971 resultados para Branch libraries.
Certificate from the Accounts Branch of Crown Lands, Ontario in receipt of $72 for renewal of license made out to S.D. Woodruff and signed by Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner, May 23, 1881.
List (4 pages, handwritten) of titles on the Sarnia Branch subject to mortgages, n.d.
List (1 page, handwritten) of Sarnia Branch for which no abstract of the title has been furnished. This was signed by H. [illegible] in 1839 and a note was added to this list on Nov. 15, 1859.
List (1 page, handwritten) of taxes paid for lands on the Sarnia Branch, n.d.
Affiliation: Département de Biochimie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Affiliation: Département de Biochimie, Université de Montréal
De nombreux problèmes en transport et en logistique peuvent être formulés comme des modèles de conception de réseau. Ils requièrent généralement de transporter des produits, des passagers ou encore des données dans un réseau afin de satisfaire une certaine demande tout en minimisant les coûts. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons au problème de conception de réseau avec coûts fixes et capacités. Ce problème consiste à ouvrir un sous-ensemble des liens dans un réseau afin de satisfaire la demande, tout en respectant les contraintes de capacités sur les liens. L'objectif est de minimiser les coûts fixes associés à l'ouverture des liens et les coûts de transport des produits. Nous présentons une méthode exacte pour résoudre ce problème basée sur des techniques utilisées en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. Notre méthode est une variante de l'algorithme de branch-and-bound, appelée branch-and-price-and-cut, dans laquelle nous exploitons à la fois la génération de colonnes et de coupes pour la résolution d'instances de grande taille, en particulier, celles ayant un grand nombre de produits. En nous comparant à CPLEX, actuellement l'un des meilleurs logiciels d'optimisation mathématique, notre méthode est compétitive sur les instances de taille moyenne et supérieure sur les instances de grande taille ayant un grand nombre de produits, et ce, même si elle n'utilise qu'un seul type d'inégalités valides.
Le problème de conception de réseaux est un problème qui a été beaucoup étudié dans le domaine de la recherche opérationnelle pour ses caractéristiques, et ses applications dans des nombreux domaines tels que le transport, les communications, et la logistique. Nous nous intéressons en particulier dans ce mémoire à résoudre le problème de conception de réseaux avec coûts fixes et sans capacité, en satisfaisant les demandes de tous les produits tout en minimisant la somme des coûts de transport de ces produits et des coûts fixes de conception du réseau. Ce problème se modélise généralement sous la forme d’un programme linéaire en nombres entiers incluant des variables continues. Pour le résoudre, nous avons appliqué la méthode exacte de Branch-and-Bound basée sur une relaxation linéaire du problème avec un critère d’arrêt, tout en exploitant les méthodes de génération de colonnes et de génération de coupes. Nous avons testé la méthode de Branch-and-Price-and-Cut sur 156 instances divisées en cinq groupes de différentes tailles, et nous l’avons comparée à Cplex, l’un des meilleurs solveurs d’optimisation mathématique, ainsi qu’à la méthode de Branch-and- Cut. Notre méthode est compétitive et plus performante sur les instances de grande taille ayant un grand nombre de produits.
Absent From the Convention: Libraries, Law and Political Philosophy: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
Presentation by Professor Mary Sarah Bilder, as commentator, at the conference "John Adams & Thomas Jefferson: Libraries, Leadership & Legacy," held in Boston and Charlottesville, June 21-17, 2009.
Digital library Initiatives in India, models of electronic and print publishing, digitallibrary and funding, chaalenges and oppertunities,digital ibrary initiatives in India, current digital library moedels etc
Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.
Managers are central to any fuction in a complex and developed society. Their talents are reckoned to be cardinal in developed economies and a basic yearning of all developing economies.In order to survive and produce results in a turbulent and transient environment, the task is to understand the nature of factors contributing to managerial effectiveness. This study is an attempt towards this core issue of the present from a different perspective. This study tries to focus attention on a group of managers functioning in the field of banking, a core sector in the country's economy. The gamut of economic activities in Kerala being predominantly service-oriented, importance of commercial banking is almost indisputable. Though economists would argue that the disproportionate development of service sector is anomalous when viewed against the hazy scenarios in the primary and secondary sectors of the state’s economy, the extent and pace of growth in the banking sector has had its dole meted out by ambitious and productive managers fiinctioning in the field. Researcher’s attempt here is to thresh the grain and chaff among bank managers in terms of their effectiveness and to account for the variations in the light of their ability to affect the thoughts and actions of their subordinates. To put it succinctly, the attempt herein is to explain the effectiveness of bank managers in the light of their ‘Power Profile’ taken to be comprising Power Differentials, Power Bases, their Visibility and Credibility in the organisation and, the Power Styles typically used by them for influencing subordinates.
The aim of this paper is to expand on previous quantitative and qualitative research into the use of electronic information resources and its impact on the information behaviour of academics at Catalan universities.
Websites of academic institutions are the prime source of information about the institution. Libraries, being the main provider of information for the academics, need to be represented in the respective homepages with due importance. Keeping this in mind, this study is an attempt to understand and analyze the presence and presentation of libraries of Engineering Colleges (EC) in Kerala in their respective websites. On the basis of the reviewed literature and an observation of libraries of nationally important institutions imparting technical education in India, a set of criteria were developed for analyzing the websites/web pages. Based on this an extensive survcy of the websites of ECs were done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The library websites were then ranked on the basis of this analysis. It was observed that majority of the websites of ECs in Kerala have least representation of their respective libraries. Another important observation is that even the highest scoring libraries satisfy only half of the criteria listed for analysis.
Electronic resources have become a vital part of an academic library especially in universities and higher education institutions. The availability of electronic resources and the acceptance of the fonnat among the academics are rising day by day. As far as engineering students are concerned, they are much techno-savy and are more used to electronic resources. So it has become necessary for the libraries of engineering institutions to subscribe and provide access to electronic resources to satisfy its user community. Many studies have identified that academics are much preferring online journals and databases than their print counter-parts