198 resultados para Bibliometric


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We present the Hungarian National Scientific Bibliography project: the MTMT. We argue that presently available commercial systems cannot be used as a comprehensive national bibliometric tool. The new database was created from existing databases of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, but expected to be re-engineered in the future. The data curation model includes harvesting, the work of expert bibliographers and author feedback. MTMT will work together with the other services in the web of scientific information, using standard protocols and formats, and act as a hub. It will present the scientific output of Hungary together with the repositories containing the full text, wherever available. The database will be open, but not freely harvestable, and only for non-commercial use.


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The National Curricular Guidelines for nutrition course predict training directed to the work in the Unified Health System (SUS) and the mandatory completion of course work. The aim of this study was to analyze the formation of dieticians in Rio Grande do Norte state/Brazil to work in the SUS, from the compulsory scientific production provided for training. This is a bibliometric study, quantitative approach, performed with completion of course works of five nutrition undergraduate courses in Rio Grande do Norte state in the years 2013/2013. From the reading of the works, the following variables were collected: nature of the institution, institution administrative category, location, work title, number of authors, work format, titration of the teacher advisor, study type, area of interest, scenery of accomplishment, submission to the ethics committee, suitability of descriptors and, as pertaining to the field of public health, the subfield of public health and the theme. The pedagogical projects of the courses were read and were identified opportunities to develop research in the graduation. For detection of significant categories we applied the Pearson chisquare test. We analyzed 195 works, coming mostly belonging to universities courses (79.0%) and private institutions (56.4%). A higher frequency of articles (68.2%), developed by one student (65.6%), guided by master teachers (57.9%), with cross-sectional study design (49.2%), conducted in laboratory (25%) and without submission to the ethics committee in research (49.2%) was find. The median adequacy of descriptors was 50%. As for the interest of the study, there was a higher frequency of work in the field of public health (p <0.001), within this subfield highlighting the nutritional epidemiology (63.0%) (p <0.001) and the subject nutrition assessment (57, 4%) (p <0.001). In cut on three major areas of dietician performance, was significant performing work in the field of public health in public institutions (p <0.05). The presence of complementary activities was unanimous in the pedagogical projects of the courses. The results of the study showed some methodological weaknesses in the research approaches, as well as a hegemonic positivist training. Despite the emphasis on public health, it was noticed little approximation of policies and nutrition programs in the context of the mandatory recearch of Rio Grande do Norte state nutrition courses.


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Se estudia la producción científica de los Arquitectos Técnicos docentes universitarios en España en los últimos 35 años ya que el cambio del título académico al de Grado, el aumento del número de doctores y el desarrollo de una política académica que ha convertido en parámetro especial para medir la calidad de la Universidad la cantidad y calidad de los artículos publicados han propiciado un cambio sustancial en esta área del conocimiento. Se determina la investigación producida a través del análisis de las bases de datos WOS-SCOPUS-CSIC(ICYT-ISOC) y las revistas más utilizadas por esta disciplina y se analiza el número de publicaciones de este colectivo por Universidades y revistas. El estudio llevado a cabo evidencia un cambio sustancial en la producción científica de los arquitectos técnicos en España.


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Esta investigación analiza las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría defendidas en las universidades españolas en el periodo 1980-2014 a partir de la revisión de tres bases de datos (Teseo, Dialnet y TDR). Tras desarrollar una búsqueda exhaustiva se encontraron un total de 67 tesis doctorales que fueron analizadas considerando, por un lado, parámetros bibliométricos como producción por años, sexo del doctorando, universidades de lectura, directores y miembros de tribunales evaluadores; y, por otro lado, tendencias temáticas de las investigaciones doctorales sobre tutoría desde un análisis de descriptores, etapas educativas y tópicos desarrollados. El estudio concluye con algunas reflexiones en torno a la heterogeneidad de los atributos bibliométricos constatados en las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría, a la vez que se presentan las tendencias temáticas patentes en la construcción científica del campo de la tutoría desde las tesis doctorales.


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Marketing and policy researchers seeking to increase the societal impact of their scholarship should engage directly with relevant stakeholders. For maximum societal effect, this engagement needs to occur both within the research process and throughout the complex process of knowledge transfer. A relational engagement approach to research impact is proposed as complementary and building upon traditional approaches. Traditional approaches to impact employ bibliometric measures and focus on the creation and use of journal articles by scholarly audiences, an important but incomplete part of the academic process. The authors suggest expanding the strategies and measures of impact to include process assessments for specific stakeholders across the entire course of impact: from the creation, awareness, and use of knowledge to societal impact. This relational engagement approach involves the co-creation of research with audiences beyond academia. The authors hope to begin a dialogue on the strategies researchers can make to increase the potential societal benefits of their research.


