924 resultados para Chronic regional pain syndrome
Chronic back pain is one of the eight most important symptoms of mankind in several lifetime prevalence studies. In the chronification process, an utmost important role is devoted to psychosocial influences, whereas structural abnormalities normally do not have a primal function in this process. The author also includes the discussion of the possibilities for the generalist to influence early the chronification process with the aim to keep the patient in his/her working environment.
Previous somatic pain experience (priming), psychobiographic imprinting (pain proneness), and stress (action proneness) are key to an enhanced centralised pain response. This centralised pain response clinically manifests itself in pain sensitization and chronification. The therapeutic approach to chronic centralised pain disorders is multimodal. The overarching aim of the various interventions of a multimodal treatment program is to activate anti-nociceptive areas of the cerebral matrix involved in pain processing. The lists of medications targeting neuropathic and somatoform pain disorder show considerable overlap. Psychotherapy helps patients with central pain sensitization to improve pain control, emotional regulation and pain behaviour.
OBJECTIVE In psychiatry, pain disorders not explained by structural lesions have been classified for decades as somatoform pain disorders, the underlying concept being somatization. In a parallel move, somatic medicine has defined an expanding group of similar pain disorders, known as functional pain syndromes. Functional pain syndromes are characterized by enhanced pain sensitivity. The aim of our study was to investigate the proportion of patients with somatoform pain disorders who also meet the criteria of functional pain syndromes and the extent to which patients with somatoform pain disorders also show enhanced pain sensitivity. METHODS Data on pain sensitivity in 120 hospitalized patients were obtained by means of two algometric methods. The group of patients with somatoform pain disorders was further divided into two subsets: patients with and those without a co-diagnosis of a functional pain syndrome. Patients with nociceptive pain served as control group. RESULTS Of the 120 in-patients selected, 67 fulfilled the criteria of a somatoform pain disorder of which 41 (61%) also met the co-diagnosis of a functional pain syndrome. Patients with somatoform pain disorder differed from controls in that they showed enhanced pain sensitivity, irrespective of whether a functional pain syndrome was concomitantly present (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS Somatoform pain disorders show considerable overlap with functional pain syndromes, including enhanced pain sensitivity. This suggests the relevance of integrating somatosensory aspects of pain into a modified understanding of somatoform pain disorders.
The treatment of neuropathic pain challenges not only doctors but also hand therapists, since a majority of patients don't experience a significant pain relief despite systemic pain treatment. Early diagnosis of neuropathic pain and a therapeutic concept is crucial to meet the individual needs of the patient. The complexity of a pain syndrome calls for a multidisciplinary approach using patient education, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, such as graded motor imagery or somatosensory rehabilitation, behavioral therapy and physical measures. The evidence of the above mentioned therapies with regards to neuropathic pain is not yet completely established. Possible reasons are the lack of complete understanding of the pain causing mechanisms and the fact of treating the symptoms rather than the cause.
Background. Heart failure (HF) is a health problem of epidemic proportions and a clinical syndrome that leads to progressively severe symptoms, which contribute significantly to the burden of the disease. Several factors may affect the symptom burden of patients with HF, including physiological, psychological, and spiritual factors. This study was designed to examine the inter-relationship of physiological, psychological, and spiritual factors affecting symptoms for patients with HF. ^ Objectives. The aims of this study were to examine symptom burden of heart failure patients related to: (1) the physiological factor of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); (2) the psychological factor of depression; (3) the spiritual factors of self transcendence and purpose in life; and (4) combined effects of physiological, psychological and spiritual factors. One additional aim was to describe symptom intensity related to symptom burden. ^ Methods. A cross-sectional non-experimental correlational design was used to examine factors affecting symptom burden in 105 patients with HF from a southwestern medical center outpatient heart failure clinic. Both men and women were included; average age was 56.6 (SD = 16.86). All measures except BNP were obtained by patient self-report. ^ Results. The mean number of symptoms present was 8.17 (SD = 3.34) with the three most common symptoms being shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, and weakness. The mean symptom intensity was 365.66 (SD = 199.50) on a summative scale of visual analogue reports for 13 symptoms. The mean BNP level was 292.64 pg/ml (SD = 57 1.11). The prevalence rate for depression was 43.6% with a mean score of 3.48 (SD = 2.75) on the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression scale (CES-D 10) scale. In a multivariate analysis, depression was the only significant predictor of symptom burden (r = .474; P < .001), accounting for 18% of the variance. Spirituality had an interaction effect with depression (P ≤ .001), serving as a moderator between depression and symptom burden. ^ Conclusion. HF is a chronic and progressive syndrome characterized by severe symptoms, hospitalizations and disability. Depression is significantly related to symptom burden and this relationship is moderated by spirituality. ^
