463 resultados para BRAKING CATASTROPHE


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (turbo lag). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept. Copyright © 2013 SAE International.


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A high-speed path-following controller for long combination vehicles (LCVs) was designed and implemented on a test vehicle consisting of a rigid truck towing a dolly and a semitrailer. The vehicle was driven through a 3.5 m wide lane change maneuver at 80 km/h. The axles of the dolly and trailer were steered actively by electrically-controlled hydraulic actuators. Substantial performance benefits were recorded compared with the unsteered vehicle. For the best controller weightings, performance improvements relative to unsteered case were: lateral tracking error 75% reduction, rearward amplification (RA) of lateral acceleration 18% reduction, and RA of yaw rate 37% reduction. This represents a substantial improvement in stability margins. The system was found to work well in conjunction with the braking-based stability control system of the towing vehicle with no negative interaction effects being observed. In all cases, the stability control system and the steering system improved the yaw stability of the combination. © 2014 by ASME.


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Two-phase computational fluid dynamics modelling is used to investigate the magnitude of different contributions to the wet steam losses in a three-stage model low pressure steam turbine. The thermodynamic losses (due to irreversible heat transfer across a finite temperature difference) and the kinematic relaxation losses (due to the frictional drag of the drops) are evaluated directly from the computational fluid dynamics simulation using a concept based on entropy production rates. The braking losses (due to the impact of large drops on the rotor) are investigated by a separate numerical prediction. The simulations show that in the present case, the dominant effect is the thermodynamic loss that accounts for over 90% of the wetness losses and that both the thermodynamic and the kinematic relaxation losses depend on the droplet diameter. The numerical results are brought into context with the well-known Baumann correlation, and a comparison with available measurement data in the literature is given. The ability of the numerical approach to predict the main wetness losses is confirmed, which permits the use of computational fluid dynamics for further studies on wetness loss correlations. © IMechE 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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Due to technological limitations robot actuators are often designed for specific tasks with narrow performance goals, whereas a wide range of output and behaviours is necessary for robots to operate autonomously in uncertain complex environments. We present a design framework that employs dynamic couplings in the form of brakes and clutches to increase the performance and diversity of linear actuators. The couplings are used to switch between a diverse range of discrete modes of operation within a single actuator. We also provide a design solution for miniaturized couplings that use dry friction to produce rapid switching and high braking forces. The couplings are designed so that once engaged or disengaged no extra energy is consumed. We apply the design framework and coupling design to a linear series elastic actuator (SEA) and show that this relatively simple implementation increases the performance and adds new behaviours to the standard design. Through a number of performance tests we are able to show rapid switching between a high and a low impedance output mode; that the actuator's spring can be charged to produce short bursts of high output power; and that the actuator has additional passive and rigid modes that consume no power once activated. Robots using actuators from this design framework would see a vast increase in their behavioural diversity and improvements in their performance not yet possible with conventional actuator design. © 2012 IEEE.


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The physics-based parameter: load/unload response ratio (LURR) was proposed to measure the proximity of a strong earthquake, which achieved good results in earthquake prediction. As LURR can be used to describe the damage degree of the focal media qualitatively, there must be a relationship between LURR and damage variable (D) which describes damaged materials quantitatively in damage mechanics. Hence, based on damage mechanics and LURR theory, taking Weibull distribution as the probability distribution function, the relationship between LURR and D is set up and analyzed. This relationship directs LURR applied in damage analysis of materials quantitatively from being qualitative earlier, which not only provides the LURR method with a more solid basis in physics, but may also give a new approach to the damage evaluation of big scale structures and prediction of engineering catastrophic failure. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The physics-based parameter: load/unload response ratio (LURR) was proposed to measure the proximity of a strong earthquake, which achieved good results in earthquake prediction. As LURR can be used to describe the damage degree of the focal media qualitatively, there must be a relationship between LURR and damage variable (D) which describes damaged materials quantitatively in damage mechanics. Hence, based on damage mechanics and LURR theory, taking Weibull distribution as the probability distribution function, the relationship between LURR and D is set up and analyzed. This relationship directs LURR applied in damage analysis of materials quantitatively from being qualitative earlier, which not only provides the LURR method with a more solid basis in physics, but may also give a new approach to the damage evaluation of big scale structures and prediction of engineering catastrophic failure. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Based on analysis of NCEP reanalysis data and SST indices of the recent 50 years, decadal changes of the potential predictability of ENSO and interannual climate anomalies were investigated. Autocorrelation of Nino3 SST anomalies (SSTA) and correlation between atmospheric anomalies fields and Nino3 SSTA exhibit obvious variation in different decades, which indicates that Nino3 SSTA-related potential predictability of ENSO and interannual climate anomalies has significant decadal changes. Time around 1977 is not only a shift point of climate on the interdecadal time scale but also a catastrophe point of potential predictability of ENSO and interannual climate. As a whole, ENSO and the PNA pattern in boreal winter are more predictable in 1980s than in 1960s and 1970s, while the Nino3 SSTA-related potential predictability of the Indian monsoon and the East Asian Monsoon is lower in 1980s than in 1960s and 1970s.


