994 resultados para Ca2 signaling


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Geminin was identified in Xenopus as a dual function protein involved in the regulation of DNA replication and neural differentiation. In Xenopus, Geminin acts to antagonize the Brahma (Brm) chromatin-remodeling protein, Brg1, during neural differentiation. Here, we investigate the interaction of Geminin with the Brm complex during Drosophila development. We demonstrate that Drosophila Geminin (Gem) interacts antagonistically with the BrmBAP complex during wing development. Moreover, we show in vivo during wing development and biochemically that Brm acts to promote EGFRRasMAPK signaling, as indicated by its effects on pERK levels, while Gem opposes this. Furthermore, gem and brm alleles modulate the wing phenotype of a Raf gain-of-function mutant and the eye phenotype of a EGFR gain-of-function mutant. Western analysis revealed that Gem over-expression in a background compromised for Brm function reduces Mek (MAPKK/Sor) protein levels, consistent with the decrease in ERK activation observed. Taken together, our results show that Gem and Brm act antagonistically to modulate the EGFRRasMAPK signaling pathway, by affecting Mek levels during Drosophila development.


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Lymphatic vessels guide interstitial fluid, modulate immune responses by regulating leukocyte and antigen trafficking to lymph nodes, and in a cancer setting enable tumor cells to track to regional lymph nodes. The aim of the study was to determine whether primary murine lymphatic endothelial cells (mLECs) show conserved vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathways with human LECs (hLECs). LECs were successfully isolated from murine dermis and prostate. Similar to hLECs, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family ligands activated MAPK and pAkt intracellular signaling pathways in mLECs. We describe a robust protocol for isolation of mLECs which, by harnessing the power of transgenic and knockout mouse models, will be a useful tool to study how LEC phenotype contributes to alterations in lymphatic vessel formation and function.


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Olfactomedin-4 (OLFM-4) is an extracellular matrix protein that is highly expressed in human endometrium. We have examined the regulation and function of OLFM-4 in normal endometrium and in cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer. OLFM-4 expression levels are highest in proliferative-phase endometrium, and 17 beta-estradiol up-regulates OLFM-4 mRNA in endometrial explant cultures. Using the luciferase reporter under control of the OLFM-4 promoter, it was shown that both 17 beta-estradiol and OH-tamoxifen induce luciferase activity, and epidermal growth factor receptor-1 is required for this estrogenic response. In turn, EGF activates the OLFM-4 promoter, and estrogen receptor-alpha is needed for the complete EGF response. The cellular functions of OLFM-4 were examined by its expression in OLFM-4-negative HEK-293 cells, which resulted in decreased vimentin expression and cell adherence as well as increased apoptosis resistance. In cases of endometriosis and endometrial cancer, OLFM-4 expression correlated with the presence of epidermal growth factor receptor-1 and estrogen receptor-alpha (or estrogen signaling). An increase of OLFM-4 mRNA was observed in the endometrium of endometriosis patients. No change in OLFM-4 expression levels were observed in patients with endometrial cancer relative with controts. In conclusion, cross-talk between estrogen and EGF signaling regulates OLFM-4 expression. The role of OLFM-4 in endometrial tissue remodeling before the secretory phase and during the predisposition and early events in endometriosis can be postulated but requires additional investigation. (Am J Pathol 2010, 177:2495-2508: DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.100026


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The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of GABAB receptors, a subclass of receptors to the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAB), in human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs), and to explore if altering receptor activation modified intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) of HASMCs. Real-time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence were used to determine the expression of GABABR1 and GABABR2 in cultured HASMCs. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize the two subunits in human left anterior descending artery (LAD). The effects of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs were demonstrated using fluo-3. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 mRNA and protein were identified in cultured HASMCs and antibody staining was also localized to smooth muscle cells of human LAD. 100 M baclofen caused a transient increase of [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs regardless of whether Ca(2+) was added to the medium, and the effects were inhibited by pre-treatment with CGP46381 (selective GABAB receptor antagonist), pertussis toxin (a Gi/o protein inhibitor), and U73122 (a phospholipase C blocker). GABAB receptors are expressed in HASMCs and regulate the [Ca(2+)]i via a Gi/o-coupled receptor pathway and a phospholipase C activation pathway


