997 resultados para Cepas do T. cruzi
A new cross-sectional survey of household- associated mongrel dogs as well as follow-up of previously parasitemic individuals was carried out in 1984 toy means of xenodiagnosis and serologic techniques to get a deeper insight into the relationship of T. cruzi parasitemia and age among canine hosts in a rural area of Argentina. Persistence of detectable parasitemia was age-independent, or at most, loosely related to age, confirming the pattern observed in 1982. Similarly no significant age-decreasing effect was recorded among seropositive dogs in: a) the probability of detecting parasites in a 2-year follow-up; b) their intensity of infectiousness (=infective force) for T. infestans 3rd-4th instar nymphs, as measured by the percentage of infected bugs observed in each dog xenodiagnosis. Moreover, not only was the infective force of seropositive dogs for bugs approximately constant through lifetime, but it was significantly higher than the one recorded for children in the present survey, and for human people by other researchers. Therefore, and since T. infestans field populations show high feeding frequencies on dogs, the latter are expected to make the greatest contribution to the pool of infected vectors in the rural household of Argentina. This characteristic should be sufficient to involve canine reservoirs definitely as a risk factor for human people residing in the same house. The increased severity of parasitemia observed among dogs in this survey may be related to the acute undernutrition characteristic of canine populations of poor rural areas in our country, which is expected to affect the ability of the host to manage the infection.
Neste artigo descrevemos a contaminação acidental de uma cepa de malária de roedor (Plasmodium berghei) por um hemoparasita (Eperythrozoon coccoides), levando a alterações importantes no comportamento da malária experimental. A demonstração do parasita foi feita por microscopia óptica e eletrônica e a fonte de contaminação foi detectada em roedores normalmente utilizados na manutenção da cepa, obtidos do mesmo biotério. As medidas disponÃveis para o controle deste tipo de infecção são discutidas propondo se a utilização de tetra-ciclina em matrizes e posterior utilização de animais Fl não tratados. Comenta-se a importância deste tipo de contaminação experimental.
Two monoclonal antibodies anti-component 5 of Trypanosoma cruzi (I-35/115 and II-190/30) were tested in IFA and ELISA respectively against 35 T. cruzi laboratory clones. Among the 35 clones tested, 18 different isozyme patterns were detected. All clones were recognized by both monoclonal antibodies except one clone which did not react with II-190/30. These results support the universal expression of specific component 5 within the taxon T. cruzi.
Nove amostras de Plasmodium falciparum foram coletadas de migrantes infectados no Estado de Rondônia. Estas amostras foram mantidas em cultivo para caracterização por tipificação enzimática em acetato de celulose, sensibilidade á cloroquina, amodiaquina, mefloquina e quinino e análise da diversidade antigê-nica através de anticorpos monoclonais especÃficos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram variação entre todas as amostras estudadas: encontrou-se resistência crescente à cloroquina, resistência intermediária à amodiaquina e quinino e sensibilidade a baixos nÃveis de mefloquina; apenas dois isolados mostraram sensibilidade a todas as drogas. A tipificação enzimática mostrou presença de parasitas GPI 1 e 2 e ADA 1 e 2, enquanto que para PEP e LDH todas as amostras foram do tipo 1. Sorotipagem com anticorpos monoclonais PSA mostrou presença de três sorotipos diferentes (II, III e IV). Estes resultados mostraram: a) variação entre as amostras para os marcadores analisados; b) nesta região, para o pequeno número de amostras analisadas, não foram observadas diferenças significativas ou novos tipos de parasitas.
Alguns procedimentos descritos na literatura (ultrasom, água destilada, NaOH, TRITON x 100 e congelamento-descongelamenao) foram avaliados determinando o melhor extrato antigênico para a reação de hemaglutinação indireta (RHI) no diagnóstico sorológico da doença de Chagas. Para isso, foram ensaiados 30 soros de indivÃduos chagásicos e 30 soros de indivÃduos não chagásicos. A reação de imuno-fluorescência indireta foi considerada como reação de referência no cálculo dos indices de co-positividade (i.c.p.) e co-negatividade (i.cn.). O valor do i.c.p, para a RHI com antÃgeno obtido por NaOH foi mais elevado do que para os outros antÃgenos. Os cinco antÃgenos apresentaram valores máximos para o i.cn., indicando boa especificdade. Os tÃtulos apresentados pelos soros chagásicos com antÃgeno obtido por NaOH foram, significativamente, superiores aos demais antÃgenos. A avaliação de cinco partidas de antÃgeno extraÃdas por NaOH em épocas diversas indicam boa sensibilidade, especificidade e reprodutibilidade de resultados, traduzidas pelos valores elevados para os i.c.p. e i.cn., além de tÃtulos próximos entre si.