Back symptoms are a major global public health problem with the lifetime prevalence ranging between 50-80%. Research suggests that work-related factors contribute to the occurrence of back pain in various industries. Despite the hazardous nature, strenuous tasks, and awkward postures associated with farm work, little is known about back injury and symptoms in farmworker adults and children. Research in the United States is particularly limited. This is a concern given the large proportion of migrant farmworkers in the United States without adequate access to healthcare as well as a substantial number of youth working in agriculture. The present study describes back symptoms and identifies work-related factors associated with back pain in migrant farmworker families and farmworker high school students from Starr County, TX. Two separate datasets were used from two cohort studies "Injury and Illness Surveillance in Migrant Farmworkers (MANOS)" (study A: n=267 families) and "South Texas Adolescent Rural Research Study (STARRS)" (study B: n=345). Descriptive and inferential statistics including multivariable logistic regression were used to identify work-related factors associated with back pain in each study. In migrant farmworker families, the prevalence of chronic back pain during the last migration season ranged from 9.5% among youngest children to 33.3% among mothers. Chronic back pain was significantly associated with increasing age; fairly bad/very bad quality of sleep while migrating; fewer than eight hours of sleep at home in Starr County, TX; depressive symptoms while migrating; self-provided water for washing hands/drinking; weeding at work; and exposure to pesticide drift/direct spray. Among farmworker adolescents, the prevalence of severe back symptoms was 15.7%. Severe back symptoms were significantly associated with being female; history of a prior accident/back injury; feeling tense, stressed, or anxious sometimes/often; lifting/carrying heavy objects not at work; current tobacco use; increasing lifetime number of migrant farmworker years; working with/around knives; and working on corn crops. Overall, results support that associations between work-related exposures and chronic back pain and severe back symptoms remain after controlling for the effect of non-work exposures in farmworker populations. ^
Background. The incidence of Clostridium difficile -associated diarrhea (CDAD) is increasing worldwide likely because of increased use of broad spectrum antibiotics and the introduction of a clonal hyper-virulent strain called the BI strain. Short-term complications of CDAD include recurrent disease, requirement for colectomy, and persistent disease. However, data on the long-term consequences of CDAD are scarce. Among other infectious diseases (Shigella, Salmonella, and Campylobacter), long-term consequences such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic dyspepsia/diarrhea, and other GI effects have been noted. Since the mechanism of action of these agents is similar to C.difficile, we hypothesized that patients with CDAD have greater likelihood of developing IBS and other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in the long-term as compared to a general sample of recently hospitalized patients. ^ Objective. To evaluate the long-term gastrointestinal complications of CDAD, (IBS, functional diarrhea, functional abdominal bloating, functional constipation and functional abdominal pain syndrome). ^ Methods. The current study was a secondary analysis of a previously completed observational case-control outcome study. Adult CDAD patients at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston (SLEH) were followed up and interviewed by telephone six months after the initial diagnosis thereafter evaluated for the development of IBS and other FGIDs. A total of 46 patients with CDAD infection were recruited at SLEH between May-November 2007. The comparators were patients hospitalized in SLEH within one month before or after the admission of the reference case, hospital length of stay within one week longer or shorter than reference case, and age within 10 years more or less than the reference case. Cases and comparators were compared using Fisher's exact test. A p<0.05 was considered significant. ^ Results. Thirty CDAD patients responded to the questionnaires and were compared to 40 comparators. No comparator developed a FGID, while 3 (10%) CDAD patients developed new onset IBS (p=0.07), 4 (13.3%) developed new onset Functional Diarrhea (p=0.03), and 3 (10%) developed new onset Functional Constipation (p=0.07). No patient developed Functional Abdominal Bloating and Functional Abdominal Pain Syndrome. ^ Conclusion. In this study, new onset functional diarrhea was significantly more common in patients CDAD within six months after initial infection compared to matched controls.^
