956 resultados para Barnes, Barry: Scientific knowledge. A sosiological analysis
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
The performance of investigative activities with lessons in teaching Science and Chemistry has promoted meaningful learning of scientific knowledge. This study aimed to develop the links between higher education for research and skills argumentative, aimed at building the scientific concept on combustion of the candle in a closed container, for students from two classes of 3rd year of high school, two city schools Bauru, São Paulo. We decided to do a short course investigative, to respond argumentative skills which are developed during the minicourse using investigative activities, knowledge from the history and philosophy of science. The results were gathered from analysis of video recordings of episodes of the short course in both the groups, to produce a higher rate of use of argumentative skill, which were classified into categories according to the prior knowledge of the subject, 'factual knowledge' , 'understanding of concepts' and 'reasoning and analysis.' From the information obtained, it was found that both the teachers and the students were consistent in their actions, and that the activity of reasoning is key to learning. Thus, one can realize that knowledge is not acquired all at the same time, each individual depends on the mediation of the teacher in order to reach different design more appropriate teaching and investigative linked with the argument can be the key tool to acquire this knowledge
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie Nachrichten, die vom Nachrichtenportal Deutsche Welle in portugiesischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden, produziert werden und inwieweit sie Brasilien und Deutschland bezüglich kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten repräsentieren. Der staatliche deutsche Auslandsrundfunk zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Reichweite aus und schafft Dialoge zwischen Deutschland und anderen Nationen. Angesichts der Schnittstelle zwischen Journalismus und Internet, haben wir uns auf den Sender Deutsche Welle, und dort vor allem auf die brasilianische Nachrichtenredaktion fokussiert. Dadurch war es möglich, den Kontext, in dem der analysierte journalistische Inhalt produziert wird, genau zu verstehen. Die Nachrichten wurden über einen Zeitraum von einer Woche im Portal gesammelt und anschließend einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen (BARDIN, 2009). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie die Inhalte beide Länder repräsentieren und gleichzeitig die Redaktionsstrategie des Senders bestätigt wird. In Anbetracht des Effekts, den die Nachrichten und die übermittelte Repräsentation der beiden Länder in den Beiträgen auf die Meinungsbildung der Zielgruppe haben könnten, trägt diese Studie zum wissenschaftlichen Verständnis im journalistischen Bereich bei und regt zu weitere Studien über die Deutsche Welle an
The playful objects challenge and support the child to the playful action. These actions leverage the use of imagination and fantasy, necessary skills throughout our life. These objects are ways to create situations and play day by day. Games and toys are also augmenting resources of learning processes in various areas of knowledge. However, this process does not occur spontaneously, there is a need of scientific knowledge for selection and use of these resources in educational formal processes, especially in schools. The objective of this study was to identify, classify and analyze the play material performance of a primary school of the Municipal System of Education from Bauru-SP. To attain the goal, became a literature review in indexed data bases and printed materials. Subsequently, based on the theoretical references, tools for collection and analysis of data were developed, enabling the triangulation of data collected and analyzed for the closest to the reality studied. The instruments for collecting and analyzing data: a) survey and identification of playful collection based on COL (KOBAYSHI, 2009), b) questionnaire with school teachers and c) field observations. The survey results and the triangulation of sources allowed better characterization of the collection available at the school and their uses as resources and education and recreation procedures
Introduction: Pathological changes in the bucal cavity associated with Diabetes mellitus (DM) may include gingivitis, periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and xerostomia (dry mouth), susceptibility to bucal infections, burning mouth syndrome, and altered taste. Objective: This study assessed the technical and scientific knowledge of dentists working in primary care in the National Health System (SUS) on the DM. Material and method: The study was conducted in the municipalities of Birigui-SP, Maringá-PR and TrêsLagoas-MS, with the participation of 76 dentists working in the SUS primary care system.These professionals agreed to answer to a questionnaire developed for this study and the results of the questions were submitted to a quantitative analysis. Result: Showed that 94.7% were in contact with diabetic patients; 97.4% know what is DM; about other types of DM, 77.6% said they know, the most mentioned (by 55.9%) was the gestational DM. The DM2 was indicated as the most prevalent by 59.2%; the normal range of fasting blood glucose level was quoted correctly by 2.6% of the participants; obesity was reported by 98.7% of participants as a risk factor for DM; 96.0% stated correctly what are the main signs and symptoms related to Diabetes; periodontal disease was reported by 92.1% as an bucal manifestation in diabetic patients. Conclusion: The dentist needs to develop specific knowledge about DM, being able to identify normal levels of blood glucose and ready to identify and meet the bearer of DM.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study is to investigate the spontaneous use of medicinal plants by volunteer patients in the treatment of hypertension and to determine the most used plants in this situation. Data were collected through a questionnaire and a semi-structured guided interview applied to patients from a health center in the Midwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Quantitative analysis identified a high number of hypertensive patients spontaneously using herbal treatment. The referred plants were identified by the Herbarium Botu and researched in the literature as to their therapeutic actions. The biggest mistake was observed in the misuse of the Bilberry for the treatment of hypertension, which reveals that health professionals and the community in general should be more careful. As a result we have published an informative booklet, with emphasis on hypertension concepts and on the use of medicinal plants as an alternative therapy method for this disease in order to provide scientific knowledge and scientific research evidence to this practice.