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Abstract : The use of social media tools to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to support their business activities throughout the product life cycle (PLC) phases represents an interesting opportunity. SMEs operate in very competitive environments, and face significant challenges primarily caused by their size disadvantage. By nature, social media tools and platforms can enable them to overcome some of these challenges, as they are often very inexpensive, familiar and easy to use, allowing them to reach large audiences they would not be able to reach with traditional and expensive marketing initiatives. To provide solutions to this problem, this research identified three main objectives. The first objective was to draw a picture of the existing academic literature on the use of social media tools in the PLC context to better understand how these tools were studied and used in businesses, and for what purpose. Second, this research aimed at understanding how SMEs actually use social media tools to support their different business activities to identify the gap between academic research and actual business practices. Finally, based on the findings highlighted from the previous objectives, this research aimed at developing theory on this topic by proposing a conceptual framework of customer engagement enabled by social media. The conceptual framework aimed at answering general questions that emerged from the initial two objectives: Why do some SMEs use social media to support customer engagement, while others do not? Why do firms use different social media tools to support their customer engagement initiatives? Why does the scope of customer engagement initiatives (i.e., across different PLC phases) vary between SMEs? What are the potential outcomes of conducting customer engagement initiatives for the organizing firms? In order to achieve these research objectives, the methodology employed for this research is threefold. First, a systematic literature review was performed in order to properly understand how the use of social media tools in the PLC context had been studied. The final results consisted of 78 academic articles which were analyzed based on their bibliometric information and their content. Second, in order to draw the contrast between the academic publications and managerial reality of SMEs, six semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand how these firms actually use social media to support different activities in each of the PLC phases. Third, five additional semi-structured interviews were performed to gather a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and generate theory to support the proposed conceptual framework. The conceptual framework focuses on the degree of customer engagement, which is comprised of the scope (PLC phases) of customer engagement and the technology (social media tools) employed to support these initiatives. Two sets of antecedents were examined, firm motivators and firm impediments, as they could both potentially affect the scope and the social media tools used to support customer engagement initiatives. Finally, potential customer engagement outcomes for SMEs developing these initiatives were also examined. The semi-structured interviews lasted approximately 25-35 minutes, and were performed using an interview grid consisting of 24 open-ended questions. The interview grid was developed based on the findings of the systematic literature review, and this qualitative approach allowed for a rich understanding of the interviewed SMEs’ use of social media tools to support and engage customers in their different PLC activities. The main results highlighted by this project demonstrate that this field is relatively recent and sees constant increase in research interest since 2008. However, most of the academic research focuses on the use of social media tools to support innovation activities during the new product development process, while the interviewed firms almost exclusively used the tools to engage customers in the later phases of the PLC, primarily for promotion, customer service support, and business development activities. Interestingly, the interviewed firms highlighted several benefits of using social media tools to engage customers, some of which could help them overcome certain size disadvantages previously mentioned. These firms are in need of further guidelines to properly implement such initiatives and reap the expected benefits. Results suggest that SMEs are far behind both large companies and academic research in their use of social media to engage customers in different business activities. The proposed conceptual framework serves as a great tool to better understand their reality and eventually better support them in their social media and customer engagement efforts. However, this framework needs to be further developed and improved. This research project provides a 360-degree view of the phenomenon of the use of social media to support customer engagement for SMEs, by providing both a thorough systematic review of the academic research and an understanding of the managerial reality of SMEs behind this phenomenon. From this analysis, a conceptual framework is then proposed and serves as a stepping stone for future researchers who are interested in developing theory in this field.


