924 resultados para B1 and LaSota strains


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Fusobacterium necrophorum is a causative agent of Lemierre’s syndrome (LS) in humans. LS is characterised by thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein and bacteraemia. Disseminated intravascular coagulation is also a documented symptom. F. necrophorum is a Gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium known to possess virulence genes such as a haemolysin, filamentous haemagglutinin and leukotoxin, which target host blood components. Ecotin is a serine protease inhibitor that has not previously been characterised in F. necrophorum, but in E.coli has been shown to have a potent anticoagulant effect. Next generation and Sanger sequencing were used to confirm the presence of the ecotin gene in the genomes of a collection of F. necrophorum clinical and reference strains. When translated, it was found to be a highly conserved protein made up of159 amino acids. Enzyme/substrate inhibition assays demonstrated that F. necrophorum ecotin inhibits human plasma kallikrein and human neutrophil elastase in a dose-dependent manner. Data will also be presented on the anticoagulant effects of ecotin during activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time and prothrombin time tests on human donor blood. The mechanisms for how this organism reaches the bloodstream and the significance of this serine protease inhibitor during F. necrophorum infections remain to be elucidated


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has recently been introduced in diagnostic microbiology laboratories for the identification of bacterial and yeast strains isolated from clinical samples. In the present study, we prospectively compared MALDI-TOF MS to the conventional phenotypic method for the identification of routine isolates. Colonies were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS either by direct deposition on the target plate or after a formic acid-acetonitrile extraction step if no valid result was initially obtained. Among 1,371 isolates identified by conventional methods, 1,278 (93.2%) were putatively identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS and 73 (5.3%) were identified to the genus level, but no reliable identification was obtained for 20 (1.5%). Among the 1,278 isolates identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS, 63 (4.9%) discordant results were initially identified. Most discordant results (42/63) were due to systematic database-related taxonomical differences, 14 were explained by poor discrimination of the MALDI-TOF MS spectra obtained, and 7 were due to errors in the initial conventional identification. An extraction step was required to obtain a valid MALDI-TOF MS identification for 25.6% of the 1,278 valid isolates. In conclusion, our results show that MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reliable technique which has the potential to replace conventional phenotypic identification for most bacterial strains routinely isolated in clinical microbiology laboratories.


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Although exceptions may be readily identified, two generalizations concerning genetic differences among species may be drawn from the available allozyme and chromosome data. First, structural gene differences among species vary widely. In many cases, species pairs do not differ more than intraspecific populations. This suggests that either very few or no gene substitutions are required to produce barriers to reproduction (Avise 1976). Second, chromosome form and/or number differs among even closely related species (White 1963; 1978; Fredga 1977; Wright 1970). Many of the observed chromosomal differences involve translocational rearrangements; these produce severe fitness depression in heterozygotes and were, thus, long considered unlikely candidates for the fixation required of genetic changes leading to speciation (Wright 1977). Nonetheless, the fact that species differences are frequently translocational argues convincingly for their fixation despite prejudices to the contrary. Haldane's rule states that in the F of interspecific crosses, the heterogametic sex is absent or sterile in the preponderance of cases (Haldane 1932). This rule definitely applies in the genus Dr°sophila (Ehrman 1962). Sex chromosome translocations do not impose a fitness depression as severe as that imposed by autosomal translocations, and X-Y translocations may account for Haldane's rule (Haldane 1932). Consequently a study of the fit ness parameters of an X·yL and a yS chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster populations was initiated by Tracey (1972). Preliminary results suggested that x.yL//YSmales enjoyed a mating advantage with X·yL//X·yL females, that this advantage was frequency dependent, that the translocation produced sexual isolation and that interactions between the yL, yS and a yellow marker contributed to the observed isolation (Tracey and Espinet 1976; Espinet and Tracey 1976). Encouraged by the results of these prelimimary studies, further experiments were performed to clarify the genetic nature of the observed sexual isolation, S the reality of the y frequency dependent fitness .and the behavioural changes, if any, produced by the translocation. The results of this work are reported herein. Although the marker genes used in earlier studies, sparkling poliert an d yellow have both been found to affect activity,but only yellow effects asymmetric sexual isolation. In addition yellow effects isolation through an interaction with the T(X-y) chromosomes, yS also effects isolation, and translocational strains are isolated from those of normal karyotype in the absence of marker gene differences. When yS chromosomes are in competition with y chromosomes on an X.yL background, yS males are at a distinct advantage only when their frequency is less than 97%. The sex chromosome translocation alters the normal courtship pattern by the incorporation of circling between vibration and licking in the male repertoire. Finally a model of speciation base on the fixation of this sex chromosome translocation in a geographically isolated gene pool is proposed.


