994 resultados para BASAL-LIKE SUBTYPE
The Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system was used to determine the activities of alpha-conotoxins EpI and the ribbon isomer of AuIB, on defined nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In contrast to previous findings on intracardiac ganglion neurones, alpha-EpI showed no significant activity on oocyte-expressed alpha3beta4 and alpha3beta2 nAChRs but blocked the alpha7 nAChR with an IC50 value of 30 nM. A similar IC50 value (103 nM) was obtained on the alpha7/5HT(3) chimeric receptor stably expressed in mammalian cells. Ribbon AuIB maintained its selectivity on oocyte-expressed alpha3beta4 receptors but unlike in native cells, where it was 10-fold more potent than native alpha-AuIB, had 25-fold lower activity. These results indicate that as yet unidentified factors influence alpha-conotoxin pharmacology at native versus oocyte-expressed nAChRs. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
We demonstrate that the dynamics of an autonomous chaotic laser can be controlled to a periodic or steady state under self-synchronization. In general, past the chaos threshold the dependence of the laser output on feedback applied to the pump is submerged in the Lorenz-like chaotic pulsation. However there exist specific feedback delays that stabilize the chaos to periodic behavior or even steady state. The range of control depends critically on the feedback delay time and amplitude. Our experimental results are compared with the complex Lorenz equations which show good agreement.
The applicability of image calibration to like-values in mapping water quality parameters from multitemporal images is explored, Six sets of water samples were collected at satellite overpasses over Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Australia. Analysis of these samples reveals that waters in this shallow bay are mostly TSS-dominated, even though they are occasionally dominated by chlorophyll as well. Three of the images were calibrated to a reference image based on invariant targets. Predictive models constructed from the reference image were applied to estimating total suspended sediment (TSS) and Secchi depth from another image at a discrepancy of around 35 percent. Application of the predictive model for TSS concentration to another image acquired at a time of different water types resulted in a discrepancy of 152 percent. Therefore, image calibration to like-values could be used to reliably map certain water quality parameters from multitemporal TM images so long as the water type under study remains unchanged. This method is limited in that the mapped results could be rather inaccurate if the water type under study has changed considerably. Thus, the approach needs to be refined in shallow water from multitemporal satellite imagery.
Tight control over circulating juvenile hormone (JH) levels is of prime importance in an insect`s life cycle. Consequently, enzymes involved in JH metabolism, especially juvenile hormone esterases (JHEs), play major roles during metamorphosis and reproduction. In the highly eusocial Hymenoptera, JH has been co-opted into additional functions, primarily in the development of the queen and worker castes and in age-related behavioral development of workers. Within a set of 21 carboxylesterases predicted in the honey bee genome we identified one gene (Amjhe-like) that contained the main functional motifs of insect JHEs. Its transcript levels during larval development showed a maximum at the switch from feeding to spinning behavior, coinciding with a JH titer minimum. In adult workers, the highest levels were observed in nurse bees, where a low JH titer is required to prevent the switch to foraging. Functional assays showed that Amjhe-like expression is induced by JH-III and suppressed by 20-hydroxyecdysone. RNAi-mediated silencing of Amjhe-like gene function resulted in a six-fold increase in the JH titer in adult worker bees. The temporal profile of Amjhe-like expression in larval and adult workers, the pattern of hormonal regulation and the knockdown phenotype are consistent with the function of this gene as an authentic JHE. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The 19-amino acid conopeptide (rho-TIA) was shown previously to antagonize noncompetitively alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors (ARs). Because this is the first peptide ligand for these receptors, we compared its interactions with the three recombinant human alpha(1)-AR subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), and alpha(1D)). Radioligand binding assays showed that rho-TIA was 10-fold selective for human alpha(1B)- over alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-ARs. As observed with hamster alpha(1B)-ARs, rho-TIA decreased the number of binding sites (B-max) for human alpha(1B)-ARs without changing affinity (K-D), and this inhibition was unaffected by the length of incubation but was reversed by washing. However, rho-TIA had opposite effects at human alpha(1A)-ARs and alpha(1D)-ARs, decreasing KD without changing Bmax, suggesting it acts competitively at these subtypes. rho-TIA reduced maximal NE-stimulated [H-3] inositol phosphate formation in HEK293 cells expressing human alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibited responses in cells expressing alpha(1A)- or alpha(1D)-ARs. Truncation mutants showed that the amino-terminal domains of alpha(1B)- or alpha(1D)-ARs are not involved in interaction with rho-TIA. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of rho-TIA showed F18A had an increased selectivity for alpha(1B)-ARs, and F18N also increased subtype selectivity. I8A had a slightly reduced potency at alpha(1B)-ARs and was found to be a competitive, rather than noncompetitive, inhibitor in both radioligand and functional assays. Thus rho-TIA noncompetitively inhibits alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibits the other two subtypes, and this selectivity can be increased by mutation. These differential interactions do not involve the receptor amino termini and are not because of the charged nature of the peptide, and isoleucine 8 is critical for its noncompetitive inhibition at alpha(1B)-ARs.
