989 resultados para Carroll, Anna Ella, 1815-1894.


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Audit report on Carroll County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010


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This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.


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Traces the origin and growth of the Mennonite movement from its first summation into a creed in Holland and its story as it has been recorded in American, and in later years in Iowa.


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Audit report on Carroll County, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011


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The Historical Society of Iowa presents a series of lectures written by early professional men and women of the Iowa territorial days in this book. Lectures of pioneer physicians, teaches, lawyers, and clergymen are included.


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Barcelona en 1954 se anticipo a todos los homenajes, dedicando a Archer Milton Huntington (New York, 1870- Bathel, Connecticut, 1955) un monumento en reconocimiento a su excepcional figura como coleccionista e hispanófilo y también a su esposa, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Cambridge, 1876 - California, 1973), excelente escultora que generosamente secundo los propósitos filo hispanos de su consorte. De esta manera Barcelona quería dejar constancia de su devoción y tributo a este reconocido coleccionista y filántropo americano que ayudo a vencer el llamado "Paradigma Prescott", historiador que había defendido las tesis sobre la leyenda negra española. A la vez que se reconocía que Archer M. Huntington ocupaba un lugar preeminente en la línea del hispanismo americano conjuntamente con los nombres de George Ticknor (1791 -1871), Washington Irving (1783-1859) y Henry Longfellow (1807-1882).


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It was in 1954 that Barcelona became the first city to pay tribute to Archer Milton Huntington (New York, 1870 - Bathel, Connecticut, 1955), by erecting a monument to the memory of this outstanding collector and Hispanist, and to hiswife, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Cambridge, 1876 - California, 1973). An excellent sculptor, Anna Hyatt Huntington was also unstinting in her support of her husband¿s Hispanic interest. The monument was Barcelona's way of recognizing and paying tribute to this greatly respected American collector and philanthropist. Huntington played a major role in refuting "Prescott's Paradigm", named after the historian whose work on Spain did much to further the Black Legend.3 Moreover, Huntington occupied an important place in American Hispanic Studies, along with such other outstanding names as George Ticknor (Boston, 1791 - 1871), Washington Irving (New York, 1783 - 1859) and Henry Longfellow (1807 - 1882).


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This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.


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