865 resultados para Central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infections
Escherichia coli strains causing urinary tract infection (UTI) are increasingly recognized as belonging to specific clones. E. coli clone O25b:H4-ST131 has recently emerged globally as a leading multi-drug resistant pathogen causing urinary tract and bloodstream infections in hospitals and the community. While most molecular studies to date examine the mechanisms conferring multi-drug resistance in E. coli ST131, relatively little is known about their virulence potential. Here we examined E. coli ST131 clinical isolates from two geographically diverse collections, one representing the major pathogenic lineages causing UTI across the United Kingdom and a second representing UTI isolates from patients presenting at two large hospitals in Australia. We determined a draft genome sequence for one representative isolate, E. coli EC958, which produced CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum β-lactamase, CMY-23 type AmpC cephalosporinase and was resistant to ciprofloxacin. Comparative genome analysis indicated that EC958 encodes virulence genes commonly associated with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). The genome sequence of EC958 revealed a transposon insertion in the fimB gene encoding the activator of type 1 fimbriae, an important UPEC bladder colonization factor. We identified the same fimB transposon insertion in 59% of the ST131 UK isolates, as well as 71% of ST131 isolates from Australia, suggesting this mutation is common among E. coli ST131 strains. Insertional inactivation of fimB resulted in a phenotype resembling a slower off-to-on switching for type 1 fimbriae. Type 1 fimbriae expression could still be induced in fimB-null isolates; this correlated strongly with adherence to and invasion of human bladder cells and bladder colonisation in a mouse UTI model. We conclude that E. coli ST131 is a geographically widespread, antibiotic resistant clone that has the capacity to produce numerous virulence factors associated with UTI.
Background Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common nosocomial infection in the United States and is caused by a range of uropathogens. Biofilm formation by uropathogens that cause CAUTI is often mediated by cell surface structures such as fimbriae. In this study, we characterised the genes encoding type 3 fimbriae from CAUTI strains of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Citrobacter koseri and Citrobacter freundii. Results Phylogenetic analysis of the type 3 fimbrial genes (mrkABCD) from 39 strains revealed they clustered into five distinct clades (A-E) ranging from one to twenty-three members. The majority of sequences grouped in clade A, which was represented by the mrk gene cluster from the genome sequenced K. pneumoniae MGH78578. The E. coli and K. pneumoniae mrkABCD gene sequences clustered together in two distinct clades, supporting previous evidence for the occurrence of inter-genera lateral gene transfer. All of the strains examined caused type 3 fimbriae mediated agglutination of tannic acid treated human erythrocytes despite sequence variation in the mrkD-encoding adhesin gene. Type 3 fimbriae deletion mutants were constructed in 13 representative strains and were used to demonstrate a direct role for type 3 fimbriae in biofilm formation. Conclusions The expression of functional type 3 fimbriae is common to many Gram-negative pathogens that cause CAUTI and is strongly associated with biofilm growth. Our data provides additional evidence for the spread of type 3 fimbrial genes by lateral gene transfer. Further work is now required to substantiate the clade structure reported here by examining more strains as well as other bacterial genera that make type 3 fimbriae and cause CAUTI.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infectious diseases of humans, with Escherichia coli being responsible for >80% of all cases. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) occurs when bacteria colonize the urinary tract without causing clinical symptoms and can affect both catheterized patients (catheter-associated ABU [CA-ABU]) and noncatheterized patients. Here, we compared the virulence properties of a collection of ABU and CA-ABU nosocomial E. coli isolates in terms of antibiotic resistance, phylogenetic grouping, specific UTI-associated virulence genes, hemagglutination characteristics, and biofilm formation. CA-ABU isolates were similar to ABU isolates with regard to the majority of these characteristics; exceptions were that CA-ABU isolates had a higher prevalence of the polysaccharide capsule marker genes kpsMT II and kpsMT K1, while more ABU strains were capable of mannose-resistant hemagglutination. To examine biofilm growth in detail, we performed a global gene expression analysis with two CA-ABU strains that formed a strong biofilm and that possessed a limited adhesin repertoire. The gene expression profile of the CA-ABU strains during biofilm growth showed considerable overlap with that previously described for the prototype ABU E. coli strain, 83972. This is the first global gene expression analysis of E. coli CA-ABU strains. Overall, our data suggest that nosocomial ABU and CA-ABU E. coli isolates possess similar virulence profiles.
Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) is a globally dominant multidrug resistant clone associated with urinary tract and bloodstream infections. Most ST131 strains exhibit resistance to multiple antibiotics and cause infections associated with limited treatment options. The largest sub-clonal ST131 lineage is resistant to fluoroquinolones, contains the type 1 fimbriae fimH30 allele and expresses an H4 flagella antigen. Flagella are motility organelles that contribute to UPEC colonisation of the upper urinary tract. In this study, we examined the specific role of H4 flagella in ST131 motility and interaction with host epithelial and immune cells. We show that the majority of H4-positive ST131 strains are motile and are enriched for flagella expression during static pellicle growth. We also tested the role of H4 flagella in ST131 through the construction of specific mutants, over-expression strains and isogenic mutants that expressed alternative H1 and H7 flagellar subtypes. Overall, our results revealed that H4, H1 and H7 flagella possess conserved phenotypes with regards to motility, epithelial cell adhesion, invasion and uptake by macrophages. In contrast, H4 flagella trigger enhanced induction of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 compared to H1 and H7 flagella, a property that may contribute to ST131 fitness in the urinary tract.
Septic shock is a common killer in intensive care units (ICU). The most crucial issue concerning the outcome is the early and aggressive start of treatment aimed at normalization of hemodynamics and the early start of antibiotics during the very first hours. The optimal targets of hemodynamic treatment, or impact of hemodynamic treatment on survival after first resuscitation period are less known. The objective of this study was to evaluate different aspects of the hemodynamic pattern in septic shock with special attention to prediction of outcome. In particular components of early treatment and monitoring in the ICU were assessed. A total of 401 patients, 218 with septic shock and 192 with severe sepsis or septic shock were included in the study. The patients were treated in 24 Finnish ICUs during 1999-2005. 295 of the patients were included in the Finnish national epidemiologic Finnsepsis study. We found that the most important hemodynamic variables concerning the outcome were the mean arterial pressures (MAP) and lactate during the first six hours in ICU and the MAP and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) under 70% during first 48 hours. The MAP levels under 65 mmHg and SvO2 below 70% were the best predictive thresholds. Also the high central venous pressure (CVP) correlated to adverse outcome. We assessed the correlation and agreement of SvO2 and mean central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) in septic shock during first day in ICU. The mean SvO2 was below ScvO2 during early sepsis. Bias of difference was 4.2% (95% limits of agreement 8.1% to 16.5%) by Bland-Altman analysis. The difference between saturation values correlated significantly to cardiac index and oxygen delivery. Thus, the ScvO2 can not be used as a substitute of SvO2 in hemodynamic monitoring in ICU. Several biomarkers have been investigated for their ability to help in diagnosis or outcome prediction in sepsis. We assessed the predictive value of N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) on mortality in severe sepsis or septic shock. The NT-proBNP levels were significantly higher in hospital nonsurvivors. The NT-proBNP 72 hrs after inclusion was independent predictor of hospital mortality. The acute cardiac load contributed to NTproBNP values at admission, but renal failure was the main confounding factor later. The accuracy of NT-proBNP, however, was not sufficient for clinical decision-making concerning the outcome prediction. The delays in start of treatment are associated to poorer prognosis in sepsis. We assessed how the early treatment guidelines were adopted, and what was the impact of early treatment on mortality in septic shock in Finland. We found that the early treatment was not optimal in Finnish hospitals and this reflected to mortality. A delayed initiation of antimicrobial agents was especially associated with unfavorable outcome.
196 p. : graf.
