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Seagrass beds have higher biomass, abundance, diversity and productivity of benthic organisms than unvegetated sediments. However, to date most studies have analysed only the macrofaunal component and ignored the abundant meiofauna present in seagrass meadows. This study was designed to test if meiobenthic communities, especially the free-living nematodes, differed between seagrass beds and unvegetated sediments. Sediment samples from beds of the eelgrass Zostera capricorni and nearby unvegetated sediments were collected in three estuaries along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Results showed that sediments below the seagrass were finer, with a higher content of organic material and were less oxygenated than sediments without seagrass. Univariate measures of the fauna (i.e. abundance, diversity and taxa richness of total meiofauna and nematode assemblages) did not differ between vegetated and unvegetated sediments. However multivariate analysis of meiofaunal higher taxa showed significant differences between the two habitats, largely due to the presence and absence of certain taxa. Amphipods, tanaidacea, ostracods, hydrozoans and isopods occurred mainly in unvegetated sediments, while kinorhyncs, polychaetes, gastrotrichs and turbellarians were more abundant in vegetated sediments. Regarding the nematode assemblages, 32.4% of the species were restricted to Z. capricorni and 25% only occurred in unvegetated sediments, this suggests that each habitat is characterized by a particular suite of species. Epistrate feeding nematodes were more abundant in seagrass beds, and it is suggested that they graze on the microphytobenthos which accumulates underneath the seagrass. Most of the genera that characterized these estuarine unvegetated sediments are also commonly found on exposed sandy beaches. This may be explained by the fact that Australian estuaries have very little input of freshwater and experience marine conditions for most of the year. This study demonstrates that the seagrass and unvegetated sediments have discrete meiofaunal communities, with little overlap in species composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Prevalence rates of smoking are rising in developing countries. Previous trials evaluating the efficacy and tolerability of the smoking-cessation medication varenicline have used largely participants of Caucasian origin. Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of varenicline in populations of participants from Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East to investigate potential differences in the therapeutic response to varenicline. Methods: This multinational, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at 42 centers in 11 countries (Latin America: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Venezuela; Africa: Egypt and South Africa; Middle East: Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates). Participants were male and female smokers aged 18 to 75 years who were motivated to stop smoking; smoked >= 10 cigarettes/d, with no cumulative period of abstinence >3 months in the previous year; and who had no serious or unstable disease within the previous 6 months. Subjects were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive varenicline 1 mg or placebo, BID for 12 weeks, with a 12-week nontreatment follow-up. Brief smoking-cessation counseling was provided. The main outcome measures were carbon monoxide confirmed continuous abstinence rate (CAR) at weeks 9 to 12 and weeks 9 to 24. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded for tolerability assessment. Results: Overall, 588 subjects (varenicline, 390; placebo, 198) were randomized and treated. The mean (SD) ages of subjects in the varenicline and placebo groups were 43.1 (10.8) and 43.9 (10.8) years, respectively; 57.7% and 65.7% were male; and the mean (SD) weights were 75.0 (16.0) and 76.7 (16.3) kg (range, 40.0-130.0 and 45.6-126.0 kg). CAR at weeks 9 to 12 was significantly higher with varenicline than with placebo (53.59% vs 18.69%; odds ratio [OR] = 5.76; 95% CI, 3.74-8.88; P < 0.0001), and this rate was maintained during weeks 9 to 24 (39.74% vs 13.13%; OR = 4.78; 95% CI, 2.97-7.68; P < 0.0001). Nausea, headache, and insomnia were the most commonly reported AEs with varenicline and were reported numerically more frequently in the varenicline group compared with the placebo group. Serious AEs (SAEs) were reported in 2.8% of varenicline recipients compared with 1.0% in the placebo group, with 6 subjects reporting psychiatric SAEs compared with none in the placebo group. Conclusion: Based on these data, varenicline was apparently efficacious and generally well tolerated as a smoking-cessation aid in smokers from selected sites in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. ClinicalTrials. gov identifier: NCT00594204. (Clin Ther. 2011;33:465-477) (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier HS Journals, Inc.


