540 resultados para Calving
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Levantamento exploratório da composição e frações proteicas do leite bovino em propriedades leiteras
The direct relationship with the processing, industrial yield and price of milk, the importance of the centesimal composition of milk and their protein fractions has increased for both the dairy industry and for the producers, so it is important to identify the possible causes on variation of these components. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the seasons, order of calving and lactation phase on milk composition and protein fractions in dairy farms in the Agreste and Leste meso-regions, of Rio Grande do Norte State (RN). Milk samples were taken in seven milk farms directly from the bulk tanks except for one farm where samples were taken from higher milking cows producers and heifers. The experiment was done in seven properties with milk samples taken directly from the bulk tanks and in one property were collected from higher production cows and heifers. Composition analyses were carried out for both experiments and sensorial trial was performed for the second experiment only. The data results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test performed for 5% significance level. In the first experiment was observed response of the seasons, dry and rainy season; while in the second, the effect of the order of calving and lactation phase had influence on milk composition and protein fractions. There was significant response (p < 0.05) for season effects but due to farms. The rainy season had higher averages in the protein, lactose, total solids and nonfat dry extract. Multiparous cows had higher CCS, NUL and PCAS milk contents; while, first calving heifers showed higher average for the sensory attribute, color of milk. The final third of lactation was responsible for the elevation of the levels of almost all milk components and their protein fractions
Among the traits of economic importance to dairy cattle livestock those related to sexual precocity and longevity of the herd are essential to the success of the activity, because the stayability time of a cow in a herd is determined by their productive and reproductive lives. In Brazil, there are few studies about the reproductive efficiency of Swiss-Brown cows and no study was found using the methodology of survival analysis applied to this breed. Thus, in the first chapter of this study, the age at first calving from Swiss-Brown heifers was analyzed as the time until the event by the nonparametric method of Kaplan-Meier and the gamma shared frailty model, under the survival analysis methodology. Survival and hazard rate curves associated with this event were estimated and identified the influence of covariates on such time. The mean and median times at the first calving were 987.77 and 1,003 days, respectively, and significant covariates by the Log-Rank test, through Kaplan-Meier analysis, were birth season, calving year, sire (cow s father) and calving season. In the analysis by frailty model, the breeding values and the frailties of the sires (fathers) for the calving were predicted modeling the risk function of each cow as a function of the birth season as fixed covariate and sire as random covariate. The frailty followed the gamma distribution. Sires with high and positive breeding values possess high frailties, what means shorter survival time of their daughters to the event, i.e., reduction in the age at first calving of them. The second chapter aimed to evaluate the longevity of dairy cows using the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier and the Cox and Weibull proportional hazards models. It were simulated 10,000 records of the longevity trait from Brown-Swiss cows involving their respective times until the occurrence of five consecutive calvings (event), considered here as typical of a long-lived cow. The covariates considered in the database were age at first calving, herd and sire (cow s father). All covariates had influence on the longevity of cows by Log-Rank and Wilcoxon tests. The mean and median times to the occurrence of the event were 2,436.285 and 2,437 days, respectively. Sires that have higher breeding values also have a greater risk of that their daughters reach the five consecutive calvings until 84 months
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Reproductive rate is an important component of economic success in livestock production. Parturition interval (IEP) is a direct measure of the productivity of the animal. Long IEP reduce the number of calves produced per year. The objective this study was to determine the distribution of parturitions across month and to evaluate factors affecting IEP. The data included 7,588 parturitions of Murrah, Mediterranean and Carabobo buffalo from 10 herds in Southern and South-eastern Brazil. The analysis of distribution of parturitions evaluated the effects of month, year and their interaction on birth date of calves by using a Chi-Square test in SAS PROC FREQ (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Parturition intervals (n = 2,630) were evaluated using analysis of variance in SAS PROC GLM. The model for IEP included the fixed effects of season (December to May = 1, June to November = 2), year, season x year, sex of the preceding parturition, age of weaning of the previous calf, and herd. All sources of variation were significant (P<0.0001) except sex of the preceding parturition (P <0.85). The mean IEP was 446.7 +/- 10.4 days, for seasons 1 and 2 IEP were 419.8 +/- 11.3 and 473.6 +/- 40.7 days, respectively, a difference of 54 days. As weaning age increased there was a lengthening of IEP. Buffalo in Brazil showed seasonal parturition with calving concentrated from January to April, although the frequency by month differed across years (P<0.0001). These months also had the lowest calving interval.
It was evaluated the heterogeneity of components of phenotypic variance and its effects on the heritability and repeatability estimates for milk yield in Holstein cattle. The herds were grouped according to their level of production (low, medium and high) and evaluated in the non-transformed, square-root and logarithmic scale. Variance components were estimated using a restricted maximum likelihood method based on an animal model that included fixed effects of herd-year-season, and as covariates the linear effect of lactation duration and the linear and quadratic effects of cow's age at calving and the random direct additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects. In the non-transformed scale all the variance components were heterogeneous. on this scale, residual and phenotypic variance components were associated positively with the level of production while in logarithmic scale that association was negative. Estimates of heritability were more affected than the repeatability for the phenotypic variance heterogeneity and their components. The of selection process efficiency for milk production could be affected by the level of production which was considered for genetic parameters estimation.
