1000 resultados para Channel
Modern wireline and wireless communication devices are multimode and multifunctional communication devices. In order to support multiple standards on a single platform, it is necessary to develop a reconfigurable architecture that can provide the required flexibility and performance. The Channel decoder is one of the most compute intensive and essential elements of any communication system. Most of the standards require a reconfigurable Channel decoder that is capable of performing Viterbi decoding and Turbo decoding. Furthermore, the Channel decoder needs to support different configurations of Viterbi and Turbo decoders. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable Channel decoder that can be reconfigured for standards such as WCDMA, CDMA2000, IEEE802.11, DAB, DVB and GSM. Different parameters like code rate, constraint length, polynomials and truncation length can be configured to map any of the above mentioned standards. A multiprocessor approach has been followed to provide higher throughput and scalable power consumption in various configurations of the reconfigurable Viterbi decoder and Turbo decoder. We have proposed A Hybrid register exchange approach for multiprocessor architecture to minimize power consumption.
In this paper, we propose a training-based channel estimation scheme for large non-orthogonal space-time block coded (STBC) MIMO systems.The proposed scheme employs a block transmission strategy where an N-t x N-t pilot matrix is sent (for training purposes) followed by several N-t x N-t square data STBC matrices, where Nt is the number of transmit antennas. At the receiver, we iterate between channel estimation (using an MMSE estimator) and detection (using a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector) till convergence or for a fixed number of iterations. Our simulation results show that excellent bit error rate and nearness-to-capacity performance are achieved by the proposed scheme at low complexities. The fact that we could show such good results for large STBCs (e.g., 16 x 16 STBC from cyclic division algebras) operating at spectral efficiencies in excess of 20 bps/Hz (even after accounting for the overheads meant for pilot-based channel estimation and turbo coding) establishes the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
We propose a unified model for large signal and small signal non-quasi-static analysis of long channel symmetric double gate MOSFET. The model is physics based and relies only on the very basic approximation needed for a charge-based model. It is based on the EKV formalism Enz C, Vittoz EA. Charge based MOS transistor modeling. Wiley; 2006] and is valid in all regions of operation and thus suitable for RF circuit design. Proposed model is verified with professional numerical device simulator and excellent agreement is found. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of the two sampling gate positions, and their widths and the integrator response times on the position, height, and shape of the peaks obtained in a double‐channel gated‐integrator‐based deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) system are evaluated. The best compromise between the sensitivity and the resolution of the DLTS system is shown to be obtained when the ratio of the two sampling gate positions is about 20. An integrator response time of about 100 ms is shown to be suitable for practical values of emission time constants and heating rates generally used.
The unsteady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer flow over a circular cylinder placed symmetrically inside a channel has been studied when the unsteadiness and nonsimilarity are due to the free stream velocity. The nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is found that the channel blockage parameter controls the transfer of heat from the cylinder and delays separation. The skin friction and heat transfer are significantly affected by the free stream velocity distributions.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan toimintaa ja sen mahdollista roolia neuronaalisten kantasolujen migraatiossa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tehtävän kehittyneissä aivoissa tiedetään olevan elektroenkefalografisten oskillaatioiden tuottaminen. Nämä taas ovat eräiden fysiologisten ja patofysiologisten tapahtumien säätelyssä avainasemassa. Tällaisia tapahtumia ovat uni, muisti, oppiminen ja epileptiset poissaolokohtaukset. Näiden lisäksi T-tyypin kalsiumkanavalla on myös periferaalisia vaikutuksia, mutta tämä tutkielma keskittyy sen neuronaalisiin toimintoihin. Tämän matalan jännitteen säätelemän kanavan toiminta neurogeneesin aikana on vähemmän tutkittua ja tunnettua kuin sen vaikutukset kehittyneissä aivoissa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tiedetään edistävän kantasolujen proliferaatiota ja erilaistumista neurogeneesiksen aikana, mutta vaikutukset niiden migraatioon ovat vähemmän tunnetut. Tämä tutkimus näyttää T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan todennäköisesti osallistuvan neuronaaliseen migraatioon hiiren alkion subventrikkeli alueelta eristetyillä kanta- tai progeniittorisoluilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Selektiiviset T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan antagonistit, etosuksimidi, nikkeli ja skorpionitoksiini, kurtoxin hidastivat migraatiota erilaistuvissa progeniittorisoluissa. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Tämän tutkimuksen toinen tarkoitus oli esitellä vaihtoehtoinen lähestymistapa invasiiviselle kantasoluterapialle, joka vaatii kantasolujen viljelyä ja siirtämistä ihmiseen. Tämä toinen tapa on endogeenisten kantasolujen eiinvasiivinen stimulointi, jolla ne saadaan migratoitumaan kohdekudokseen, erilaistumaan siellä ja tehtävänsä suoritettuaan lopettamaan jakaantumisen. Non-invasiivinen kantasoluterapia on vasta tiensä alussa, ja tarvitsee farmakologista osaamista kehittyäkseen. Joitain onnistuneita ei-invasiivisia hoitoja on jo tehty selkärangan vaurioiden korjaamisessa. Vastaavanlaisia menetelmiä voitaisiin käyttää myös keskushermoston vaurioiden ja neurodegeneratiivisten sairauksien hoidossa. Näiden menetelmien kehittäminen vaatii endogeenisten kantasoluja inhiboivien ja indusoivien mekanismien tuntemista. Yksi tärkeä kantasolujen erilaistumista stimuloiva tekijä on kalsiumioni. Jänniteherkät kalsiumkanavat osallistuvat kaikkiin neurogeneesiksen eri vaiheisiin. T-tyypin kalsiumkanava, joka ekspressoituu suuressa määrin keskushermoston kehityksen alkuvaiheessa ja vähenee neuronaalisen kehityksen edetessä, saattaa olla oleellisessa asemassa progeniittorisolujen ohjaamisessa.
