940 resultados para Cimentação offshore
Teniendo en cuenta que está prevista la construcción y desarrollo de un gran polígono industrial en las cercanías del Término Municipal de Peñíscola (Castellón), se pretende que parte del abastecimiento de energía eléctrica a dicho polígono provenga del Parque Eólico Offshore “Sierra de Irta”. Una de las razones de da sentido a esta idea es la creación de una nueva instalación de generación de energía renovable que cause la mínima afección posible al Parque Natural Sierra de Irta, enclavado en las proximidades de Peñíscola. Además se pretende aprovechar el potencial energético de los vientos de la zona, pues según unos estudios realizados anteriormente presentan unas características óptimas para las instalaciones eólicas.
The objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of the variation of some parameters used in the analysis of the dynamic response of offshore structures under the action of wind generated waves. The structural response has been obtained by stochastic methods using two discretization models. One with lumped parameters, using translational degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) and the other with one-dimensional finite elements. Using each of these methods the problem has been solved with several d.o.f., analysing the influence of the number of d.o.f. on the results.
El objeto de este proyecto es definir suficientemente las características técnicas y de funcionamiento del parque eólico de generación de energía eléctrica, en Alcala de Xivert, con una potencia total a instalar de 18 MW (5 aerogeneradores de 3600 KW de potencia unitaria) que Iberdrola eólica tiene intención de instalar y explotar, a fin de abastecer la nueva sobredemanda eléctrica de la zona debido a la creación de nuevas urbanizaciones e instalaciones para promover el turismo en la zona. Dicho proyecto será extremadamente respetuoso con el entorno, cumpliendo en todo momento con la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental concedida por la Consejeria de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana y realizandose las actuaciones minimas necesarias para llevar a buen termino la construccion y posterior explotacion del parque, y siempre en coordinacion con las distintas Consejerias y Organismos interesados por la ejecucion del presente proyecto. El parque eolico estara situado en las proximidades del nucleo urbano Alcocebre proximo a la urbanizacion las Fuentes. El acceso a la zona de obras se realizara por la N-340 y despues por la Carretela de las fuentes que desemboca en la zona de costa mas proxima a la zona. Los aerogeneradores se situaran a 4 km en de la costa en una misma linea paralela a esta y separados 750 metros entre torres.
This paper is the result of research whose main objective is to analyse different methods used for the prediction of maximum scour depth and scour extension, and for the design of scour protections in offshore wind farms located in shallow water, using medium and large diameter monopile foundations. Physical agents such as waves, currents and wind play a major role in the design of structures like offshore farms. As a result, the study has highlighted the need for introducing experience backed climate monomials such as the dimensionless wave height parameter (H0) and proposes the use of formulations that can express the extent of scour protections as a function of waves in transitional waters.
This article describes the results of an investigation aimed at the analysis methods used in the design of the protections against scour phenomenon on offshore wind farms in transitional waters, using medium and large diameter monopile type deep foundations.
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la descripción de las obras e instalaciones necesarias para llevar a cabo la construcción del Parque Eólico Offshore de Mahón
Este proyecto tiene como objeto la descripción de las obras e instalaciones necesarias para llevar a cabo la construcción de un Parque Eólico Marino, y conseguir así las metas propuestas por los planes energéticos comunitarios, nacionales y autonómicos en cuanto a la producción de energía eléctrica a partir de fuentes renovables. Además, trata de servir de soporte técnico para la obtención de la autorización administrativa y la aprobación del proyecto de construcción y la puesta en marcha del Parque Eólico Marino en el marco legislativo.
Power losses due to wind turbine wakes are of the order of 10 and 20% of total power output in large wind farms. The focus of this research carried out within the EC funded UPWIND project is wind speed and turbulence modelling for large wind farms/wind turbines in complex terrain and offshore in order to optimise wind farm layouts to reduce wake losses and loads.
The presented works aim at proposing a methodology for the simulation of offshore wind conditions using CFD. The main objective is the development of a numerical model for the characterization of atmospheric boundary layers of different stability levels, as the most important issue in offshore wind resource assessment. Based on Monin-Obukhov theory, the steady k-ε Standard turbulence model is modified to take into account thermal stratification in the surface layer. The validity of Monin-Obukhov theory in offshore conditions is discussed with an analysis of a three day episode at FINO-1 platform.
The paper presents research conducted in the Flow workpackage of the EU funded UPWIND project which focuses on improving models for flow within and downwind of large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore. The main activity is modelling the behaviour of wind turbine wakes in order to improve power output predictions.
