905 resultados para Cairo, Formal, Informal, Housing
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
A gestão de recursos humanos (RH) representa teoricamente uma abordagem da gestão empresarial voltada à organização do trabalho visando seu melhor aproveitamento e, em particular, o envolvimento dos trabalhadores nos objetivos da empresa. As práticas de gestão incidem não somente sobre o trabalho em si, mas também de maneira complexa nas interações sociais ocorridas no ambiente de trabalho, bem como na vida pessoal dos trabalhadores, de acordo com as premissas e práticas do estilo de gestão predominante. O presente estudo procura conhecer a natureza das correlações entre gestão de recursos humanos e sociabilidade dos trabalhadores, isto é, sua capacidade de tecer e de manter laços sociais diversos, a partir dos pontos de vista dos trabalhadores. Tomaram-se como referência empírica quatro redes de supermercados na Região Metropolitana de Belém, Pará. O setor é grande empregador, vem se modernizando expressivamente nas duas últimas décadas, implementando alguns procedimentos de gestão de RH e se mantém ao abrigo da forte concorrência de grupos nacionais e internacionais que se observa em outras capitais do país. A metodologia incluiu observações sistemáticas, análise documental e entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas em profundidade, respectivamente com trezentos e oitenta e quatorze trabalhadores, estes últimos selecionados dentre os constantes da amostra maior. As entrevistas versaram sobre atributos sociais e demográficos, trajetória ocupacional e padrões de relacionamento pessoal e profissional. Abrangeram, também, as percepções sobre regras e atitudes no trabalho, com base nas normas constantes dos manuais de serviço das empresas. Incluem-se trinta e quatro itens em uma escala de Lickert. Esses itens foram dispostos em fatores, sendo dois sobre gestão – qualidade do trabalho (QT) e introjeção das normas organizacionais (IN) – e três sobre sociabilidade – confiança (CF), manutenção (MR) e utilidade das relações (UT) no trabalho. Os entrevistados respondiam aos itens, ajustando o grau de sua percepção sobre cada um deles. Tais dados foram submetidos à técnica estatística exploratória Análise de Correspondência (AC) de maneira a verificar a correlação entre os fatores da escala e as características dos entrevistados. Sobre as correlações entre gestão e sociabilidade, sobressaiu em primeiro lugar o regime de trabalho. Jornadas extensas, escalas variáveis, longos intervalos diários e a política de qualificação em serviço (on the job) absorvem quase integralmente o tempo do empregado e dificultam manter relações pessoais ou mesmo estender aquelas formadas no ambiente de trabalho para além deste espaço. Dificulta também investir nos estudos, outra esfera de sociabilidade, o que surpreende em uma amostra cuja faixa etária predominante não ultrapassava trinta anos e cuja ocupação tem poucas possibilidades de carreira. Nesse quadro geral de restrições, a condição de gênero e de família também foi relevante, pois as mulheres, em particular as mães, indicaram menos atividades de lazer, em grupos menores e com mínima presença de colegas de trabalho, em comparação aos homens. Por outro lado, encontraram-se alguns casos de pessoas que construíram relações de conteúdo afetivo no ambiente de trabalho, mesmo a convivência se restringindo à empresa. Outra característica marcante foi a dependência do apoio familiar para o exercício da atividade laboral e para o enfrentamento das vicissitudes do mercado de trabalho. A importância dos laços familiares foi reforçada pelo longo tempo de moradia no mesmo bairro e, em proporção significativa, na mesma residência, em muitos casos a moradia era próxima ou no mesmo domicílio dos pais ou sogros, o que facilitava a ajuda mútua. Outro aspecto que se destacou da gestão de RH foi a imprecisão percebida nos critérios de ascensão profissional e de aplicação das normas, contribuindo para a existência de conflitos velados. Ao estabelecer laços sociais, os empregados depositam uma confiança seletiva, expressa no pequeno número de pessoas em quem se confiava no trabalho. Vale notar aqui também uma pequena variação entre homens e mulheres, pois eles confiavam mais que elas nos colegas. A AC mostrou sensíveis diferenças de percepção sobre qualidade do trabalho e introjeção de normas entre os trabalhadores com primeiro registro em carteira e aqueles com experiência anterior de trabalho formal. Os primeiros notaram um controle (vigilância) mais incisivo da gestão e expressaram menor anuência às regras organizacionais, enquanto que os demais não percebiam o controle da mesma forma e se viam como cumpridores dessas regras. Esses resultados foram interpretados como decorrentes das diferentes trajetórias anteriores, em ocupações formais ou informais, ou por se tratar do primeiro emprego. Não se pode afirmar que as restrições à sociabilidade se devam exclusivamente às características da gestão nesse setor, tendo em vista a incidência de outros fatores, tais como a condição sócio-econômica da família ou o tempo do vinculo empregatício, em média de dois anos entre os entrevistados, que podem ter contribuído para esses resultados.
