979 resultados para CICLO ESTRAL


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The macroscopic scale used for determination of sexual maturity in shrimps was tested against objective parameters namely the gonad-somatic index and the size of oocytes. The two main species caught in Mozambique, Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros, were the object of the work. In order to reduce the subjectivity in the macroscopic exam, a table with the colours representative of each stage is presented. Since this study was conducted over a period of 13 consecutive months and there were observations from previous years, the sexual cycle of the two species is also presented, as well as an estimate of the size at first maturity.


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The present paper deals on the histological description of the hake ovary made on the basis of gonad observations of 394 females during the period April 1966 March 1967. The material was obtained from weekly sampling of commercial catches carried out at the Institute of Marine Biology (Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina). The anatomical and histological description of the standard ovary and the adopted terminology are given. The maturation process is divided into five periods, from ovocyte formation to yolked ovocyte formation, with its histological description. Ovary changes are analyzed on detail. The following conclusions were outlined: 1. Analysis demonstrated that although some specimens were totally spawned others, at the end of the spawning period, retaining a great number of ovocytes in different maturity stages. Therefore, postspawners have been classified as follows: Postspawned II : This stages is characterized by the empty ovarian structure, with ovocytes in stage II, which will remain in the resting phase untill next spawning season. Postspawned III and IV: Their main characteristics are: tissue destruction, bloody residuals and remaining ovocytes in stage III and IV, respectively. 2. Some transformations were found in ovaries of postspawned III and IV. They are classified as follows, according to its origin and structure: Developed from follicular cell membrane – a) Glandular formations, b) Epiteloid formations - Originated from remaining ovocytes, c) Ovocyte disintegration, d) Ovocyte with follicular cell infiltration. 3. All those structures derived from postpawners III and IV have a temporary character and will be reabsorbed. Their presence delay the recuperation of the organ and its reproductive functions. Consequently, the possibility of those structures acting as control mechanisms is suggested. 4. Transformations pointed out in paragraph Nº 2 prevent the possibility of consecutive spawning originated from the remaining ovocytes (II and IV). 5. No structures originated from postspawners III and IV were found during summer season. 6. Reproductive cycle of hake has been described monthly. It was observed that maturing ovaries predominate in summer (November-December).


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No Brasil, cultiva-se o abacaxizeiro, Ananas comosus (L) na maioria das regiões ,sendo a 'Pérola' a cultivar mais plantada. Apesar de seu aspecto rústico, essa bromeliácea, em uma produção comercial, exige tratos culturais e fitossanitários rigorosos, para evitar problemas como a murcha que está associada à cochonilha Dysmicoccus brevipes Cockerell (1893) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), cujas perdas na produção, em cultivares suscetíveis, podem ultrapassar os 80% (SANCHES, 2005). O mercado interno é ainda o mais visado pelos produtores de abacaxi, sendo a aquisição ou venda de mudas entre produtores uma prática muito comum que, propicia a dispersão desse inseto de uma propriedade para outra ou de uma região para outra. O Sistema de Produção Integrada de Abacaxi é uma prática de apoio aos produtores para atender as exigências crescentes do mercado consumidor quanto à produção de alimentos seguros. Esse sistema é baseado nas boas práticas agrícolas traduzindo em valorização do ser humano, conservação do meio ambiente (solo e água), melhoria da qualidade de vida dos produtores rurais, respeito à legislação trabalhista e segurança do trabalhador.


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Este trabalho vem sendo conduzido no Centro de Pesquisa Florestal do Acre com o objetivo de introduzir e avaliar o desempenho de cultivares de bananeira resistentes e/ou tolerantes à pragas e doenças, nas condições edafoclimáticas locais.