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GABAB receptors associate with Gi/o-proteins that regulate voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and thus the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i), there is also reported cross-regulation of phospholipase C. These associations have been studied extensively in the brain and also shown to occur in non-neural cells (e.g. human airway smooth muscle). More recently GABAB receptors have been observed in chick retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The aims were to investigate whether the GABAB receptor subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2, are co-expressed in cultured human RPE cells, and then determine if the GABAB receptor similarly regulates the [Ca(2+)]i of RPE cells and if phospholipase C is involved. Human RPE cells were cultured from 5 donor eye cups. Evidence for GABAB1 and GABAB2 mRNAs and proteins in the RPE cell cultures were investigated using real time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence. The effects of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen, antagonist CGP46381, a Gi/o-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin, and the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 on [Ca(2+)]i in cultured human RPE were demonstrated using Fluo-3. Both GABAB1 and GABAB2 mRNA and protein were identified in cell cultures of human RPE; antibody staining was co-localized to the cell membrane and cytoplasm. One-hundred M baclofen caused a transient increase in the [Ca(2+)]i of RPE cells regardless of whether Ca(2+) was added to the buffer. Baclofen induced increases in the [Ca(2+)]i were attenuated by pre-treatment with CGP46381, pertussis toxin, and U73122. GABAB1 and GABAB2 are co-expressed in cell cultures of human RPE. GABAB receptors in RPE regulate the [Ca(2+)]i via a Gi/o-protein and phospholipase C pathway.


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Leucine is a key amino acid for initiating translation in muscle cells, but the dose-dependent effects of leucine on intracellular signaling are poorly characterized. This study examined the effect that increasing doses of leucine would have on changes in mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)mediated signaling, rates of protein synthesis, and cell size in C2C12 cells. We hypothesized that a leucine threshold exists, which represents the minimum stimulus required to initiate mTOR signaling in muscle cells. Acute exposure to 1.5, 3.2, 5.0, and 16.1 mM leucine increased phosphorylation of mTORSer2448 (~1.4-fold; P < .04), 4E-BP1 Thr37/46 (~1.9-fold; P < .001), and rpS6Ser235/6 (~2.3-fold; P < .001). However, only p70S6kThr389 exhibited a dose-dependent response to leucine with all treatments higher than control (~4-fold; P < .001) and at least 5 mM higher than the 1.5-mM concentration (1.2-fold; P < .02). Rates of protein synthesis were not altered by any treatment. Seven days of exposure to 0.5, 1.5, 5.0, and 16.5 mM leucine resulted in an increase in cell size in at least 5 mM treatments (~1.6-fold, P < .001 vs control). Our findings indicate that even at low leucine concentrations, phosphorylation of proteins regulating translation initiation signaling is enhanced. The phosphorylation of p70S6kThr389 follows a leucine dose-response relationship, although this was not reflected by the acute protein synthetic response. Nevertheless, under the conditions of the present study, it appears that leucine concentrations of at least 5 mM are necessary to enhance cell growth.


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Irregular atrial pressure, defective folate and cholesterol metabolism contribute to the pathogenesis of hypertension. However, little is known about the combined roles of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), apolipoprotein-E (ApoE) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genes, which are involved in metabolism and homeostasis. The objective of this study is to investigate the association of the MTHFR 677 C>T and 1298A>C, ACE insertiondeletion (I/D) and ApoE genetic polymorphisms with hypertension and to further explore the epistasis interactions that are involved in these mechanisms. A total of 594 subjects, including 348 normotensive and 246 hypertensive ischemic stroke subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C>T and 1298A>C, ACE I/D and ApoEpolymorphisms were genotyped and the epistasis interaction were analyzed. The MTHFR 677 C>T and ApoE polymorphisms demonstrated significant associations with susceptibility to hypertension in multiple logistic regression models, multifactor dimensionality reduction and a classification and regression tree. In addition, the logistic regression model demonstrated that significant interactions between the ApoE E3E3, E2E4, E2E2 and MTHFR 677 C>T polymorphisms existed. In conclusion, the results of this epistasis study indicated significant association between the ApoE and MTHFR polymorphisms and hypertension.