O processo de ocupação desigual da cidade de Belém possui uma relação direta com o aumento da ocupação informal nesse município. As intervenções urbanísticas de cunho elitista resultaram em poucas intervenções do Estado no sentido de garantir o direito à moradia digna as frações de classe popular, assim as áreas de ocupação se tornaram entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990 praticamente a única forma de provisão da habitação para os pobres. O Estado, por não apresentar alternativas para o problema da moradia, cede às pressões populares de forma limitada com ações pontuais para amenizar os possíveis conflitos. A regularização fundiária urbana, apesar do discurso oficial, que apresenta a política como garantia ao direito à cidade, não foge à regra de outras políticas estatais formal, pontual, fragmentada e descontínua. Que ao contrário de representar formas de legitimar a equidade urbana acabam por exacerbar às expressões da questão social produto da desigualdade social que no Brasil se mostra cada vez mais danosa no campo ou na cidade.
O trabalho aborda uma experiência com educação escolar em uma comunidade de negros, que vive semi-isolada no sudeste do Estado do Tocantins, na região norte do Brasil, onde o sitema matriarcal representa apenas uma das diferenças entre sua cultura e a dos indígenas e dos brancos sertanejos brasileiros, que, como eles, vivem na zona rural. A implantação de uma escola municipal na comunidade, sem levar em conta as especificidades de seu modo de vida, entrou em choque com o processo informal de transmição e aquisição de conhecimentos, perpetuados através de várias gerações. A pesquisa realizada através da observação participante no contexto de um estudo etnográfico, levanta os pontos conflitantes mais significativos - contudo, metodologia e procedimentos básicos - do ensino escolar, que muitas vezes, como no caso da Barra, afastam dos objetivos mesmos a que se propõe alcançar.
This paper presents the survey, demarcation and discussion of different forms of education, which are education unintentional or intentional informal education, which unfolds in formal and non-formal education. The study of the proposed theme was carried through the review, critical analysis and synthesis of academic and scientific literature relevant to different forms of education. It approaches so prominent non-formal education, due to the significant rise of the practices related to it and increase the visibility of the professionals who took teaching as craft specifically in this educational modality. The main sub-areas of non-formal education presented in the article are: corporate education, non-formal education in social held on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), non-formal education aimed at prevention and health promotion, formation of free courses to people in different areas of knowledge and practice. At the end, pointing to the importance of considering the non-formal education records within its ambit the existence of political and pedagogical rationales different, even opposite, which requires teachers and researchers in the educational field constant vigilance epistemological, so to contribute to the construction and consolidation of a critical education, creative and emancipatory.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Education is generally perceived as a public good which should be provided by the state. In Egypt, free and equal access to education has been guaranteed to all citizens since President Nasser’s socialist reforms in the 1950s. However, due to high population growth rates and a lack of financial resources, the public education system has been struggling to accommodate rapidly increasing numbers of students. While enrolment rates have risen steadily, the quality of state-provided services has deteriorated. Teachers and students have to cope with high class densities, insufficient facilities, a rigid syllabus and a centralized examination system. Today, teaching is among the lowest-paying occupations in the public sector. One strategy to cope with this situation is the widespread practice of private tutoring, which usually takes place at students’ homes or in commercial tutoring centers. Based on research carried out in Cairo in 2004/05 and 2006, I use an actor-centered approach to analyze the motivations of Egyptian teachers and students for participating in private tutoring and the impact that this practice has on the relationship between teachers and students. Students of all socio-economic backgrounds resort to tutoring in order to succeed in a highly competitive and exam-oriented education system. However, the form and quality of tutoring that can be accessed depends on the financial means of the family. For teachers, tutoring provides a good opportunity not only to supplement their income, but also, in the case of renowned “star teachers”, to improve their professional status and autonomy. On the informal “market of education” that has developed in Egypt during the last decades, the educational responsibilities of the state are increasingly being taken over by private actors, i.e. the process of teaching and learning is dissociated from the direct control of the state and from school as an institution. At the same time, education is turned into a marketable commodity. Despite the government’s efforts to provide free education to all citizens, the quality of social services that can be accessed in Egypt, thus, depends mainly on the financial means of the individual or the family.