O objeto deste estudo são os eventos hemorrágicos em pacientes críticos que utilizam infusão contínua de heparina sódica. Tem como objetivo geral propor cuidados de enfermagem para pacientes que recebem infusão contínua de heparina, a fim de aumentar a segurança do paciente e reduzir a ocorrência de hemorragia, com base nos fatores de risco. Esta pesquisa procura contribuir com a farmacovigilância da heparina e com a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo, com análise em prontuário, desenvolvido em unidade intensiva e semi-intensiva de um hospital público do Rio de Janeiro. Foram investigados 867 prontuários de 2010 a 2011, encontrando-se uma população de 79 pacientes que fizeram uso de heparina sódica em infusão contínua. As variáveis do estudo foram submetidas a tratamentos estatísticos não paramétricos e a medidas de associação. Os resultados apontam entre os pacientes três diagnósticos: fibrilação atrial, trombose venosa profunda e síndrome coronariana; percebe-se ainda predomínio do sexo feminino (58,23%) e de idosos (md=65 anos). A taxa de eventos hemorrágicos foi de 21,52% e se mostrou mais elevada quando comparada a outros estudos. Evidencia-se que pacientes com TTPa maior do que 100s tem um risco 9,29 vezes maior de apresentar eventos hemorrágicos. Todos os fatores de risco idade maior do que sessenta anos, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, TTPa maior do que 100s, uso prévio de anticoagulante e insuficiência renal apresentam associação positiva com a presença de evento hemorrágico. Entre os pacientes com eventos hemorrágicos, 94,16% apresentam um ou mais fatores de risco para sangramento. Os eventos hemorrágicos foram identificados na pele (47,37%), em sítio de punção, nas vias aéreas, no sistema geniturinário (15,79%) e no sistema gastrointestinal (10,53%). A maioria (55%) dos eventos hemorrágicos foi classificada com tipo 2 de BARC. Na associação entre o dispositivo invasivo utilizado e o tipo de sangramento, 100% dos pacientes com sangramento de via aérea ou do sistema gastrointestinal utilizavam sonda nasoentérica. Paciente com cateter vesical de demora (CVD) tem sete vezes mais risco de hematúria quando comparados com pacientes sem CVD; já pacientes com acesso venoso periférico tem menos risco de sangramento de sítio de punção quando comparados ao pacientes com acesso venoso central (RR= 0,74; 1,29). Essas associações norteiam a assistência de enfermagem e sugerem que o enfermeiro seja cauteloso ao realizar esses procedimentos nos pacientes com heparina sódica. Frente às variações no TTPa dosado, analisou-se o seguimento do protocolo e detectou-se que, nos pacientes com eventos hemorrágicos, a taxa de erro no ajuste da infusão foi maior (76,24%) quando comparada com os pacientes sem eventos hemorrágicos (39,05%). Ao se associar a taxa de erro da infusão com a presença de evento hemorrágico, evidencia-se que, quando a heparina não é ajustada segundo o protocolo, aumenta-se em 3,3 vezes o risco de evento hemorrágico. Portanto, para garantir o uso seguro na infusão de heparina, descrevem-se alguns cuidados específicos de enfermagem baseados nos fatores de risco e na indicação clínica de cada paciente.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, apesar de todo desenvolvimento e pesquisa, a mortalidade na sepse permanece elevada. Na área de microcirculação foram realizados estudos em modelos experimentais de sepse ao longo das últimas duas décadas, quando se observou, através de técnicas invasivas, alterações como redução expressiva da densidade capilar funcional. A técnica denominada sidestream dark field (SDF) imaging, recentemente desenvolvida, permite a avaliação da microcirculação de forma transcutânea. A utilização desta técnica permitiu evidenciar a redução da densidade capilar funcional em pacientes com sepse grave quando comparado a um indivíduo saudável. Posteriormente, foi demonstrado que alterações persistentes na microcirculação de pacientes sépticos, mesmo com sinais vitais estabilizados, estão associadas com pior prognóstico.Evidentemente, os pacientes com sepse grave ou choque séptico sofrem uma grande quantidade de intervenções terapêuticas, aonde muitas delas alteram a microcirculação. Estudos analisando a microcirculação em pacientes em uso de nitroglicerina, corticóide, recebendo