The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is modelled with the limited- length-scale k-ε model of Apsley and Castro. Contrary to the standard k-ε model, the limited-length-scale k-ε model imposes a maximum mixing length which is derived from the boundary layer height, for neutral and unstable atmospheric situations, or by Monin-Obukhov length when the atmosphere is stably stratified. The model is first verified reproducing the famous Leipzig wind profile. Then the performance of the model is tested with measurements from FINO-1 platform using sonic anemometers to derive the appropriate maximum mixing length.
The estimation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes is crucial to understanding overall wind farm economics. This is especially true for large offshore wind farms, as it represents the primary source of losses in available power, given the regular arrangement of rotors, their generally largerdiameter and the lower ambient turbulence level, all of which conspire to dramatically affect wake expansion and, consequently, the power deficit. Simulation of wake effects in offshore wind farms (in reasonable computational time) is currently feasible using CFD tools. An elliptic CFD model basedon the actuator disk method and various RANS turbulence closure schemes is tested and validated using power ratios extracted from Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms, collected as part of the EU-funded UPWIND project. The primary focus of the present work is on turbulence modeling, as turbulent mixing is the main mechanism for flow recovery inside wind farms. A higher-order approach, based on the anisotropic RSM model, is tested to better take into account the imbalance in the length scales inside and outside of the wake, not well reproduced by current two-equation closure schemes.
La finalidad de este documento es la redacción del proyecto de un futuro parque eólico Off-Shore en la costa del País Vasco, de la manera más clara, detallada y simple posible. Se tratará de cumplir los siguientes objetivos: Servir de soporte técnico para llevar a cabo la realización del parque eólico offshore en la costa vasca, en el término municipal de Ondárroa. Estudiar de manera detallada las posibles alternativas y obtener la solución más óptima y viable tanto funcional como económicamente.Ilustrar el modo de realización de los parques eólicos offshore junto con otros proyectos análogos a modo de guía para futuros proyectos de este tipo.Impulsar la construcción de parques eólicos marinos en España, para cumplir el Plan de Energías Renovables 2005-2011 integrado en el marco comunitario e internacional, ya que la C.E.E. se ha propuesto que las energías renovables participen con un 20% en el consumo energético total de la Unión en el año 2020.Motivar a las Diputaciones del País Vasco y a sus juntas municipales respecto a la apuesta por este modo de energía renovable, pionero a día de hoy en España, como ejemplo para otras Comunidades Autónomas y otras Administraciones Públicas potenciando la implantación de este nuevo modelo de tecnología sensible con el medioambiente. Por tanto, La energía eólica marina se considera como uno de los recursos renovables que más decididamente pueden contribuir a conseguir los objetivos anteriores en la Unión Europea.
In recent years, remote sensing imaging systems for the measurement of oceanic sea states have attracted renovated attention. Imaging technology is economical, non-invasive and enables a better understanding of the space-time dynamics of ocean waves over an area rather than at selected point locations of previous monitoring methods (buoys, wave gauges, etc.). We present recent progress in space-time measurement of ocean waves using stereo vision systems on offshore platforms, which focus on sea states with wavelengths in the range of 0.01 m to 10 m. Classical epipolar techniques and modern variational methods are reviewed to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time. The statistical and spectral properties of the resulting observed waves are analyzed. Current improvements of the variational methods are discussed as future lines of research.
Offshore wind industry has exponentially grown in the last years. Despite this growth, there are still many uncertainties in this field. This paper analyzes some current uncertainties in the offshore wind market, with the aim of going one step further in the development of this sector. To do this, some already identified uncertainties compromising offshore wind farm structural design have been identified and described in the paper. Examples of these identified uncertainties are the design of the transition piece and the difficulties for the soil properties characterization. Furthermore, this paper deals with other uncertainties not identified yet due to the limited experience in the sector. To do that, current and most used offshore wind standards and recommendations related to the design of foundation and support structures (IEC 61400-1, 2005; IEC 61400-3, 2009; DNV-OS-J101, Design of Offshore Wind Turbine, 2013 and Rules and Guidelines Germanischer Lloyd, WindEnergie, 2005) have been analyzed. These new identified uncertainties are related to the lifetime and return period, loads combination, scour phenomenon and its protection, Morison e Froude Krilov and diffraction regimes, wave theory, different scale and liquefaction. In fact, there are a lot of improvements to make in this field. Some of them are mentioned in this paper, but the future experience in the matter will make it possible to detect more issues to be solved and improved.