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Le GABA est le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur du SNC et est impliqué dans le développement du cerveau, la plasticité synaptique et la pathogénèse de maladies telles que l’épilepsie, les troubles de l’anxiété et la douleur chronique. Le modèle actuel de fonctionnement du récepteur GABA-B implique l’hétérodimérisation GABA-B1/B2, laquelle est requise au ciblage à la surface membranaire et au couplage des effecteurs. Il y est cependant des régions du cerveau, des types cellulaires et des périodes du développement cérébral où la sous-unité GABA-B1 est exprimée en plus grande quantité que GABA-B2, ce qui suggère qu’elle puisse être fonctionnelle seule ou en association avec des partenaires inconnus, à la surface cellulaire ou sur la membrane réticulaire. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous montrons la capacité des récepteurs GABA-B1 endogènes à activer la voie MAPK-ERK1/2 dans la lignée dérivée de la glie DI-TNC1, qui n’exprime pas GABA-B2. Les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce couplage demeurent mal définis mais dépendent de Gi/o et PKC. L’immunohistochimie de récepteurs endogènes montre par ailleurs que des anticorps GABA-B1 dirigés contre la partie N-terminale reconnaissent des protéines localisées au RE tandis des anticorps C-terminaux (CT) marquent une protéine intranucléaire. Ces données suggèrent que le domaine CT de GABA-B1 pourrait être relâché par protéolyse. L’intensité des fragments potentiels est affectée par le traitement agoniste tant en immunohistochimie qu’en immunobuvardage de type western. Nous avons ensuite examiné la régulation du clivage par le protéasome en traitant les cellules avec l’inhibiteur epoxomicine pendant 12 h. Cela a résulté en l’augmentation du marquage intranucléaire de GABA-B1-CT et d’un interacteur connu, le facteur de transcription pro-survie ATF-4. Dans des cellules surexprimant GABA-B1-CT, l’induction et la translocation nucléaire d’ATF-4, qui suit le traitement epoxomicine, a complètement été abolie. Cette observation est associée à une forte diminution du décompte cellulaire. Étant donné que les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT (LYK) codent un ligand pseudo-PDZ et que les protéines à domaines PDZ sont impliquées dans la régulation du ciblage nucléaire et de la stabilité de protéines, en complément de leur rôle d’échaffaud à la surface cellulaire, nous avons muté les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT en alanines. Cette mutation a complètement annulé les effets de GABA-B1-CT sur l’induction d’ATF-4 et le décompte cellulaire. Cette deuxième série d’expériences suggère l’existence possible de fragments GABA-B1 intranucléaires régulés par le traitement agoniste et le protéasome dans les cellules DI-TNC1. Cette régulation d’ATF-4 dépend des résidus LYK de GABA-B1-CT, qui modulent la stabilité de GABA-B1-CT et favorisent peut-être la formation d’un complexe multiprotéique incluant GABA-B1-CT, ATF-4, de même qu’une protéine d’échaffaudage inconnue. En somme, nous démontrons que les sous-unités GABA-B1 localisées au RE, lorsque non-hétérodimérisées avec GABA-B2, demeurent capables de moduler les voies de signalisation de la prolifération, la différentiation et de la survie cellulaire, via le couplage de protéines G et possiblement la protéolyse régulée. Les mécanismes de signalisation proposés pourraient servir de nouvelle plate-forme dans la compréhension des actions retardées résultant de l’activation des récepteurs 7-TMs.