This dissertation has studied how legal and non-legal mechanisms affect the levels of trust and trustworthiness in an economy, and whether and when subtle psychological factors are crucial for establishing trust and even for recovering trust from a breach of contract. The first Chapter has addressed the question of whether formal legal enforcement crowds out or crowds in the amount of trust in a society. We find that formal legal mechanisms, especially formal contracts backed by a powerful authority, normally undermine trust except when they are perceived as legitimate, or when there are no strong social norms of fairness (i.e. the population in a society is considerably heterogeneous), or when the environment in which repeated commercial relationships take place becomes highly uncertain. The second Chapter has examined whether the endogenous adoption of a collective punishment institution can help a society coordinate on an efficient outcome, characterized by high levels of trust and trustworthiness. The experimental results show that the endogenous introduction of collective punishment by means of a majority-voting rule does not significantly improve coordination on the efficient equilibrium. Not all subjects seem to be able to anticipate the change in behavior induced by the introduction of the mechanism, and a majority of them vote against it. The third Chapter has explored whether high-trustors adapt their behavior in response to others’ trustworthiness or untrustworthiness more quickly, which in turn supports them to maintain higher default expectations of others’ trustworthiness relative to low-trustors. Our experimental results reveal that high-trustors are better than low-trustors at predicting others’ trustworthiness because they are less susceptible to the anticipated aversive emotions aroused by the potential betrayal and thereby have a higher willingness to acquire the valuable information about their partner’s actions.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of informal care support networks on the health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety of elderly individuals in Argentina and Cuba. Recent economic changes, demographic changes, the structure of families and changes in women?s labor participation have affected the availability of informal care. Additionally, the growing number of elderly as a percentage of total population has significant implications for both formal and informal care in Argentina and Cuba. Methods: The SABE - Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2000 was used as the data source. The survey has a sample of 10,656 individuals aged 60 years and older residing in private households occupied by permanent dwellers in 7 cities in the Latin American and Caribbean region. My study will focus on the Buenos Aires and Havana samples in which there were 1043 individuals and 1905 individuals respectively. General sampling design was used to establish comparability between countries. Individuals requiring assistance are surveyed on their source of help and the relative impact of informal versus paid help is measured for this group. Other measures of social support (number of living children, companionship and number of individuals living in the same dwelling) are used to measure networks for the full sample. Multivariate probit regression analyses were run separately for Cuba and for Argentina to evaluate the marginal impacts of the types of social support on health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety. Results: For Argentina, almost all of the family help variables positively impact good health. Getting help from most other members of the family negatively impacts satisfaction with life. Happiness is affected differently by each of the family help variables but community support increases the likelihood of being happy. Although none of the family or community help variables show statistical significance, most negatively affect anxiety levels. In Cuba, all of the social support variables have a positive marginal impact on the health status of the elderly. In this case, some of the family and community help variables have a negative marginal impact on life satisfaction; however, it appears that having those closest to the elderly, children, spouse, or other family, positively impacts life satisfaction. Most of the support variables negatively impact happiness. Receiving help from a child, spouse or parent is associated with a marginal increase in anxiety, whereas receiving help from a grandchild, another family member or a friend actually reduces anxiety. Discussion: The study highlights the necessity for enhancing the coordination of various care networks in order to provide adequate care and reduce the burdens of old age on the individual, family and society and the need for consistent support for the caregivers. More qualitative work should be done to identify how support is given and what comprises the support. The constant change and advancement of the world, and the growth of the Latin American and Caribbean region, suggests that more updates studies need to be done.