KM+ is a mannose-binding lectin from Artocarpus integrifolia that induces interleukin (IL)-12 production by macrophages and protective T helper I immune response against Leishmania major infection. in this study, we performed experiments to evaluate the therapeutic activity of jackfruit KM+ (jfKM(+)) and its recombinant counterpart (rKM(+)) in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. To this end, jfKM(+) or rKM(+) was administered to BALB/c mice 10 days after infection with Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis. Thirty days postinfection, lungs from the KM+-treated mice contained significantly fewer colony-forming units and little to no organized granulomas compared to the controls. In addition, lung homogenates from the KM+-treated mice presented higher levels of nitric oxide, IL-12, interferon-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor-a, whereas higher levels of IL-4 and IL-10 were detected in the control group. With mice deficient in IL-12, Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, TLR4, or TLR adaptor molecule MyD88, we demonstrated that KM+ led to protection against P. brasiliensis infection through IL-12 production, which was dependent on TLR2. These results demonstrated a beneficial effect of KM+ on the severity of P. brasiliensis infection and may expand its potential use as a novel immunotherapeutic molecule.
New organic/inorganic (O/I) hybrid assemblies based on Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) with polyamide amine dendrimer (PAMAM, generation -0.5 and generation +0.5) were prepared by two different routes using either the direct coprecipitation at constant pH or the anion exchange procedure in double surfactant S(+)S(-) phases. The obtained materials were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis associated with mass spectrometry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the O/I LDH assembly exhibit characteristic profiles of LDH-based materials with basal spacing depending on the nature of the dendrimer. Indeed, for both synthetic procedures, interleaved PAMAM -0.5 gives rise to an interlayer space in agreement with a perpendicular molecular arrangement against the layer of the host structure. For PAMAM+0.5, considering its spherical dimension, a much smaller basal spacing was observed. This observation was interpreted as shrinkage of the molecule to accommodate the interlayer LDH gap, which was rendered possible by the bond angle twisting within PAMAM-0.5. FTIR spectra confirm the presence of both moieties inside both Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G-0.5 and Zn(2)Al/PAMAM G+0.5 assemblies. Finally, thermal analysis associated with mass spectrometry confirm this composition, and in situ temperature XRD data reveal that the highly constrained arrangement for the generation +0.5 is not accompanied by a gain in thermal structural stability; in fact, the assembly prepared from PAMAM -0.5 is more stable. Both O/I PAMAM LDH assemblies constitute well-defined materials which are candidate for catalytic applications.
Motor impairments of Parkinson`s disease (PD) appear only after the loss of more than 70% of the DAergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). An earlier phase of this disease can be modeled in rats that received a unilateral infusion of the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrindine (MPTP) into the SNc. Though these animals do not present gross motor impairments, they rotate towards the lesioned side when challenged with DAergic drugs, like amphetamine and apomorphine. The present study aimed to test whether these effects occur because the drugs disrupt compensatory mechanisms that keep extracellular levels of dopamine in the striatum (DA(E)) unchanged. This hypothesis was tested by an in vivo microdialysis study in awake rats with two probes implanted in the right and left striatum. Undrugged rats did not present turning behaviour and their basal DA(E) did not differ between the lesioned and sham-lesioned sides. However, after apomorphine treatment, DA(E) decreased in both sides, but to a larger extent in the lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. After amphetamine challenge, DA(E) increased in both sides, becoming significantly higher in the non-lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that absence of gross motor impairments in this rat model of early phase PD depends on maintenance of extracellular DA by mechanisms that may be disrupted by events demanding its alteration to higher or lower levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chronic administration of antidepressants such as fluoxetine and imipramine increases the responsiveness of 5-HT(1A) receptors in dorsal periaqueductal grey matter (DPAG), a midbrain area consistently implicated in the pathogenesis of panic disorder. This effect has been related to the clinically relevant anti-panic action of these drugs. In this study we determined whether long-term administration of fluoxetine also affects 5-HT efflux in DPAG. As a comparison, the effect of chronic treatment with the anxiolytic 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist buspirone on DPAG 5-HT levels was assessed. We also investigated whether the inhibitory effect of chronic fluoxetine on escape behaviour in the rat elevated T-maze, considered as a panicolytic-like effect, is counteracted by intra-DPAG injection of the 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist WAY 100635. Male Wistar rats were treated (1 or 21 d, i.p.) with fluoxetine, buspirone or vehicle, once daily. After treatment, 5-HT in DPAG was measured by in-vivo microdialysis coupled to HPLC. In another study, rats treated (21 d, i.p.) with either fluoxetine or vehicle also received intra-DPAG injection of WAY 100635 or saline 10 min before being tested in the elevated T-maze. Chronic, but not acute, administration of fluoxetine significantly raised extracellular levels of 5-HT in DPAG. Long-term treatment with buspirone was ineffective. In the elevated T-maze, intra-DPAG injection of WAY 100635 fully blocked the anti-escape effect of chronic administration of fluoxetine. Therefore, chronic fluoxetine facilitates 5-HT(1A)-mediated neurotransmission within DPAG and this effect accounts for the panicolytic-like effect of this antidepressant in the elevated T-maze.