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Les kinines agissent sur deux types de récepteurs couplés aux protéines G, nommés B1 et B2, lesquels jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle cardiovasculaire, la nociception et l’inflammation. Nous considérons l’hypothèse que le récepteur B1 des kinines est induit et contribue aux complications diabétiques, incluant l’hypertension artérielle, les polyneuropathies sensorielles, l’augmentation du stress oxydatif vasculaire, l’inflammation vasculaire et l’obésité chez le rat traité au D-glucose (10% dans l’eau de boisson) pendant 8 ou 12 semaines. Dans ce modèle de résistance à l’insuline, nous avons évalué les effets d’un traitement pharmacologique d’une semaine avec un antagoniste du récepteur B1 des kinines, le SSR240612 (10 mg/kg/jr). Les résultats montrent que le SSR240612 renverse l’hypertension, l’allodynie tactile et au froid, la production de l’anion superoxyde et la surexpression de plusieurs marqueurs inflammatoires dans l’aorte (iNOS, IL-1β, macrophage (CD68, CD11), ICAM-1, E-selectine, MIF ainsi que le B1R) et dans les adipocytes (iNOS, IL-1β, TNF-α et macrophage CD68). De plus, le SSR240612 corrige la résistance à l’insuline, les anomalies du profil lipidique plasmatique et le gain de poids et de masse adipeuse. Ces données supportent l’implication des kinines dans les complications diabétiques dans un modèle animal de résistance à l’insuline et suggèrent que le récepteur B1 est une cible thérapeutique potentielle dans le diabète et l’obésité.


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Campylobacter jejuni cause gastroenteritis in humans. The main transmission vector is the consumption or handling of contaminated chicken meat, since chicken can be colonized asymptomatically by C. jejuni. However, water has been implicated as the transmission vector in a few outbreaks. One possibility is the contamination of water effluent by C. jejuni originating from chicken farm. The ability of C. jejuni to be transmitted by water would be closely associated to its ability to survive in water. Therefore, in this study, we have evaluated the ability of reference strains and chickenisolated strains to survive in water. Defined water media were used, since the composition of tap water is variable. We showed that some isolates survive better than others in defined freshwater (Fraquil) and that the survival was affected by temperature and the concentration of NaCl. By comparing the ability of C. jejuni to survive in water with other phenotypic properties previously tested, we showed that the ability to survive in water was negatively correlated with autoagglutination. Our data showed that not all chicken isolates have the same ability to survive in water, which is probably due to difference in genetic content.