This work presents a partial analysis of the implementation of a didactic sequence aimed at undergraduate students of quantum chemistry. The sequence develops on some fundamental concepts to understand the behavior of the objects particles and waves in the doubleslit experiment. The analysis is based on the didactic transposition theory, proposed by Yves Chevallard, which allows reflection upon the scientific knowledge reorganized to be used in teaching contexts. Our interest in this study lays on the dynamics of transposition of knowledge-to-be-taught into knowledge-taught, particularly the importance of making concepts more comprehensible. Results showed that the communication of knowledge by the students is presented with interruptions, gaps and colloquial language. The analysis allowed the identification of needs and possibilities of learning, as well as a turn in the teacher practice, through a dynamic process of action and reflection.
We analyzed the National Curriculum for Secondary Schools with respect to the ontological, epistemological, historical, social and conceptual biology. This study aims to bring information and thinking about the inclusion of history and philosophy of biology for secondary education and for teacher training. We performed an analysis of PCNEM, PCNEM+ and Curriculum Guidelines as a whole from established categories. The results indicate a predominance of the ontological view of mechanistic biology. Epistemologically, although acknowledged, the question of scientific method is rarely discussed. The historical approach and social scientific activity and scientific knowledge are recognized by the documents, but an instrumental view prevails. The conceptual aspects are comprehensive and take into account the theories of structural biology. A philosophical discussion on the biology is missing in the parameters, indicating the need for the inclusion of issues related to ideas of determinism, chance and teleology.
This article aims to discuss the role of digital technology in the process of collecting and analyzing data in qualitative research. We present two qualitative studies, with different objectives and contexts, that illustrate how data can be collected using different media and how they may shape the researcher's analysis and the results. Based on a theoretical perspective in which knowledge is seen as being produced by a collective of humans-with-media, as opposed to an individual or collective of humans, we believe that the technology used to produce knowledge and to analyze the data conditions the findings. Thus, technologies play a key role in doing research and the scientific knowledge generated from it.
This article reflects on the continuing education of science teachers and, for that, it was conducted a documental analysis of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Educations (Law No. 9394/96) and a bibliographical research to make a survey and a study about the authors with recognized contribution in this area, focusing on the following items (i) aspects of legislation and public policies for the continuing education on Basic Education teachers; (ii) teaching knowledge needed in their professional training; and (iii) continuing education of science teachers. It was concluded that teachers’ professional development should happen through institutional continuing education, guided by a work plan, so that they can effectively develop their as mediators between the students' interaction with the information obtained, so that the teaching-learning process can happen and consistent scientific knowledge can be constructed by students.
The perspective STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) was recently implemented in the training courses for science teachers in Brazil, and proposes greater coordination of scientific knowledge with subjective questions that constitute the science, enables discussion of the nature of science and its implications for social and environmental issues. The present work aims to contribute to training of science teachers that approximates the current demands of contemporary society. Having as theoretical reasons the implications of STSE Movement in science teaching, we bring some considerations on pedagogical practices of undergraduates in Biological Sciences held within its Supervised. Through content analysis of the speeches of undergraduates, we can identify contributions and limitations that treatment of socio-scientific issues (SSI) revealed in the process, putting to discuss some aspects that are tangent training teachers committed to a contextualized view of science and scientific training. It discusses, among them, the relationship theory and practice in supervised training of future teachers’ conceptions about the implications of the STSE perspective in science teaching and science teacher positioning ahead controversial themes.
This research presents the description of the assembly, development and execution of an experiment and of an interdisciplinary and student research activity built by some undergraduates from Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry PIBID subprojects of the Faculty of Science, FC - UNESP, Bauru/SP Campus. These subprojects are part of a single interdisciplinary group, which has as its main activity the Superclass, which consists of an intervention of the PIBID members during the class schedule, with an interdisciplinary and student research didactic sequence, applied by four groups of ten members, in two local State Schools. The experiment treated in this assignment was a miniature cannon (minicannon), and it was used in a Superclass that had the War and Science Development as its theme, wherein the knowledge of all areas were built from the analysis of the multiple variables involved on the cannon shots. These variables were surveyed with the students through the experiment research, during the Superclass, being focused on three of them: the shot and the explosives; the trajectory; and the target. The experiment was extremely successful, because it could instigate the students, who were interested, questioning and debaters for several times during the class. The minicannon made possible the interdisciplinary and the student research work among the four areas of science involved. Despite it has been a laborious experiment in its construction, it has proven to be innovative, and its use has transformed the students‟ ingenuous curiosity into epistemological curiosity, a key factor in the construction of scientific knowledge, wherein the dialogue established in the Superclass explored this new curiosity