957 resultados para Business angel’s networks


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Using survey data on Australian firms this paper investigates the determinants of innovation. Various possible determinants are investigated, including market structure, export status, the use of networks, and training. Regression analysis is conducted separately for manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms and, within each sector, by firm size categories. The results include evidence of persistence in innovative activities and that the use of networks is associated with innovation in some sector-firm size categories. Specifically, small manufacturing firms exhibit a positive association between networking and innovation. In contrast, for non-manufacturing firms this association is present for medium and large sized firms.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of host country networks and organisation of production in the context of international technology transfer that accompanies foreign direct investment (FDI). Design/methodology/approach – The empirical analysis is based on unbalanced panel data covering Japanese firms active in two-digit manufacturing sectors over a seven-year period. Given the self-selection problem affecting past sectoral-level studies, using firm-level panel data is a prerequisite to provide robust empirical evidence. Findings – While Japan is thought of as being a technologically advanced country, the results show that vertical productivity spillovers from FDI occur in Japan, but they are sensitive to technological differences between domestic firms and the idiosyncratic Japanese institutional network. FDI in vertically organised keiretsu sectors generates inter-industry spillovers through backward and forward linkages, while FDI within sectors linked to vertical keiretsu activities adversely affects domestic productivity. Overall, our results suggest that the role of vertical keiretsu is more prevalent than that of horizontal keiretsu. Originality/value – Japan’s industrial landscape has been dominated by institutional clusters or networks of inter-firm organisations through reciprocated, direct and indirect ties. However, interactions between inward investors and such institutionalised networks in the host economy are seldom explored. The role and characteristics of local business groups, in the form of keiretsu networks, have been investigated to determine the scale and scope of spillovers from inward FDI to Japanese establishments. This conceptualisation depends on the institutional mechanism and the market structure through which host economies absorb and exploit FDI.


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Electronic publishing exploits numerous possibilities to present or exchange information and to communicate via most current media like the Internet. By utilizing modern Web technologies like Web Services, loosely coupled services, and peer-to-peer networks we describe the integration of an intelligent business news presentation and distribution network. Employing semantics technologies enables the coupling of multinational and multilingual business news data on a scalable international level and thus introduce a service quality that is not achieved by alternative technologies in the news distribution area so far. Architecturally, we identified the loose coupling of existing services as the most feasible way to address multinational and multilingual news presentation and distribution networks. Furthermore we semantically enrich multinational news contents by relating them using AI techniques like the Vector Space Model. Summarizing our experiences we describe the technical integration of semantics and communication technologies in order to create a modern international news network.


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Future network operation will be influenced by business and ownership models and the regulatory environment as future superfast and flexible broadband networks emerge. This paper discusses the issues affecting operators and network operations as network evolution progresses.


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This issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part A represents a summary of the recent discussion meeting 'Communication networks beyond the capacity crunch'. The purpose of the meeting was to establish the nature of the capacity crunch, estimate the time scales associated with it and to begin to find solutions to enable continued growth in a post-crunch era. The meeting confirmed that, in addition to a capacity shortage within a single optical fibre, many other 'crunches' are foreseen in the field of communications, both societal and technical. Technical crunches identified included the nonlinear Shannon limit, wireless spectrum, distribution of 5G signals (front haul and back haul), while societal influences included net neutrality, creative content generation and distribution and latency, and finally energy and cost. The meeting concluded with the observation that these many crunches are genuine and may influence our future use of technology, but encouragingly noted that research and business practice are already moving to alleviate many of the negative consequences.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine challenges and potential of big data in heterogeneous business networks and relate these to an implemented logistics solution. Design/methodology/approach – The paper establishes an overview of challenges and opportunities of current significance in the area of big data, specifically in the context of transparency and processes in heterogeneous enterprise networks. Within this context, the paper presents how existing components and purpose-driven research were combined for a solution implemented in a nationwide network for less-than-truckload consignments. Findings – Aside from providing an extended overview of today’s big data situation, the findings have shown that technical means and methods available today can comprise a feasible process transparency solution in a large heterogeneous network where legacy practices, reporting lags and incomplete data exist, yet processes are sensitive to inadequate policy changes. Practical implications – The means introduced in the paper were found to be of utility value in improving process efficiency, transparency and planning in logistics networks. The particular system design choices in the presented solution allow an incremental introduction or evolution of resource handling practices, incorporating existing fragmentary, unstructured or tacit knowledge of experienced personnel into the theoretically founded overall concept. Originality/value – The paper extends previous high-level view on the potential of big data, and presents new applied research and development results in a logistics application.