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Background: Tramadol is a well tolerated and effective analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain. Several generic formulations of tramadol are available in Brazil; however, published information regarding their bioequivalence in the Brazilian population is not available. A study was designed for Brazilian regulatory authorities to allow marketing of a generic formulation. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the bioequivalence of 2 commercial tablet preparations containing tramadol 100 mg marketed for use in Brazil. Methods: A randomized, open-label, 2 x 2 crossover study was performed in healthy Brazilian volunteers under fasting conditions with a washout period of 12 days. Two tablet formulations of tramadol 100 mg (test and reference formulations) were administered as a single oral dose, and blood samples were collected over 24 hours. Tramadol plasma concentrations were quantified using a validated HPLC method. A plasma concentration time profile was generated for each volunteer and then mean values were determined, from which C(max), T(max), AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), k(e), and t(1/2) were calculated using a noncompartmental model. Bioequivalence between the products was determined by calculating 90% CIs for the ratios of C(max), AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) values for the test and reference products using log-transformed data. Tolerability was assessed by monitoring vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate), laboratory tests (hematology, blood biochemistry, hepatic function, urinalysis), and interviews with the volunteers before medication administration and every 2 hours during the study. Results: Twenty-six healthy volunteers (13 men, 13 women) were enrolled in and completed the study. Mean (SD) age was 30 (6.8) years (range, 21-44 years), mean weight was 64 (8.3) kg (range, 53-79 kg), and mean height was 166 (6.4) cm (range, 155-178 cm). The 90% CIs for the ratios of C(max) (1.01-1.17), AUC(0-t) (1.00-1.13), and AUC(0-infinity) (1.00-1.14) values for the test and reference products fell within the interval of 0.80 to 1.25 proposed by most regulatory agencies, including the Brazilian regulatory body. No clinically important adverse effects were reported; only mild somnolence was reported by 4 volunteers and mild headaches by 5 volunteers, and there was no need to use medication to treat these symptoms. Conclusion: Pharmacokinetic analysis in these healthy Brazilian volunteers suggested that the test and reference formulations of tramadol 100-mg tablets met the regulatory requirements to assume bio-equivalence based on the Brazilian regulatory definition. (Clin Ther 2010;32:758-765) (C) 2010 Excerpta Medica Inc.


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Background Very few studies have investigated, in the elderly, the effect of rheumatic inflammatory states on phagocyte function and free radical production. The objective of this article is to evaluate phagocytosis by neutrophils and the production of nitric oxide (.NO) by monocytes in elderly women recruited among patients of the Brazilian Public Health System. Methods: Forty patients aged more than 60 years with rheumatic inflammatory diseases were studied. Phagocytosis was measured by flow cytometry. .NO production was measured by the total nitrite assay and conventional inflammation markers were determined. Data were analyzed with the Mann Whitney nonparametric test and P<0.05 was considered significant. Results. C-reactive protein levels and white blood cell counts were significantly higher in inflammation than in the control group (P<0.05). The phagocytosis fluorescence intensity per neutrophil and the percentual of neutrophils expressing phagocytosis were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the test than in the control group. Furthermore, there was significant .NO overproduction by monocytes, (P<0.05). Conclusion: Phagocytosis and .NO production are affected by rheumatic states. This suggests that the increased .NO levels may play a part in the increased oxidative stress in rheumatic diseases in elderly women. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 25:47-51, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Atherosclerotic plaque contains apoptotic endothelial cells with oxidative stress implicated in this process. Vitamin E and a-lipoic acid are a potent antioxidant combination with the potential to prevent endothelial apoptosis. Regular exercise is known to increase myocardial protection, however, little research has investigated the effects of exercise on the endothelium. The purpose of these studies was to investigate the effects of antioxidant supplementation and/or exercise training on proteins that regulate apoptosis in endothelial cells. Male rats received a control or antioxidant-supplemented diet (vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid) and were assigned to sedentary or exercise-trained groups for 14 weeks. Left ventricular endothelial cells (LVECs) were isolated and levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and the pro-apoptotic protein Bax were measured. Antioxidant supplementation caused a fourfold increase in Bcl-2 (P < 0.05) with no change in Bax (P > 0.05). Bcl-2:Bax was increased sixfold with antioxidant supplementation compared to non-supplemented animals (P < 0.05). Exercise training had no significant effect on Bcl-2, Bax or Bcl-2:Bax either alone or combined with antioxidant supplementation (P > 0.05) compared to non-supplemented animals. However, Bax was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the supplemented trained group compared to non-supplemented trained animals. Cultured bovine endothelial cells incubated for 24 h with vitamin E and/or a-lipoic acid showed the combination of the two antioxidants increased Bcl-2 to a greater extent than cells incubated with the vehicle alone. In summary, vitamin E and a-lipoic acid increase endothelial cell Bcl-2, which may provide increased protection against apoptosis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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This paper introduces the concept of religious information poverty in Australian state schools from an information science perspective. Information scientists have been theorising about the global information society for some time, along with its increased provision of vital information for the good of the world. Australian state schools see themselves as preparing children for effective participation in the information society, yet Australian children are currently suffering a religious illiteracy that undermines this goal. Some reasons and theories are offered to explain the existence of religious information poverty in state schools, and suggestions for professional stakeholders are offered for its alleviation.