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The genus Vibrioof the family Vibrionaceae are Gram negative, oxidasepositive, rod- or curved- rodshaped facultative anaerobes, widespread in marine and estuarine environments. Vibrio species are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal disease, gastroenteritis, septicaemia and wound infections and are also pathogens of aquatic organisms, causing infections to crustaceans, bivalves and fishes. In the present study, marine environmental samples like seafood and water and sediment samples from aquafarms and mangroves were screened for the presence of Vibrio species. Of the134 isolates obtained from the various samples, 45 were segregated to the genus Vibrio on the basis of phenotypic characterization.like Gram staining, oxidase test, MoF test and salinity tolerance. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis was utilized for species level identification of the isolates and the strains were identified as V. cholerae(N=21), V. vulnificus(N=18), V. parahaemolyticus(N=3), V. alginolyticus (N=2) and V. azureus (N=1). The genetic relatedness and variations among the 45 Vibrio isolates were elucidated based on 16S rDNA sequences. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was based on their response to 12 biochemical tests namely Voges-Proskauers’s (VP test), arginine dihydrolase , tolerance to 3% NaCl test, ONPG test that detects β-galactosidase activity, and tests for utilization of citrate, ornithine, mannitol, arabinose, sucrose, glucose, salicin and cellobiose. The isolates exhibited diverse biochemical patterns, some specific for the species and others indicative of their environmental source.Antibiogram for the isolates was determined subsequent to testing their susceptibility to 12 antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Varying degrees of resistance to gentamycin (2.22%), ampicillin(62.22%), nalidixic acid (4.44%), vancomycin (86.66), cefixime (17.77%), rifampicin (20%), tetracycline (42.22%) and chloramphenicol (2.22%) was exhibited. All the isolates were susceptible to streptomycin, co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim and azithromycin. Isolates from all the three marine environments exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, with high MAR index value. The molecular typing methods such as ERIC PCR and BOX PCR revealed intraspecies relatedness and genetic heterogeneity within the environmental isolatesof V. cholerae and V. vulnificus. The 21 strains of V. choleraewere serogroupedas non O1/ non O139 by screening for the presence O1rfb and O139 rfb marker genes by PCR. The virulence/virulence associated genes namely ctxA, ctxB, ace, VPI, hlyA, ompU, rtxA, toxR, zot, nagst, tcpA, nin and nanwere screened in V. cholerae and V. vulnificusstrains.The V. vulnificusstrains were also screened for three species specific genes viz., cps, vvhand viu. In V. cholerae strains, the virulence associated genes like VPI, hlyA, rtxA, ompU and toxR were confirmed by PCR. All the isolates, except for strain BTOS6, harbored at least one or a combination of the tested genes and V. choleraestrain BTPR5 isolated from prawn hosted the highest number of virulence associated genes. Among the V. vulnificusstrains, only 3 virulence genes, VPI, toxR and cps, were confirmed out of the 16 tested and only 7 of the isolates had these genes in one or more combinations. Strain BTPS6 from aquafarm and strain BTVE4 from mangrove samples yielded positive amplification for the three genes. The toxRgene from 9 strains of V. choleraeand 3 strains of V. vulnificus were cloned and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide and the amino acid sequences. Multiple sequence alignment of the nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of the environmental strains of V. choleraerevealed that the toxRgene in the environmental strains are 100% homologous to themselves and to the V. choleraetoxR gene sequence available in the Genbank database. The 3 strains of V. vulnificus displayed high nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity among themselves and to the sequences of V. cholerae and V. harveyi obtained from the GenBank database, but exhibited only 72% homology to the sequences of its close relative V. vulnificus. Structure prediction of the ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae strain BTMA5 was by PHYRE2 software. The deduced amino acid sequence showed maximum resemblance with the structure of DNA-binding domain of response regulator2 from Escherichia coli k-12 Template based homology modelling in PHYRE2 successfully modelled the predicted protein and its secondary structure based on protein data bank (PDB) template c3zq7A. The pathogenicity studies were performed using the nematode Caenorhabditiselegansas a model system. The assessment of pathogenicity of environmental strain of V. choleraewas conducted with E. coli strain OP50 as the food source in control plates, environmental V. cholerae strain BTOS6, negative for all tested virulence genes, to check for the suitability of Vibrio sp. as a food source for the nematode;V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor, a clinical pathogenic strain and V. cholerae strain BTPR5 from seafood (Prawn) and positive for the tested virulence genes like VPI, hlyA, ompU,rtxA and toxR. It was found that V. cholerae strain BTOS6 could serve as a food source in place of E. coli strain OP50 but behavioral aberrations like sluggish movement and lawn avoidance and morphological abnormalities like pharyngeal and intestinal distensions and bagging were exhibited by the worms fed on V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor strain and environmental BTPR5 indicating their pathogenicity to the nematode. Assessment of pathogenicity of the environmental strains of V. vulnificus was performed with V. vulnificus strain BTPS6 which tested positive for 3 virulence genes, namely, cps, toxRand VPI, and V. vulnificus strain BTMM7 that did not possess any of the tested virulence genes. A reduction was observed in the life span of worms fed on environmental strain of V. vulnificusBTMM7 rather than on the ordinary laboratory food source, E. coli OP50. Behavioral abnormalities like sluggish movement, lawn avoidance and bagging were also observed in the worms fed with strain BTPS6, but the pharynx and the intestine were intact. The presence of multi drug resistant environmental Vibrio strainsthat constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes are to be dealt with caution as they play a decisive role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer in the marine environments.


