992 resultados para Clostridium difficile (C. diff)


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Clostridium perfringens é uma bactéria anaeróbia Gram positiva, formadora de esporos e produtora de toxinas capazes de causar um amplo espectro de doenças em humanos e animais. Em frangos de crescimento rápido e de plumagem branca pode causar lesões e manifestações clínicas severas como enterite necrótica aviária (ENA), associada a uma baixa eficiência produtiva e avultadas perdas económicas. Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a utilização de um teste de ensaio imunocromatográfico de fluxo lateral, o Clostridium FirstTestTM, para deteção e quantificação precoce de C. perfringens em frangos de crescimento rápido e plumagem branca e posterior relação entre a presença do agente e as características dos bandos (peso médio à chegada, idade dos bandos à amostragem), fatores ambientais (densidade populacional, temperatura ambiente, humidade da cama) e os indicadores de produção (ganho médio diário, Índice de Conversão Alimentar e percentagem de mortalidade). Para tal, foram analisadas amostras fecais de trinta bandos, em dezoito explorações integradas, na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. De acordo com a classificação do Clostridium FirstTestTM, dos trinta bandos amostrados entre o décimo primeiro e o décimo quinto dia de vida, 30 % foram classificados como “Positivo” (n=9) e 10 % foram classificados como “Muito Positivo” (n=3); apresentando concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,1322 ng/ml e 0,3267 ng/ml, respectivamente. Os restantes bandos, 60% (n=18), foram considerados “Normal” e apresentaram concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,0283 ng/ml. As amostras fecais dos bandos classificados de “Positivo” e “Muito Positivo” foram posteriormente sujeitas a análise microbiológica apresentando ambos os grupos unidades formadoras de colónias (UFC), identificadas como C. perfringens. Verificou-se que não existe relação entre os resultados do Clostridium FirstTestTM e as características dos bandos, os fatores ambientais e os indicadores de produção. Verificou-se uma diminuição dos níveis de C. perfringens nos bandos sujeitos a tratamento.


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Seven obligately anaerobic, gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming organisms isolated from human sources were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the strains were genetically highly related to each other (displaying >99% sequence similarity) and represent a previously unknown sub-line within the Clostridium coccoides rRNA group of organisms. Strains of the unidentified bacterium used carbohydrate as fermentable substrates, producing acetic acid and lactic acid as the major products of glucose metabolism. The closest described species to the novel bacterium corresponded to Clostridium clostridioforme, although a 16S rRNA sequence divergence of 3% demonstrated they represent different species. Genomic DNA-DNA pairing studies confirmed the separateness of the unknown species and Clostridium clostridioforme. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is therefore proposed that the unknown bacterium, be classified as Clostridium bolteae sp. nov. The type strain of Clostridium bolteae is WAL 16351(T) (= ATCC(T) = BAA-613(T), CCUG(T) = 46953(T)).


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Morphological, biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on an unknown, anaerobic, rod-shaped organism isolated from faeces of a canine. The organism was tentatively identified as a member of the genus Clostridium based on its cellular morphology and ability to form endospores but, biochemically, it did not appear to correspond to any recognized species of this genus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the bacterium represents a previously unrecognized subline within Clostridium rRNA group I (Clostridium sensu stricto), which includes Clostridium butyricum, the type species of the genus. The nearest phylogenetic relatives of the unknown bacterium corresponded to Clostridium absonum, Clostridium baratii, Eubacterium budayi, Eubacterium moniliforme, Eubacterium multiforme and Eubacterium nitritogenes, but 16S rRNA sequence divergence values of > 3% demonstrated that it represents a novel species. Based on the findings presented, a novel species, Clostridium colicanis sp. nov., is described, with the type strain 3WC2(T) (=CCUG 44556(T) =DSM 13634(T)).


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Cost effective control of avian diseases and food borne pathogens remains a high priority for all sectors of the poultry industry with cleansing and disinfection, vaccination and competitive exclusion approaches being used widely. Previous studies showed that Bacillus subtilis PY79(hr) was an effective competitive exclusion agent for use in poultry to control avian pathogenic Escherichia coli serotype O78:K80. Here we report experiments that were undertaken to test the efficacy of B. subtilis PY79(hr) in the control of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis and Clostridium perfringens in young chickens. To do this, 1-day-old and 20-day-old specific pathogen free (SPF) chicks were dosed with a suspension of B. subtilis spores prior to challenge with S. Enteritidis (S1400) and C. perfringens, respectively. For both challenge models, a single oral inoculum of 1 x 10(9) spores given 24 h prior to challenge was sufficient to suppress colonisation and persistence of both S. Enteritidis and C perfringens. In particular, the faecal shedding of S. Enteritidis, as measured by a semi-quantitative cloacal swabbing technique, was reduced significantly for the 36 days duration of the experiment. B. subtilis persisted in the intestine although with decreasing numbers over the same period. These data add further evidence that B. subtilis spores may be effective agents in the control of avian diseases and food borne pathogens.