El dolor es un síntoma frecuente en la práctica médica. En España, un estudio realizado en el año 2000 demostró que cada médico atiende un promedio de 181 pacientes con dolor por mes, la mayoría de ellos con dolor crónico moderado1. Del 7%-8% de la población europea está afectada y hasta el 5% puede ser grave2-3, se estima, que afecta a más de dos millones de españoles4. En la consulta de Atención Primaria, los pacientes con dolor neuropático tienen tasas de depresión mucho mayores 5-6-7. El dolor neuropático8 es el dolor causado por daño o enfermedad que afecta al sistema somato-sensorial, es un problema de salud pública con un alto coste laboral, debido a que existe cierto desconocimiento de sus singularidades, tanto de su diagnóstico como de su tratamiento, que al fallar, el dolor se perpetúa y se hace más rebelde a la hora de tratarlo, en la mayoría de las ocasiones pasa a ser crónico. Los mecanismos fisiopatológicos son evolutivos, se trata de un proceso progresivo e integrado que avanza si no recibe tratamiento, ocasionando graves repercusiones en la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados9. De acuerdo a Prusiner (premio nobel de medicina 1997), en todas las enfermedades neurodegenerativas hay algún tipo de proceso anormal de la función neuronal. Las enfermedades neurodegenerativas son la consecuencia de anormalidades en el proceso de ciertas proteínas que intervienen en el ciclo celular, por lo tanto da lugar al cúmulo de las mismas en las neuronas o en sus proximidades, disminuyendo o anulando sus funciones, como la enfermedad de Alzheimer y el mismo SXF. La proteína FMRP (Fragile Mental Retardation Protein), esencial para el desarrollo cognitivo normal, ha sido relacionada con la vía piramidal del dolor10-11-12. El Síndrome de X Frágil13-14 (SXF), se debe a la mutación del Gen (FMR-1). Como consecuencia de la mutación, el gen se inactiva y no puede realizar la función de sintetizar la proteína FMRP. Por su incidencia se le considera la primera causa de Deficiencia Mental Hereditaria sólo superada por el Síndrome de Down. La electroencefalografía (EEG) es el registro de la actividad bioeléctrica cerebral que ha traído el desarrollo diario de los estudios clínicos y experimentales para el descubrimiento, diagnóstico y tratamiento de un gran número de anormalidades neurológicas y fisiológicas del cerebro y el resto del sistema nervioso central (SNC) incluyendo el dolor. El objetivo de la presente investigación es por medio de un estudio multimodal, desarrollar nuevas formas de presentación diagnóstica mediante técnicas avanzadas de procesado de señal y de imagen, determinando así los vínculos entre las evaluaciones cognitivas y su correlación anatómica con la modulación al dolor presente en patologías relacionadas con proteína FMRP. Utilizando técnicas biomédicas (funcionalestructural) para su caracterización. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea hemos utilizado el modelo animal de ratón. Nuestros resultados en este estudio multimodal demuestran que hay alteraciones en las vías de dolor en el modelo animal FMR1-KO, en concreto en la modulación encefálica (dolor neuropático), los datos se basan en los resultados del estudio estructural (imagen histología), funcional (EEG) y en pruebas de comportamiento (Laberinto de Barnes). En la Histología se muestra una clara asimetría estructural en el modelo FMR1 KO con respecto al control WT, donde el hemisferio Izquierdo tiene mayor densidad de masa neuronal en KO hembras 56.7%-60.8%, machos 58.3%-61%, en WT hembras 62.7%-62.4%, machos 55%-56.2%, hemisferio derecho-izquierdo respectivamente, esto refleja una correlación entre hemisferios muy baja en los sujetos KO (~50%) con respecto a los control WT (~90%). Se encontró correlación significativa entre las pruebas de memoria a largo plazo con respecto a la asimetría hemisférica (r = -0.48, corregido <0,05). En el estudio de comportamiento también hay diferencias, los sujetos WT tuvieron 22% un de rendimiento en la memoria a largo plazo, mientras que en los machos hay deterioro de memoria de un 28% que se corresponden con la patología en humanos. En los resultados de EEG estudiados en el hemisferio izquierdo, en el área de la corteza insular, encuentran que la latencia de la respuesta al potencial evocado es menor (22vs32 15vs96seg), la intensidad de la señal es mayor para los sujetos experimentales FMR1 KO frente a los sujetos control, esto es muy significativo dados los resultados en la histología (140vs129 145vs142 mv). Este estudio multimodal corrobora que las manifestaciones clínicas del SXF son variables dependientes de la edad y el sexo. Hemos podido corroborar en el modelo animal que en la etapa de adulto, los varones con SXF comienzan a desarrollar problemas en el desempeño de tareas que requieren la puesta en marcha de la función ejecutiva central de la memoria de trabajo (almacenamiento temporal). En el análisis del comportamiento es difícil llegar a una conclusión objetiva, se necesitan más estudios en diferentes etapas de la vida corroborados con resultados histológicos. Los avances logrados en los últimos años en su estudio han sido muy positivos, de tal modo que se están abriendo nuevas vías de investigación en un conjunto de procesos que representan un gran desafío a problemas médicos, asistenciales, sociales y económicos a los que se enfrentan los principales países desarrollados, con un aumento masivo de las expectativas de