hemotransfusão ou ainda infusão de noradrenalina foram publicados recentemente.Entretanto, até o presente momento, não existem publicações que descrevam a influência dos sedativos na microcirculação de pacientes com choque séptico. As drogas mais comumente utilizadas para sedação de pacientes em ventilação mecânica são o sedativo midazolam e o anestésico propofol. Os objetivos do estudo foram: avaliar o efeito dos principais agentes sedativos utilizados na prática clínica na microcirculação de pacientes com choque séptico utilizando a técnica de sidestream dark field imaging, comparar os efeitos na microcirculação do midazolam com o propofol em pacientes com choque séptico e verificar se existe relação das alterações microcirculatórias provocadas pelos sedativos com as variações de diferentes parâmetros hemodinâmicos, gasométricos ou metabólicos como pressão arterial, índice cardíaco, lactato e saturação venosa central de oxigênio. Foram estudados (estudo prospectivo) 16 pacientes internados no Centro de Terapia Intensiva da Casa de Saúde São José. Os pacientes internados com diagnóstico de choque séptico e que possuíam indicação clínica de ventilação mecânica e de suspensão diária da sedação foram submetidos ao estudo da microcirculação na mucosa sublingual utilizando a técnica de sidestream dark field imaging. Estes pacientes foram sedados conforme orientação do protocolo já existente de sedação, inicialmente com propofol e posteriormente com midazolam. Os principais resultados observados foram:a macrohemodinâmica não diferiu nos 2 momentos do exame, o BIS (bispectral índex of sedation) se manteve na faixa recomendada nos 2 momentos do exame, tendo aumentado quando o paciente acordava, conforme esperado, e a proporção de vasos pequenos perfundidos e o índice de fluxo da microcirculação foram significativamente menores, enquanto o índice de heterogeneidade foi significativamente maior quando os pacientes estavam recebendo infusão de propofol quando comparados com a infusão de midazolam. Concluímos que, em pacientes com choque séptico, a administração de midazolam resulta em uma melhora dos parâmetros microcirculatórios quando comparada com a administração de propofol. Essa diferença não pode ser atribuída a alterações de variáveis hemodinâmicas sistêmicas.
Choque séptico é caracterizado por desequilíbrio entre o transporte e o consumo de oxigênio, podendo acarretar hipóxia tecidual. A disfunção microcirculatória, característica cardinal da fisiopatologia do choque séptico, causa má distribuição de fluxo sanguíneo microvascular e, consequentemente, shunt de oxigênio, disóxia tissular e, teoricamente, diminuição no consumo de oxigênio (VO2) pela célula. No presente estudo, foi investigada a associação entre alterações microcirculatórias causadas pela sepse e o consumo de oxigênio em pacientes pediátricos. Dezessete crianças com choque séptico ressuscitadas foram estudadas em quatro momentos durante a internação na unidade de terapia intensiva (dentro de 24, 48 e 72 horas após a admissão ou diagnóstico de choque e após a resolução deste, antes da extubação traqueal). A microcirculação sublingual foi avaliada utilizando o método de imagem Sidestream dark field (SDF) e o VO2 foi calculado através da calorimetria indireta. Outras variáveis hemodinâmicas, como transporte de oxigênio, índice cardíaco, pressão arterial invasiva, lactato arterial e saturação venosa central, foram coletadas. Embora as variáveis hemodinâmicas tenham se mantido em níveis satisfatórios, graves alterações na microcirculação foram visualizadas, especialmente na densidade de vasos pequenos perfundidos (DVPP), na proporção de vasos pequenos perfundidos (PVPP) e no índice de fluxo microvascular (MFI). Foram encontradas assosciações significativas entre o VO2 e os parâmetros da microcirculação: dVO2 e dDVPP (β coefficient= 6,875; p<0,001), dVO2 e dPVPP (β coefficient=92,246; p<0,001) e dVO2 e dMFI (β coefficient=21,213; p<0,001). Não foram encontradas correlações entre as alterações microcirculatórias e as outras variáveis. Em conclusão, este estudo mostrou que pacientes pediátricos com choque séptico apresentaram grave disfunção microvascular e que o fluxo microcirculatório alterado estava associado ao VO2, podendo estar implicado na fisiopatologia da disóxia tecidual da sepse.
