842 resultados para Butte Exchange Club


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This paper proposes a simple model for understanding transaction costs for their composition, size and policy implications. We distinguish between investments in institutions that facilitate exchange and the cost of conducting exchange itself. Institutional quality and market size are determined by the decisions of risk averse agents and conditions are discussed under which the efficient allocation may be decentralized. We highlight a number of differences with models where transaction costs are exogenous, including the implications for taxation and measurement issues.


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In this paper we analyze the persistence of aggregate real exchange rates (RERs) for a group of EU-15 countries by using sectoral data. The tight relation between aggregate and sectoral persistence recently investigated by Mayoral (2008) allows us to decompose aggregate RER persistence into the persistence of its different subcomponents. We show that the distribution of sectoral persistence is highly heterogeneous and very skewed to the right, and that a limited number of sectors are responsible for the high levels of persistence observed at the aggregate level. We use quantile regression to investigate whether the traditional theories proposed to account for the slow reversion to parity (lack of arbitrage due to nontradibilities or imperfect competition and price stickiness) are able to explain the behavior of the upper quantiles of sectoral persistence. We conclude that pricing to market in the intermediate goods sector together with price stickiness have more explanatory power than variables related to the tradability of the goods or their inputs.


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We demonstrate that the step of DNA strand exchange during RecA-mediated recombination reaction can occur equally efficiently in the presence or absence of ATP hydrolysis. The polarity of strand exchange is the same when instead of ATP its non-hydrolyzable analog adenosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) is used. We show that the ATP dependence of recombination reaction is limited to the post-exchange stages of the reactions. The low DNA affinity state of RecA protomers, induced after ATP hydrolysis, is necessary for the dissociation of RecA-DNA complexes at the end of the reaction. This dissociation of RecA from DNA is necessary for the release of recombinant DNA molecules from the complexes formed with RecA and for the recycling of RecA protomers for another round of the recombination reaction.


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The International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium is an international collaboration between major public interaction data providers to share literature-curation efforts and make a nonredundant set of protein interactions available in a single search interface on a common website (http://www.imexconsortium.org/). Common curation rules have been developed, and a central registry is used to manage the selection of articles to enter into the dataset. We discuss the advantages of such a service to the user, our quality-control measures and our data-distribution practices.


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Aquest Projecte Final de Carrera va sorgir per la necessitat que tenia el Club Esportiu Escola Sant Gervasi per poder tenir un control de la seva gestió esportiva mitjançant una aplicació web i poder també emmagatzemar les valoracions que es fan sobre els esportistes del Club. L’aplicació inclou altres funcionalitats com les de poder consultar horaris d’entrenament, calendaris o classificacions. Fent servir tecnologies tals com PHP, HTML, JavaScript i AJAX, s’ha implementat aquesta aplicació que serà de gran utilitat per als coordinadors, entrenadors i jugadors que formen part del Club.


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Indirect calorimetry based on respiratory exchange measurement has been successfully used from the beginning of the century to obtain an estimate of heat production (energy expenditure) in human subjects and animals. The errors inherent to this classical technique can stem from various sources: 1) model of calculation and assumptions, 2) calorimetric factors used, 3) technical factors and 4) human factors. The physiological and biochemical factors influencing the interpretation of calorimetric data include a change in the size of the bicarbonate and urea pools and the accumulation or loss (via breath, urine or sweat) of intermediary metabolites (gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis). More recently, respiratory gas exchange data have been used to estimate substrate utilization rates in various physiological and metabolic situations (fasting, post-prandial state, etc.). It should be recalled that indirect calorimetry provides an index of overall substrate disappearance rates. This is incorrectly assumed to be equivalent to substrate "oxidation" rates. Unfortunately, there is no adequate golden standard to validate whole body substrate "oxidation" rates, and this contrasts to the "validation" of heat production by indirect calorimetry, through use of direct calorimetry under strict thermal equilibrium conditions. Tracer techniques using stable (or radioactive) isotopes, represent an independent way of assessing substrate utilization rates. When carbohydrate metabolism is measured with both techniques, indirect calorimetry generally provides consistent glucose "oxidation" rates as compared to isotopic tracers, but only when certain metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis) are minimal or / and when the respiratory quotients are not at the extreme of the physiological range. However, it is believed that the tracer techniques underestimate true glucose "oxidation" rates due to the failure to account for glycogenolysis in the tissue storing glucose, since this escapes the systemic circulation. A major advantage of isotopic techniques is that they are able to estimate (given certain assumptions) various metabolic processes (such as gluconeogenesis) in a noninvasive way. Furthermore when, in addition to the 3 macronutrients, a fourth substrate is administered (such as ethanol), isotopic quantification of substrate "oxidation" allows one to eliminate the inherent assumptions made by indirect calorimetry. In conclusion, isotopic tracers techniques and indirect calorimetry should be considered as complementary techniques, in particular since the tracer techniques require the measurement of carbon dioxide production obtained by indirect calorimetry. However, it should be kept in mind that the assessment of substrate oxidation by indirect calorimetry may involve large errors in particular over a short period of time. By indirect calorimetry, energy expenditure (heat production) is calculated with substantially less error than substrate oxidation rates.