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A tanulmány célja, hogy értelmezze a globális gazdaság alapvető fontosságú építőelemét, az üzleti hálózatot, majd megvizsgálja annak felépítését és működésének főbb vezérlőelveit. Először az alapfogalmak – üzleti hálózat, ellátási lánc és ellátási háló – meghatározására és azok felépítésének bemutatására kerül sor. Ezt követően a cikk röviden ismerteti, hogy melyek voltak azok a vállalati gazdálkodás környezetében végbement változások, melyek a gazdaság hálózatosodását elősegítették és ennek kapcsán elvezettek az üzleti hálózatok versenyképességben játszott szerepének erősödéséhez. A szerző ugyanakkor bemutatja a kialakuló új gazdasági modell, az ún. hálózati gazdaság működési modelljének lényeges új tulajdonságait. A tanulmány ezután ismerteti az üzleti hálózat – s ezen belül az ellátási lánc – működtetésében meghatározó koordinációs mechanizmusokban megfigyelhető markáns változásokat. Végül részletesen ismerteti az üzleti hálózat két fő építőelemét: a hálózatot alkotó üzleti egységeknek, illetve a közöttük kialakuló kapcsolatoknak az alapvető típusait. ________ The aim of the paper is to present and interpret the basic building element of global business: the business network, its structure and operation. First basic terms – network, supply chain, supply network – are defined and described, than those changes are introduced that played significant role in increasing their importance. Characteristics of the new network economy are presented; especially changes in the coordination mechanism between cooperating parties in the network are demonstrated. Finally the two building blocks of global business networks: (i) nodes (business units) and (ii) threads (partnerships) are described in details.


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This article investigates the attitudes to inter-firm co-operation in Hungary by analysing a special group of business networks: the business clusters. Following an overview of cluster policy, a wide range of selfproclaimed business clusters are identified. A small elite of these business networks evolves into successful, sustainable innovative business clusters. However, in the majority of cases, these consortia of interfirm co-operation are not based on a mutually satisfactory model, and as a consequence, many clusters do not survive in the longer term. The paper uses the concepts and models of social network theory in order to explain, why and under what circumstances inter-firm co-operation in clusters enhances the competitiveness of the network as a whole, or alternatively, under what circumstances the cluster remains dependent on Government subsidies. The empirical basis of the study is a thorough internet research about the Hungarian cluster movement; a questionnaire based expert survey among managers of clusters and member companies and a set of in-depth interviews among managers of self-proclaimed clusters. The last chapter analyises the applicability of social network theory in the analysis of business networks and a model involving the value chain is recommended.


