867 resultados para Availability and efficiency
The black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera is a protandrous hermaphrodite species. Its economic value has led to the development of controlled hatchery reproduction techniques, although many aspects remain to be optimized. In order to understand reproductive mechanisms and their controlling factors, two independent experiments were designed to test hypotheses of gametogenesis and sex ratio control by environmental and hormonal factors. In one, pearl oysters were exposed under controlled conditions at different combinations of temperature (24 and 28°C) and food level (10,000 and 40,000 cells mL−1); whereas in the other, pearl oysters were conditioned under natural conditions into the lagoon and subjected to successive 17β-estradiol injections (100 μg per injection). Gametogenesis and sex ratio were assessed by histology for each treatment. In parallel, mRNA expressions of nine marker genes of the sexual pathway (pmarg-foxl2, pmarg-c43476, pmarg-c45042, pmarg-c19309, pmarg-c54338, pmarg-vit6, pmarg-zglp1, pmarg-dmrt, and pmarg-fem1-like) were investigated. Maximum maturation was observed in the treatment combining the highest temperature (28°C) and the highest microalgae concentration (40,000 cells mL−1), where the female sex tended to be maintained. Injection of 17β-estradiol induced a significant increase of undetermined stage proportion 2 weeks after the final injection. These results suggest that gametogenesis and gender in adult pearl oysters can be controlled by environmental factors and estrogens. While there were no significant effects on relative gene expression, the 3-gene-pair expression ratio model of the sexual pathway of P. margaritifera, suggest a probable dominance of genetic sex determinism without excluding a mixed sex determination mode (genetic + environmental)
Among the toxic elements, Cd has received considerable attention in view of its association with a number of human health problems. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the Cd availability and accumulation in soil, transfer rate and toxicity in lettuce and rice plants grown in a Cd-contaminated Typic Hapludox. Two simultaneous greenhouse experiments with lettuce and rice test plants were conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of four Cd rates (CdCl2), 0.0; 1.3; 3.0 and 6.0 mg kg(-1), based on the guidelines recommended by the Environmental Agency of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (Cetesb). Higher Cd rates increased extractable Cd (using Mehlich-3, Mehlich-1 and DTPA chemical extractants) and decreased lettuce and rice dry matter yields. However, no visual toxicity symptoms were observed in plants. Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA extractants were effective in predicting soil Cd availability as well as the Cd concentration and accumulation in plant parts. Cadmium concentration in rice remained below the threshold for human consumption established by Brazilian legislation. on the other hand, lettuce Cd concentration in edible parts exceeded the acceptable limit.
Although mitigating GHG emissions is necessary to reduce the overall negative climate change impacts on crop yields and agricultural production, certain mitigation measures may generate unintended consequences to food availability and access due to land use competition and economic burden of mitigation. Prior studies have examined the co-impacts on food availability and global producer prices caused by alternative climate policies. More recent studies have looked at the reduction in total caloric intake driven by both changing income and changing food prices under one specific climate policy. However, due to inelastic calorie demand, consumers’ well-being are likely further reduced by increased food expenditures. Built upon existing literature, my dissertation explores how alternative climate policy designs might adversely affect both caloric intake and staple food budget share to 2050, by using the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and a post-estimated metric of food availability and access (FAA). My dissertation first develop a set of new metrics and methods to explore new perspectives of food availability and access under new conditions. The FAA metric consists of two components, the fraction of GDP per capita spent on five categories of staple food and total caloric intake relative to a reference level. By testing the metric against alternate expectations of the future, it shows consistent results with previous studies that economic growth dominates the improvement of FAA. As we increase our ambition to achieve stringent climate targets, two policy conditions tend to have large impacts on FAA driven by competing land use and increasing food prices. Strict conservation policies leave the competition between bioenergy and agriculture production on existing commercial land, while pricing terrestrial carbon encourages large-scale afforestation. To avoid unintended outcomes to food availability and access for the poor, pricing land emissions in frontier forests has the advantage of selecting more productive land for agricultural activities compared to the full conservation approach, but the land carbon price should not be linked to the price of energy system emissions. These results are highly relevant to effective policy-making to reduce land use change emissions, such as the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