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Studies in cell cultures and animal models provide evidence that probiotics can beneficially influence various stages in development of colon cancer including tumor initiation, promotion and metastasis. For example, oral administration of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains can prevent genotoxic damage to the colonic epithelium (considered to be an early stage of the carcinogenic process). Administration to rats of probiotics reduced the incidence of carcinogen-induced pre-cancerous lesions (aberrant crypt foci) in the colon. Furthermore a combination of Bifidobacterium longum and inulin (a prebiotic) was more effective than either treatment alone. In this latter study, the dietary treatments were given after exposure to the carcinogen, which suggests that the protective effects were being exerted at the promotional phase of carcinogenesis. L. acidophilus feeding has been shown to decrease the incidence of colon tumors in rats challenged with a carcinogen and B. longum reduced the incidence of carcinogeninduced colon, liver and mammary tumors. There is limited evidence from epidemiological studies for protective effects of products containing probiotics in humans, but a number of recent dietary intervention studies in healthy subjects and in polyp and cancer patients have yielded promising results on the basis of biomarkers of cancer risk and grade of colorectal tumors.


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Caseinoglycomacropeptide (CGMP) derived from kappa-casein was investigated for its ability to inhibit the adhesion of 3 strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) and 3 strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to human HT29 tissue cell cultures. Effects on adhesion of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Lactobacillus pentosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus gasseri were also investigated. Generally, CGMP exerted effective anti-adhesive properties at a dose of 2.5 mg/mL, albeit with a high degree of strain specificity. The CGMP reduced adhesion of VTEC strains to < 50% of the control and reduced adhesion of EPEC strains to between 80 and 10% of the control. The CGMP also reduced the adhesion of L. pentosus and L. casei to 44 and 42%, respectively. A slight but significant reduction of L. acidophilus, to 81%, was observed, but no significant effects were detected with either Dsv. desulfuricans or L. gasseri. Further investigation of the dose response relationships with the E. coli strains gave IC50 values ranging between 0.12 and 1.06 mg/mL.


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Aims: The study of peptidase, esterase and caseinolytic activity of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, Debaryomyces hansenii and Sacchromyces cerevisiae isolates from Feta cheese brine. Methods and Results: Cell-free extracts from four strains of Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei, four strains of D. hansenii and three strains of S. cerevisiae, isolated from Feta cheese brine were tested for their proteolytic and esterase enzyme activities. Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei strains had intracellular aminopeptidase, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, endopeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities. Esterases were detected in three of four strains of lactobacilli and their activities were smaller with higher molecular weight fatty acids. The strains of yeasts did not exhibit endopeptidase as well as dipeptidase activities except on Pro-Leu. Their intracellular proteolytic activity was higher than that of lactobacilli. Esterases from yeasts preferentially degraded short chain fatty acids. Lactobacilli degraded preferentially beta-casein. Caseinolytic activity of yeasts was higher than that of lactobacilli. Conclusions: The results suggest that Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei and yeasts may contribute to the development of flavour in Feta cheese. Significance and impact of the Study: Selected strains could be used as adjunct starters to make high quality Feta cheese.


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Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola is the seed borne causative agent of halo blight in the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris. Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola race 4 strain 1302A contains the avirulence gene hopAR1 (located on a 106-kb genomic island, PPHGI-1, and earlier named avrPphB), which matches resistance gene R3 in P. vulgaris cultivar Tendergreen (TG) and causes a rapid hypersensitive reaction (HR). Here, we have fluorescently labeled selected Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1302A and 1448A strains (with and without PPHGI-1) to enable confocal imaging of in-planta colony formation within the apoplast of resistant (TG) and susceptible (Canadian Wonder [CW]) P. vulgaris leaves. Temporal quantification of fluorescent Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola colony development correlated with in-planta bacterial multiplication (measured as CFU/ml) and is, therefore, an effective means of monitoring Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola endophytic colonization and survival in P. vulgaris. We present advances in the application of confocal microscopy for in-planta visualization of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola colony development in the leaf mesophyll to show how the HR defense response greatly affects colony morphology and bacterial survival. Unexpectedly, the presence of PPHGI-1 was found to cause a reduction of colony development in susceptible P. vulgaris CW leaf tissue. We discuss the evolutionary consequences that the acquisition and retention of PPHGI-1 brings to Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola in planta.