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Canonical Wnt signaling is important in tooth development but it is unclear whether it can induce cementogenesis and promote the regeneration of periodontal tissues lost due to disease. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the influence of canonical Wnt signaling enhancers on human periodontal ligament cell (hPDLCs) cementogenic differentiation in vitro and cementum repair in a rat periodontal defect model. Canonical Wnt signaling was induced by (i) local injection of lithium chloride; (ii) local injection of sclerostin antibody; and (iii) local injection of a lentiviral construct overexpressing -catenin. The results showed that the local activation of canonical Wnt signaling resulted in significant new cellular cementum deposition and the formation of well-organized periodontal ligament fibers, which was absent in the control group. In vitro experiments using hPDLCs showed that the Wnt signaling pathway activators significantly increased mineralization, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and gene and protein expression of the bone and cementum markers osteocalcin (OCN), osteopontin (OPN), cementum protein 1 (CEMP1), and cementum attachment protein (CAP). Our results show that the activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway can induce in vivo cementum regeneration and in vitro cementogenic differentiation of hPDLCs.


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Background The VEGF pathway has become an important therapeutic target in lung cancer, where VEGF has long been established as a potent pro-angiogenic growth factor expressed by many types of tumors. While Bevacizumab (Avastin) has proven successful in increasing the objective tumor response rate and in prolonging progression and overall survival in patients with NSCLC, the survival benefit is however relatively short and the majority of patients eventually relapse. The current use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors alone and in combination with chemotherapy has been underwhelming, highlighting an urgent need for new targeted therapies. In this study, we examined the mechanisms of VEGF-mediated survival in NSCLC cells and the role of the Neuropilin receptors in this process. Methods NSCLC cells were screened for expression of VEGF and its receptors. The effects of recombinant VEGF and its blockade on lung tumor cell proliferation and cell cycle were examined. Phosphorylation of Akt and Erk1/2 proteins was examined by high content analysis and confocal microscopy. The effects of silencing VEGF on cell proliferation and survival signaling were also assessed. A Neuropilin-1 stable-transfected cell line was generated. Cell growth characteristics in addition to pAkt and pErk1/2 signaling were studied in response to VEGF and its blockade. Tumor growth studies were carried out in nude mice following subcutaneous injection of NP1 over-expressing cells. Results Inhibition of the VEGF pathway with anti-VEGF and anti-VEGFR-2 antibodies or siRNA to VEGF, NP1 and NP2 resulted in growth inhibition of NP1 positive tumor cell lines associated with down-regulation of PI3K and MAPK kinase signaling. Stable transfection of NP1 negative cells with NP1 induced proliferation in vitro, which was further enhanced by exogenous VEGF. In vivo, NP1 over-expressing cells significantly increased tumor growth in xenografts compared to controls. Conclusions Our data demonstrate that VEGF is an autocrine growth factor in NSCLC signaling, at least in part, through NP1. Targeting this VEGF receptor may offer potential as a novel therapeutic approach and also support the evaluation of the role of NP1 as a biomarker predicting sensitivity or resistance to VEGF and VEGFR-targeted therapies in the clinical arena.


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Macrophages play a crucial role in the maintenance and resolution of inflammation and express a number of pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules in response to stressors. Among them, the complement receptor 5a (C5aR) plays an integral role in the development of inflammatory disorders. Biliverdin and bilirubin, products of heme catabolism, exert anti-inflammatory effects and inhibit complement activation. Here, we define the effects of biliverdin on C5aR expression in macrophages and the roles of Akt and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in these responses. Biliverdin administration inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced C5aR expression (without altering basal expression), an effect partially blocked by rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR signaling. Biliverdin also reduced LPS-dependent expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. Collectively, these data indicate that biliverdin regulates LPS-mediated expression of C5aR via the mTOR pathway, revealing an additional mechanism underlying biliverdin's anti-inflammatory effects.


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Interstitial fibrosis, a histological process common to many kidney diseases, is the precursor state to end stage kidney disease, a devastating and costly outcome for the patient and the health system. Fibrosis is historically associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but emerging evidence is now linking many forms of acute kidney disease (AKD) with the development of CKD. Indeed, we and others have observed at least some degree of fibrosis in up to 50% of clinically defined cases of AKD. Epithelial cells of the proximal tubule (PTEC) are central in the development of kidney interstitial fibrosis. We combine the novel techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR to identify and quantitate real time gene transcription profiles of purified PTEC isolated from human kidney biopsies that describe signaling pathways associated with this pathological fibrotic process. Our results: (i) confirm previous in-vitro and animal model studies; kidney injury molecule-1 is up-regulated in patients with acute tubular injury, inflammation, neutrophil infiltration and a range of chronic disease diagnoses, (ii) provide data to inform treatment; complement component 3 expression correlates with inflammation and acute tubular injury, (iii) identify potential new biomarkers; proline 4-hydroxylase transcription is down-regulated and vimentin is up-regulated across kidney diseases, (iv) describe previously unrecognized feedback mechanisms within PTEC; Smad-3 is down-regulated in many kidney diseases suggesting a possible negative feedback loop for TGF- in the disease state, whilst tight junction protein-1 is up-regulated in many kidney diseases, suggesting feedback interactions with vimentin expression. These data demonstrate that the combined techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR have the power to study molecular signaling within single cell populations derived from clinically sourced tissue.


