884 resultados para Banda larga
As telecomunicações no mundo têm avançado a passos largos na oferta de novas tecnologias e padrões que viabilizam e flexibilizam a transmissão / recepção de informações entre pessoas e a Internet. Em especial, no que tange à ubiqüidade, o uso de dispositivos de comunicações móveis sem fio, como telefones celulares e PDAs (Personnal Digital Assistant), tem permitido às empresas alcançarem seus clientes a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Muitos padrões de comunicação wireless têm surgido, inicialmente na indústria de telefonia móvel celular e, em seguida, na indústria de computadores e PDAs, habilitando a comunicação wireless de dados em banda larga e o comércio eletrônico móvel (m-commerce). Em especial, o padrão Wi-Fi tem sido difundido mundialmente através da expansão de redes públicas sem fio (PWLANs). Assim, os fabricantes de equipamentos de telecomunicações, as empresas operadoras de serviços de telefonia fixa e móvel e até provedores de acesso à Internet têm manifestado grande interesse nessa área por perceberem novas oportunidades de aumento de receita através da tecnologia Wi-Fi. Todos estes aspectos da recente história do Wi-Fi têm gerado questionamentos quanto a seu futuro sucesso e real geração de vantagem competitiva sustentável, não obstante o volume de negócios relativos a esta tecnologia estar em franco crescimento. Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar o mercado de serviços PWLAN Wi-Fi brasileiro, identificando os principais atores e os modelos de negócio praticados por eles, comparando esses modelos aos modelos identificados por Shubar e Lechner. O estudo propõe-se, também, a avaliar tais empresas e seus respectivos modelos de negócio segundo o framework VRIO desenvolvido por Barney com base na visão estratégica baseada em recursos (RBV- Resource Based View).
Nesta tese realizamos três trabalhos que envolvem diferentes aspectos da espectroscopia resolvida no tempo. No primeiro discutimos brevemente a teoria e as principais técnicas para a caracterização de pulsos curtos. Analisamos detalhamente uma destas técnicas e propusemos modi cações que possibilitaram o barateamento dos custos da montagem e, além disso, introduziram novas características que sanaram alguns problemas que a montagem original apresentava e que também possibilitaram uma melhor caracterização da própria técnica. Descrevemos cuidadosamente as condições que devem ser satisfeitas pela geometria dos feixes e pelos componentes da montagem para obter uma caracterização correta dos pulsos curtos. Também apresentamos o procedimento de calibração do sistema. Pulsos com diferentes tempos e funções de fase foram caracterizados e os resultados foram validados por testes de con abilidade da informação recuperada. O trabalho seguinte foi o estudo da dinâmica molecular em líquidos puros e em misturas através da técnica efeito Kerr óptico resolvido no tempo, que é uma técnica do tipo bombeio e prova não ressonante, usando um sistema laser Ti:Sa ra com pulsos de 170 fs, centrados em 800 nm. As moléculas estudadas foram o dissulfeto de carbono (CS2), benzeno (C6H6), alilbenzeno (C9H10) e o poliestireno (PS). A teoria necessária para descrever os resultados medidos foi desenvolvida no regime temporal. O modelo de Debye para a relaxação difusiva da anisotropia orientacional descreve a componente de tempos longa, acima de um picosegundo. Partindo do Hamiltoniano de interação, desenvolvemos a teoria da função resposta linear, chegando a uma expressão para a relaxação da polarizabilidade anisotrópica, necessária para descrever os tempos curtos (subpicosegundos). Além disso, a passagem para o regime espectral utilizando somente dados experimentais, ou seja, sem a necessidade de levar em conta modelos especí cos, também foi discutida. Os resultados mostram que os tempos difusivos tanto nos líquidos puros quanto nas misturas seguem a equação de Debye-Stokes-Einstein que prevê um aumento deste tempo para viscosidades maiores. Os tempos curtos são analisados em termos da componente não difusiva da resposta espectral associada à dinâmica molecular. As alterações do espectro foram quanti cadas e a explicação para as mudanças observadas foi dada em termos das con gurações estruturais de interação que levam a uma alteração do potencial intermolecular dentro do qual as moléculas executam movimentos libracionais. Por último, investigamos a questão do modelamento de pulsos de luz incoerente. Para isto trabalhamos com um laser de corante banda larga sem elemento de seleção espectral intracavidade. A técnica utilizada foi o espalhamento forçado de luz ao qual foi acoplado um modelador composto por uma grade, uma lente e uma máscara que alterava a função de fase espectral relativa entre os feixes formadores da grade transiente na amostra de interesse. Realizamos uma análise detalhada desta montagem e obtivemos expressões para ajustar os dados medidos. Os resultados mostram que a função de correlação pode ser alterada de forma especí ca através da escolha de determinadas funções de fase espectrais.