This study will explore familial and friend support networks and living arrangements among elderly individuals in Latin America and the impact that this type of support has on the health of the elderly individuals in the countries of interest. Using data from the Survey on Health and Well-Being of Elders (SABE) from 1999-2000, I will explore which type of support has a larger impact on overall health. I will also measure differences in unmet needs for certain health services. This topic is particularly interesting because it will help to uncover what policies are best for aiding in the healthcare of the elderly in aging population. Lastly, the investigation of this topic will allow me to draw conclusions about the most effective means of social and public policy for the elderly community and provide me with information about the role of both informal provisions of support from family and friends, and formal provisions of support from the government. My primary focus will be on Argentina, using Buenos Aires as the sample city, and Cuba, using Havana as the sample city. These two countries have increasingly aging populations, poorer resources and vast inequalities, but, extremely different political, economic and cultural situations. Comparing the two countries will further allow me to determine correlations between health and the existence of support networks, as well as provide me with information to make more general claims that may be of use in the United States. Argentina is particularly interesting to me because of my abroad experience and homestay experience with an older Argentine woman who lived alone but depended upon her family for many healthcare needs, doctors’ visits and general well-being. In Argentina, I experienced a different form of living than I am used to in the United States, where many older individuals or couples live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities rather than alone or with family. The changing economic climate of the two countries coupled with labor patterns of women returning to work at rapid rates indicates that policies cannot just rely on either the formal or informal sector but require a combination of the two sectors working together.This paper will first give background on the difference in the economies and the health care systems in Argentina and Cuba and will show why it interesting to study and compare these two countries. I will then discuss the health status of the elderly in each population as well as discuss the informal care networks and the role of family in each country. This section will then be followed by a description of the data and methods used. I will end by drawing conclusions about the study and the outcomes, and then I will attempt to make suggestions about effective health care policies for the elderly.
In the public debate the internet is regarded as a central resource for knowledge and information. Associated with this is the idea that everyone is able and even expected to serve himself or herself according to his or her own needs via this medium. Since more and more services are also delivered online the internet seems to allow its users to enjoy specific advantages in dealing with their everyday life. However, using the internet is based on a range of preconditions. New results of empirical and theoretical research indicate the rise of a social divide in this context. Within the internet, different ways of use can be identified alongside social inequalities. Boundaries of the "real life" are mirrored in the virtual space e.g. in terms of forms of communification and spaces for appropriation. These are not only shaped by invidual preferences but particularly by social structures and processes. In the context of the broader debate on education it is stated that formal educational structures are to be completed by arrangements which are structured in informal respectively nonformal ways. Particularly the internet is suggested to play an important role in this respect. However, the phenomenon of digital inequality points to limitations consolidated by effects of economic, social, and cultural ressources: Economical resources affect opportunities of access, priorities of everyday life shape respective intentions of internet use, social relationships have an impact on the support structures available and ways of appropriation reproduce a specific understanding of informal education ("informelle Bildung"). This produces an early stratification of opportunities especially for the subsequent generation and may lead to extensive inequalities regarding the distribution of advantages in terms of education. Thus the capacity of the virtual space in terms of participatory opportunities and democratic potentials raises concerns of major relevance with respect to social and educational policy. From the perspective of different disciplines involved in these issues it is essential to clarify this question in an empirical as well as in a theoretical way and to make it utilizable for a future-orientied practice. This article discusses central questions regarding young people's internet use and its implications for informal education and social service delivery on the basis of empirical findings. It introduces a methodological approach for this particular perspective and illustrates that the phenomena of digital divide and digital inequality are as much created by social processes as by technical issues.