vida y de calidad. Las herramientas utilizadas en el campo de las neurociencias nos ofrecen grandes posibilidades para el desarrollo de estrategias que permitan ser utilizadas en el área de la educación, investigación y desarrollo. La genética determina la estructura del cerebro y nuestra investigación comprueba que la ausencia de FMRP también podría estar implicada en la modulación del dolor como parte de su expresión patológica siendo el modelo animal un punto importante en la investigación científica fundamental para entender el desarrollo de anormalidades en el cerebro. ABSTRACT Pain is a common symptom in medical practice. In Spain, a study conducted in 2000 each medical professional treats an average of 181 patients with pain per month, most of them with chronic moderate pain. 7% -8% of the European population is affected and up to 5% can be serious, it is estimated to affect more than two million people in Spain. In Primary Care, patients with neuropathic pain have much higher rates of depression. Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or disease affecting the somatosensory system, is a public health problem with high labor costs, there are relatively unfamiliar with the peculiarities in diagnosis and treatment, failing that, the pain is perpetuated and becomes rebellious to treat, in most cases becomes chronic. The pathophysiological mechanisms are evolutionary, its a progressive, if untreated, causing severe impact on the quality of life of affected patients. According to Prusiner (Nobel Prize for Medicine 1997), all neurodegenerative diseases there is some abnormal process of neuronal function. Neurodegenerative diseases are the result of abnormalities in the process of certain proteins involved in the cell cycle, reducing or canceling its features such as Alzheimer's disease and FXS. FMRP (Fragile Mental Retardation Protein), is essential for normal cognitive development, and has been linked to the pyramidal tract pain. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), is due to mutation of the gene (FMR-1). As a consequence of the mutation, the gene is inactivated and can not perform the function of FMRP synthesize. For its incidence is considered the leading cause of Mental Deficiency Hereditary second only to Down Syndrome. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of bioelectrical brain activity, is a advancement of clinical and experimental studies for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of many neurological and physiological abnormalities of the brain and the central nervous system, including pain. The objective of this research is a multimodal study, is the development of new forms of presentation using advanced diagnostic techniques of signal processing and image, to determine the links between cognitive evaluations and anatomic correlation with pain modulation to this protein FMRP-related pathologies. To accomplish this task have used the mouse model. Our results in this study show alterations in multimodal pain pathways in FMR1-KO in brain modulation (neuropathic pain), the data are based on the results of the structural study (histology image), functional (EEG) testing and behavior (Barnes maze). Histology In structural asymmetry shown in FMR1 KO model versus WT control, the left hemisphere is greater density of neuronal mass (KO females 56.7% -60.8%, 58.3% -61% males, females 62.7% -62.4 WT %, males 55% -56.2%), respectively right-left hemisphere, this reflects a very low correlation between hemispheres in KO (~ 50%) subjects compared to WT (~ 90%) control. Significant correlation was found between tests of long-term memory with respect to hemispheric asymmetry (r = -0.48, corrected <0.05). In the memory test there are differences too, the WT subjects had 22% yield in long-term memory, in males there memory impairment 28% corresponding to the condition in humans. The results of EEG studied in the left hemisphere, in insular cortex area, we found that the latency of the response evoked potential is lower (22vs32 15vs96seg), the signal strength is higher for the experimental subjects versus FMR1 KO control subjects, this is very significant given the results on histology (140vs129 145vs142 mv). This multimodal study confirms that the clinical manifestations of FXS are dependent variables of age and sex. We have been able to corroborate in the animal model in the adult stage, males with FXS begin developing problems in the performance of tasks that require the implementation of the central executive function of working memory (temporary storage). In behavior analysis is difficult to reach an objective conclusion, more studies are needed in different life stages corroborated with histologic findings. Advances in recent years were very positive, being opened new lines of research that represent a great challenge to physicians, health care, social and economic problems facing the major developed countries, with a massive increase in life expectancy and quality. The tools used in the field of neuroscience offer us great opportunities for the development of strategies to be used in the area of education, research and development. Genetics determines the structure of the brain and our research found that the absence of FMRP might also be involved in the modulation of pain as part of their pathological expression being an important animal model in basic scientific research to understand the development of abnormalities in brain.