The objective of this study is to compare the incidence and epidemiology of bacteremic community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the setting of changes in 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) coverage. In the region of Madrid, universal immunization with the PCV13 started in May 2010. In July 2012, public funding ceased. Vaccination coverage decreased from >95% to 82% in 2013 and to 67% in 2014. We performed a multicenter surveillance and case-control study from 2009-2014. Cases were hospitalized children with bacteremic CAP. Controls were children selected 1:1 from next-admitted with negative blood cultures and typical, presumed bacterial CAP. Annual incidence of bacteremic CAP declined from 7.9/100 000 children (95% CI 5.1-11.1) in 2009 to 2.1/100 000 children (95% CI 1.1-4.1) in 2012. In 2014, 2 years after PCV13 was withdrawn from the universal vaccination program, the incidence of bacteremic CAP increased to 5.4/100 000 children (95% CI 3.5-8.4). We enrolled 113 cases and 113 controls. Streptococcus pneumoniae caused most of bloodstream infections (78%). Empyema was associated with bacteremia (P = .003, OR 3.6; 95% CI 1.4-8.9). Simple parapneumonic effusion was not associated with bacteremia. Incomplete PCV immunization was not a risk factor for bacteremic pneumonia.
Antibiotics have been the cornerstone of the clinical management of bacterial infections since their discovery in the early part of the last century. Eight decades later, their widespread, often indiscriminate use, has resulted in an overall reduction in their effectiveness, with reports of multidrug-resistant bacteria now commonplace. Increasing reliance on indwelling medical devices, which are inherently susceptible to biofilm-mediated infections, has contributed to unacceptably high rates of nosocomial infections, placing a strain on healthcare budgets. This study investigates the use of lytic bacteriophages in the treatment and prevention of biofilms of bacterial species commonly associated with infections of indwelling urological devices and catheter-associated urinary tract infections. The use of lytic bacteriophages against established biofilms of Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli is described, whereby biofilm populations have been reduced successfully by three to four log cycles (99.9-99.99% removal). The prevention of biofilm formation on Foley catheter biomaterials following impregnation of hydrogel-coated catheter sections with a lytic bacteriophage has also been investigated. This has revealed an approximate 90% reduction in both P. mirabilis and E. coli biofilm formation on bacteriophage-treated catheters when compared with untreated controls.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli are the most prevalent Gram-negative biofilm forming medical device associated pathogens, particularly with respect to catheter associated urinary tract infections. In a similar manner to Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative biofilm formation is fundamentally determined by a series of steps outlined more fully in this review, namely adhesion, cellular aggregation, and the production of an extracellular polymeric matrix. More specifically this review will explore the biosynthesis and role of pili and flagella in Gram-negative adhesion and accumulation on surfaces in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The process of biofilm maturation is compared and contrasted in both species, namely the production of the exopolysaccharides via the polysaccharide synthesis locus (Psl), pellicle Formation (Pel) and alginic acid synthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose and colonic acid synthesis in Escherichia coli. An emphasis is placed on the importance of the LuxR homologue sdiA; the luxS/autoinducer-II; an autoinducer-III/epinephrine/norepinephrine and indole mediated Quorum sensing systems in enabling Gram-negative bacteria to adapt to their environments. The majority of Gram-negative biofilms consist of polysaccharides of a simple sugar structure (either homo- or heteropolysaccharides) that provide an optimum environment for the survival and maturation of bacteria, allowing them to display increased resistance to antibiotics and predation.