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Az innovatív vállalati kapcsolatokkal foglalkozó vizsgálatok sokasága az innovációs folyamatok „kettősségéről” ad számot. Egyrészt felértékelődött a térbeli közelség szerepe, emiatt az innovatív vállalkozások, intézmények térben koncentrálódnak, főleg a nagyvárosokban. Másrészt szerteágazó hálózatok jöttek létre a különböző országokban működő innovatív vállalatok, intézetek között, amelyek többsége a nagy távolságok ellenére is sikeres. Mindezen megfigyelések arra utalnak, hogy pontosítani kell a közelség és távolság üzleti szerepéről vallott ismereteket a változó globalizációs feltételekhez igazítva. A szerzők tanulmányukban áttekintik a térbeli közelség szerepének főbb jellemzőit az innovatív tevékenységeken alapuló vállalati együttműködések kialakulásában és fenntartásában. A hagyományos felfogások rövid ismertetése után a „hálózati közelség”, másképpen „kapcsolati közelség” (relational proximity) egyes típusait elemzik. Részletesen kitérnek a regionális klaszterek és a lokális innovatív miliő főbb jellemzőire, amelyek a térbeli és a kapcsolati közelségekből eredő előnyöket egyaránt hasznosítják. Ezek a mérvadó nemzetközi tapasztalatok itthon is alkalmazhatók az egyetemi és vállalati együttműködések, illetve a helyi gazdaságfejlesztési és vállalkozásfejlesztési programok kidolgozásakor. ________ Multiple studies of innovative business relations give an account about „the double character” of innovative processes. On the one hand, the role of proximity has been appreciated, for this reason, the innovative companies, institutes are concentrated in space, especially in big cities. On the other hand extensive networks have been established among innovative companies, institutes operating in the different countries, most of which are successful in spite of the long distance. All these observations suggest there is a need to clarify business skills on the role of proximity and distance, tailored to the changing conditions of globalization. In their study the authors review the role of the main features of spatial proximity in formation and maintenace of corporate cooperation based on innovative activities. After a brief description of traditional concepts certain types of „network proximity” otherwise relational proximity are analyzed. They cover main features of regional clusters and the local innovative environment which utilize advantages coming both from spatial and relational proximities. This leading international experience are applicable at home as well when elaborating academic and corporate cooperation resp. local development programs for the economy and corporations.


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In recent years, wireless communication infrastructures have been widely deployed for both personal and business applications. IEEE 802.11 series Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standards attract lots of attention due to their low cost and high data rate. Wireless ad hoc networks which use IEEE 802.11 standards are one of hot spots of recent network research. Designing appropriate Media Access Control (MAC) layer protocols is one of the key issues for wireless ad hoc networks. ^ Existing wireless applications typically use omni-directional antennas. When using an omni-directional antenna, the gain of the antenna in all directions is the same. Due to the nature of the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) mechanism of IEEE 802.11 standards, only one of the one-hop neighbors can send data at one time. Nodes other than the sender and the receiver must be either in idle or listening state, otherwise collisions could occur. The downside of the omni-directionality of antennas is that the spatial reuse ratio is low and the capacity of the network is considerably limited. ^ It is therefore obvious that the directional antenna has been introduced to improve spatial reutilization. As we know, a directional antenna has the following benefits. It can improve transport capacity by decreasing interference of a directional main lobe. It can increase coverage range due to a higher SINR (Signal Interference to Noise Ratio), i.e., with the same power consumption, better connectivity can be achieved. And the usage of power can be reduced, i.e., for the same coverage, a transmitter can reduce its power consumption. ^ To utilizing the advantages of directional antennas, we propose a relay-enabled MAC protocol. Two relay nodes are chosen to forward data when the channel condition of direct link from the sender to the receiver is poor. The two relay nodes can transfer data at the same time and a pipelined data transmission can be achieved by using directional antennas. The throughput can be improved significant when introducing the relay-enabled MAC protocol. ^ Besides the strong points, directional antennas also have some explicit drawbacks, such as the hidden terminal and deafness problems and the requirements of retaining location information for each node. Therefore, an omni-directional antenna should be used in some situations. The combination use of omni-directional and directional antennas leads to the problem of configuring heterogeneous antennas, i e., given a network topology and a traffic pattern, we need to find a tradeoff between using omni-directional and using directional antennas to obtain a better network performance over this configuration. ^ Directly and mathematically establishing the relationship between the network performance and the antenna configurations is extremely difficult, if not intractable. Therefore, in this research, we proposed several clustering-based methods to obtain approximate solutions for heterogeneous antennas configuration problem, which can improve network performance significantly. ^ Our proposed methods consist of two steps. The first step (i.e., clustering links) is to cluster the links into different groups based on the matrix-based system model. After being clustered, the links in the same group have similar neighborhood nodes and will use the same type of antenna. The second step (i.e., labeling links) is to decide the type of antenna for each group. For heterogeneous antennas, some groups of links will use directional antenna and others will adopt omni-directional antenna. Experiments are conducted to compare the proposed methods with existing methods. Experimental results demonstrate that our clustering-based methods can improve the network performance significantly. ^