Introdução. Apesar das evidências dos efeitos imunomodulatórios da morfina, não há na literatura estudos que tenham comparado a interação entre citocinas, imunidade celular (linfócitos T, B e NK) e a administração prolongada de morfina administrada pelas vias oral ou intratecal em doentes com dor crônica neuropática não relacionada ao câncer. Foram avaliados de forma transversal e comparativa 50 doentes com diagnóstico de dor lombar crônica e com presença de radiculopatia (dor neuropática) previamente operados para tratar hérnia discal lombar (Síndrome Dolorosa Pós- Laminectomia), sendo 18 doentes tratados prolongadamente com infusão de morfina pela via intratecal com uso de sistema implantável no compartimento subaracnóideo (grupo intratecal); 17 doentes tratados prolongadamente com morfina pela via oral (n=17) e 15 doentes tratados com fármacos mas sem opióides (grupo sem opioide). Foram analisadas as concentração das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, TNFalfa, IFNy, IL-5, GM-CSF, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-1beta no plasma e no líquido cefalorraquidiano; imunofenotipagem de linfócitos T, B e células NK e avaliados os Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em percentagem de opióide utilizada e em mg), dose cumulativa de morfina (mg), duração do tratamento em meses, dose final de morfina utilizada (em mg), e equivalente de morfina por via oral (em mg). Resultados. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o número de linfócitos T, B e NK nos doentes com morfina administrada pelas vias IT, VO e os não usuários de morfina. Houve correlação positiva entre as concentrações de linfócitos T CD4 e o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) nos doentes tratados com morfina por via intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre as concentrações de células NK (CD56+) e o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) nos doentes tratados com morfina por via intratecal. Houve correlação positiva entre o número de células NK (CD56+) e a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg) administrada pelas vias intratecal e oral. Houve correlação positiva entre as concentrações de linfócitos T CD8 e a duração do tratamento em meses nos doentes tratados com morfina pela via oral. As concentrações de IL-8 e IL-1beta foram maiores no LCR do que no plasma em todos os doentes da amostra analisada. As concentrações de IFNy no LCR foram maiores nos doentes que utilizavam morfina pela via oral e nos não usuários de morfina do que nos que a utilizavam pela via intratecal. As concentrações de plasmáticas de IL-5 foram maiores nos doentes utilizavam morfina pela via oral ou intratecal do que nos que não a utilizavam. A concentração de IL-5 no LCR correlacionou-se negativamente com a magnitude da dor de acordo com a EVA nos doentes tratados com morfina pelas via oral ou intratecal. Nos doentes tratados com morfina pelas via oral ou intratecal, a concentração de IL-2 no LCR correlacionou-se positivamente com a magnitude da dor de acordo com a EVA e negativamente com o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) e a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg). As concentrações plasmáticas de GMCSF foram maiores nos doentes utilizavam morfina pela via oral ou intratecal do que nos não a utilizavam. A concentração de TNFalfa no LCR nos doentes tratados com morfina pela via intratecal correlacionou-se negativamente com o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg), a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg) e dose equivalente por via oral (em mg) de morfina. A concentração plasmática das citocinas IL-6 e IL-10 correlacionou-se negativamente com a duração do tratamento (em meses) nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via oral. O Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em mg e %) correlacionou-se negativamente com as concentrações no LCR de IL-2 e TNFalfa nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. O Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em mg e %) correlacionou-se negativamente com as concentrações no LCR de IL-2 e IL-5 nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via oral. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações de IL-5 e IL-2 no LCR nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pelas vias oral e intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-4 nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-1beta nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem associações entre citocinas e imunidade celular (células T , B e NK) e o tratamento prolongado com morfina administrada pela via oral ou intratecal. Estes resultados podem contribuir para a compreensão da imunomodulação da morfina administrada por diferentes vias em doentes com dor neuropática crônica não oncológica . São necessários mais estudos sobre os efeitos da morfina sobre o sistema imunológico
Many authors report changes in the control of the trunk muscles in people with low back pain (LBP). Although there is considerable disagreement regarding the nature of these changes, we have consistently found differential effects on the deep intrinsic and superficial muscles of the lumbopelvic region. Two issues require consideration; first, the potential mechanisms for these changes in control, and secondly, the effect or outcome of changes in control for lumbopelvic function. Recent data indicate that experimentally induced pain may replicate some of the changes identified in people with LBP. While this does not exclude the possibility that changes in control of the trunk muscles may lead to pain, it does argue that, at least in some cases, pain may cause the changes in control. There are many possible mechanisms, including changes in excitability in the motor