Measurement of the t-channel single top quark production cross section in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV
We propose a compact model for small signal non quasi static analysis of long channel symmetric double gate MOSFET The model is based on the EKV formalism and is valid in all regions of operation and thus suitable for RF circuit design Proposed model is verified with professional numerical device simulator and excellent agreement is found well beyond the cut-off frequency
A two-channel boxcar integrator with an analog to digital converter was constructed using integrated circuits wherever convenient. The digital output can be instantaneously displayed or displayed after accumulating many samplings in the totaliser. The totaliser mode provides averaging at the digitiser level and hence the integrator has an infinite holding time. When used in the double boxcar mode the instrument overcomes the problem of any base line instability.
Local texture and microstructure was investigated to study the deformation mechanisms during equal channel angular extrusion of a high purity nickel single crystal of initial cube orientation. A detailed texture and microstructure analysis by various diffraction techniques revealed the complexity of the deformation patterns in different locations of the billet. A modeling approach, taking into account slip system activity, was used to interpret the development of this heterogeneous deformation.
We report here the results of a series of careful experiments in turbulent channel flow, using various configurations of blade manipulators suggested as optimal in earlier boundary layer studies. The mass flow in the channel could be held constant to better than 0.1%, and the uncertainties in pressure loss measurements were less than 0.1 mm of water; it was therefore possible to make accurate estimates of the global effects of blade manipulation of a kind that are difficult in boundary layer flows. The flow was fully developed at the station where the blades were mounted, and always relaxed to the same state sufficiently far downstream. It is found that, for a given mass flow, the pressure drop to any station downstream is always higher in the manipulated than in the unmanipulated flow, demonstrating that none of the blade manipulators tried reduces net duct losses. However the net increase in duct losses is less than the drag of the blade even in laminar flow, showing that there is a net reduction in the total skin friction drag experienced by the duct, but this relief is only about 20% of the manipulator drag at most.
The channel volatiles in cordierites of the Precambrian high-grade metapelites from southern and eastern Karnataka northern Tamil Nadu and southern Kerala were analyzed in an attempt to use them as metamorphic fluid fugacity indicators. Infrared powder absorption spectra, used to characterize the channel volatiles, showed that all the 21 analyzed cordierites have H2O and CO2 as the channel volatiles, indicating the predominantly H2O-CO2 composition of the metamorphic fluids. The H2O fraction in the metamorphic fluid was computed using a published thermodynamic method in conjunction with gravimetrically determined cordierite channel H2O content, available P - T estimates and an appropriate equation of state for the H2O - CO2 fluids. The IR data and these calculated X(H2O) values indicate an overall correlation between the variation in the relative proportion of H2O and CO2 in the fluids and the metamorphic grade. The average computed X(H2O) values are: 0.78 for the amphibolite facies eastern Karnataka pelites, 0.36 for the amphibolite facies southern Karnataka pelites, 0.19 for the southern Karnataka transitional zone rocks and 0.13 for the northern Tamil Nadu granulites. Consistently low X(H2O) values, at about 0.2, were obtained for the orthopyroxene-bearing assemblages.
Texture development in commercially pure titanium during equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) through Routes A, Be and C has been studied up to three passes at 400 C. Textures were measured using X-ray diffraction, while the microstructural analyses were performed using electron back-scattered diffraction as well as transmission electron microscopy. Occurrences of dynamic restoration processes (recovery and recrystallization) were clearly noticed at all levels of deformations. Finally, the textures were simulated using a viscoplastic polycrystal self-consistent (VPSC) model. Simulations were performed incorporating basal, prismatic and pyramidal slip systems as well as tensile and compressive twinning. The simulated textures corroborate well with experimental textures in spite of the occurrence of dynamic restoration processes. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks poses a significant challenge due to scarcity of number of channels available in the wireless spectrum. Further, additional care has to be taken to consider the interference characteristics of the nodes in the network especially when nodes are in different collision domains. This work views the problem of channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio networks with multiple collision domains as a non-cooperative game where the objective of the players is to maximize their individual utility by minimizing its interference. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the channel assignment to be a Nash Equilibrium (NE) and efficiency of the NE is analyzed by deriving the lower bound of the price of anarchy of this game. A new fairness measure in multiple collision domain context is proposed and necessary and sufficient conditions for NE outcomes to be fair are derived. The equilibrium conditions are then applied to solve the channel assignment problem by proposing three algorithms, based on perfect/imperfect information, which rely on explicit communication between the players for arriving at an NE. A no-regret learning algorithm known as Freund and Schapire Informed algorithm, which has an additional advantage of low overhead in terms of information exchange, is proposed and its convergence to the stabilizing outcomes is studied. New performance metrics are proposed and extensive simulations are done using Matlab to obtain a thorough understanding of the performance of these algorithms on various topologies with respect to these metrics. It was observed that the algorithms proposed were able to achieve good convergence to NE resulting in efficient channel assignment strategies.