994 resultados para Canada. 1992 Oct. 7
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Simvastatin, a competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase widely used in the treatment and prevention of hyperlipidemia-related diseases, has recently been associated to in vitro anticancer stem cell (CSC) actions. However, these effects have not been confirmed in vivo. To assess in vivo anti-CSC effects of simvastatin, female Sprague-Dawley rats with 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary cancer and control animals were treated for 14 days with either simvastatin (20 or 40 mg/kg/day) or soybean oil (N = 60). Tumors and normal breast tissues were removed for pathologic examination and immunodetection of CSC markers. At 40 mg/kg/day, simvastatin significantly reduced tumor growth and the expression of most CSC markers. The reduction in tumor growth (80%) could not be explained solely by the decrease in CSCs, since the latter accounted for less than 10% of the neoplasia (differentiated cancer cells were also affected). Stem cells in normal, nonneoplastic breast tissues were not affected by simvastatin. Simvastatin was also associated with a significant decrease in proliferative activity but no increase in cell death. In conclusion, this is the first study to confirm simvastatin anti-CSC actions in vivo, further demonstrating that this effect is specific for neoplastic cells, but not restricted to CSCs, and most likely due to inhibition of cell proliferation.
Grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is an important agrometeorological parameter for climatological and hydrological studies, as well as for irrigation planning and management. There are several methods to estimate ETo, but their performance in different environments is diverse, since all of them have some empirical background. The FAO Penman-Monteith (FAD PM) method has been considered as a universal standard to estimate ETo for more than a decade. This method considers many parameters related to the evapotranspiration process: net radiation (Rn), air temperature (7), vapor pressure deficit (Delta e), and wind speed (U); and has presented very good results when compared to data from lysimeters Populated with short grass or alfalfa. In some conditions, the use of the FAO PM method is restricted by the lack of input variables. In these cases, when data are missing, the option is to calculate ETo by the FAD PM method using estimated input variables, as recommended by FAD Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the FAO PM method to estimate ETo when Rn, Delta e, and U data are missing, in Southern Ontario, Canada. Other alternative methods were also tested for the region: Priestley-Taylor, Hargreaves, and Thornthwaite. Data from 12 locations across Southern Ontario, Canada, were used to compare ETo estimated by the FAD PM method with a complete data set and with missing data. The alternative ETo equations were also tested and calibrated for each location. When relative humidity (RH) and U data were missing, the FAD PM method was still a very good option for estimating ETo for Southern Ontario, with RMSE smaller than 0.53 mm day(-1). For these cases, U data were replaced by the normal values for the region and Delta e was estimated from temperature data. The Priestley-Taylor method was also a good option for estimating ETo when U and Delta e data were missing, mainly when calibrated locally (RMSE = 0.40 mm day(-1)). When Rn was missing, the FAD PM method was not good enough for estimating ETo, with RMSE increasing to 0.79 mm day(-1). When only T data were available, adjusted Hargreaves and modified Thornthwaite methods were better options to estimate ETo than the FAO) PM method, since RMSEs from these methods, respectively 0.79 and 0.83 mm day(-1), were significantly smaller than that obtained by FAO PM (RMSE = 1.12 mm day(-1). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Alexandre Oliveira Almeida, Emerson Contreira Mossolin, and Joaldo Rocha Luz (2010) Reproductive biology of the freshwater shrimp Atya scabra (Leach, 1815) (Crustacea: Atyidae) in Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Zoological Studies 49(2): 243-252. Reproduction and population aspects of the freshwater shrimp Atya scabra in the Santana River, city of Ilheus, state of Bahia, Brazil, were studied from Apr. 2004 to May 2005. During these 14 mo, 3752 individuals were captured, with a sex ratio of 1.01 males for each female. The total number of individuals caught per month ranged 80-532. Males were generally larger than females. The smallest female found (5.40 mm in carapace length and 29.03 mm in total length) was ovigerous, which indicates that only adult individuals were caught. Ovigerous females were found every month, which indicates continuous reproduction and a high index of reproductive activity during the year. The highest reproduction indices were observed in May (94.3%) and Oct. (98.6%) 2004, and Mar. (93.7%) 2005. Fecundity ranged 870-8907 eggs, with a mean of 3811 (+/- 1992.87) eggs per female. The size of the females and their fecundity were positively correlated. The distribution of individuals in length classes by month showed that representatives of smaller classes occurred throughout almost the entire study period. This indicates a constant input of individuals into the population, which corroborates the characterization of the reproductive period as being continuous, and explains the large numbers of ovigerous females found each month. The 2nd abdominal segment is proportionally larger in females than in males, in width, height, and pleural length: these female secondary characteristics are related to an increased incubation area for eggs. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/49.2/243.pdf