pathway, changes in the sensory system, and factors associated. with the attention demanding, stressful and fearful aspects of pain. A new hypothesis is presented regarding the outcome from differential effects of pain on the elements of the motor system. Taken together these data argue for strategies of prevention and rehabilitation of LBP (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Objective. The present study compared activity of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles and craniocervical flexion range of motion during a test of craniocervical flexion between 10 patients with chronic neck pain and 10 controls. Summary of Background Data. Individuals with chronic neck pain exhibit reduced performance on a test of craniocervical flexion, and training of this maneuver is effective in management of neck complaints. Although this test is hypothesized to reflect dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles, this has not been tested. Methods. Deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the superficial neck muscles ( sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene). Root mean square electromyographic amplitude and craniocervical flexion range of motion was measured during five incremental levels of craniocervical flexion in supine. Results. There was a strong linear relation between the electromyographic amplitude of the deep cervical flexor muscles and the incremental stages of the craniocervical flexion test for control and individuals with neck pain ( P = 0.002). However, the amplitude of deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was less for the group with neck pain than controls, and this difference was significant for the higher increments of the task ( P < 0.05). Although not significant, there was a strong trend for greater sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene electromyographic activity for the group with neck pain. Conclusions. These data confirm that reduced performance of the craniocervical flexion test is associated with dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles and support the validity of this test for patients with neck pain.
Pain changes postural activation of the trunk muscles. The cause of these changes is not known but one possibility relates to the information processing requirements and the stressful nature of pain. This study investigated this possibility by evaluating electromyographic activity (EMG) of the deep and superficial trunk muscles associated with voluntary rapid arm movement. Data were collected from control trials, trials during low back pain (LBP) elicited by injection of hypertonic saline into the back muscles, trials during a non-painful attention-demanding task, and during the same task that was also stressful. Pain did not change the reaction time (RT) of the movement, had variable effects on RT of the superficial trunk muscles, but consistently increased RT of the deepest abdominal muscle. The effect of the attention-demanding task was opposite: increased RT of the movement and the superficial trunk muscles but no effect on RT of the deep trunk muscles. Thus, activation of the deep trunk muscles occurred earlier relative to the movement. When the attention-demanding task was made stressful, the RT of the movement and superficial trunk muscles was unchanged but the RT of the deep trunk muscles was increased. Thus, the temporal relationship between deep trunk muscle activation and arm movement was restored. This means that although postural activation of the deep trunk muscles is not affected when central nervous system resources are limited, it is delayed when the individual is also under stress. However, a non-painful attention-demanding task does not replicate the effect of pain on postural control of the trunk muscles even when the task is stressful.
A recent randomized controlled trial tested the effectiveness of therapeutic exercise and manipulative therapy on 200 subjects with cervicogenic headache. Although treatments were efficacious, 25% of patients did not achieve a clinically acceptable outcome - 50% reduction in headache frequency This study aimed to identify predictors from variables in subjects' demographics and headache history which might identify those who did or did not achieve a 50-79% or 80-100% reduction in headache immediately after the active treatments and 12 months postintervention. The results revealed no consistent pattern of predictors, although the absence of light-headedness indicated higher odds of achieving either a 50-79% [odds ratio (OR) = 5.45) or 80-100% (OR = 5.7) reduction in headache frequency in the long term. Headaches of at least moderate intensity, the patient's age and chronicity of headache did not mitigate against a successful outcome from physiotherapy intervention.
Background: Pain is defined as both a sensory and an emotional experience. Acute postoperative tooth extraction pain is assessed and treated as a physiological (sensory) pain while chronic pain is a biopsychosocial problem. The purpose of this study was to assess whether psychological and social changes Occur in the acute pain state. Methods: A biopsychosocial pain questionnaire was completed by 438 subjects (165 males, 273 females) with acute postoperative pain at 24 hours following the surgical extraction of teeth and compared with 273 subjects (78 males, 195 females) with chronic orofacial pain. Statistical methods used a k-means cluster analysis. Results: Three clusters were identified in the acute pain group: 'unaffected', 'disabled' and 'depressed, anxious and disabled'. Psychosocial effects showed 24.8 per cent feeling 'distress/suffering' and 15.1 per cent 'sad and depressed'. Females reported higher pain intensity and more distress, depression and inadequate medication for pain relief (p