O controlo de banda larga é um conceito importante quando lidamos com redes de larga escala. Os ISPs precisam de garantir disponibilidade e qualidade de serviço a todos os clientes, enquanto garantem que a rede como um todo não fica mais lenta. Para garantir isto, é necessário que os ISPs recolham dados de tráfego, analisem-nos e usem-nos para definir a velocidade de banda larga de cada cliente. A NOS Madeira implementou, durante vários anos, um sistema semelhante. No entanto, este sistema encontrava-se obsoleto, sendo necessário construir um novo, totalmente de raíz. Entre as limitações encontrava-se a impossibilidade de alterar os algoritmos de análise de tráfego, fraca integração com os serviços de gestão de rede da NOS Madeira e reduzida escalabilidade e modularidade. O sistema IP Network Usage Accounting é a resposta a estes problemas. Este projeto foca-se no desenvolvimento do subsistema Accounting System, o segundo dos três subsistemas que compõem o sistema IP Network Usage Accounting. Este subsistema, implementado com sucesso e atualmente em produção na NOS Madeira, é responsável por analisar os dados referidos acima e usar os resultados dessa análise para direcionar a disponibilidade de banda larga, de acordo com o uso da rede de cada cliente.
Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)
This dissertation describes the use of new Technologies of the Areas of Telecommunications, Networks and Industrial Automation for increase of the Operational Safety and obtaining of Operational Improvements in the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore. The presented solution represents the junction of several modules of these areas, making possible the Supervision and Contrai of the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore starting from an Station Onshore, in way similar to a remote contral, by virtue of the visualization possibility and audition of the operational area through cameras and microphones, looking the operator of the system to be "present" in the platform. This way, it diminishes the embarked people's need, increasing the Operational Safety. As consequence, we have the obtaining of Operational Improvements, by virtue of the use of a digital link of large band it releases multi-service. In this link traffic simultaneously digital signs of data (Ethernet Network), telephony (Phone VoIP), image and sound
This work presents the development of new microwaves structures, filters and high gain antenna, through the cascading of frequency selective surfaces, which uses fractals Dürer and Minkowski patches as elements, addition of an element obtained from the combination of the other two simple the cross dipole and the square spiral. Frequency selective surfaces (FSS) includes a large area of Telecommunications and have been widely used due to its low cost, low weight and ability to integrate with others microwaves circuits. They re especially important in several applications, such as airplane, antennas systems, radomes, rockets, missiles, etc. FSS applications in high frequency ranges have been investigated, as well as applications of cascading structures or multi-layer, and active FSS. In this work, we present results for simulated and measured transmission characteristics of cascaded structures (multilayer), aiming to investigate the behavior of the operation in terms of bandwidth, one of the major problems presented by frequency selective surfaces. Comparisons are made with simulated results, obtained using commercial software such as Ansoft DesignerTM v3 and measured results in the laboratory. Finally, some suggestions are presented for future works on this subject
The microstrip antennas are in constant evidence in current researches due to several advantages that it presents. Fractal geometry coupled with good performance and convenience of the planar structures are an excellent combination for design and analysis of structures with ever smaller features and multi-resonant and broadband. This geometry has been applied in such patch microstrip antennas to reduce its size and highlight its multi-band behavior. Compared with the conventional microstrip antennas, the quasifractal patch antennas have lower frequencies of resonance, enabling the manufacture of more compact antennas. The aim of this work is the design of quasi-fractal patch antennas through the use of Koch and Minkowski fractal curves applied to radiating and nonradiating antenna s edges of conventional rectangular patch fed by microstrip inset-fed line, initially designed for the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The inset-fed technique is investigated for the impedance matching of fractal antennas, which are fed through lines of microstrip. The efficiency of this technique is investigated experimentally and compared with simulations carried out by commercial software Ansoft Designer used for precise analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of antennas by the method of moments and the neural model proposed. In this dissertation a study of literature on theory of microstrip antennas is done, the same study is performed on the fractal geometry, giving more emphasis to its various forms, techniques for generation of fractals and its applicability. This work also presents a study on artificial neural networks, showing the types/architecture of networks used and their characteristics as well as the training algorithms that were used for their implementation. The equations of settings of the parameters for networks used in this study were derived from the gradient method. It will also be carried out research with emphasis on miniaturization of the proposed new structures, showing how an antenna designed with contours fractals is capable of a miniaturized antenna conventional rectangular patch. The study also consists of a modeling through artificial neural networks of the various parameters of the electromagnetic near-fractal antennas. The presented results demonstrate the excellent capacity of modeling techniques for neural microstrip antennas and all algorithms used in this work in achieving the proposed models were implemented in commercial software simulation of Matlab 7. In order to validate the results, several prototypes of antennas were built, measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in software for comparison