Em condições experimentais foi estudada a suscetibilidade de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea e B. tenagophila a quatro linhagens humanas (MAP, PTH, UPH, e OuH) e duas de roedores silvestres (PTR e VPR) do Schistosoma mansoni. Grupos de 50 moluscos foram expostos individualmente a 10 miracÃdios e observados durante 70 dias. Avaliou-se a suscetibilidade dos moluscos ao parasito por meio da % de animais com esporocistos, % de moluscos que eliminavam cercárias e mortalidade conjunta dos animais expostos e infectados. Exemplares de B. glabrata mineira infectaram-se com cepa simpátrica (MAP) e com 5 alopátricas do Estado de São Paulo (PTH, VPH, OuH, PTR e VPR). B. glabrata paulista mostrou altas taxas de infecção com as cepas MAP, VPR e OuH do trematódeo. Quatro % dos exemplares B. straminea de São Paulo eliminavam cercárias de cepas simpátricas; com cepa mineira apenas 4% apresentaram esporocistos na vigência de 20 miracÃdios por molusco; as menores taxas de mortalidade foram registradas com essa espécie de molusco, não sendo maior do que 20%. B. tenagophila paulista foi suscetÃvel apenas à s linhagens simpáticas sendo 6% a maior taxa de moluscos que eliminaram cercárias. Os resultados indicam que os movimentos populacionais humanos dentro do território paulista e para fora dele são importantes na disseminação da esquistossomose mansônica.
A total of 125 rats were infected with the Colômbia strain of T. cruzi (2000 parasites/g) shortly after weaning. Of these, 58 survived the acute phase and were used in the present experiment. Twenty eight similar but not infected rats served as controls. All rats were submitted to the resting ECG When they were 6 months old. Classic and 3 precordial leads were employed in order to record the ECG as completely as possible. Electrocardiographic changes similar to those found in human chronic Chagas' heart disease and not previously described in this model were found in 44% of the T. cruzi-infected rats: left axis deviation (22%), right axis deviation (7%), lengthened and bizarre QRS complex (14%) and abnormal J point elevation (3%). On the basis of these results, we believe that the resting ECG constitutes a valuable tool for studying experimental chronic Chagas' heart disease in rats.
Sera of Chaga's disease patients containing anti-T. cruzi lytic antibodies were submitted to affinity chromatography using Sepharose 4B conjugated with antigen extracted from epimasiigote or trypomasiigote forms of the parasite. Epimastigotes were obtained from culture at the exponential growth phase and the trypomastigotes from blood of infected and immunosuppressed mice. Antigen of both parasite forms was obtained by sonication of the parasites followed by centrifugation. Both antigens were then conjugated to activated Sepharose 4B. Affinity chromatography was performed by passing sera from chagasic patients through an immunoadsorbent column containing either epimasiigote or trypomasiigote antigens. Antibodies bound to the column were eluted with cold 0,2 M glycine buffer pH 2,8. The eluted antibodies were analysed regarding their isotype and lytic activity. The results showed that anti-T. cruzi lytic antibodies present in sera from chagasic patients are mainly located in the IgG isotype and recognize epitopes present in both trypomasiigote and epimastigote forms. A brief report of this work has already been published12.
Intravenous injection of scorpion toxin (Tityus serrulatus) in normal and Trypanosoma cruzi infected rats did not cause ultrastructural morphologic changes on enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the stomach, although it induced a significant increase of the gastric secretion. Our data seem to indicate that gastric ECL cells structure is not affected by stimulation with scorpion toxin or by acute infection with T. cruzi in the rat.
The population dynamics and the prevalence of chagasic infection of 352 dogs living in 108 rural houses infested by triatomines were studied. The region was divided into three sections according to increasing distances to an urban area. Each animal was identified by means of its particular characteristics and built, and its owners gave information about its habits. By means of xenodiagnosis, serology and ECG studies, prevalences of infection, parasitological-serological correlation, percentage of altered electrocardiographic outlines and percentage of houses with parasitemic dogs, were determined. The rural area showed a characteristic T. cruzi infection pattern and differences in the canine population parameters with respect to the other areas were observed: a higher proportion of puppies than adult dogs, a more sedentary population, higher prevalences of infection, as measured by xenodiagnosis, in dogs, and the highest proportion of bedroom insects infected with T. cruzi. It is assumed that the sedentary characteristics of the human population in that rural area impinge in the blood offer to the triatomine population, and the high percentage of parasitemic dogs of the area, contribute to the rise of "kissing ougs" infected with T. cruzi found in bedrooms.
