951 resultados para Biased technological change
El desarrollo de la presente investigación, centra su atención en las capacidades dinámicas que influyen en la operación de la Red de Turismo de La Candelaria de Bogotá. Para este fin, se realizó una encuesta a 100 directivos o dueños de las empresas que conforman dicha red, y que es una muestra significativa para los propósitos de la investigación, puesto que permite describir a nivel de la empresa y a nivel de la red, la influencia de las capacidades dinámicas de absorción, adaptación e innovación. Como resultados, se obtuvieron que al nivel de empresas las tres capacidades dinámicas influyen en la operación de la misma, encontrándose una mayor relación entre las capacidades de “Innovación – Adaptación"; a nivel de red empresarial ocurre lo contrario, puesto que la relación de las capacidades dinámicas de “Innovación – Adaptación” es nula, mientras que las relaciones entre “Absorción – Innovación” y “Absorción – Adaptación” poseen una alta relación para la operación de la red. Lo anterior, se deriva del análisis realizado de los datos tabulados de la encuesta aplicada a las empresas de la red de turismo, con los estudios empíricos hallados que proponen escalas de medición para las capacidades dinámicas de absorción, adaptación e innovación, y el marco teórico elaborado como soporte para la presente investigación.
La crisis que se desató en el mercado hipotecario en Estados Unidos en 2008 y que logró propagarse a lo largo de todo sistema financiero, dejó en evidencia el nivel de interconexión que actualmente existe entre las entidades del sector y sus relaciones con el sector productivo, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de identificar y caracterizar el riesgo sistémico inherente al sistema, para que de esta forma las entidades reguladoras busquen una estabilidad tanto individual, como del sistema en general. El presente documento muestra, a través de un modelo que combina el poder informativo de las redes y su adecuación a un modelo espacial auto regresivo (tipo panel), la importancia de incorporar al enfoque micro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea II), una variable que capture el efecto de estar conectado con otras entidades, realizando así un análisis macro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea III).
El autor aborda en este artículo cuestiones atinentes al espacio, la geografía y la organización del territorio a partir del tema del desarrollo. Para fundamentar su tesis según la cual varios de los factores que impulsan la globalización tienen una base territorial, como el comercio internacional de bienes y servicios, el cambio tecnológico o los flujos internacionales, apela a las categorías del desarrollo social y las sitúa en dos dimensiones. En una primera instancia, el autor toma en cuenta la lógica intranacional de despliegue de los factores políticos, ambientales y comerciales; en un segundo momento destaca el papel de las regiones y las localidades en la reconstrucción del sistema económico mundial para concluir que en un contexto todavía incierto se destaca la configuración de regiones megapolitanas que funcionan como motores regionales en la nueva economía global.---The author handles this article with questions that regard space,geography and territorial organisation based on the topic of development. To support his thesis that refers to the way in which various factors that give an impulse to globalisation have a territorial base, such as the international commerce of goods and services, technological change or international networks, the author utilises social development categories and places them in two dimensions. Initially, the author takes into account the international logic of the development of commercial, environment and political factors. Secondly, he emphasizes the role of regions and localities in the reconstruction of the global economic system to conclude that in a present uncertain context it is worth pointing out the configuration of megapolitanregions that function as regional motors in a new global economy.
El interés de esta monografía será analizar al Desarrollo como un discurso originado en Occidente como espacio meta-geográfico. Este discurso se difunde y adquiere un carácter incuestionable a nivel internacional por medio de los procesos de Profesionalización e Institucionalización que gracias a la universalización de conceptos como la Pobreza ponen a diferentes grupos sociales alrededor del globo en situación de vulnerabilidad, una condición que permite ejercer en ellos la Colonialidad del poder, pues crean unas Identidades de inferioridad y anterioridad a Occidente que lo ubican como el punto de llegada deseado. Por medio de Ikiam como ejemplo, veremos que las alternativas al Desarrollo no son realmente alternativas a éste sino que siguen suscritas en su discurso gracias al proceso descrito anteriormente. Se propondrá el concepto de Posdesarrollo como opción para salir del Paradigma de Desarrollo occidental creado como certeza.
