203 resultados para Cambrian


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Bedrock geochemical analysis, coupled with detailed data analysis, was carried out on some 260 samples taken from two areas of 'the Harlech Dome, near Dolgellau, North Wales. This was done to determine if rocks from mineralised and non-mineralised areas could be distinguished, and to determine mineralisation types and wall rock alterations. The Northern Area, near Talsarnau, has no recorded mineralisation, while the Southern Area, near Bontddu, has been exploited for gold. The rocks sampled, in both areas, were from the Cambrian Gamlan Flags, Clogau Shales, Vigra Flags, later vein materials, and igneous intrusions. All samples were analysed, using a new rapid, atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique, for Si, AI, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Sr, Hg, and Ba. In addition 60 samples were analysed by X-ray fluorescence for Mn, Ti, Ca, K, Na, P, Cr, Ce, La, S, Y , Rh, and Th. Total CO2 was determined, on selected samples, using a combustion technique. Elemental distributions, for each rock type, in each area, were· plotted, and means, standard deviations, and enrichment indices were calculated. Multivariate statistical analysis on the results distinguished a Cu-type mineralisation in the Northern area, and both Cu and Pb/Zn types in the Southern Area. It also showed the Northern Area to be less strongly mineralised than the Southern one in which both mineralisation types are associated with wall rock alteration. Elemental associations and trends due to sedimentary processes were distinguished from those related to mineralisation. Hg is related to mineralisation, and plots of factor scores, on the sampling grid, produced clusters of mineralisation related factors in areas of known mineralisation. A double Fourier Trend Analysis program, with a wavelength search routine, was developed and used to recognise sedimentary trends for Sr. Y., Rb, and Th. These trends were interpreted to represent areas of low pH and reducing conditions. They also indicate that the supply of sediment remained constant over Gamlan, Clogau, and Vigra times. The trend surface of Hg showed no association with rock type. It is shown that analysis of a small number of samples, for a carefully selected number of elements, with detailed data analysis, can provide more useful information than analysis of a large number of samples for many elements. The mineralisation is suggested to have been the result of water solutions leaching ore metals from the sedimentary rocks and redepositing them in veins.


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The fossil arthropod Class Trilobita is characterised by the possession of a highly mineralised dorsal exoskeleton with an incurved marginal flange (doublure). This cuticle is usually the only part of the organism to be preserved. Despite the common occurrence of trilobites in Palaeozoic sediments, the original exoskeletal mineralogy has not been determined previously. Petrographic data involving over seventy trilobite species, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, together with atomic absorption and stable isotope analyses, indicate a primary low-magnesian calcite composition. Trilobite cuticles exhibit a variety of preservational textures which are related to the different diagenetic realms through which they have passed. A greater knowledge of post-depositional processes and the specific features they produce, has enabled post-mortem artefacts to be distinguished from primary cuticular microstructures. Alterations of the cuticle can either enhance or destroy primary features, and their effects are best observed in thin-sections, both under transmitted light and cathodoluminescence. Well-preserved trilobites often retain primary microstructures such as laminations, canals, and tubercles. These have been examined in stained thin-sections and by scanning electron microscopy, from as wide a range of trilobites as possible. Construction of sensory field maps has shown that although the basic organisation of the exoskeleton is the same in all trilobites, the types of microstructures found, and their distribution is species-specific. The composition, microstructure, and architecture of the trilobite exoskeleton have also been studied from a biomechanical viewpoint. Total cuticle thickness, and the relative proportions of the different layers, together with the overall architecture all affected the mechanical properties of the exoskeleton.