A comparative study of the antigenic profile of bloodstream and cell culture derived trypomastigotes showed many differences in their components. Using mouse anti-T. cruzi antibodies the differences were located mostly in the 120 kDa band, whereas using chagasic patient sera the differences were located in the 85 and 52 kDa bands. These findings might explain known physiological differences between trypomatigotes obtained from cell culture and from infected blood. A brief report of this work has already been published9.
Cepas de H. aegyptius isoladas em surtos de Febre Purpúrica Brasileira (FPB) no Brasil, foram caracterizadas pelo método de aglutinação em lâmina utilizando um anti-soro produzido com cepa de H. aegyptius isolada de cultura de sangue de paciente com FPB. Através desse método foi possÃvel identificar cepas de H. aegyptius responsáveis por surtos de conjuntivite com caracterÃsticas antigênicas iguais à s cepas isoladas de FPB. A sensibilidade e especificidade da soroaglutinação em lâmina foi de 97,7% e 89,6% respectivamente, podendo ser utilizado como método de triagem em estudos de conjuntivites purulentas, para detectar cepas invasivas de H. aegyptius associadas a FPB, possibilitando assim a implantação de medidas que ampliem a eficiência na prevenção e na vigilância epidemiológica da doença.
The effects of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the electrocardiographic tracings of mice were studied in 4.groups of animals: (1) normal; (2) infected with a pathogenic T. cruzi strain (TS COB); (3) immunized with 3 intraperitoneal inocula of 10(6) attenuated T. cruzi epimastigotes (TCC) and (4) immunized-infected, which sequentially received the treatments of groups 3 and 2. Infection and protection were confirmed by xenodiagnosis and histopathology. Isolated alterations such as extrasystolia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, arrhythmia and ST elevation were observed in normal as well as infected mice. However, tracings taken repeatedly on each mouse over a 293 day period revealed a set of alterations which were more frequently seen in infected (14/22) than in normal (4/27) animals (p = 0.00048). These alterations consisted of supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and persisting, first degree AV blocks, often associated to pacemaker changes. Inoculation of attenuated T. cruzi (group 3) did not increase these alterations (2/27 mice) but significantly prevented their development after challenge with the pathogenic strain (1/19 versus 14/22 mice, p = 0.000095). Thus, preimmunization reduced not only parasitemia but also a pathogenic consequence of T. cruzi infection. This evidence is relevant for immunoprevention studies against Chagas' disease.
Se estudió la susceptibilidad "in vitro" de 24 cepas de 3 especies del género Cryptococcus a 5 drogas antifúngicas (anfotericina B, 5 fluorocitosina, ketoconazol, itraconazol y miconazol). Las mismas se agruparon según su especie, variedad y origen de aislamiento. Para determinar la concentración inhibitoria mÃnima (C.I.M.) de cada droga se empleó el método de dilución en agar con el medio básico nitrogenado para levaduras, adicionado de glucosa. Se obtuvo además la media geométrica de estos valores para cada grupo y se comparó cada uno de ellos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron homogéneos con la sola excepción de las cepas de Cryptococcus sp (no neoformans), en las cuales se detectaron elevados valores de C.I.M. para la 5 fluorocitosina.
Between October 1988 and April 1989 a cross-sectional survey was carried out in six out of eight blood banks of Goiânia, Central Brazil. Subjects attending for first-time blood donation in the mornings of the study period (n = 1358) were interviewed and screened for T. cruzi infection as a part of a major study among blood donors. Tests to anti-T. cruzi antibodies were performed, simultaneously, by indirect hem agglutination test (IHA) and complement fixation test (CFT). A subject was considered seropositive when any one of the two tests showed a positive result. Information on age, sex, place of birth, migration and socio-economic level was recorded. Results from this survey were compared with seroprevalence rates obtained in previous studies in an attempt to analyse trend of T. cruzi infection in an endemic urban area. The overall seroprevalence of T. cruzi infection among first-time donors was found to be 3.5% (95% confidence interval 2.5%-4.5% ). The seroprevalence rate increased with age up to 45 years and then decreased. Migrants from rural areas had higher seroprevalence rates than subjects from urban counties (1.8%-16.2% vs. 0%-3.6%). A four fold decrease in prevalence rates was observed when these rates were compared with those of fifteen years ago. Two possible hypotheses to explain this difference were suggested: 1. a cohort effect related with the decrease of transmission in rural areas and/or 2. a differential proportion of people of rural origin among blood donors between the two periods. The potential usefulness of blood banks as a source of epidemiological information to monitor trends of T. cruzi infection in an urban adult population was stressed.