888 resultados para Circadian cycle
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The aim of this study was to evaluate the temperature and relative humidity influence in the life cycle, mortality and fecundity patterns of Triatoma rubrovaria. Four cohorts with 60 recently laid eggs each were conformed. The cohorts were divided into two groups. In the controlled conditions group insects were maintained in a dark climatic chamber under constant temperature and humidity, whereas triatomines of the ambiental temperature group were maintained at room temperature. Average incubation time was 15.6 days in the controlled conditions group and 19.1 days in the ambiental temperature. In group controlled conditions the time from egg to adult development lasted 10 months while group ambiental temperature took four months longer. Egg eclosion rate was 99.1% and 98.3% in controlled conditions and ambiental temperature, respectively. Total nymphal mortality in controlled conditions was 52.6% whereas in ambiental temperature was 51.8%. Mean number of eggs/female was 817.6 controlled conditions and 837.1 ambiental temperature. Fluctuating temperature and humidity promoted changes in the life cycle duration and in the reproductive performance of this species, although not in the species mortality.
Clostridium difficile is a gram positive, spore former, anaerobic bacterium that is able to cause infection and disease, with symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, sepsis and death. In the last decade new strains have emerged that caused outbreaks of increased disease severity and higher recurrence, morbidity and mortality rates, and C. difficile is now considered both a main nosocomial pathogen associated with antibiotic therapy as well as a major concern in the community.(...)
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Computational Biology
Since 1958, we have studied experimental Chagas' disease (CD) by subcutaneous inoculation of 1,000 blood forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain) in Balb/C. mice. Evolution of parasitemia remained constant, beginning on the 5th and 6th day of the disease, increasing progressively, achieving a maximum on about the 30th day. After another month, only a few forms were present, and they disappeared from the circulation after the third month, as determined from direct examination of slides and the use of a Neubauer Counting Chamber. These events coincided with the appearance of amastigote nests in the tissues (especially the cardiac ones), starting the first week, and following the Gauss parasitemia curve, but they were not in parallel until the chronic stage. In 1997, we began to note the following changes: Parasites appeared in the circulation during the first week and disappeared starting on the 7th day, and there was a coincident absence of the amastigote nests in the tissues. A careful study verified that young forms in the evolutionary cycle of T. cruzi (epi + amastigotes) began to appear alongside the trypomastigotes in the circulation on the 5th and 7th post-inoculation day. At the same time, rounded, oval, and spindle shapes were seen circulating through the capillaries and sinusoids of the tissues, principally of the hematopoietic organs. Stasis occurs because the diameter of the circulating parasites is greater than the vessels, and this makes them more visible. Examination of the sternal bone marrow revealed young cells with elongated forms and others truncated in the shape of a "C" occupying the internal surface of the blood cells that had empty central portions (erythrocytes?). We hypothesize that there could be a loss of virulence or mutation of the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi.
If widespread deforestation in Amazon results in reduced evaporative water flux, then either a decrease in evaporation is compensated locally by reduced rainfall,or else changed moisture balance expresses itself downwind in the yet undisturbed forest. The question of where rain will occur is crucial. It is suggested that the appearance of clouds and the occurrence of rainout is governed primarily by the interplay of local meteorologic and physical geography parameters with the atmospheric stability structure except for a few well-defined periods when rain is dominated by large scale atmospheric instability. This means that the study of these phenomena (local heat balances,studies on cloud formation mechanism, vertical atmospheric stability, etc.) must be made on the scale of the cloud size, a few tens of kilometers at most.
The effects of food concentration and temperature on embryonic and postem-bryonic duration of three tropical species, Daphnia gessneri(1.5mm), Diaphanosoma sarsi(1.2mm) and Moina reticulata(0.8mm), were investigated as part of life cycle studies which included growth, body size and reproduction. These are the very first experimental studies undertaken on these species. The long-term growth experiments were performed under controlled laboratory conditions at all combinations of temperature (22"C, 27"C and 32"C) and constant food concentration (0.03, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mgC/L) of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus acutus.Animals were examined twice daily throughout their life cycle from the neonate to third adult instar. In all three species, temperature exerted the most powerful influence on embryonic duration but there was also a smaller food effect. In D. gessneri,postembry-onic durations remained more or less the same at food levels 0.25 mgC/L but were influenced by temperature. At food concentrations of 0.1 mgC/L or lower, postembryonic durations became increasingly prolonged, particularly at high temperatures. This threshold concentration is affected by temperature: in D. gessneri,it was 0.1 mgC/L at 22oC and 27oC but higher at 32oC (between 0.25 and 0.50 mgC/L). At the same temperature of 27oC, the food threshold level varied between species: it was higher (0.25 mgC/L) for D. sarsiand lower (0.05 mgC/L) for M. reticulatacompared with D. gessneri(0.1 mgC/L). In both embryonic and postembryonic durations there is a body size effect as the absolute durations were longest in the largest species and shortest in the smallest species In all three species, prolongation of postembryonic duration at combinations of high temperature and lowered food levels was accompanied by increased number of juvenile instars.