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A population-based observational study of men acid women aged 35-69 years in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia, was conducted to assess the impact. of risk-factor modification and increased drug therapy on the trends in major coronary events and case fatality. From 1985 to 1993, there were 3006 coronary deaths and 6450 nonfatal major coronary events. Rates of death and nonfatal myocardial infarction declined, but there was an increase in hospital admissions for prolonged chess pain. Reductions in cigarette smoking, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and increased use of aspirin can fully explain the 3.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4, 4.2) average annual reduction in rates of major coronary events for men and the 4.1% (95% CI 2.7, 5.5) reduction for women. In contrast, increased use of aspirin, beta-blockers, fibrinolytic therapy, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors explain less than hall of the 8.9% (95% CI 5.9, 11.8) and 6.9% (95% CI 2.7, 10.9) average annual reduction in case fatality in hospital for men and women, respectively. These trends suggest a decline in severity of coronary heart disease consistent with reductions in risk-factor levels and improved acute medical treatment. J CLIN EPIDEMIOL 52;8:761-771, 1999. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.


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The Multicenter Australian Study of Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia in Major Surgery (The MASTER Trial) was designed to evaluate the possible benefit of epidural block in improving outcome in high-risk patients. The trial began in 1995 and is scheduled to reach the planned sample size of 900 during 2001. This paper describes the trial design and presents data comparing 455 patients randomized in 21 institutions in Australia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, with 237 patients from the same hospitals who were eligible but not randomized. Nine categories of high-risk patients were defined as entry criteria for the trial. Protocols for ethical review, informed consent, randomization, clinical anesthesia and analgesia, and perioperative management were determined following extensive consultation with anesthesiologists throughout Australia. Clinical and research information was collected in participating hospitals by research staff who may not have been blind to allocation. Decisions about the presence or absence of endpoints were made primarily by a computer algorithm, supplemented by blinded clinical experts. Without unblinding the trial, comparison of eligibility criteria and incidence of endpoints between randomized and nonrandomized patients showed only small differences. We conclude that there is no strong evidence of important demographic or clinical differences between randomized and nonrandomized patients eligible for the MASTER Trial. Thus, the trial results are likely to be broadly generalizable. Control Clin Trials 2000;21:244-256 (C) Elsevier Science Inc. 2000.


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The primary purpose of this study was to estimate the magnitude and variability of peak calcium accretion rates in the skeletons of healthy white adolescents. Total-body bone mineral content (BMC) was measured annually on six occasions by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA; Hologic 2000, array mode), a BMC velocity curve was generated for each child by a cubic spline fit, and peak accretion rates were determined. Anthropometric measures were collected every 6 months and a 24-h dietary recall was recorded two to three times per year. Of the 113 boys and 115 girls initially enrolled in the study, 60 boys and 53 girls who had peak height velocity (PHV) and peak BMC velocity values were used in this longitudinal analysis. When the individual BR IC velocity curves were aligned on the age of peak bone mineral velocity, the resulting mean peak bone mineral accrual rate was 407 g/year for boys (SD, 92 g/year; range, 226-651 g/year) and 322 g/year for girls (SD, 66 g/year; range, 194-520 g/year). Using 32.2% as the fraction of calcium in bone mineral, as determined by neutron activation analysis (Ellis et al., J Bone Miner Res 1996;11:843-848), these corresponded to peak calcium accretion rates of 359 mg/day for boys (81 mg/day; 199-574 mg/day) and 284 mg/day for girls (58 mg/day; 171-459 mg/day). These longitudinal results are 27-34% higher than our previous cross-sectional analysis in which we reported mean values of 282 mg/day for boys and 212 mg/day for girls (Martin et al., Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:611-615). Mean age of peak calcium accretion was 14.0 years for the boys (1.0 years; 12.0-15.9 years), and 12.5 years for the girls (0.9 years; 10.5-14.6 years). Dietary calcium intake, determined as the mean of all assessments up to the age of peak accretion was 1140 mg/day (SD, 392 mg/day) for boys and 1113 mg/day (SD, 378 mg/day) for girls. We estimate that 26% of adult calcium is laid down during the 2 adolescent years of peak skeletal growth. This period of rapid growth requires high accretion rates of calcium, achieved in part by increased retention efficiency of dietary calcium.