Este estudio analiza el efecto del uso de Internet sobre el ingreso laboral, eliminado el problema de endogeneidad que existe por motivos de selección. También se analizan los efectos seg un el lugar de acceso y las actividades realizadas en Internet. Para esto se utiliza Propensity Score Matching, tomando información para Colombia entre el año 2009 a 2011. Los resultados muestran que existe un efecto positivo, significativo y heterogéneo entre trabajadores asalariados y cuenta propia, siendo los últimos los más beneficiados. Con respecto al lugar de uso se encuentra un impacto positivo del uso del Internet en el trabajo y/o en el hogar, con una mayor magnitud en el primer sitio de acceso. Para el tema del manejo del Internet, no se encuentra efecto cuando se utiliza en actividades de entretenimiento, pero si cuando se usa en tareas educativas diariamente. Esto siguiere que usar este servicio aumenta la productividad y el capital humano, lo que se transforma en un incremento en los ingresos. Por tanto, se encuentra que el lugar de uso es una señal informativa para el mercado laboral, mientras que el impacto del manejo de esta herramienta depende de la frecuencia con que se realicen las actividades.
The relative stability of aggregate labor's share constitutes one of the great macroeconomic ratios. However, relative stability at the aggregate level masks the unbalanced nature of industry labor's shares – the Kuznets stylized facts underlie those of Kaldor. We present a two-sector – one labor-only and the other using both capital and labor – model of unbalanced economic development with induced innovation that can rationalize these phenomena as well as several other empirical regularities of actual economies. Specifically, the model features (i) one sector ("goods" production) becoming increasingly capital-intensive over time; (ii) an increasing relative price and share in total output of the labor-only sector ("services"); and (iii) diverging sectoral labor's shares despite (iii) an aggregate labor's share that converges from above to a value between 0 and unity. Furthermore, the model (iv) supports either a neoclassical steadystate or long-run endogenous growth, giving it the potential to account for a wide range of real world development experiences.
Los procesos de integración económica han puesto en evidencia que la separación tradicionalmente hecha entre las políticas comercial y de competencia no sólo es ficticia, sino que mantenerla es simplemente contradictorio con la realidad de la economía internacional. En la medida en que los mercados domésticos se han abierto al comercio internacional, se ha considerado que las políticas de competencia pueden hacerse redundantes, ya que la competencia extranjera tiende a garantizar que dichos mercados tienen un nivel adecuado de contestabilidad. Sin embargo, como se muestra en este documento para el caso del sector agrícola, en estas circunstancias, la política de competencia adquiere un nuevo e importante papel que cumplir. Acá se discute la relación general entre el sector agrícola y la política de competencia, en un contexto de relativa liberalización comercial. Se sostiene que es necesario aplicar la política de competencia al sector, ya que esto garantiza las mejores condiciones posibles para incentivar los procesos de cambio tecnológico, indispensables para desarrollar una agricultura dinámica. Igualmente, se afirma que es indispensable una aplicación rigurosa de la política de competencia que, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de la estructura de mercado de los sectores vinculados a la agricultura hacia adelante y hacia atrás, garantice que el más competitivo sector agrícola no sea sujeto de prácticas anticompetitivas por otros agentes. Esto puede incluir la instauración de algunas excepciones puntuales para el sector, con relación a la política de competencia,
At present, we are witnessing globalization as a truly worldwide phenomenon. Trade agreements among differing countries, a reduction in trade costs, the mobility of production factors, the free flow of information and so on are all proof of the present day era of globalization. Countries are trading with one another more and more every day and the effects of international trade on economies represent a central discussion in all economic spheres. In spite of increasing trade around the world and the promotion of globalization by multilateral organisms such as WTO and IMF, the effects of international trade are not yet clear. Economics literature concerning the effects of international trade on economic growth and welfare remains ambiguous in terms of both theoretical models and empirical research. The present thesis tries to contribute to the theoretical debate surrounding the effects of dynamic international trade, focusing in particular on the implications for economic growth, welfare and changes in the preferences of individuals.
We propose and estimate a financial distress model that explicitly accounts for the interactions or spill-over effects between financial institutions, through the use of a spatial continuity matrix that is build from financial network data of inter bank transactions. Such setup of the financial distress model allows for the empirical validation of the importance of network externalities in determining financial distress, in addition to institution specific and macroeconomic covariates. The relevance of such specification is that it incorporates simultaneously micro-prudential factors (Basel 2) as well as macro-prudential and systemic factors (Basel 3) as determinants of financial distress. Results indicate network externalities are an important determinant of financial health of a financial institutions. The parameter that measures the effect of network externalities is both economically and statistical significant and its inclusion as a risk factor reduces the importance of the firm specific variables such as the size or degree of leverage of the financial institution. In addition we analyze the policy implications of the network factor model for capital requirements and deposit insurance pricing.
The causality between international trade and industrialization is still ambiguous. We consider a model of international trade with the Home Market Effect - with differences in income and productivity between sectors and between countries - in order to identify additional channels for determining the effects of international trade on industrialization. Introducing non-homothetic preferences and differences in productivity aids in the interpretation of any apparent paradoxes within international trade, such as the commercial relations between more populated countries like China and India and large economies such as the U.S. Population size, demand composition and productivity levels constitute the three main channels for determining the effects of international trade. Interactions among these channels define the results obtained in terms of industrialization, while welfare levels are always higher in relation to autarky.