Nowadays, the concrete production sector is challenged by attempts to minimize the usage of raw materials and energy consumption, as well as by environmental concerns. Therefore, it is necessary to choose better options, e.g. new technologies or materials with improved life-cycle performance. One solution for using resources in an efficient manner is to close the materials' loop through the recycling of materials that result either from the end-of-life of products or from being the by-product of an industrial process. It is well known that the production of Portland cement, one of the materials most used in the construction sector, has a significant contribution to the environmental impacts, mainly related with carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, the study and utilization of by-products or wastes usable as cement replacement in concrete can supply more sustainable options, provided that these type of concrete produced has same durability and equivalent quality properties as standard concrete. This work studied the environmental benefits of incorporating different percentages of two types of fly ashes that can be used in concrete as cement replacement. These ashes are waste products of power and heat production sectors using coal or biomass as fuels. The results showed that both ashes provide a benefit for the concrete production both in terms of environmental impact minimization and a better environmental performance through an increase in cement replacement. It is possible to verify that the incorporation of fly ashes is a sustainable option for cement substitution and a possible path to improve the environmental performance of the concrete industry.
A Zero waste management is believed to be one of methods to gain sustainability in urban areas. Take advantages of resources as enough as the needs and process it until the last part to be wasted is a contribution to take care the environment for the next generation. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are three simplesactivities which are until nowadays consideredas the back bone of zero waste. Jonggolgreen city is a new urban area in Indonesia with a 100 ha of surface area zoned as education tourism area. It is an independent area with pure natural resources of water, air, and land to be managed and protected. It is planned as green city through zero waste management since2013. In this preliminary period, a monitoring tool is being prepared by applying a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for urban areas [1]. This paper will present an explanatory assessment ofthe zero waste management for Jonggolgreen city. The existing situation will be examined through LCA and afterwards,the new program and the proposed green design to gain the next level of zero waste will be discussed. The purpose is to track the persistence of the commitment and the perception of the necessary innovationsin order to achieve the ideal behavior level of LCA.
The building sector is one of the Europeâ s main energy consumer, making buildings an important target for a wiser energy use, improving indoor comfort conditions and reducing the energy consumption. To achieve the European Union targets for energy consumption and carbon reductions it is crucial to act in new, but also in existing buildings, which constitute the majority of the building stock. In existing buildings, the significant improvement of their efficiency requires important investments. Therefore, costs are a major concern in the decision making process and the analysis of the cost effectiveness of the interventions is an important path in the guidance for the selection of the different renovation scenarios. The Portuguese thermal legislation considers the simple payback method for the calculations of the time for the return of the investment. However, this method does not take into consideration inflation, cash flows and cost of capital, as well as the future costs of energy and the building elements lifetime as it happens in a life cycle cost analysis. In order to understand the impact of the economic analysis method used in the choice of the renovation measures, a case study has been analysed using simple payback calculations and life cycle costs analysis. Overall results show that less far-reaching renovation measures are indicated when using the simple payback calculations which may be leading to solutions less cost-effective in a long run perspective.
OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of and variation in myocardial ischemia over 48 hours in patients with unstable angina. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with unstable angina underwent long-term electrocardiography for 48 hours. The number of events and the period of time of ischemia (in minutes) were analyzed for the 48 hours, in two periods of 24 hours, and in periods of 4 hours. RESULTS: We analyzed 1755.8 hours of monitoring tapes, and ischemic episodes were detected in 18 (46.2%) patients, corresponding to 173 ischemic episodes, allowing the evaluation of 1304 minutes of ischemia.only 4 of which were (2.2%) symptomatic, Considering the entire period of time of recording and the predetermined time intervals, we observed a higher number of ischemic episodes (38) and a longer duration of ischemia (315.4 minutes) between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. However, no significant differences occurred among the values in the different intervals. CONCLUSION: Long-term electrocardiography over 48 hours showed a high incidence (97.8%) of silent ischemic episodes in patients with unstable angina. No evidence of a circadian variation of myocardial ischemia in unstable angina was observed.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos do trabalho por turnos, incluindo o turno noturno, a nível da saúde, vida familiar e social, numa empresa do sector da indústria. Foi construído um questionário que abordava questões relativas aos dados sociodemográficos, organização temporal do trabalho, qualidade do sono, exigências da tarefa e envolvimento, saúde, vida familiar e social, e posteriormente foi aplicado a uma amostra de 24 trabalhadores com idades entre os 29 e os 52 anos (41,58±5,79 anos). Os resultados mostram uma tendência para doenças como a obesidade, colesterol elevado e manifestação de sintomas relacionados com problemas digestivos nos trabalhadores que trabalham por turnos à [sic] mais anos. Antes do primeiro turno noturno o tempo de sono é bastante reduzido e fica aquém do tempo que os trabalhadores sentem que necessitam dormir para se sentirem bem. O turno da tarde é o que permite os trabalhadores ficarem com um tempo de sono mais próximo desse “ideal”. Em relação à idade, todos os trabalhadores do grupo etário mais velho manifestam interrupções do sono diurno. Também se verifica um maior descontentamento destes trabalhadores com o tempo livre para realizar atividades que tragam bem-estar. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento da realidade do trabalho por turnos na indústria e espera-se que desperte a procura de soluções que otimizem a vida destes trabalhadores.
