962 resultados para Bifurcated Reflected Shock
Hydrogen sulfide in posthemorrhagic shock mesenteric lymph drainage alleviates kidney injury in rats
Posthemorrhagic shock mesenteric lymph (PHSML) is a key factor in multiple organ injury following hemorrhagic shock. We investigated the role of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in PHSML drainage in alleviating acute kidney injury (AKI) by administering D,L-propargylglycine (PPG) and sodium hydrosulfide hydrate (NaHS) to 12 specific pathogen-free male Wistar rats with PHSML drainage. A hemorrhagic shock model was established in 4 experimental groups: shock, shock+drainage, shock+drainage+PPG (45 mg/kg, 0.5 h prehemorrhage), and shock+drainage+NaHS (28 µmol/kg, 0.5 h prehemorrhage). Fluid resuscitation was performed after 1 h of hypotension, and PHMSL was drained in the last three groups for 3 h after resuscitation. Renal function and histomorphology were assessed along with levels of H2S, cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in renal tissue. Hemorrhagic shock induced AKI with increased urea and creatinine levels in plasma and higher H2S, CSE, TLR4, IL-10, IL-12, and TNF-α levels in renal tissue. PHSML drainage significantly reduced urea, creatinine, H2S, CSE, and TNF-α but not TLR4, IL-10, or IL-12. PPG decreased creatinine, H2S, IL-10, and TNF-α levels, but this effect was reversed by NaHS administration. In conclusion, PHSML drainage alleviated AKI following hemorrhagic shock by preventing increases in H2S and H2S-mediated inflammation.
This thesis discusses the dynamism of bilateral relations between Finland and Russia and their interconnection with wider EU-Russia relations in the sight of the recent conflict in Ukraine. In particular, incorporation of Crimea in the territory of Russia in March 2014 is believed to have triggered a series of disputes between the European Union and Russia and thus, have impacted the course of the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations. The study leans on a premise that there are some historical traditions and regularities in the Finnish foreign policy course towards Russia which make the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations special. These traditions are distinguished and described in the book “Russia Forever? Towards Pragmatism in Finnish/Russian relations” (2008) edited by H. Rytövuori-Apunen. Assuming that the featured traditions take place in modern relations between Finland and Russia, the aim of the thesis is to find out how these traditions reappear during the year shaped by the events in Ukraine. In order to do that, author follows the timeline of happenings around the Ukraine crisis starting with Crimea’s referendum on independence, and exams the way these events were commented on and evaluated by the key government officials and political institutions of Finland and Russia. The main focus is given to the Finnish official discourse on Russia during the study period. The data collection, consisting of mostly primary sources (ministerial press releases and comments, statements, speeches and blog posts of individual policy makers) is processed using the thematic analysis supported by the content analysis. The study reveals that the consequences of the Ukraine crisis have brought, among others, complications to the economic cooperation between Finland and Russia, and have stimulated the increased attention of the Finnish decision makers to the country’s security questions. As a result, the character and importance of some historical regularities of the Finnish foreign policies on Russia, like the Continental Dilemma, have taken new shape.
Several stresses to tissues including hyperthermia, ischemia, mechanical trauma and heavy metals have been demonstrated to affect the regulation of a subset of the family of heat shock proteins of70kOa (hsp70). In several organisms following some of these traumas, the levels of hsp70 mRNA and proteins are dramatically upregulated. However, the effects of the stress on limb and tail amputation in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens, involving mechanical tissue damage, have not adequately been examined. In the present study, three techniques were utilized to quantitate the levels of hsp70 mRNA and protein in the tissues of the forelimbs and tails of newts during the early post-traumatic events following surgical resection of these:: appendages. These included quantitative Western blotting of proteins separated by both one and twodimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative Northern blot analysis of total RNA. In tissues of both the limb and tail one hour after amputation, there were no significant differences in the levels of hsp70 protein measured by one-dimensional SOSPAGE followed by Western blotting, when compared to the levels measured in the unamputated limb. A 30 minute heat shock at 35°C failed to elicit an increase in the levels of hsp70 protein in these tissues. Further analysis using the more sensitive 20 PAGE separation of stump tissue proteins revealed that at least some of the five hsp70 isoforms of the newt may be differentially regulated in limbs and tails in response to trauma. It appears also that amputation of the tail and limb tissues leads to slight 3 elevation in the levels of HSP70 mRNA when compared to those of their respective unstressed tissues.