In Experiment 1, effects of an intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR) for synchronization of estrus in non-suckled cycling primiparous Bos indicus beef cows were evaluated. Cows received either no treatment (Control), prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF), or CIDR (6 d)+prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (CIDR+PGF). There were greater (P<0.05) percentages of cows inseminated and pregnant in 4 d of breeding season in CIDR+PGF (81.6%; 48.7%) than in PGF (53.8%; 32.5%) and Control cows (14.6%; 8.5%). In Experiment 2, efficacy of a treatment with CIDR (6 d)+prostaglandin F(2 alpha)+48 h temporary weaning (CIDR+PGF+TW) associated or not with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) for synchronization of estrus in suckled primiparous B. indicus beef cows was evaluated. Cows were assigned to receive either no treatment (Control), CIDR+PGF+TW, CIDR+PGF+TW+200 IU of eCG, or CIDR+PGF+IW+400 IU of eCG. There were greater (P<0.05) percentages of insemination and pregnancy in 4 d of breeding season in treatment groups (47.0%; 27.5%) than in Control cows(4.5%; 3.0%) and in cows treated with eCG (50.9%; 29.4%) than in cows treated only with CIDR+PGF+TW (39.4%: 23.7%). No effects of eCG dosage were detected. The percentage of cows inseminated and pregnant in a 30 d breeding season were greater (P<0.05) in cows assigned to synchronization treatments (53.3%; 37.2%) than in Control cows (35.3%; 21.4%). In the beginning of the BS, non-suckled primiparous cows treated with CIDR+PGF with estrous cycles having been initiated following calving had greater estrous detection and pregnancy rates than PGF and Control cows, and suckled primiparous cows had improved estrous detection and pregnancy rates when eCG was associated with CIDR+PGF+TW. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as correlações, herdabilidades, repetibilidades, tendências genéticas e fenotípicas, e avaliar as distribuições univariada e bivariada da produção de leite e do intervalo entre partos, em fêmeas bubalinas da raça Murrah, paridas no período de 1982 a 2003. As tendências genéticas e fenotípicas foram estimadas pelas regressões das variáveis dependentes sobre o ano de parto, pelos métodos: regressão linear e regressão não paramétrica, utilizando-se a função de alisamento Spline. As herdabilidades estimadas foram 0,21 e 0,02, e as repetibilidades, 0,32 e 0,06, para a produção de leite e intervalo entre partos, respectivamente. As correlações genética, fenotípica e ambiental foram -0,22, 0,01 e 0,03, respectivamente. As tendências genéticas (regressão linear) foram significativas e iguais a 1,57 kg por ano e 0,085 dia por ano, e as tendências fenotípicas foram 27,74 kg por ano e 0,647 dia por ano, para a produção de leite e intervalo entre partos, respectivamente, tendo sido significativa apenas para a produção de leite. A correlação negativa sugere a existência de antagonismo favorável entre produção de leite e intervalo entre partos; assim é possível selecionar animais com altos valores genéticos para a produção de leite e com menores valores para o intervalo entre partos.
O objetivo neste trabalho foi estudar a influência do grupo genético do bezerro nas características comportamentais de vacas nelores e de seus bezerros em pastejo. Foram usadas 21 vacas nelores (primíparas e pluríparas): 13 com bezerros nelores; e 8 com bezerros mestiços Simental × Nelore. As observações do comportamento nas pastagens começaram pela manhã, no momento em que a luminosidade permitia a identificação dos animais, e terminaram ao final da tarde, quando não era mais possível a identificação, e foram realizadas nas semanas 3, 6, 12, 24 e 30 após o parto. Foram avaliados continuamente os seguintes eventos nas vacas e nos bezerros: pastejo, ruminação, ócio, consumo de água e de mistura mineral; e frequência e duração das mamadas. As vacas com bezerros nelores apresentaram menor tempo de ruminação e maior tempo de ócio e seus bezerros, menor tempo de pastejo e maior número de mamadas. O comportamento ingestivo de vacas nelores em pastejo é influenciado pelo grupo genético do bezerro, possivelmente em decorrência da frequência das mamadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo de bovinos Nelore e suas cruzas com Blonde d'Aquitaine (½ Nelore + ½ Blonde d'Aquitaine) do nascimento ao desmame, mantidos em sistema de pastejo, no Estado de Alagoas. Foram analisadas 1.279 medidas de peso ao nascimento (PN) e peso à desmama ajustado para 210 dias (P210) referentes ao período entre os anos de 2005 e 2010. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Os pesos médios para PN e P210 foram respectivamente 31,60kg e 158,66kg, para os animais Nelore, e 33,05kg e 167,03kg, para os animais cruzados. Não houve interação (P<0,05) entre grupo genético e sexo do animal, para nenhuma variável analisada. Foram observados efeitos significativos do grupo genético, sexo e época de nascimento (P<0,05) sobre PN. O grupo genético e o sexo foram significativos sobre o P210. O efeito de época de nascimento foi significativo no peso ao nascimento, mas não houve efeito no P210, provavelmente devido à variação climática verificada na região. Animais machos apresentaram pesos superiores (P<0,05) evidenciando o dimorfismo sexual. Os animais cruzados são superiores aos da raça Nelore em todas as características consideradas, proporcionando, inclusive, bezerros mais pesados ao nascimento, sem, no entanto, apresentar partos distócicos. Os animais cruzados também são adequados em relação à grande adaptação às condições climáticas e de manejo às quais foram submetidos, constituindo-se uma excelente opção para cruzamentos na região Nordeste, em condições ambientais semelhantes às deste estudo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)