, c =2.26763 (4) nm, beta = 92.078 degrees, V = 6.32852 (16) nm(3), Z = 4, D-c = 3.801 g/cm(3), A = 2.271 mm(-1), F(000) = 6512, R-1= 0.0549, wR(2) = 0.1087. The structure building block of the structure is the polyanion [SiW12O40](6-) with alpha-Keggin structure. The clusters were linked together with one-dimensional infinite chain through [ Ni ( enMe) (2)] (2+) cations. The [ Ni ( enMe) (2) ( H2O) (2)] (2+) cations and water molecules were filled in the structure. The cluster compound was expanded to three-dimensional framework by hydrogen bond interactions among molecules.


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Temporal locality of reference in Web request streams emerges from two distinct phenomena: the popularity of Web objects and the {\em temporal correlation} of requests. Capturing these two elements of temporal locality is important because it enables cache replacement policies to adjust how they capitalize on temporal locality based on the relative prevalence of these phenomena. In this paper, we show that temporal locality metrics proposed in the literature are unable to delineate between these two sources of temporal locality. In particular, we show that the commonly-used distribution of reference interarrival times is predominantly determined by the power law governing the popularity of documents in a request stream. To capture (and more importantly quantify) both sources of temporal locality in a request stream, we propose a new and robust metric that enables accurate delineation between locality due to popularity and that due to temporal correlation. Using this metric, we characterize the locality of reference in a number of representative proxy cache traces. Our findings show that there are measurable differences between the degrees (and sources) of temporal locality across these traces, and that these differences are effectively captured using our proposed metric. We illustrate the significance of our findings by summarizing the performance of a novel Web cache replacement policy---called GreedyDual*---which exploits both long-term popularity and short-term temporal correlation in an adaptive fashion. Our trace-driven simulation experiments (which are detailed in an accompanying Technical Report) show the superior performance of GreedyDual* when compared to other Web cache replacement policies.


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The relative importance of long-term popularity and short-term temporal correlation of references for Web cache replacement policies has not been studied thoroughly. This is partially due to the lack of accurate characterization of temporal locality that enables the identification of the relative strengths of these two sources of temporal locality in a reference stream. In [21], we have proposed such a metric and have shown that Web reference streams differ significantly in the prevalence of these two sources of temporal locality. These finding underscore the importance of a Web caching strategy that can adapt in a dynamic fashion to the prevalence of these two sources of temporal locality. In this paper, we propose a novel cache replacement algorithm, GreedyDual*, which is a generalization of GreedyDual-Size. GreedyDual* uses the metrics proposed in [21] to adjust the relative worth of long-term popularity versus short-term temporal correlation of references. Our trace-driven simulation experiments show the superior performance of GreedyDual* when compared to other Web cache replacement policies proposed in the literature.


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In many networked applications, independent caching agents cooperate by servicing each other's miss streams, without revealing the operational details of the caching mechanisms they employ. Inference of such details could be instrumental for many other processes. For example, it could be used for optimized forwarding (or routing) of one's own miss stream (or content) to available proxy caches, or for making cache-aware resource management decisions. In this paper, we introduce the Cache Inference Problem (CIP) as that of inferring the characteristics of a caching agent, given the miss stream of that agent. While CIP is insolvable in its most general form, there are special cases of practical importance in which it is, including when the request stream follows an Independent Reference Model (IRM) with generalized power-law (GPL) demand distribution. To that end, we design two basic "litmus" tests that are able to detect LFU and LRU replacement policies, the effective size of the cache and of the object universe, and the skewness of the GPL demand for objects. Using extensive experiments under synthetic as well as real traces, we show that our methods infer such characteristics accurately and quite efficiently, and that they remain robust even when the IRM/GPL assumptions do not hold, and even when the underlying replacement policies are not "pure" LFU or LRU. We exemplify the value of our inference framework by considering example applications.