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The costimulatory receptors CD28 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen (CTLA)-4 and their ligands, CD80 and CD86, are expressed on T lymphocytes; however, their functional roles during T cell-T cell interactions are not well known. The consequences of blocking CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions on purified mouse CD4(+) T cells were studied in the context of the strength of signal (SOS). CD4(+) T cells were activated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and different concentrations of a Ca2+ ionophore, Ionomycin (I), or a sarcoplasmic Ca2+ ATPase inhibitor, Thapsigargin (TG). Increasing concentrations of I or TG increased the amount of interleukin (IL)-2, reflecting the conversion of a low to a high SOS. During activation with PMA and low amounts of I, intracellular concentrations of calcium ([Ca2+](i)) were greatly reduced upon CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 blockade. Further experiments demonstrated that CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions reduced cell cycling upon activation with PMA and high amounts of I or TG (high SOS) but the opposite occurred with PMA and low amounts of I or TG (low SOS). These results were confirmed by surface T-cell receptor (TCR)-CD3 signalling using a low SOS, for example soluble anti-CD3, or a high SOS, for example plate-bound anti-CD3. Also, CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions enhanced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Studies with catalase revealed that H2O2 was required for IL-2 production and cell cycle progression during activation with a low SOS. However, the high amounts of ROS produced during activation with a high SOS reduced cell cycle progression. Taken together, these results indicate that [Ca2+](i) and ROS play important roles in the modulation of T-cell responses by CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions.


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When freshly starved amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum are loaded with the Ca2+-specific dye indo-1/AM and analyzed in a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, they exhibit a quasi-bimodal distribution of fluorescence. This permits a separation of the population into two classes: H, or ''high Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence,'' and L, or ''low Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence.'' Simultaneous monitoring of Ca2+-indo-1 and Ca2+-chlortetracycline fluorescence shows that by and large the same cells tend to have high (or low) levels of both cytoplasmic and sequestered Ca2+. Next we label H cells with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) and mix them in a 1:4 ratio with L cells, In the slugs that result, TRITC fluorescence is confined mainly to the anterior prestalk region. This implies that amoebae with relatively high Ca2+ at the vegetative stage tend to develop into prestalk cells and those with low Ca2+ into prespores. Polysphondylium violaceum, a cellular slime mold that does not possess prestalk and prespore cells, also does not display a Ca2+-dependent heterogeneity at the vegetative stage or in slugs. Finally, confirming earlier findings with the fluorophore fura-2 (Azhar ef al., Curr. Sci. 68, 337-342 (1995)), a prestalk-prespore difference in cellular Ca2+ is present in the cells of the slug in vivo. These findings are discussed in light of the possible roles of Ca2+ for cell differentiation in D. discoideum.


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Gene-targeted disruption of Grg5, a mouse homologue of Drosophila groucho (gro), results in postnatal growth retardation in mice. The growth defect, most striking in approximately half of the Grg5 null mice, occurs during the first 4-5 weeks of age, but most mice recover retarded growth later. We used the nonlinear mixed-effects model to fit the growth data of wild-type, heterozygous, and Grg5 null mice. On the basis of preliminary evidence suggesting an interaction between Grg5 and the transcription factor Cbfa1/Runx2, critical for skeletal development, we further investigated the skeleton in the mice. A long bone growth plate defect was identified, which included shorter zones of proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes and decreased trabecular bone formation. This decreased trabecular bone formation is likely caused by a reduced recruitment of osteoblasts into the growth plate region of Grg5 null mice. Like the growth defect, the growth plate and trabecular bone abnormality improved as the mice grew older. The growth plate defect was associated with reduced Indian hedgehog expression and signaling. We suggest that Grg5, a transcriptional coregulator, modulates the activities of transcription factors, such as Cbfa1/Runx2 in vivo to affect Ihh expression and the function of long bone growth plates.