"With an emblematical frontespiece." Inscribed on front free endpaper: A. Graham Barrie 30th Sep 1881.
[Tesis] (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) U.A.N.L.
Si la littérature est rarement considérée comme une science, comme vraie, comme créatrice d’un savoir, toujours un peu à l’écart, avec ses fictions, et ce malgré un médium, le langage, commun à la philosophie et dont la qualité discursive correspond au mode d’expression de la pensée, malgré sa place acquise parmi les disciplines académiques, c’est parce que nous refusons de voir quel rôle vital joue l’affect dans la naissance et l’élaboration de la pensée. Le rejet de l’affect par la science est lui-même le produit de plusieurs affects — peur, orgueil — à partir desquels nous créons le concept de « pensée » qui nous convient le mieux, qui nous rassure le plus : rationalité, linéarité, objectivité. En réalité, cette dernière est chaotique et subjective et c’est seulement à travers son expression dans le langage qu’elle s’ordonne et acquiert une apparence d’objectivité. Mais le langage est lui-même le produit d’affects : nulle vérité infaillible ne sous-tend l’élaboration de nos langues, de leurs règles grammaticales et des sens de leurs mots. Ainsi la littérature, malgré (ou à cause de) la fiction, les fables, les inventions, parce qu’elle est création langagière, parce qu’elle remet toujours en question le langage est, en réalité, plus lucide que la raison. De plus, toujours aux prises avec l’image, elle connaît, d’une certaine façon, l’affect. Elle tente de le représenter, afin de frapper et d’ébranler la conscience du lecteur. C’est à travers elle que j’ai voulu élaborer non pas un savoir rationnel, mais un savoir sur l’affect, un savoir affectif. Pensée critique et affect sont en effet deux composantes essentielles de la création littéraire, ce qui apparaît particulièrement dans l’œuvre d’Ingeborg Bachmann, qui compte à la fois une thèse en philosophie sur Heidegger, des recueils de poésie, de nouvelles, des essais et un cycle romanesque inachevé, Todesarten. Je me suis penchée plus précisément sur certaines de ses nouvelles ainsi que sur son seul roman achevé, Malina, afin d’y étudier la représentation de l’affect chez certains personnages féminins qui, pour éviter de trop souffrir, construisent autour d’elles un mur de mensonges. J’ai également porté une grande attention aux théories de Bachmann sur la littérature, qu’elle énonce dans ses Leçons de Francfort, ce qui m’a permis, en considérant en même temps ses œuvres de fiction de même que celles de quelques autres écrivains, d’expliquer (de façon non exhaustive) certains rôles de l’affect à la fois chez l’écrivain et chez le lecteur.
Transfers to women may affect their bargaining power within the household and consequently their well-being. We analyze the effects of the 2004/2005 pension reform in Argentina, that resulted in an unexpected and substantial increase in permanent income for around 1.8 million women, on outcomes arguably related to women’s bargaining power within the household. We estimate the effects of the reform in the probability of divorce/separation, the distribution of household chores, and the probability of women being the head of the household, using a Difference-in-Differences approach. Our results show that despite the low divorce probability among seniors, transfers to senior women have substantial effects on their situation in the household. More specifically, we find that the reform had statistically significant effects on the probability of divorce/separation increasing it by 1.8 − 2.7 percentage points implying an increase of around 18 − 19% on the divorce/separation rate of 60 − 65 year old women. Moreover, the probability of being the head of the household also increased by 2.8−3.3 percentage points representing an increase of 7−19% in the probability amongst women of 60 − 65 years of age. In the case of married women, the probability of being the head of the household increased by 1.3 − 1.5 percentage points, which represents an increase of 20 − 22%. Results show that the distribution of household chores within the couples was also affected by the reform. More precisely, the probability that the wife is the only person in charge of the housework decreased by 5 percentage points, an 11% decrease. The participation of husbands in housework, however, did not change significantly.
This paper discusses a study that collected cortical evoked responses when stimuli of different modalities were presented.