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Através de métodos bacteriológicos convencionais, avaliou-se a contaminação por Clostridium perfringens na ração e água utilizadas na alimentação e dessedentação de frangos de corte em diferentes regiões avícolas do interior paulista. C. perfringens esteve presente em 42 e 30% das amostras de ração e águas analisadas, respectivamente. As médias das contagens foram 6,7 x 10-2UFC mL para as amostras de água e 3,69 x 10-2UFC g para as de rações. As altas freqüências e contagens de C. perfringens verificadas nas rações e nas águas podem estar associadas à falta de higiene geral na manipulação e armazenamento dos mesmos. Sugere-se o monitoramento periódico da presença de C. perfringens nestas fontes, com a finalidade de evitar tal patógeno, em vista que o mesmo pode causar um surto de enterite necrótica levando, assim a grandes prejuízos na produção avícola.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Clostridial myositis is an acute, generally fatal toxemia that is considered to be rare in pet animals. The present report describes an unusual canine clostridial myositis that was diagnosed by a new multiplex-PCR (mPCR) designed for simultaneous identification of Clostridium sordellii, Clostridium septicum, Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium chauvoei, and Clostridium novyi type A. A ten-month-old male Rottweiler dog, that had displayed lameness and swelling of the left limb for 12 h, was admitted to a veterinary hospital. The animal was weak, dyspneic and hyperthermic, and a clinical examination indicated the presence of gas and edema in the limb. Despite emergency treatment, the animal died in only a few minutes. Samples of muscular tissue from the necrotic area were aseptically collected and plated onto defibrinated sheep blood agar (5%) in anaerobic conditions. Colonies suggestive of Clostridium spp. were submitted to testing by multiplex-PCR. Impression smears of the tissues, visualized with Gram and also with panoptic stains, revealed long rod-shaped organisms, and specimens also tested positive using the fluorescent antibody technique (FAT). The FAT and mPCR tests enabled a diagnosis of C. septicum myonecrosis in the dog. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The phylogenetic interrelationships of members of the Clostridium botulinum complex of species was investigated by direct sequencing of their 16S rRNA genes. Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences demonstrated the presence of four phylogenetically distinct lineages corresponding to: i) proteolytic C. botulinum types Al B, and F, and C. sporogenes, ii) saccharolytic types B, E and F, iii) types C and D and C. novyi type A, and iv) type G and C. subterminale. The phylogenetic groupings obtained from the 16S rRNA were in complete agreement with the four divisions recognised within the 'species complex' on the basis of phenotypic criteria.


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Charqui meats were prepared in laboratory conditions in order to carry out experiments to observe the possibility of development of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium bottilinum proteolytic type B spores and their toxins. Results demonstrated that the harsh processing conditions, high salt concentration, relative high temperature, a, values, inhibited the growth of both bacteria. Under our experimental conditions, S. aureus would survive throughout the sequence of salting steps i.e. brine followed by rock salting and the sunshine drying step. However, at final a(w) value of 0.70-0.75 would create conditions to inhibit its development. The other experiment revealed that C. botulinum spores germination also was impaired because of these low a(w) values. Under these conditions, charqui meats revealed to be safe products in relation to toxins from both enterotoxigenic S. aureus and C. botulinum. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The isolation of Clostridium botulinum from honey samples is described. Botulism is characterized as an intoxication provoked by ingestion of contaminated foods with this toxin. Infant botulism happens by the ingestion of spores of C. botulinum together with food that in special conditions of the intestinal tract, such as those present in babies of less than 1 year old, will allow the germination and colonization of the intestine with production and absorption of botulinic toxin. The samples were subjected to dilution and to a thermal shock and cultivated in modified CMM (Difco). Cultures were subjected to Gram smears and toxicity tests in mice. The toxic cultures were purified in RFCA (Oxoid) plates and incubated in anaerobic jars. Positive samples were typed using the mouse assay neutralization test. From the 85 honey samples analyzed, six were positive for C. botulinum (7.06%), and identified as producers of type A, B, and D toxins.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)