PURPOSE: Arteriovenous fistulae (AVFs) are the preferred option for vascular access, as they are associated with lower mortality in hemodialysis patients than in those patients with arteriovenous grafts (AVGs) or central venous catheters (CVCs). We sought to assess whether vascular access outcomes for surgical trainees are comparable to fully trained surgeons.
METHODS: A prospectively collected database of patients was created and information recorded regarding patient demographics, past medical history, preoperative investigations, grade of operating surgeon, type of AVF formed, primary AVF function, cumulative AVF survival and functional patency.
RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-two patients were identified as having had vascular access procedures during the 6 month study period and 143 were included in the final analysis. Secondary AVF patency was established in 123 (86%) of these AVFs and 89 (62.2%) were used for dialysis. There was no significant difference in survival of AVFs according to training status of surgeon (log rank x2 0.506 p=0.477) or type of AVF (log rank x2 0.341 p=0.559). Patency rates of successful AVFs at 1 and 2 years were 60.9% and 47.9%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated in this prospective study that there are no significant differences in outcomes of primary AVFs formed by fully trained surgeons versus surgical trainees. Creation of a primary AVF represents an excellent training platform for intermediate stage surgeons across general and vascular surgical specialties.
Background: Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) failure to mature (FTM) rates contribute to excessive dependence on central venous catheters for haemodialysis. Choosing the most appropriate vascular access site for an individual patient is guided largely by their age, co-morbidities and clinical examination. We investigated the clinical predictors of AVF FTM in a European cohort of patients and applied an existing clinical risk prediction model for AVF FTM to this population.
Methods: A prospective cohort study was designed that included all patients undergoing AVF creation between January 2009 and December 2014 in a single centre (Belfast City Hospital) who had a functional AVF outcome observed by March 2015.
Results: A total of 525 patients had a functional AVF outcome recorded and were included in the FTM analysis. In this cohort, 309 (59%) patients achieved functional AVF patency and 216 (41%) patients had FTM. Female gender [P < 0.001, odds ratio (OR) 2.03 (CI 1.37–3.02)] and lower-arm AVF [P < 0.001, OR 4.07 (CI 2.77–5.92)] were associated with AVF FTM. The Lok model did not predict FTM outcomes based on the associated risk stratification in our population.
Conclusions: In this European study, female gender was associated with twice the risk of AVF FTM and a lower-arm AVF with four times the risk of FTM. The FTM risk prediction model was not found to be discriminative in this population. Clinical risk factors for AVF FTM vary between populations;we would recommend that units investigate their own clinical predictors of FTM to maximize AVF functional patency and ultimately survival in dialysis patients. Clinical predictors of AVF FTM may not be sufficient on their own to improve vascular access functional patency rates.
Fungal infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with acute leukemia (AL). Candidemia, once rare, is now a common nosocomial infection because of the intensity of chemotherapy, prolonged neutropenia, administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and use of central venous catheters (CVC). We retrospectively identified patients treated for AL from 6/86 to 6/95 who also had candidemia. We describe 28 patients (incidence 6.3%) with a median age of 39 years, 24 of whom were on remission induction and 4 on postremission chemotherapy. All patients had CVC and empiric antimicrobial therapy, 4 had been given prophylactic antifungal drugs, and 2 had parenteral nutrition. Neutropenia was profound (median leukocyte nadir 200/microliters, median duration 19 days). Candida was isolated in blood cultures 10 days (median) after the start of neutropenia. The clinical presentation included fever (100%), respiratory symptoms (71.4%), skin lesions (39.2%) and septic shock (17.8%). Amphotericin B was given to 17 patients and liposomal amphotericin to 5 patients. Infection resolved in 18 patients (64.2%). 10 of whom were in complete remission. Mortality from candidemia was 17.8% (5/28). In conclusion, fungal infections are responsible for death in a significant number of patients. In our series treatment success was related to its rapid onset and to the recovery of neutropenia.