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Context: Kisspeptin, encoded by the KISS1 gene, is a key stimulatory factor of GnRH secretion and puberty onset. Inactivating mutations of its receptor (KISS1R) cause isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). A unique KISS1R-activating mutation was described in central precocious puberty (CPP). Objective: Our objective was to investigate KISS1 mutations in patients with idiopathic CPP and normosmic IHH. Patients: Eighty-three children with CPP (77 girls) and 61 patients with IHH (40 men) were studied. The control group consisted of 200 individuals with normal pubertal development. Methods: The promoter region and the three exons of KISS1 were amplified and sequenced. Cells expressing KISS1R were stimulated with synthetic human wild-type or mutant kisspeptin-54 (kp54), and inositol phosphate accumulation was measured. In a second set of experiments, kp54 was preincubated in human serum before stimulation of the cells. Results: Two novel KISS1 missense mutations, p.P74S and p.H90D, were identified in three unrelated children with idiopathic CPP. Both mutations were absent in 400 control alleles. The p.P74S mutation was identified in the heterozygous state in a boy who developed CPP at 1 yr of age. The p.H90D mutation was identified in the homozygous state in two unrelated girls with CPP. In vitro studies revealed that the capacity of the P74S and H90D mutants to stimulate IP production was similar to the wild type. After preincubation of wild-type and mutant kp54 in human serum, the capacity to stimulate signal transduction was significantly greater for P74S compared with the wild type, suggesting that the p.P74S variant is more stable. Only polymorphisms were found in the IHH group. Conclusion: Two KISS1 mutations were identified in unrelated patients with idiopathic CPP. The p.P74S variant was associated with higher kisspeptin resistance to degradation in comparison with the wild type, suggesting a role for this mutation in the precocious puberty phenotype. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 2276-2280, 2010)


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Context: Previous studies have shown that double RET mutations may be associated with unusual multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) phenotypes. Objective: Our objective was to report the clinical features of patients harboring a previously unreported double mutation of the RET gene and to characterize this mutation in vitro. Patients: Sixteen patients from four unrelated families and harboring the C634Y/Y791F double RET germline mutation were included in the study. Results: Large pheochromocytomas measuring 6.0-14 cm and weighing upto 640 g were identified in the four index cases. Three of the four tumors were bilateral. High penetrance of pheochromocytoma was also seen in the C634Y/Y791F-mutation-positive relatives (seven of nine, 77.7%). Of these, two cases had bilateral tumors, one presented with multifocal tumors, two cases had large tumors (>5 cm), and one case, which was diagnosed with a large (5.5 x 4.5 x 4.0 cm) pheochromocytoma, reported early onset of symptoms of the disease (14 yr old). The overall penetrance of pheochromocytoma was 84.6% (11 of 13). Development of medullary thyroid carcinoma in our patients seemed similar to that observed in patients with codon 634 mutations. Haplotype analysis demonstrated that the mutation did not arise from a common ancestor. In vitro studies showed the double C634Y/Y791F RET receptor was significantly more phosphorylated than either activated wild-type receptor or single C634Y and Y791F RET mutants. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the natural history of the novel C634Y/Y791F double mutation carries a codon 634-like pattern of medullary thyroid carcinoma development, is associated with increased susceptibility to unusually large bilateral pheochromocytomas, and is likely more biologically active than each individual mutation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 1318-1327, 2010)


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Background and objectives: Levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the phosphaturic hormone FGF23, a fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family member, increase early in chronic kidney disease (CKD) before the occurrence of hyperphosphatemia. This short-term 6-wk dose titration study evaluated the effect of two phosphate binders on PTH and FGF23 levels in patients with CKD stages 3 to 4. Design, setting, participants, and measurements: Patients were randomized to receive over a 6-wk period either calcium acetate (n = 19) or sevelamer hydrochloride (n = 21). Results: At baseline, patients presented with elevated fractional excretion of phosphate, serum PTH, and FGF23. During treatment with both phosphate binders there was a progressive decline in serum PTH and urinary phosphate, but no change in serum calcium or serum phosphate. Significant changes were observed for FGF23 only in sevelamer-treated patients. Conclusions: This study confirms the positive effects of early prescription of phosphate binders on PTH control. Prospective and long-term studies are necessary to confirm the effects of sevelamer on serum FGF23 and the benefits of this decrease on outcomes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 286-291, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.05420709