Soil tillage with chisel ploughing is the conventional soil management system in chestnut stands for fruit production in Northern Portugal. A study was developed to assess the effects of three soil management systems on in situ soil N mineralization dynamics, tree nutrition status and fruit productivity, in a 50-yr old chestnut stand. The treatments were: conventional tillage with a chisel ploughing twice a year (CT), no-tillage with rainfed improved pasture with leguminous and grasses plants (NIP), and no-tillage with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation - natural pasture (NP). The CT treatment showed a strong increase of the soil N mineral concentration following soil disturbance by tillage, but the cumulative net N mineralized along the year was significantly lower (51.8 kg ha-1) than in the NIP (85.1 kg ha-1) treatment. The NP treatment (65.9 kg ha-1) did not cause a reduction in the soil N mineralization when compared to the CT treatment. The mineralization rate (g mineralized N kg-1 total N) in 2004 was about 26, 30 and 38 in the treatments CT, NP and NIP, respectively. Treatments showed different soil N dynamics, the proportion of mineralized NO3--N being lower in the NP (10-48%) than in CT and NIP treatments (53-74%). Our study indicates that no-tillage systems improve the tree nutrition status and enhance productivity
A carência de herbicidas registrados para o controle de plantas daninhas, em sorgo sacarino, torna-se fator limitante à produção. Objetivou-se avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas em sorgo sacarino e a eficiência no controle de plantas daninhas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quarto repetições. Os tratamentos incluíram cultivares de sorgo sacarino (BRS 506, BRS 509 e BRS 511) e herbicidas aplicados isoladamente em pré-emergência (atrazine - 1.500 g ha-1; atrazine + s-metolachlor - 1.665 g ha-1 + 1.035 g ha-1; flumioxazin - 50 g ha-1; s-metolachlor - 1.440 g ha-1) e pós-emergência (tembotrione - 100,8 g ha-1) e de forma sequencial em pré e pós-emergência (atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione - 1.665 g ha-1 + 1.035 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1; atrazine + tembotrione - 1.500 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1; flumioxazin + tembotrione - 50 g ha-1 + 100,8 g ha-1), mais duas testemunhas, uma capinada e outra sem capina. A fitotoxicidade ao sorgo foi de 98,0 %, 98,0 % e 100 % de tembotrione; 100 %, 98,7 % e 100 % de flumioxazin + tembotrione; 100 %, 100 % e 100 % de atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione; e 98,7 %, 98,7 % e 99,7 % de atrazine + tembotrione, respectivamente para as cultivares BRS 509, BRS 506 e BRS 511. Tembotrione, flumioxazin + tembotrione, atrazine + s-metolachlor + tembotrione e atrazine + tembotrione apresentaram bom controle de Ipomoea indivisa, Digitaria ciliaris e Urochloa plantaginea, porém, não demonstraram seletividade às cultivares de sorgo. O atrazine, de modo geral, apresentou maior seletividade aos componentes de rendimento das cultivares BRS 509 e BRS 506.
Due to increasing population and the recent implementation of policies to intensify the use of land and water resources, the transhumant pastoral systems in the Chinese-Mongolian Altay-Dzungarian region are rapidly changing, leading to modifications of herd size, herd composition and spatial distribution of livestock grazing. This may have major consequences for the supply and quality of rangeland biomass. Despite similar topographic settings, the socio-political framework for Chinese and Mongolian pastoralists differs significantly, leading to differences in rangeland utilization. To substantiate these claims, the long-distance transhumance routes, frequency of pasture changes, daily grazing itineraries and size of pastures were recorded by means of GPS tracking of cattle and goats on 1,535 (China) and 1,396 (Mongolia) observation days. The status quo of the main seasonal pastures was captured by measuring the herbage offer and its nutritive value in 869 sampling spots. In the Altay-Dzungarian region, small ruminant herds covered up to 412 km (Mongolia) and grazed on up to nine pastures per year (China). In Mongolia, the herds’ average duration of stay at an individual pasture was longer than in China, particularly in spring and autumn. Herbage allowance at the onset of a grazing period (kg dry matter per sheep unit and day) ranged from 34/17 to 91/95 (China/Mongolia). Comparing crude protein and phosphorous concentrations of herbage, in China, the highest concentrations were measured for spring and summer pastures, whereas in Mongolia, the highest concentrations were determined for autumn and winter pastures. Based on our data, we conclude that regulation of animal numbers and access to pastures seemingly maintained pasture productivity in China, especially at high altitudes. However, this policy may prohibit flexible adaptation to sudden environmental constraints. In contrast, high stocking densities and grazing of pastures before flowering of herbaceous plants negatively affected rangeland productivity in Mongolia, especially for spring and summer pastures.