This dissertation documents health and illness in the context of daily life circumstances and structural conditions faced by African American families living in Clover Heights (pseudonym), an inner city public housing project in the Third Ward, Houston, Texas. Drawing from Kleinman's (1980) model of culturally defined health care systems and using the holistic-content approach to narrative analysis (Lieblich, Tuval- Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) the purpose of this research was to explore the ways in which social and health policy, economic mobility, the inner city environment, and cultural beliefs intertwined with African American families' health related ideas, behaviors, and practices. I recruited six families using a convenience sampling method (Schensul, Schensul, & LeCompte, 1999) and followed them for fourteen months (2010–2011). Family was defined as a household unit, or those living in the same residence, short or long-term. Single, African American women ranging in age from 29–80 years headed all families. All but one family included children or grandchildren 18 years of age and younger, or children or other relative 18 years of age and older. I also recruited six residents with who I became acquainted over the course of the project. I collected data using traditional ethnographic methods including participant-observation, archive review, field notes, mapping, free-listing, in-depth interviews, and life history interviews. ^ Doing ethnography afforded the families who participated in this project the freedom to construct their own experiences of health and illness. My role centered on listening to, learning from, and interpreting participants' narratives, exploring similarities and differences within and across families' experiences. As the research progressed, a pattern concerning diagnosis and pharmacotherapy for children's behavioral and emotional problems, particularly attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), emerged from my formal interactions with participants and my informal interactions with residents. The findings presented in this dissertation document this pattern, focusing on how mothers and families interpreted, organized, and ascribed meaning to their experiences of ADHD and PBD. ^ In the first manuscript presented here, I documented three mothers' narrative constructions of a child's diagnosis with and pharmacotherapy for ADHD or PBD. Using Gergen's (1997) relational perspective I argued that mothers' knowledge and experiences of ADHD and PBD were not individually constructed, but were linguistically and discursively constituted through various social interactions and relationships, including family, spirituality and faith, community norms, and expert systems of knowledge. Mothers' narratives revealed the complexity of children's behavioral and emotional problems, the daily trials of living through these problems, how they coped with adversity and developed survival strategies, and how they interacted with various institutional authorities involved in evaluating, diagnosing, and encouraging pharmaceutical intervention for children's behavior. The findings highlight the ways in which mothers' social interactions and relationships introduced a scientific language and discourse for explaining children's behavior as mental illness, the discordances between expert systems of knowledge and mothers' understandings, and how discordances reflected mothers' ‘microsources of power’ for producing their own stories and experiences. ^ In the second manuscript presented here, I documented the ways in which structural factors, including gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, coupled with a unique cultural and social standpoint (Collins, 1990/2009) influenced the strategies this group of African American mothers employed to understand and respond to ADHD or PBD. The most salient themes related to mother-child relationships coalesced around mothers' beliefs about the etiology of ADHD and PBD, ‘conceptualizing responsibility,’ and ‘protection-survival.’ The findings suggest that even though mothers' strategies varied, they were in pursuit of a common goal. Mothers' challenged the status quo, addressing children's behavioral and emotional problems in the ways that made the most sense to them, specifically protecting their children from further marginalization in society more so than believing these were the best options for their children.^
En este artículo se analiza la política sobre asentamientos informales Ilevada a cabo por los distintos gobiernos de la provincia, desde la apertura del proceso democrático hasta la actualidad. Cada uno de los programas analizados se contextualiza en el marco de las transformaciones socioeconómicas que caracterizaron las décadas de los '80, '90, la década actual y en determinadas concepciones de política social. El anáIisis de los programas se efectúa a partir de las siguientes categorías: segregación/integración residencial; potencialidad de los programas para enfrentar situaciones de pobreza; enfoques de los organismos internacionales en tomo a la pobreza; derecho a la vivienda y derecho a la ciudad.