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Context: Isolated heterozygous SHOX defects are the most frequent monogenic cause of short stature, and combined therapy with recombinant human GH (rhGH) and GnRH analog (GnRHa) in pubertal patients has been suggested, but there are no data on final height. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze adult height after rhGH and GnRHa therapy in patients with SHOX haploinsufficiency. Patients: Ten peripubertal patients with isolated SHOX defects participated in the study. Intervention: Five patients were followed without treatment, and five were treated with rhGH (50 mu g/kg/d) and depot leuprolide acetate (3.75 mg/month). Main Outcome Measures: Adult height SD score (SDS) was measured. Results: All patients followed without treatment had marked downward growth shift during puberty (height SDS, -1.2 +/- 0.7 at 11.4 +/- 1.4 yr; adult height SDS, -2.5 +/- 0.5). Conversely, four of five patients treated with rhGH for 2 to 4.9 yr associated to GnRHa for 1.4 to 5.8 yr improved their height SDS from -2.3 +/- 1.3 at 11.8 +/- 2.1 yr to a final height SDS of -1.7 +/- 1.6. The difference between the mean height SDS at the first evaluation and final height SDS was statistically significant in nontreated vs. treated patients (mean height SDS change, -1.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 0.6 +/- 0.4, respectively; P < 0.001). Conclusion: A gain in adult height of patients with isolated SHOX defects treated with combined rhGH and GnRHa therapy was demonstrated for the first time, supporting this treatment for children with SHOX defects who have just started puberty to avoid the loss of growth potential observed in these patients during puberty. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 328-332, 2010)


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Background and objectives Low bone mineral density and coronary artery calcification (CAC) are highly prevalent among chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, and both conditions are strongly associated with higher mortality. The study presented here aimed to investigate whether reduced vertebral bone density (VBD) was associated with the presence of CAC in the earlier stages of CKD. Design, setting, participants, & measurements Seventy-two nondialyzed CKD patients (age 52 +/- 11.7 years, 70% male, 42% diabetics, creatinine clearance 40.4 +/- 18.2 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)) were studied. VBD and CAC were quantified by computed tomography. Results CAC > 10 Agatston units (AU) was observed in 50% of the patients (median 120 AU [interquartile range 32 to 584 AU]), and a calcification score >= 400 AU was found in 19% (736 [527 to 1012] AU). VBD (190 +/- 52 Hounsfield units) correlated inversely with age (r = -0.41, P < 0.001) and calcium score (r = -0.31, P = 0.01), and no correlation was found with gender, creatinine clearance, proteinuria, lipid profile, mineral parameters, body mass index, and diabetes. Patients in the lowest tertile of VBD had expressively increased calcium score in comparison to the middle and highest tertile groups. In the multiple logistic regression analysis adjusting for confounding variables, low VBD was independently associated with the presence of CAC. Conclusions Low VBD was associated with CAC in nondialyzed CKD patients. The authors suggest that low VBD might constitute another nontraditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease in CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 1456-1462, 2011. doi: 10.2215/CJN.10061110


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Context: 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is caused by CYP21A2 gene mutations disrupting the adrenal 21-hydroxylase, P450c21. CYP21A2 mutations generally correlate well with the 21OHD phenotype, but some children with severe CYP21A2 mutations have residual 21-hydroxylase activity. Some hepatic P450 enzymes can 21-hydroxylate progesterone, but their physiological relevance in modifying 21OHD is not known. Objective: Wedetermined the ability of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 to 21-hydroxylate progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), determined the impact of the common P450 oxidoreductase (POR) variant A503V on these activities, and examined correlations between CYP2C19 variants and phenotype in patients with 21OHD. Methods: Bacterially expressed, N-terminally modified, C-His-tagged human P450c21, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 were combined with bacterially expressed wild-type and A503V POR. The 21-hydroxylation of radiolabeled progesterone and 17OHP was assessed, and the Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) of the reactions were measured. CYP2C19 was genotyped in 21OHD patients with genotypes predicting severe congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Results: Compared to P450c21, the Vmax/Km for 21-hydroxylation of progesterone by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 were 17 and 10%, respectively. With both forms of POR, the Km for P450c21 was approximately 2.6 mu M, the Km for CYP2C19 was approximately 11 mu M, and the Km for CYP3A4 was approximately 110 mu M. Neither CYP2C19 nor CYP3A4 could 21-hydroxylate 17OHP. The CYP2C19 ultrametabolizer allele CYP2C19* 17 was homozygous in one of five patients with a 21OHD phenotype that was milder than predicted by the CYP21A2 genotype. Conclusions: CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 can 21-hydroxylate progesterone but not 17OHP, possibly ameliorating mineralocorticoid deficiency, but not glucocorticoid deficiency. Multiple enzymes probably contribute to extraadrenal 21-hydroxylation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 89-95, 2009)