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Introdução – É particularmente importante uma avaliação objetiva e imparcial da qualidade da atividade científica dos investigadores, mas também do comportamento científico e pedagógico das instituições de ensino superior, as quais, por sua vez, são o espelho do empenho de um país na sua componente de I&D. Objetivo – O presente estudo bibliométrico pretende caracterizar a presença portuguesa na Scopus e analisar a produção científica portuguesa classificada na área da saúde e indexada nesta base de dados. Métodos – Analisou-se a produção científica portuguesa referente ao período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2015. A abordagem centrou-se nas seguintes variáveis: categorias de classificação da Scopus; tipologia de documentos indexados; títulos de revistas; autores; distribuição por anos de publicação; afiliação institucional e países de origem dos autores com quem foram estabelecidas relações de parceria científica. Consideraram-se três grandes categorias de classificação na Scopus (Life Sciences, Health Sciences e Social Sciences & Humanities, usando filtros temáticos), porque a área da saúde tanto assume componentes exatas como transversais. Conjugou-se o descritor Portugal com a modalidade affiliation country. Os dados foram alinhados pela terminologia das variáveis em estudo (affiliation, author, country, doctype, source, subject, year) e fundidos num só ficheiro por variável. Resultados – A Scopus contempla 198.749 resultados com afiliação em Portugal. Na área da saúde contabilizaram-se, no total, 71.232 trabalhos, o que significa uma percentagem de 35,8%. Estes encontram-se distribuídos pelos três grupos de classificação: Health Sciences (59,1%), Life Sciences (34%) e Social Sciences & Humanities (6,9%). O artigo original (78,1%) consubstancia a forma mais usada pelos autores portugueses para a divulgação dos resultados de investigação, logo seguido do artigo de revisão (8,9%), dos paper (3,9%) e das letter (3,1%). Os últimos cinco anos são os mais representativos na produção científica (58,4%). Analisando as revistas onde os investigadores portugueses mais publicam, constata-se que são portuguesas sete das primeiras dez. A maioria da produção científica com visibilidade internacional é oriunda das universidades, sendo a Universidade do Porto a que mais se destaca. A parceria científica com outros investigadores destaca a colaboração nacional, mas também com os Estados Unidos, Espanha, Reino Unido, Alemanha, França, Itália, Países Baixos e Brasil, por esta ordem. De destacar que é a Universidade de São Paulo (no Brasil) a maior instituição parceira com 788 trabalhos. Discussão e Conclusões – Na informação da área da saúde indexada na Scopus, as universidades desempenham um papel fundamental, destacando-se a Universidade do Porto. Também os índices de coautoria e sobretudo a colaboração internacional com investigadores de outras nacionalidades têm aumentado ao longo dos anos. Os benefícios e os méritos desta colaboração internacional ao nível da investigação incluem a partilha e a transferência de conhecimento e equipamento, associando os investigadores a uma grande rede científica, bem como o acelerar do processo de investigação, aumentando a visibilidade dos artigos. A produção científica portuguesa da saúde evidencia a existência de vínculos com diversos países, produto das parcerias, dos projetos globais e dos financiamentos.


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Com o objetivo de contribuir para as discussões acerca do uso conjunto de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos na pesquisa em Administração, este artigo apresenta uma análise bibliométrica dos estudos publicados na Revista de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (RAE), na Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC) e na Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), no período de 2010 a 2014, dimensionando a frequência de uso de abordagens mistas como metodologia de pesquisa e como tal prática está caracterizada em estudos publicados nesse campo no Brasil. Os resultados indicam ser o índice de uso de abordagens mistas ainda pequeno em relação ao uso isolado de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, denotando uma visão dicotômica envolvendo os paradigmas positivista e interpretativista na prática de pesquisa na disciplina. Conclui-se com a sugestão de novas investigações como, por exemplo, identificar entre os próprios pesquisadores as razões pelas quais utilizam ou não abordagens mistas e as dificuldades implicadas, visando à continuidade do debate sobre os métodos de pesquisa empregados na ciência da Administração.


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The article discusses the formula for a new Polish bibliometric indicator, i.e., the Polish Impact Factor (Polski Współczynnik Wpływu) from the point of view of the humanities. Our study examines two prestigious Polish humanities journals (Pamiętnik Literacki and Diametros – An Online Journal of Philosophy) to evaluate the underlying assumptions of the Polish Impact Factor. We have analyzed all articles published from 2004 to 2014 (N = 850, N = 555, respectively) and all references included in these articles (N = 21,805, N = 8,298, respectively). When interpreting the findings, we have assumed that different groups of sciences are characterized by different citation cultures. Our findings show that the formula for the Polish Impact Factor does not take into account the most cited sources in the humanities, i.e., books and chapters. Moreover, many citations will not be included in the formula because of the citation age: the formula for the Polish Impact Factor is provided for the citations whose age is not higher than 5 years. We have analyzed the citation age of all citations and used Price’s Index to interpret the result. We have found out that most of citations are older than 5 years (84,2 percent and 73,2 percent, respectively). Our analysis shows that the Polish Impact Factor is not an adequate tool for a bibliometric evaluation of the journals in the humanities in Poland. The article concludes with a discussion of how the Polish Impact Factor could be improved.