El Observatorio de Política Urbanística, Dinámica Inmobiliaria y Procesos Urbanos (FADU-UBA), indaga entre otros temas, el origen y evolución de los procesos urbanos formales e informales que espejan las transformaciones del ámbito territorial urbano-metropolitano de Buenos Aires enmarcadas en la transición de siglos XX y XXI. Estos procesos se interpretan como resultado de las relaciones entre las intervenciones planificadas y las mediaciones espontáneas de los diversos actores del crecimiento y desarrollo de la ciudad. El enfoque de 'Inteligencia Territorial' (IT) es de valioso aporte al Observatorio, ya que a través del mismo se identifican y examinan las prácticas urbanísticas y políticas públicas que inciden en dichas transformaciones territoriales. Este trabajo presenta avances de una sub-línea de investigación en curso, referida al espacio urbano de comercialización que proliferó entre fin del siglo XX y comienzo del XXI, tanto en períodos recesivos como en los de crecimiento económico: el espacio de comercialización formal y en particular el informal, bajo tipologías de localización centralizada o de tipo enclave (como los centros de compras de tipo shopping, hipermercados y servicios de ocio y recreación, o centralidades temáticas en torno a corredores viales rápidos del periurbano en proceso de expansión, o la Feria La Salada) o dispersa (como los centros o mercados de conveniencia, o ferias populares de artículos usados en proximidad a estaciones ferroviarias o al interior de lotes). Aspirando a contribuir al debate y la reflexión sobre los aportes del enfoque de la 'Inteligencia Territorial', se presenta fundamento empírico a partir del relevamiento de algunas de estas tipologías informales y su geo-referencia a través de sistemas de información territorial, analizando aspectos de su impacto territorial (especialmente en la matriz ambiental y socio- económica), y contrastando sus lógicas de localización con las del espacio de comercialización formal, ya registrado y analizado en diversos estudios del Observatorio y de otros equipos de investigación
Con el propósito de contribuir al conocimiento de las lógicas y tendencias de la expansión residencial en áreas periurbanas y su impronta en la organización futura de las ciudades medias, tendiente al logro de una relación armónica entre la actividad residencial y las otras actividades socioeconómicas que se presentan en dichas áreas, en la presente Tesis doctoral se aborda el estudio del proceso de expansión residencial que se han venido desarrollando en el espacio periurbano del Partido de La Plata desde principios de los años '90 hasta nuestros días. Para tal fin, se profundiza en el estudio de espacios periurbanos, caracterizados por su dinamismo, heterogeneidad y complejidad. En relación a los espacios residenciales que se desarrollan en estas áreas periféricas del Partido, fueron reconocidas tres tendencias diferenciadas: a) el proceso de urbanización cerrada, con tendencias al aislamiento de viviendas y complejos habitacionales, b) la "producción de periferia" relacionada con los sectores de población que no consiguen acceder al mercado formal de la tierra y la vivienda, asociada por lo general a modalidades de asentamiento espontáneo; y c) la ocupación gradual de baldíos urbanos con escasa o nula provisión de servicios y redes de infraestructura. En la presente Tesis se profundizará en las dos primeras de estas modalidades expansivas, indagándose en las lógicas de los distintos actores -sociales, políticos y económicos- que intervienen en el proceso urbano expansivo que hemos denominado "formal cerrado" e "informal abierto", respectivamente. La hipótesis que guía nuestro trabajo plantea que la expansión urbana en el Partido de La Plata trae aparejada una competencia por el territorio entre diferentes usos del suelo y actividades, con el consecuente incremento en los precios de la tierra, abandono de los sectores de bajos ingresos como habitantes originales y disminución del uso de tierra rural. Para dar respuesta a los objetivos e hipótesis planteados en nuestra Tesis, los criterios metodológicos adoptados parten de considerar al territorio como un sistema complejo. En este marco, el abordaje desde una visión sistémica y de la complejidad de nuestro objeto de estudio necesita de un abordaje dialéctico y de la convergencia metodológica para obtener distintos puntos de vista sobre el mismo. En el desarrollo de esta Tesis se han utilizado como herramientas de investigación: el método del estudio de caso, la construcción tipológica, la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad, la utilización de modelos y la construcción de escenarios urbanos. Finalmente, producto de estos años de investigación en la temática, se arribó a las siguientes conclusiones, que han sido estructuradas en cinco apartados principales en función de su carácter predominantemente teórico, empírico, metodológico y/o propositivo, a saber: 1. el periurbano: ¿espacio de competencia o complementariedad?; 2. la construcción de tipologías como camino explicativo en materia de espacios periurbanos; 3. las lógicas residenciales periféricas: la "privatópolis" y la "precariópolis"; 4. las tendencias residenciales periféricas y los desafíos de la planificación urbana, y 5. nuevos interrogantes y perspectivas surgidos de esta Tesis.