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This study was undertaken to explore gel permeation chromatography (GPC) for estimating molecular weights of proanthocyanidin fractions isolated from sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). The results were compared with data obtained by thiolytic degradation of the same fractions. Polystyrene, polyethylene glycol and polymethyl methacrylate standards were not suitable for estimating the molecular weights of underivatized proanthocyanidins. Therefore, a novel HPLC-GPC method was developed based on two serially connected PolarGel-L columns using DMF that contained 5% water, 1% acetic acid and 0.15 M LiBr at 0.7 ml/min and 50 degrees C. This yielded a single calibration curve for galloyl glucoses (trigalloyl glucose, pentagalloyl glucose), ellagitannins (pedunculagin, vescalagin, punicalagin, oenothein B, gemin A), proanthocyanidins (procyanidin B2, cinnamtannin B1), and several other polyphenols (catechin, epicatechin gallate, epicallocatechin gallate, amentoflavone). These GPC predicted molecular weights represented a considerable advance over previously reported HPLC-GPC methods for underivatized proanthocyanidins. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the multifactorial interaction of various environmental factors including 17 geographical strain (Brazil, Cameroon and Yemen strains), temperature, dose and larval food 18 (cowpea and mungbean) on the response of Callosobruchus maculatus adult to insecticide. All 19 the main factors, their two-way interactions and the four-way interaction had significant effects 20 on C. maculatus response to malathion (an organophosphate insecticide). However, the three-21 way interactions were not statistically significant (except strain x food x dose, P = 0.002). The 22 2 Brazil strain was the most responsive to temperature irrespective of the larval food type. The 23 impact of food type differs from one strain to the other, for instance, the food that imparts higher 24 tolerance in a strain might reduce the tolerance in another. Likewise, the hierarchy of tolerance 25 among the cowpea-reared strains (Brazil > Cameroon > Yemen) was totally different from the 26 mungbean-reared strains (Cameroon > Yemen > Brazil). The reasons for these differences were 27 discussed in the light of their impact on C. maculatus management. The management of both C. 28 maculatus and development of resistance could be complex, hence, the states of a variety of 29 environmental factors need to be considered. This is necessary in order to maximize management 30 success of this bruchid especially in tropical/subtropical developing countries.


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The Phenotype MicroArray (TM) (PM) technology was used to study the metabolic characteristics of 29 Salmonella strains belonging to seven serotypes of S. enterica spp. enterica. Strains of serotypes Typhimurium (six strains among definite phage types DTs 1, 40 and 104) and Agona (two strains) were tested for 949 substrates, Enteritidis (six strains of phage type PT1), Give, Hvittingfoss, Infantis and Newport strains (two of each) were tested for 190 substrates and seven other Agona strains for 95 substrates. The strains represented 18 genotypes in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Among 949 substrates, 18 were identified that could be used to differentiate between the strains of those seven serotypes or within a single serotype. Unique metabolic differences between the Finnish endemic Typhimurium DT1 and Agona strains were detected, for example, in the metabolism of d-tagatose, d-galactonic acid gamma-lactone and l-proline as a carbon source. Thus, the PM technique is a useful tool for identifying potential differential markers on a metabolic basis that could be used for epidemiological surveillance.


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An Escherichia coli oligonucleotide microarray based on three sequenced genomes was validated for comparative genomic microarray hybridization and used to study the diversity of E. coli O157 isolates from human infections and food and animal sources. Among 26 test strains, 24 (including both Shiga toxin [Stx]-positive and -negative strains) were found to be related to the two sequenced E. coli O157:117 strains, EDL933 and Sakai. However, these strains showed much greater genetic diversity than those reported previously, and most of them could not be categorized as either lineage I or H. Some genes were found more often in isolates from human than from nonhuman sources; e.g., ECs1202 and ECs2976, associated with stx2AB and stx1AB, were in all isolates from human sources but in only 40% of those from nonhuman sources. Some (but not all) lineage I-specific or -dominant genes were also more frequently associated with isolates from human. The results suggested that it might be more effective to concentrate our efforts on finding markers that are directly related to infection rather than those specific to certain lineages. In addition, two Stx-negative O157 cattle isolates (one confirmed to be 117) were significantly different from other Stx-positive and -negative E. coli O157:117 strains and were more similar to MG1655 in their gene content. This work demonstrates that not all E. coli O157:117 strains belong to the same clonal group, and those that were similar to E. coli K-12 might be less virulent.