We evaluate the profitability and technical efficiency of aquaculture in the Philippines. Farm-level data are used to compare two production systems corresponding to the intensive monoculture of tilapia in freshwater ponds and the extensive polyculture of shrimps and fish in brackish water ponds. Both activities are very lucrative, with brackish water aquaculture achieving the higher level of profit per farm. Stochastic frontier production functions reveal that technical efficiency is low in brackish water aquaculture, with a mean of 53%, explained primarily by the operator's experience and by the frequency of his visits to the farm. In freshwater aquaculture, the farms achieve a mean efficiency level of 83%. The results suggest that the provision of extension services to brackish water fish farms might be a cost-effective way of increasing production and productivity in that sector. By contrast, technological change will have to be the driving force of future productivity growth in freshwater aquaculture.
Information technologies are used across all stages of the construction process, and are crucial in the delivery of large projects. Drawing on detailed research on a construction megaproject, we take a practice-based approach to examining the practical and theoretical tensions between existing ways of working and the introduction of new coordination tools in this paper. We analyze the new hybrid practices that emerge, using insights from actor-network theory to articulate the delegation of actions to material and digital objects within ecologies of practice. The three vignettes that we discuss highlight this delegation of actions, the “plugging” and “patching” of ecologies occurring across media and the continual iterations of working practices between different types of media. By shifting the focus from tools to these wider ecologies of practice, the approach has important managerial mplications for the stabilization of new technologies and practices and for managing technological change on large construction projects. We conclude with a discussion of new directions for research, oriented to further elaborating on the importance of the material in understanding change.
Multi-gas approaches to climate change policies require a metric establishing ‘equivalences’ among emissions of various species. Climate scientists and economists have proposed four kinds of such metrics and debated their relative merits. We present a unifying framework that clarifies the relationships among them. We show, as have previous authors, that the global warming potential (GWP), used in international law to compare emissions of greenhouse gases, is a special case of the global damage potential (GDP), assuming (1) a finite time horizon, (2) a zero discount rate, (3) constant atmospheric concentrations, and (4) impacts that are proportional to radiative forcing. Both the GWP and GDP follow naturally from a cost–benefit framing of the climate change issue. We show that the global temperature change potential (GTP) is a special case of the global cost potential (GCP), assuming a (slight) fall in the global temperature after the target is reached. We show how the four metrics should be generalized if there are intertemporal spillovers in abatement costs, distinguishing between private (e.g., capital stock turnover) and public (e.g., induced technological change) spillovers. Both the GTP and GCP follow naturally from a cost-effectiveness framing of the climate change issue. We also argue that if (1) damages are zero below a threshold and (2) infinitely large above a threshold, then cost-effectiveness analysis and cost–benefit analysis lead to identical results. Therefore, the GCP is a special case of the GDP. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change uses the GWP, a simplified cost–benefit concept. The UNFCCC is framed around the ultimate goal of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations. Once a stabilization target has been agreed under the convention, implementation is clearly a cost-effectiveness problem. It would therefore be more consistent to use the GCP or its simplification, the GTP.
The City of London is a major financial centre where the property market is heavily dependent on the space requirements of office occupiers. Technological change, however, is changing the way in which organisations conduct their business and is challenging the continued locational pull of the City. This research presents findings from a major survey of City occupiers carried out by The College research team during 2002. The research examines how the shape and form of the office property market in the City will be affected by process change in eBusiness and related technology over the next 5 years. The report, which includes an extensive literature review, examines the implications of increased homeworking and other trends for future office supply in the City. The research was funded by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors Trust (Toby Sutton Research Award), and part of the literature review by the Small Business Support Research Unit of DTI. It is essential reading for surveyors, planners, facilities managers and all those interested in the technology and property interface.
At the turn of the 1960s, Maurice Blanchot began publishing texts that he named entretiens, this change in his writing responding to what deconstruction sees as the closure of logocentric or continuous discourse. Paradoxically, this closure does not prevent such discourse, in which philosophical enquiry and technological change are intertwined, from dominating the modern world. By changing his writing, and by reiterating the dialogical form so central to metaphysical tradition since Plato, Blanchot gives voice to the tensions between continuity and its ‘outside’, between philosophy and literature. This is one sense in which his entretiens do not engage in a representation of difference, but instead open themselves to the inflections of what Jean-Luc Nancy calls le partage des voix.