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One way to do a bibliometric study is to examine each of the records that make up a database, each record and extract key areas that may disclose relevant information about the use of the database and documents in the collection . This article shows how a reference database allows to obtain important data that can reach conclusions that in some cases surprising. For this study we used the following fields of Database Control Documentary Indigenous Nationalities of Costa Rica 1979-2003: author, place of publication, publisher, year, language and support. The database analyzed has two thousand records and was developed in the Winisis. Moreover, analysis of documents was made after processing of the data, which was to export records to Excel software Winisis. After this information extracted from their chosen fields and are held by their respective separate chart or graph to present the results obtained. Furthermore, we show the application of different methods to learn more about the scientific aspects as: the Price Index, the Index of Collaboration This contribution will, first, for (as) students in the course of the race Metric Studies of Library and Information Science, National University, demonstrate and practice what you learned in this area. They may also benefit the (as) professionals from different areas, such as anthropologists (as), sociologists (as), linguists and librarians (as), among others (as).


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This is a project of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University, is performed to support the initiative of UNESCO to build the Memory of the World (UNESCO, 1995) and to help provide universal access to documentation. To this end, the School of Library Science students has promoted the realization of final graduation work on documentary control of domestic production. This project has the following objectives:Objectives1. Conduct mapping national documentary through the identification, analysis, organization and access to documentary heritage of Costa Rica, to contribute to the Memory of the World.2. Perform bibliometric analysis of documentary records contained in the integrated databases.This project seeks to bring undergraduate students graduating from the school, in making final graduation work on document control. Students have the opportunity to make final graduation work on the documentary production of Costa Rica on a specific theme or on a country's geographical area.Desk audits aimed at identifying the document using access points and indicate its contents to allow recovery by the user.The result is the production of a new document, other than the original, a secondary document: the bibliography. The records in the database each control documentation completed work will be integrated into a single database to be placed on the website of EBDI, for consultation of researchers and interested users.


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La Ciencia como objeto de estudio ha sido abordada desde distintas perspectivas desde principios del siglo XX, cuando varios autores destacan que el pensamiento científico está en estrecha relación con la sociedad en que se desarrolla, no obstante es mediados del siglo pasado cuando la Sociología de la Ciencia concreta más dicha relación y perfila el comportamiento de la Ciencia como organización y como institución social. Mas concretamente, la obra de Bernal (1939) sobre la función social de la Ciencia, marca un importante punto de referencia al respecto al apostar por un estudio detallado de la interacción Ciencia-Sociedad.La afirmación de Maltrás (1996) de que “la Ciencia es el fenómeno cultural y social más importante de los últimos cuatro siglos” deja constancia del papel que juega la actividad científica en el desarrollo social.


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En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada sobre el Área de las Ciencias Sociales en México del período 1997-2006, para conocer algunas características relevantes como su evolución histórica y productividad científica (I+D) a través del volumen de documentos generados, el idioma de publicación, el índice de productividad cronológica, temática y por Entidad Federativa, los patrones de autoría y coautoría nacionales e internacionales, citación y co-citación entre publicaciones, instituciones y sub-disciplinas científicas (frentes de investigación), entre otros, utilizando para tal fin las técnica de investigación documental: análisis bibliométrico. La producción científica en Ciencias Sociales en el período estudiado representó el 8% del total de la producción mexicana, en Humanidades se logró el 1.50% y en Ciencias Aplicadas se alcanzó el 90.5%, de acuerdo a estimaciones realizadas a través de las bases de datos Citation Index del ISI. ABSTRACT During the period 1997-2006, to learn more about some important features concerning this country's historical development and scientific productivity (R & D) through the volume of documents generated, language of publication, the productivity index chronologically, thematically and by state, the patterns of authorship and national and international co-authorship, citation and co-citation between publications, institutions and sub-disciplines in science (research fronts), among other such indicators-- using the technique of documentary research: bibliometric analysis. For scientific production within the studied period, the field of Social Sciences represented 8% of the total of the Mexican production ; the field of Humanities represented 1,50% ; and the field of Applied Sciences represented 90,5% . These were results derived according to estimations made through the Citation Index data bases of the ISI.


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The Internet of Things is a technological innovation, based on artifacts and consolidated concepts like Internet and Smart Objects. Its growing business application of Internet of Things makes necessary to evaluate the strategy, benefits and challenges of this technology application. The main objective of this paper is to present the definition of Internet of Things, based on the most cited articles and as a secondary objective, present publication statistics classified by year and related terms, like ubiquitous computation. One of the conclusions is that papers related to business represent only 5% of all the papers analyzed by this research, considering just the papers published on journals. It shows that there is a great field to research on Business Administration.