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Ongoing debates within the professional and academic communities have raised a number of questions specific to the international audit market. This dissertation consists of three related essays that address such issues. First, I examine whether the propensity to switch between auditors of different sizes (i.e., Big 4 versus non-Big 4) changes as adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) becomes a more common phenomenon, arguing that smaller auditors have an opportunity to invest in necessary skills and training needed to enter this market. Findings suggest that clients are relatively less (more) likely to switch to (away from) a Big 4 auditor if the client's adoption of IFRS occurs in more recent years. ^ In the second essay, I draw on these inferences and test whether the change in audit fees in the year of IFRS adoption changes over time. As the market becomes less concentrated, larger auditors becomes less able to demand a premium for their services. Consistent with my arguments, results suggest that the change in audit service fees declines over time, although this effect seems concentrated among the Big 4. I also find that this effect is partially attributable to a differential effect of the auditors' experience in pricing audit services related to IFRS based on the period in which adoption occurs. The results of these two essays offer important implications to policy debates on the costs and benefits of IFRS adoption. ^ In the third essay, I differentiate Big 4 auditors into three classifications—Parent firms, Brand Name affiliates, and Local affiliates—and test for differences in audit fee premiums (relative to non-Big 4 auditors) and audit quality. Results suggest that there is significant heterogeneity between the three classifications based on both of these characteristics, which is an important consideration for future research. Overall, this dissertation provides additional insights into a variety of aspects of the global audit market.^


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This paper discusses the difficulties involved in managing knowledge-intensive, multinational, multiorganisational, and multifunctional project networks. The study is based on a 2-year quasi-ethnography of one such network engaged in the design and development of a complex new process control system for an existing pharmaceutical plant in Ireland. The case describes how, drawing upon the organisational heritage of the corporations involved and the logic implicit within their global partnership arrangements, the project was initially structured in an aspatial manner that underestimated the complexity of the development process and the social relations required to support it. Following dissatisfaction with initial progress, a number of critical management interventions were made, which appeared to contribute to a recasting of the network ontology that facilitated the cultivation and protection of more appropriate communicative spaces. The case emphasises the need to move away from rationalistic assumptions about communication processes within projects of this nature, towards a richer conceptualisation of such enterprises as involving collective sensemaking activities within and between situated ‘communities’ of actors. Contrary to much contemporary writing, the paper argues that space and location are of crucial importance to our understanding of network forms of organising.


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Research on strategic management of resources for small consulting firms which are international or planning to operate internationally is scarce or not existing at all. It is however important to start generating the theories that will support managers in their decision making and planning. This thesis investigates how do small management consulting firms manage their internal and external resources while operating in international markets. Throughout the study, aspects related to internal and external resources management as well as management strategies in these firms have been examined in relations to firm’s internationalisation activities. A qualitative analysis was carried out whereby four small consulting firms in Export Management Consulting, Integration Services Consulting-, Software Development Consulting- and Business Solutions Consulting companies were interviewed. In order to generate the holistic understanding of the study, the thesis writer selected Value Enhanced Collaborative Working (VECW) model as an analysis framework. The model focuses on people, processes and tools as key elements that small consulting firms consider when thinking about managing their international operations. The findings of the thesis reveal that, internal and external resources in the interviewed consulting firms are viewed similarly, but managed differently depending on the nature and size of the firm. Firm’s management strategies concentrate on the adequate utilisation of the employees' motivation and experiences, effective stakeholders' management, various administrative evaluation processes and tools, the ability to realise useful networks, constant improvement through employee trainings, employees and customers’ feedbacks as well as enhanced freedom in order to support employees’ creativity. Further research to examine functional administrative tools and tools that small consulting firms could use to assess their resource capabilities when planning to become international would benefit the smaller businesses in terms of resources management and certainty in planning.