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This thesis describes the geology of a Lower Palaeozoic terrain, situated west of the town of Fishguard, SW Dyfed, Wales. The area is dominated by the Fishguard Volcanic Complex (Upper Llanvirn), and sediments that range in age from the Middle Cambrian to the Lower Llandeilo. The successions represent an insight into sedimentation and volcanism for c. 100 Ma. along the south-western margin of the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin. The stratigraphy of the sedimentary sequence has been completely revised and the existing volcanostratigraphy modified. The observed complexity of the stratigraphy is primarily the consequence of Caldedonide deformation which resulted in large scale repetition. Fold-thrust tectonics dominates the structural style of the area. Caledonide trending (NE-SW) cross-faults complicate preexisting structures. Middle Cambrian (?) sedimentation is documented by shallow marine clastics and red shales deposited within tidal - subtidal environments. Upper Cambrian sedimentation was dominated by shallow marine `storm' and `fair weather' sedimentation within a muddy shelf environment. Shallow marine conglomerates and heterolithic intertidal siliciclastics mark the onset of Ordovician sedimentation during the lower Arenig transgression. Mid-Arenig sediments reflect deposits influenced by storm, fair-weather and wave related processes in various shallow marine environments, including; shoreface, inner shelf, shoaling bar, and deltaic. Graptolitic marine shales were deposited from the upper mid-Arenig through to the lower Llandeilo; during which time sediments accumulated by pelagic processes and fine grained turbidites. The varied nature of sedimentation reflects both localised change within the depositional system and the influence of larger regional eustatic events. Ordovician subaqueous volcanic activity produced thick accumulations of lavas, pyroclastics, hydroclastics, and hyaloclastics. The majority of volcanism was effusive in nature, erupted below the Pressure Compensation Level. Basaltic volcanism was characterised by pillowed lavas and tube networks, whilst sheet-flow lavas, pillow breccias and minor hyaloclastites developed locally. Silicic volcanism was dominated by rhyolitic clastics of various affinities, although coherent silicic obsidian lavas, sheet-flow lavas and pyroclastics developed. Hypabyssal intrusives of variable composition and habit occur throughout the volcanic successions. Low-grade regional metamorphism has variably affected the area, conditions of the prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies having been attained. Numerous secondary phases developed in response to the conditions imposed, which collectively indicate that P-T conditions were of low-pressure facies series in the range P= 1.2-2.0 kbars and T= 230-350oC, under an elevated geothermal gradient of 40-45oC km-1. Polymineralic cataclastites associated with Caledonide deformation indicate that tectonism and metamorphism were in part contemporaneous.


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The Transbrasiliano Lineament is a major shear zone trending NE-SW, related to the Brasiliano orogeny and evolved through high to low temperature stages. In this study, the structural and geophysical signature of the northern segment of Transbrasiliano Lineament was studied in its northern border, between Ceará and Piauí states, involving the Brasiliano mylonite zone, the Jaibaras Graben and reactivations affecting the sedimentary sequences post-ordovician of Parnaíba Basin. In the literature, is commonly the phanerozoic reactivation of this structure referred, generating several late Brasiliano grabens predating the paleozoic Parnaíba syneclises, like the Jaibaras Graben. Faults that cut the stratigraphic units of the Parnaíba Basin along the entire length of the Transbrasiliano Lineament express its reactivation during younger events. The magnetic anomaly field reduced to the pole map exhibit anomalies NE-trending, interpreted as the signature of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (and Brasiliano structures of the Borborema Province) in its high-temperature expression. The Jaibaras Graben is marked by a straight anomalous track with high magnetic susceptibility (interpreted as a prevalence of ferromagnesian rocks, probably volcanic), apparently without significant continuity in the substrate of Parnaíba Basin. The geometric and kinematic analysis of the structures in the study area, using remote sensing and field data, led to the characterization of four deformation phases brittle the ductilebrittle Dn, D1, D2 and D3. The Dn deformation phase of ediacaran-cambrian age, occurs exclusively in the Jaibaras Graben, with the development of comparatively higher temperature (as regards to younger events) ductile-brittle structures. D1, D2 and D3 deformation phases affect both the Jaibaras Graben as well as the paleozoic sequences of the northeastern edge of Parnaíba Basin, generating structures developed at lower temperatures, basically brittle/cataclastic. The SRTM image analysis allowed mapping different NE, NW and E-W trending lineaments in Parnaíba Basin, whose correlation with mesoscopic structures is discussed in terms of the reactivation of Transbrasiliano Lineament in association with the stages of general Atlantic opening and separation between South America and Africa, or even the distal orogenic events in Paleozoic.


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.