Background: Subcallosal cingulate gyrus (SCG) deep brain stimulation (DBS) is being investigated as a treatment for major depression. We report on the effects of ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) DBS in rats, focusing on possible mechanisms involved in an antidepressant-like response in the forced swim test (FST). Methods: The outcome of vmPFC stimulation alone or combined with different types of lesions, including serotonin (5-HT) or nore-pineprhine (NE) depletion, was characterized in the FST. We also explored the effects of DBS on novelty-suppressed feeding, learned helplessness, and sucrose consumption in animals predisposed to helplessness. Results: Stimulation at parameters approximating those used in clinical practice induced a significant antidepressant-like response in the FST. Ventromedial PFC lesions or local muscimol injections did not lead to a similar outcome. However, animals treated with vmPFC ibotenic acid lesions still responded to DBS, suggesting that the modulation of fiber near the electrodes could play a role in the antidepressant-like effects of stimulation. Also important was the integrity of the serotonergic system, as the effects of DBS in the FST were completely abolished in animals bearing 5-HT, but not NE, depleting lesions. In addition, vmPFC stimulation induced a sustained increase in hippocampal 5-HT levels. Preliminary work with other models showed that DBS was also able to influence specific aspects of depressive-like states in rodents, including anxiety and anhedonia, but not helplessness. Conclusions: Our study suggests that vmPFC DES in rats maybe useful to investigate mechanisms involved in the antidepressant effects of SCG DBS.
Prior experience with the elevated plus maze (EPM) increases the avoidance of rodents to the open arms and impairs the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines on the traditional behaviors evaluated upon re-exposure to the maze, a phenomenon known as one-trial tolerance. Risk assessment behaviors are also sensitive to benzodiazepines. During re-exposure to the maze, these behaviors reinstate the information-processing initiated during the first experience, and the detection of danger generates stronger open-arm avoidance. The present study investigated whether the benzodiazepine midazolam alters risk assessment behaviors and Fos protein distribution associated with test and retest sessions in the EPM. Naive or maze-experienced Wistar rats received either saline or midazolam (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) and were subjected to the EPM. Midazolam caused the usual effects on exploratory behavior, increasing exploratory activity of naive rats in the open arms and producing no effects on these conventional measures in rats re-exposed to the maze. Risk assessment behaviors, however, were sensitive to the benzodiazepine during both sessions, indicating anxiolytic-like effects of the drug in both conditions. Fos immunohistochemistry showed that midazolam injections were associated with a distinct pattern of action when administered before the test or retest session, and the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both situations. Bilateral infusions of midazolam into the Cg1 replicated the behavioral effects of the drug injected systemically, suggesting that this area is critically involved in the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines, although the behavioral strategy adopted by the animals appears to depend on the previous knowledge of the threatening environment. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Withdrawal from morphine leads to the appearance of extreme anxiety accompanied of several physical disturbances, most of them linked to the activation of brainstem regions such as the locus coeruleus, ventral tegmental area, hypothalamic nuclei and periaqueductal grey (PAG). As anxiety remains one of the main components of morphine withdrawal the present study aimed to evaluating the influence of the dorsal aspects of the PAG on the production of this state, since this structure is well-known to be involved in defensive behaviour elicited by anxiety-evoking stimuli. Different groups of animals were submitted to 10 days of i.p. morphine injections, challenged 2 h after with an i.p. injection of naloxone (0.1 mg/kg), and submitted to the plus-maze, open-field and light-dark transition tests. The effects of morphine withdrawal on anxiety-induced Fos immunolabelling were evaluated in four animals that passed by the light-dark transition test randomly chosen for Fos-protein analysis. Besides the PAG, Fos neural expression was conducted in other brain regions involved in the expression of anxiety-related behaviours. Our results showed that morphine withdrawn rats presented enhanced anxiety accompanied of few somatic symptoms. Increased Fos immunolabelling was noted in brain regions well-known to modulate these states as the prelimbic cortex, nucleus accumbens, amygdala and paraventricular hypothalamus. Increased Fos labelling was also observed in the ventral and dorsal aspects of the PAG, a region involved in anxiety-related processes suggesting that this region could be a common neural substrate enlisted during anxiety evoked by dangerous stimuli as well as those elicited by opiate withdrawal. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,