In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern
The exponential growth in the applications of radio frequency (RF) is accompanied by great challenges as more efficient use of spectrum as in the design of new architectures for multi-standard receivers or software defined radio (SDR) . The key challenge in designing architecture of the software defined radio is the implementation of a wide-band receiver, reconfigurable, low cost, low power consumption, higher level of integration and flexibility. As a new solution of SDR design, a direct demodulator architecture, based on fiveport technology, or multi-port demodulator, has been proposed. However, the use of the five-port as a direct-conversion receiver requires an I/Q calibration (or regeneration) procedure in order to generate the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the transmitted baseband signal. In this work, we propose to evaluate the performance of a blind calibration technique without additional knowledge about training or pilot sequences of the transmitted signal based on independent component analysis for the regeneration of I/Q five-port downconversion, by exploiting the information on the statistical properties of the three output signals
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Recently, planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications this sector. That needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of Ey and Hy. One of the advantages of this method is the simplification of the field equations. therefore the amount of equations lesser must the fields in directions x and z be in function of components Ey and Hy. It will be presented an brief study of the main theories that explain the superconductivity phenomenon. The BCS theory. London Equations and Two Fluids model will be the theories that will give support the application of the superconductors in the microfita antennas. The inclusion of the superconductor patch is made using the resistive complex contour condition. This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure
This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work
Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to its characteristics as well as the advantages they offer compared to other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for such antennas has become increasingly intense due to development, which requires antennas that operate in multifrequency and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to losses in the dielectric caused by irradiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due to generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques are being developed to minimize this bandwidth limitation, as is the case in the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to compose the dielectric material. The analysis developed in this work were performed with use of the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transerve real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic fields as a functions of y E and Hy . This work has as main objective the method LTT structures resonator line slot with four layers of material photonic PBG, for obtaining the complex resonant frequency and efficiency of this structure. PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity for the substrate biases sep compounds photonic material. Numerical-computational results in graph form in two dimensions for all the analysis are presented for the proposed structures that have photonic materials, as substrates
The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication
Even living in the XXI century are still some difficulties in access to broadband Internet in several Brazilian cities, due to the purchasing power of people and lack of government investment. But even with these difficulties, we seek to encourage the use of wireless technology, which is based on the IEEE 802.11b protocol - also known as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Wireless Fidelity Communications, having wide range of commercial applications in the world market, nationally and internationally. In Brazil, this technology is in full operation in major cities and has proved attractive in relation to the access point to multipoint and point-to-point. This paper is a comparative analysis of prediction field, using models based on the prediction of propagation loss. To validate the techniques used here, the Okumura-Hata models, modified Okumura-Hata, Walfisch-Ikegami model, were applied to a wireless computer network, located in the neighborhood of Cajupiranga in the city of Melbourn, in Rio Grande do Norte . They are used for networking wireless 802.11b, using the Mobile Radio to measure signal levels, beyond the heights of the antennas and distances from the transmitter. The performance data versus distance are added to the graphs generated and compared with results obtained through calculations of propagation models