PURPOSE. To evaluate the effect of disease severity on the diagnostic accuracy of the Cirrus Optical Coherence Tomograph (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA) for glaucoma detection. METHODS. One hundred thirty-five glaucomatous eyes of 99 patients and 79 normal eyes of 47 control subjects were recruited from the longitudinal Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study (DIGS). The severity of the disease was graded based on the visual field index (VFI) from standard automated perimetry. Imaging of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) was obtained using the optic disc cube protocol available on the Cirrus HD-OCT. Pooled receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were initially obtained for each parameter of the Cirrus HD-OCT. The effect of disease severity on diagnostic performance was evaluated by fitting an ROC regression model, with VFI used as a covariate, and calculating the area under the ROC curve (AUCs) for different levels of disease severity. RESULTS. The largest pooled AUCs were for average thickness (0.892), inferior quadrant thickness (0.881), and superior quadrant thickness (0.874). Disease severity had a significant influence on the detection of glaucoma. For the average RNFL thickness parameter, AUCs were 0.962, 0.932, 0.886, and 0.822 for VFIs of 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS. Disease severity had a significant effect on the diagnostic performance of the Cirrus HD-OCT and thus should be considered when interpreting results from this device and when considering the potential applications of this instrument for diagnosing glaucoma in the various clinical settings. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:4104-4109) DOI:10.1167/iovs.094716
Purpose: Children`s postural alignment undergoes many adjustments due to the changes in body proportions during the stages of growth. The objective of this study was to quantitatively characterize and analyze spinal postural standards in 7- and 8-year-old children to verify which of the differences found were correlated to age and sex. Methods: Two hundred thirty public school students (Amparo, Sao Paulo, Brazil) aged 7 to 8 years were divided into groups according to postural alignment, which were further subdivided by sex and age, for comparison. Digital photos of upright Subjects were analyzed to evaluate posture. Lumbar and thoracic curvature, pelvic inclination, head posture, and lateral spine deviation were measured using CorelDraw (Ottawa, Canada) software guidelines and bone landmarks. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance data analysis were utilized to verify differences among the groups. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study. Results: Mean values for the variables analyzed were calculated. For lumbar lordosis, 7-year-old boys showed 38.49 degrees +/- 15.32 degrees in comparison to all other groups (42.29 degrees +/- 7.13 degrees). For thoracic kyphosis, the 7-year-old children presented 28.07 degrees +/- 7.73 degrees. and the 8-year-olds 30.32 degrees +/- 7.73 degrees. Pelvic inclination presented a mean value of 15.82 degrees +/- 5.46 degrees and single lateral spine deviation mean value of 3.48 degrees +/- 2.12 degrees. Conclusion: For the sample studied, differences based on sex and age were found for some of the body segments analyzed. The values found in this study may contribute to improved physiotherapeutic treatment when associated with other aspects of the clinical assessment and symptomatology. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32: 154-159)
Rationale Hyperaldosteronism, important in hypertension, is associated with electrolyte alterations, including hypomagnesemia, through unknown mechanisms. Objective To test whether aldosterone influences renal Mg(2+) transporters, (transient receptor potential melastatin (TRPM) 6, TRPM7, paracellin-1) leading to hypomagnesemia, hypertension and target organ damage and whether in a background of magnesium deficiency, this is exaggerated. Methods and results Aldosterone effects in mice selectively bred for high-normal (MgH) or low (MgL) intracellular Mg(2+) were studied. Male MgH and MgL mice received aldosterone (350 mu g/kg per day, 3 weeks). SBP was elevated in MgL. Aldosterone increased blood pressure and albuminuria and increased urinary Mg(2+) concentration in MgH and MgL, with greater effects in MgL. Activity of renal TRPM6 and TRPM7 was lower in vehicle-treated MgL than MgH. Aldosterone increased activity of TRPM6 in MgH and inhibited activity in MgL. TRPM7 and paracellin-1 were unaffected by aldosterone. Aldosterone-induced albuminuria in MgL was associated with increased renal fibrosis, increased oxidative stress, activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and nuclear factor-NF-kappa B and podocyte injury. Mg(2+) supplementation (0.75% Mg(2+)) in aldosterone-treated MgL normalized plasma Mg(2+), increased TRPM6 activity and ameliorated hypertension and renal injury. Hence, in a model of inherited hypomagnesemia, TRPM6 and TRPM7, but not paracellin-1, are downregulated. Aldosterone further decreased TRPM6 activity in hypomagnesemic mice, a phenomenon associated with hypertension and kidney damage. Such effects were prevented by Mg(2+) supplementation. Conclusion Amplified target organ damage in aldosterone-induced hypertension in hypomagnesemic conditions is associated with dysfunctional Mg(2+)-sensitive renal TRPM6 channels. Novel mechanisms for renal effects of aldosterone and insights into putative beneficial actions of Mg(2+), particularly in hyperaldosteronism, are identified. J Hypertens 29: 1400-1410 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.