979 resultados para Bacile, Filippo, 1827-1911


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The digestive gland of Pomacea lineata, a prosobranch gastropod mollusc inhabiting both fresh water and land, does not contain cholinomimetic compounds as do the glands of species of Aplysia, marine opisthobranch gastropods, in which both acetylcholine and urocanylcholine are present. The only pharmacological action detected for the digestive gland of Pomacea was spasmogenic activity of a crude homogenate containing 0.1 g tissue equivalents on the snail's own esophagus bathed in 10 ml of a physiological solution prepared on the basis of the animal's hemolymph composition. The spamodic activity was not blocked by atropine, bromlysergic acid diethylamide or anthazoline.


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The invertebrate's musculature still presents many elusive points, especially in molluscs that generally present smooth and cracked fibers with peculiar characteristics. It was found that the molluscs reactions to the ion variation in the bathing are not very clear, mainly in view of the isolated reduction or equivalent of the ions. Suspended in bath, the isolated esophagus of the P. lineata exhibited spontaneous activity. This rhythmic activity was sensitive to the ion variation of the perfusion liquid, evidenced by alterations in the spontaneous contractions. The equivalent reduction of the ion reduced the spontaneous activity, evidenced by the amplitude reduction of the response, besides maintaning an organ contraction, primarily in the reductions below 50%. When the isolated reductions of the Na, Ca or K ion were performed, occurred interference in the spontaneous contractions of the organs, principally in amplitude of the response and maintenance of the contracture in reductions of 50 and 25% of the ion.


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1. 1. The respiratory responses of Pomacea lineata to short-term (or acute) exposure to temperature and oxygen tension variations were investigated in animals acclimated to 25°C. 2. 2. The respiratory rates increased with rising temperatures; this increase was sharper between 15 and 25°C than at any other temperature interval; a tendency to a plateau in the RT curve was recorded between 25 and 35°C. 3. 3. All animals survived well to 1 hr exposure to the extreme temperatures used (5 and 40°C). 4. 4. In two different experimental approaches, the animals showed ability to regulate the respiratory rate in declining oxygen tensions, at least down to 10% (70.8 mmHg) oxygen. 5. 5. After 1 hr exposure to hypoxic conditions, P. lineata exhibited the pattern of underpayment of the oxygen debt acquired. 6. 6. Six out of ten animals survived after 40 days in anoxia (100% nitrogen). © 1987.


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A morphometric study was performed on the sexual forms of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus in colonies kept under laboratory conditions. The males studied were obtained from queenright and queenless colonies, i.e. they were produced by either the queen or the workers. Cluster analysis revealed a wide distribution in the size of the sexual forms produced in queenless colonies compared with queenright colonies, and that some of the worker-produced males were significantly smaller than those produced in queenright colonies. However, we found no indication that the males produced in queenless colonies are unable to mate, as smaller and larger males had identical genitalia that varied only in size, and therefore probably represent an alternative route of reproduction in this species. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.


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The effects of ingested neem oil, a botanical insecticide obtained from the seeds of the neem tree, Azadirachta indica, on the midgut cells of predatory larvae Ceraeochrysa claveri were analyzed. C. claveri were fed on eggs of Diatraea saccharalis treated with neem oil at a concentration of 0.5%, 1% and 2% during throughout the larval period. Light and electron microscopy showed severe damages in columnar cells, which had many cytoplasmic protrusions, clustering and ruptured of the microvilli, swollen cells, ruptured cells, dilatation and vesiculation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, development of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, enlargement of extracellular spaces of the basal labyrinth, intercellular spaces and necrosis. The indirect ingestion of neem oil with prey can result in severe alterations showing direct cytotoxic effects of neem oil on midgut cells of C. claveri larvae. Therefore, the safety of neem oil to non-target species as larvae of C. claveri was refuted, thus the notion that plants derived are safer to non-target species must be questioned in future ecotoxicological studies. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Desde o final do século XIX e, até, o início do século XX, Belém na fala do intendente Antonio Lemos era conhecida como a “necrópole” paraense. Doenças e epidemias estavam no centro do debate das práticas médico-sanitárias. O higienismo de médicos tornou se discurso recorrente de intervenção no espaço cotidiano dos moradores, onde as campanhas de profilaxias foram alçadas enquanto responsáveis pela cura da cidade. As ações propostas por esculápios cientistas geraram tensões entre moradores e autoridades públicas diante a aliança do saber médico e o poder público, sobre a qual me propus analisar para explicar o dia-a-dia das medidas coercitivas, no intuito de entender essa aliança. Analisando artigos na imprensa, literatos, jornalistas, políticos, relatos médicos, mensagens de governo, relatórios, fotografias e charges foi possível acompanhar os significados atribuídos pelos contemporâneos em relação as epidemias da varíola, tuberculose e febre amarela, por exemplo, por parte dos saberes médico-sanitários. A belle époque em Belém deixou de ser nessa dissertação um cristal historiográfico, diante as adversidade do viver de sujeitos anônimos. Belém tornou-se um laboratório de experiências, os médicos propunham curá-la para alcançar o tão propalado desenvolvimento econômico ou progresso. A consolidação dessa aliança coube à responsabilidade do renomado sanitarista Oswaldo Cruz, que desembarcou, em 1910, na capital paraense para combater a febre amarela, com carta branca do governador João Coelho. Por outro lado, a cura da cidade ou “necrópole” paraense teve significados mais amplos, destacando-se o sepultamento do mal amarílico, como também, concomitantemente, o sepultamento da oligarquia do coronel Antonio Lemos.