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The Cambrian Tally Pond volcanic belt in central Newfoundland contains numerous volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, prospects, and showings that are locally associated with metalliferous mudstones and/or graphitic shales. Deposits in the belt are bimodal felsic-type VMS that are both base metal- (e.g., Duck Pond, Boundary) and precious metal-enriched (e.g., Lemarchant). At the Lemarchant deposit metalliferous mudstones are genetically and spatially associated with mineralization, whereas the relationship of other mudstones and shales to massive sulphide mineralization is more intricate and remains not fully understood. Metalliferous mudstones represent a hiatus in the volcanic activity where the deposition of hydrothermal products dominated over the abiogenic background sedimentation and/or dilution by volcaniclastic-epiclastic material. Lithogeochemical signatures allow one to distinguish between predominantly hydrothermally or detritally (i.e., non-hydrothermal) derived material. Metalliferous mudstones with a significant hydrothermal component, like those at Lemarchant, have elevated Fe/Al and base-metal contents, compared to detrital shales, and shale-normalized negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies, indicative of deposition from high temperature (>250°C) hydrothermal fluids within an oxygenated water column. Mudstones and shales sampled from other locations in the Tally Pond volcanic belt have more variable signatures ranging from hydrothermal (signatures as above) to non-hydrothermal (no positive Eu-anomalies, flat REE patterns), with some that have mixed (hydrothermal and detrital) signatures. Both S and Pb isotopic compositions indicate that proximal sulphides hosted in mudstones immediately associated with massive sulphide mineralization within the Lemarchant deposit contain a higher proportion of sulphur derived from hydrothermal sources and processes, and have more juvenile lead contributions, when compared to sulphides distal (not associated with massive sulphides) from mineralization. Lead and Nd isotopic compositions of both whole rock and minerals in the Lemarchant mudstones indicate involvement of underlying crustal basement during massive sulphide formation and throughout the evolution of the Tally Pond belt. Metalliferous mudstones precipitated early in the massive sulphide depositional history, but also have undergone syn- and post-ore-forming processes and have a larger lateral extent than the mineralization. Using lithogeochemistry, whole rock and in situ stable and radiogenic isotopes it is possible to distinguish prospective vent proximal (immediately associated with massive sulphide mineralization) from less prospective distal (not associated with massive sulphides) depositional environments and to reconstruct the paleotectonic setting on a deposit- to regional-scale for the Lemarchant deposit and other mudstone-associated prospects in the Tally Pond volcanic belt.


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A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex P-T-t path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise P-T-t path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709-785 °C and P = 7.0-9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a). The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent-continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090-1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.


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Rare-metal alkali (quartz-feldspathic) metasomatites are considered in terms of their geologic position, structure, and composition. Their petrochemical and geochemical characteristics are given. In the Polar Urals, the metasomatites occur as lenticular and tube-like bodies in the fault zones of the Cambrian basement within the Kharbey block. Three types of the metasomatites, dated at ~300 Ma, have been recognised: quartz-bifeldspathic (kvalmites), quarzt-albitic, and albitites. They belong to the formation of quartz-feldspathic metasomatites of the fault zones.


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The Precambrian basement beneath the Pechora Basin of northern Russia is known from deep (up to approx. 4.5 km) drill holes to be largely composed of Neoproterozoic successions, variously deformed and metamorphosed and intruded by magmatic suites of Vendian age. Presented here are new single- zircon, Pb-evaporation (Kober method) ages from eight intrusions across the Izhma, Pechora and Bolshezemel'skaya Zones, all from below the Lower Ordovician (locally Middle Cambrian) unconformity. The majority of the intrusions (six) yield remarkably similar ages of 550-560 Ma, apparently dating a widespread pulse of late- to post-tectonic magmatism. An early Vendian granite (618 Ma) has been identified in the northeasternmost region (Bolshezemel'skaya zone) and a Devonian granodiorite (380 Ma) in the Pechora Zone, where mid to late Palaeozoic magmatism has been previously reported. Evidence of inheritance in the zircon populations suggests the presence of Mesoproterozoic crust beneath the Neoproterozoic complexes.


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An integrated, high-resolution chemostratigraphic (C, O and Sr isotopes) and magnetostratigraphic study through the upper Middle Cambrian - lowermost Ordovician shallow-marine carbonates of the northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform is reported. The interval was analysed at the Kulyumbe section, which is exposed along the Kulyumbe River: an eastern tributary of the Enisej River. It comprises the upper Ust'-Brus, Labaz, Orakta, Kulyumbe, Ujgur, and lower Iltyk formations and includes the Steptoean positive carbon isotopic excursion (SPICE) studied here in detail from upper Cambrian carbonates of the Siberian Platform for the first time. The peak of the excursion, showing d13C positive values as high as +4.6? and least-altered 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70909, is reported herein from the Yurakhian Horizon of the Kulyumbe Formation. The stratigraphic position of the SPICE excursion does not support traditional correlation of the boundary between the Orakta and Labaz formations at Kulyumbe River with its supposedly equivalent level in Australia, Laurentia, South China, and Kazakhstan, where the Glyptagnostus stolidotus and G. reticulatus biozones are known to immediately precede the SPICE excursion and span the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary. The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary is probably situated in the middle Nyajan Horizon of the Iltyk Formation, in which carbon isotope values show a local maximum below a decrease in the upper part of the Nyajan Horizon, attributed herein to the Tremadocian. A refined magnetic polarity sequence shows that the geomagnetic reversal frequency was very high during the Middle Cambrian at 5-10 reversals per Ma, assuming a total duration of ~10 Ma and up to 100 magnetic intervals in the Middle Cambrian. By contrast, the sequence attributed herein to the Upper Cambrian on chemostratigraphic grounds contains only 10-11 magnetic intervals. Preprint in Open Access hdl:10013/epic.30209.d001