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There are two major problems that have been concerned all the times, which are the mechanics characters of joint rock mass and the criterion for stability of engineering rock. Aim at the two problems, several works were conducted as follow: (1) Firstly, the mechanics characters of rock mass was studied by means of the Distinct Element Code. Subsequently, it was studied that the sensibility of joint surface roughness, strength of joint wall, joint stiffness ( i.e. tangential and normal stiffness) on the rock mass strength. (2) Based on the experimental rock mass classification methods of RMR and GSI, the program of “Parameters Calculation of the Rock Mass ” was developed. It has realized the rapid choice of rock mass parameters. (3) The concept of Representive Element Volume was induced based on the study of dimensional effect of rock mass. The Representive Element Volume of the horizontal and vertical pillar (ab. Two Pillars ) in the 2nd zone of Jinchuan mine were gained by the Geology Statistic Method and the Distinct Element Code. And then, the strength and deformatiom parameters of rock mass of the Two Pillars were obtained through numerical experiment. (4) From the confining depressure after thriaxial compression test of rock sample, it was concluded that the failure of rock is caused mainly by the lateral deformation and energy release happened during the confining depressure processure. The criterion of plastic energy catastrophe of rock engineering failure was proposed and validated. Subsquently, the stability of the horizontal pillar and Qianjiangping landslide in Three Gorges was judged by means of above-mentioned method. (5) Based on the fact there is a phenomenon of increasing energy concentration while the rock mass was compressed, rock information entropy (i.e. energy distribution entropy) was proposed. And it was revealed that there was change of energy distribution entropy while the rock mass was compressed to failure.


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This paper analyzes landsliding process by nonlinear theories, especially the influence mechanism of external factors (such as rainfall and groundwater) on slope evolution. The author investigates landslide as a consequence of the catastrophic slide of initially stationary or creeping slope triggered by a small perturbation. A fully catastrophe analysis is done for all possible scenarios when a continuous change is imposed to the control parameters. As the slip surface continues and erosion due to rainfall occurs, control parameters of the slip surface may evolve such that a previously stable slope may become unstable (e.g. catastrophe occurs), when a small perturbation is imposed. Thus the present analysis offers a plausible explanation to why slope failure occurs at a particular rainfall, which is not the largest in the history of the slope. It is found, by analysis on the nonlinear dynamical model of the evolution process of slope built, that the relationship between the action of external environment factors and the response of the slope system is complicatedly nonlinear. When the nonlinear action of slope itself is equivalent to the acting ability of external environment, the chaotic phenomenon appears in the evolution process of slope, and its route leading to chaos is realized with bifurcation of period-doublings. On the basis of displacement time series of the slope, a nonlinear dynamic model is set up by improved Backus generalized linear inversion theory in this paper. Due to the equivalence between autonomous gradient system and catastrophe model, a standard cusp catastrophe model can be obtained through variable substitution. The method is applied to displacement data of Huangci landslide and Wolongsi landslide, to show how slopes evolve before landsliding. There is convincing statistical evidence to believe that the nonlinear dynamic model can make satisfied prediction results. Most important of all, we find that there is a sudden fall of D, which indicates the occurrence of catastrophe (when D=0).