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The HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative has developed several standardized data formats to facilitate data sharing in mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. These allow researchers to report their complete results in a unified way. However, at present, there is no format to describe the final qualitative and quantitative results for proteomics and metabolomics experiments in a simple tabular format. Many downstream analysis use cases are only concerned with the final results of an experiment and require an easily accessible format, compatible with tools such as Microsoft Excel or R. We developed the mzTab file format for MS-based proteomics and metabolomics results to meet this need. mzTab is intended as a lightweight supplement to the existing standard XML-based file formats (mzML, mzIdentML, mzQuantML), providing a comprehensive summary, similar in concept to the supplemental material of a scientific publication. mzTab files can contain protein, peptide, and small molecule identifications together with experimental metadata and basic quantitative information. The format is not intended to store the complete experimental evidence but provides mechanisms to report results at different levels of detail. These range from a simple summary of the final results to a representation of the results including the experimental design. This format is ideally suited to make MS-based proteomics and metabolomics results available to a wider biological community outside the field of MS. Several software tools for proteomics and metabolomics have already adapted the format as an output format. The comprehensive mzTab specification document and extensive additional documentation can be found online.


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El projecte està encarat en la creació d’una pàgina web per un club esportiu. Es gestionarà la part dels socis del club (alta, modificació i baixa), d’aquesta manera la informació estarà centralitzada i serà consultable en tot moment. Es mostrarà tota la informació referent al club i també de l’activitat principal que és el bàsquet, mostrant informació dels partits, dels equips, dels jugadors, notícies, entrevistes, esdeveniments, imatges i vídeos, a part hi haurà una àrea privada on els usuaris podran comunicar-se amb d’altres usuaris i podran consultar dades privades de l’equip i dades personals. Tota la informació de l’aplicació la podrà gestionar l’administrador.


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Extensive characterisation of Trypanosoma cruzi by isoenzyme phenotypes has separated the species into three principal zymodeme groups, Z1, Z2 and Z3, and into many individual zymodemes. There is marked diversity within Z2. A strong correlation has been demonstrated between the strain clusters determined by isoenzymes and those obtained using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles. Polymorphisms in ribosomal RNA genes, in mini-exon genes, and microsatellite fingerprinting indicate the presence of at least two principal T. cruzi genetic lineages. Lineage 1 appears to correspond with Z2 and lineage 2 with Z1. Z1 (lineage 2) is associated with Didelphis. Z2 (lineage 1) may be associated with a primate host. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium indicate that propagation of T. cruzi is predominantly clonal. Nevertheless, two studies show putative homozygotes and heterozygotes circulating sympatrically: the allozyme frequencies for phosphoglucomutase, and hybrid RAPD profiles suggest that genetic exchange may be a current phenomenon in some T. cruzi transmission cycles. We were able to isolate dual drug-resistant T. cruzi biological clones following copassage of putative parents carrying single episomal drug-resistant markers. A multiplex PCR confirmed that dual drug-resistant clones carried both episomal plasmids. Preliminary karyotype analysis suggests that recombination may not be confined to the extranuclear genome.


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Desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión de un Club Deportivo. El principal objetivo será satisfacer la necesidad de crear un sistema que gestione el Club Deportivo de una manera más eficiente. Esta aplicación también supondrá un medio de comunicación entre el Club y sus abonados, así como una ampliación de los servicios ofrecidos. La aplicación controlará los diferentes elementos del Club y ofrecerá la posibilidad al abonado de realizar diferentes gestiones sin necesidad de desplazamiento ni de realizar colas y facilitará el trabajo a los empleados.


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La propuesta CRM que se pretende ofrecer consiste en una herramienta estratégica de negocio para gestionar las relaciones con los clientes. La aplicación está desarrollada bajo un prisma Siebel para un determinado club deportivo. Esta herramienta ha de permitir estudiar todas las posibles oportunidades de negocio cubriendo la necesidad de saber en cualquier momento la circunstancia personalizada de cada cliente (socio o no socio) y de sus trámites. El objetivo fundamental del CRM es lograr la fidelización del cliente maximizando los recursos utilizados, mejorar los servicios ofrecidos en un grado óptimo y aumentar la cuenta de resultados. Para ello se plantea implantar una aplicación totalmente configurada y adaptada a las necesidades de un club deportivo.


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Aplicació per al Club Esportiu Futbol Sala Santpedor, que no només contindrà les dades referents a les competicions a on juguen els equips de l’entitat, sinó que també serà un mitjà de comunicació per transmetre informació sobre les seves activitats. L’aplicació permetrà, a través de comentaris i enquestes, millorar la interactivitat tant amb els usuaris del Web com amb els jugadors del club. Per aconseguir-ho s’utilitzaran diverses tecnologies com HTML per l’estructuració de la pàgina, CSS per al seu disseny, MySQL per a la base de dades, PHP per poder transmetre les dades i JavaScript i ActionScript per aportar més dinamisme a la pàgina.


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El projecte sorgeix per oferir als socis del Club Bellaterra un nou servei per tal que puguin sentir-se més pròxims al Club. Es tracta d'una web que es vol que sigui d’un ús simple, amigable i confortable. Es vol mantenir informat a tot visitant dels serveis i instal·lacions que ofereix el Club, a més de comunicar notícies d’interès per tal d’atreure tant a nous visitants com als socis, els quals tindran accés a zones reservades per a ells: un fòrum, un taulell d’anuncis, un sistema de reserva on-line de pistes per a pàdel i tenis i una galeria de fotografies.