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Carbon isotopic data from the Selinde section in the southeastern part of the Siberian platform area are correlated with the reference isotopic profile from the Lower Cambrian stratotype sections of the Lena Aldan region, but also show additional d13C excursions unrecognized there. The chemostratigraphic correlation suggests that the geological and fossil record of the lower Pestrotsvet Formation in the Selinde section has a deeper history than the stratotype region. This conclusion is important for both constraining the age of the earliest Cambrian marine transgression on the Siberian platform and providing a clearer understanding of the pace and order of early Cambrian geochemical and biological events.


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The Shackleton Range can be divided into three major units: (1) The East Antarctic Craton and its sedimentary cover (Read Group and Watts Needle Formation), (2) the allochthonous Mount Wegener Nappe (Mount Wegener Formation, Stephenson Bastion Formation, and Wyeth Heights Formation), and (3) the northern belt (basement: Pioneer and Stratton Groups, sedimentary cover: Haskard Highlands Formation (allochthonous?), and Blaiklock Glacier Group). The northern units are thrust over the southern ones. The thrusting is related to the Ross Orogeny. The Mount Wegener Nappe, which appears to be a homogeneous tectonic unit, consists of a Precambrian basement (Stephenson Bastion Formation, Wyeth Heights Formation?) and a Cambrian cover (Mount Wegener Formation). Some questions are still open for discussion: the position of the Haskard Highlands Formation (trilobite shales) may be erratic or represent a tectonic sliver, the relation of the former Turnpike Bluff Group, the origin of the crystalline basement west of Stephenson Bastion and others.


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O complexo batolítico das Beiras está localizado na Zona Centro Ibérica (ZCI), no centro norte de Portugal. É predominantemente composto por rochas granitóides instaladas em metassedimentos de idade Neoproterozóica - Câmbrica Inferior, Ordovícica e Carbonífera Superior, durante ou após a última fase de deformação dúctil varisca (D3). No seu conjunto, as rochas granitóides do Batólito das Beiras cobrem um amplo espectro de idades (sin-, tardi- e tardi-pós-D3) e tipologias (tipo S e transicionais I-S). Neste trabalho apresentam-se dados petrográficos, mineralógicos, geoquímicos e isotópicos para estas intrusões e discutem-se os principais processos envolvidos na sua génese.


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The Biarjmand granitoids and granitic gneisses in northeast Iran are part of the Torud–Biarjmand metamorphic complex, where previous zircon U–Pb geochronology show ages of ca. 554–530 Ma for orthogneissic rocks. Our new U–Pb zircon ages confirm a Cadomian age and show that the granitic gneiss is ~30 million years older (561.3 ± 4.7 Ma) than intruding granitoids(522.3 ± 4.2 Ma; 537.7 ± 4.7 Ma). Cadomian magmatism in Iran was part of an approximately 100-million-year-long episode of subduction-related arc and back-arc magmatism, which dominated the whole northern Gondwana margin, from Iberia to Turkey and Iran. Major REE and trace element data show that these granitoids have calc-alkaline signatures. Their zircon O (δ18O = 6.2–8.9‰) and Hf (–7.9 to +5.5; one point with εHf ~ –17.4) as well as bulk rock Nd isotopes (εNd(t)= –3 to –6.2) show that these magmas were generated via mixing of juvenile magmas with an older crust and/or melting of middle continental crust. Whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf model ages (1.3–1.6 Ga) suggest that this older continental crust was likely to have been Mesoproterozoic or even older. Our results, including variable zircon εHf(t) values, inheritance of old zircons and lack of evidence for juvenile Cadomian igneous rocks anywhere in Iran, suggest that the geotectonic setting during late Ediacaran and early Cambrian time was a continental magmatic arc rather than back-arc for the evolution of northeast Iran Cadomian igneous rocks.