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Karst collapse is one of the most important engineering geology hazards in Karst district, which seriously endangers the living of humankind and the environment around us, as well as the natural resources. Generally speaking, there exist three processes of overburden karst collapse:the formation of soil cavity, the expansion of soil cavity and the fall of the cavity roof. During these processes, groundwater is always the most active factor and plays a key role. Pumping will bring into the great change of groundwater in flow state, flowrate, frequency of fluctuation as well as hydraulic gradient and will speed the fall. Statistics shows that most of the man-made karst collapse are induced by pumping, so studying the mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping will provide theoretical base for the prediction and precaution of collapse. By theoretically studying the initial condition for the forming and expanding of a soil cavity, Spalling step by step the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The catastrophe model for the collapse induced by pumping is set up to predict the fall probability of a cavity roof, and the criterion for the collapse is determined. Simultaneously, Karst collapse induced by pumping is predicted with manmade neural network theory. Finally, the appropriate precaution measurements for the collapse induced by pumping are provided. The creative opinions of the paper is following: The initial condition of forming a soil cavity is put forwarded as formula (4-1-5), (4-1-24),(4-1-25) and (4-1-27); which provide theoretical base for foreclosing the formation of a soil cavity and defending collapse. Spaliing step by step as the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The spaliing force is defined as formula (4-2-15). The condition for the expanding of a soil cavity is that spaliing force is greater than tensile strength of soil. The stability of a soil cavity is first studied with catastrophe theory. It is concluded that the process of development up to ground collapse of a small cavity is continuous, however, the process of a big cavity is catastrophic. It is feasibility that the Karst collapse be predicted with manmade neural network theory as a new way.


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In this thesis I present the work done during my PhD in the area of low dimensional quantum gases. The chapters of this thesis are self contained and represent individual projects which have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in respected international journals. Various systems are considered, the first of which is a two particle model which possesses an exact analytical solution. I investigate the non-classical correlations that exist between the particles as a function of the tunable properties of the system. In the second work I consider the coherences and out of equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau gas. I show how the coherence of the gas can be inferred from various properties of the reduced state and how this may be observed in experiments. I then present a model which can be used to probe a one-dimensional Fermi gas by performing a measurement on an impurity which interacts with the gas. I show how this system can be used to observe the so-called orthogonality catastrophe using modern interferometry techniques. In the next chapter I present a simple scheme to create superposition states of particles with special emphasis on the NOON state. I explore the effect of inter-particle interactions in the process and then characterise the usefulness of these states for interferometry. Finally I present my contribution to a project on long distance entanglement generation in ion chains. I show how carefully tuning the environment can create decoherence-free subspaces which allows one to create and preserve entanglement.


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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Recurrent involuntary memories are autobiographical memories that come to mind with no preceding retrieval attempt and that are subjectively experienced as being repetitive. Clinically, they are classified as a symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder. The present work is the first to systematically examine recurrent involuntary memories outside clinical settings. Study 1 examines recurrent involuntary memories among survivors of the tsunami catastrophe in Southeast Asia in 2004. Study 2 examines recurrent involuntary memories in a large general population. Study 3 examines whether the contents of recurrent involuntary memories recorded in a diary study are duplicates of, or differ from, one another. We show that recurrent involuntary memories are not limited to clinical populations or to emotionally negative experiences; that they typically do not come to mind in a fixed and unchangeable form; and that they show the same pattern regarding accessibility as do autobiographical memories in general. We argue that recurrent involuntary memories after traumas and in everyday life can be explained in terms of general and well-established mechanisms of autobiographical memory.


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We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded or summable solutions to systems of linear equations associated with Markov chains. This substantially extends a famous result of G. E. H. Reuter, which provides a convenient means of checking various uniqueness criteria for birth-death processes. Our result allows chains with much more general transition structures to be accommodated. One application is to give a new proof of an important result of M. F. Chen concerning upwardly skip-free processes. We then use our generalization of Reuter's lemma to prove new results for downwardly skip-free chains, such as the Markov branching process and several of its many generalizations. This permits us to establish uniqueness criteria for several models, including the general birth, death, and catastrophe process, extended branching processes, and asymptotic birth-death processes, the latter being neither upwardly skip-free nor downwardly skip-free.