La retina juega un rol esencial en el funcionamiento del sistema circadiano de los vertebrados al ser la encargada de sensar las condiciones de iluminación ambiental que ajustan el reloj interno con el fotoperíodo exterior a través de un circuito no-visual. Este circuito es independiente de la vía de formación de imágenes e involucra a las células ganglionares retinianas (CGRs) que proyectan a varias estructuras no-visuales del cerebro; esta vía es la encargada de regular el reflejo pupilar, la sincronización de los ritmos diarios de actividad, el sueño y la supresión de melatonina pineal. La retina contiene además un reloj autónomo que genera ritmos diarios autosostenidos en distintas funciones bioquímicas y fisiológicas, que le confiere la capacidad de predecir el tiempo y anticiparse en su fisiología a los cambios lumínicos a lo largo del ciclo día-noche. Este laboratorio ha demostrado por 1ra vez que las CGRs de pollo poseen osciladores endógenos que generan variaciones diarias en la biosíntesis de fosfolípidos (Guido et al, J Neurochem. 2001; Garbarino et al., J Neurosci Res. 2004a) y de la hormona melatonina con niveles máximos durante el día (Garbarino et al., J Biol Chem 2004b). Aún más, cultivos primarios de CGRs responden a la luz a través de una cascada bioquímica de fototransducción similar a la de invertebrados y que involucra la activación de la enzima fosfolipasa C (PLC) (Contin et al., FASEB J 2006). Estos cultivos fueron obtenidos a estadios embrionarios muy tempranos en dónde solo las CGRs son postmitóticas y mayoritariamente maduras. A estos estadios, los cultivos expresan marcadores de especificación de células ganglionares (pax6, brn3), la proteina Gq y los fotopigmentos melanopsina y criptocromos con gran homología con marcadores descriptos para fotorreceptores rabdoméricos de invertebrados (Contin et al, 2006). Recientemente comenzamos a investigar la percepción de luz en pollos GUCY1*, un modelo de ceguera, en animales que carecen de células fotorreceptoras-conos y bastones-funcionales. Resultados preliminares indicarían que la retina interna, y potencialmente las CGRs de estos animales conservarían la capacidad de responder a la luz regulando el reflejo pupilar y sincronizando los ritmos diarios de alimentación. La convergencia de osciladores y fotopigmentos en la población de CGRs podría contribuir al control temporal de la fisiología del organismo y regulación de funciones no-visuales. Son objetivos de este proyecto: a) Investigar el rol de las CGRs en el sistema circadiano estudiando: i- su habilidad para sintetizar melatonina y, su regulación por luz y dopamina; ii- su capacidad fotorreceptora intrínseca, investigando la presencia de fotopigmentos y componentes de la cascada de fototransducción fundamentalmente la vía de los fosfoinosítidos y la activación de PLC, mediante ensayos moleculares, bioquímicos y farmacológicos; b) Extender estos estudios a cultivos primarios de CGRs inmunopurificadas midiendo la respuesta a la luz sobre la síntesis de melatonina, y los niveles de los mensajeros 2rios Ca2+ y AMP cíclico, la inducción de genes tempranos y la regulación de la actividad NAT, enzima clave en la síntesis de melatonina; y c) Investigar la percepción de luz en pollos GUCY1*(ciegos), sobre distintas funciones no-visuales tales como el reflejo pupilar, la sincronización de los ritmos diarios de alimentación, la síntesis de melatonina y la expresión génica en animales expuestos a estimulación lumínica de distintas intensidades y longitudes de onda. Estos estudios permitirán construir el espectro de acción de la respuesta a la luz en los pollos ciegos a fin de identificar el/los fotopigmentos intervinientes en este fenómeno. Este proyecto profundizará el conocimiento sobre la capacidad fotorreceptora-no visual de la retina interna y particularmente de las CGRs, de la naturaleza de la cascada bioquímica que opera en las mismas y de los mecanismos de regeneración del cromóforo utilizado.