Currently, the Division of Appeals and Hearings of the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has no specific presence on the agency's website to provide information or to allow for the electronic submission of appeals. This project's focus was developing an online presence for the Division on SCDHHS' website. The page will make the Division's procedures publicly available to beneficiaries, providers, and agency program staff who attend hearings. Additionally, parties will have a secure online portal through which they can file appeals and upload supporting documentation, reducing the need to send appeals via first class mail. The online appeal portal will further the agency' s goal of reducing paper.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Las nuevas tendencias de compartir archivos multimedia a través de redes abiertas, demanda el uso de mejores técnicas de encriptación que garanticen la integridad, disponibilidad y confidencialidad, manteniendo y/o mejorando la eficiencia del proceso de cifrado sobre estos archivos. Hoy en día es frecuente la transferencia de imágenes a través de medios tecnológicos, siendo necesario la actualización de las técnicas de encriptación existentes y mejor aún, la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas. Actualmente los algoritmos criptográficos clásicos son altamente conocidos en medio de la sociedad informática lo que provoca mayor vulnerabilidad, sin contar los altos tiempos de procesamiento al momento de ser utilizados, elevando la probabilidad de ser descifrados y minimizando la disponibilidad inmediata de los recursos. Para disminuir estas probabilidades, el uso de la teoría de caos surge como una buena opción para ser aplicada en un algoritmo que tome partida del comportamiento caótico de los sistemas dinámicos, y aproveche las propiedades de los mapas logísticos para elevar el nivel de robustez en el cifrado. Es por eso que este trabajo propone la creación de un sistema criptográfico basado sobre una arquitectura dividida en dos etapas de confusión y difusión. Cada una de ellas utiliza una ecuación logística para generar números pseudoaleatorios que permitan desordenar la posición del píxel y cambiar su intensidad en la escala de grises. Este proceso iterativo es determinado por la cantidad total de píxeles de una imagen. Finalmente, toda la lógica de cifrado es ejecutada sobre la tecnología CUDA que permite el procesamiento en paralelo. Como aporte sustancial, se propone una nueva técnica de encriptación vanguardista de alta sensibilidad ante ruidos externos manteniendo no solo la confidencialidad de la imagen, sino también la disponibilidad y la eficiencia en los tiempos de proceso.---ABSTRACT---New trends to share multimedia files over open networks, demand the best use of encryption techniques to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality, keeping and/or improving the efficiency of the encryption process on these files. Today it is common to transfer pictures through technological networks, thus, it is necessary to update existing techniques encryption, and even better, the searching of new alternatives. Nowadays, classic cryptographic algorithms are highly known in the midst of the information society which not only causes greater vulnerability, but high processing times when this algorithms are used. It raise the probability of being deciphered and minimizes the immediate availability of resources. To reduce these odds, the use of chaos theory emerged as a good option to be applied on an algorithm that takes advantage of chaotic behavior of dynamic systems, and take logistic maps’ properties to raise the level of robustness in the encryption. That is why this paper proposes the creation of a cryptographic system based on an architecture divided into two stages: confusion and diffusion. Each stage uses a logistic equation to generate pseudorandom numbers that allow mess pixel position and change their intensity in grayscale. This iterative process is determined by the total number of pixels of an image. Finally, the entire encryption logic is executed on the CUDA technology that enables parallel processing. As a substantial contribution, it propose a new encryption technique with high sensitivity on external noise not only keeping the confidentiality of the image, but also the availability and efficiency in processing times.
A função Manutenção é extremamente relevante para garantir o cumprimento do planejamento da produção de óleo e gás natural de uma unidade marítima de produção, pois impacta diretamente na eficácia do processo produtivo. Quando se trata de uma instalação offshore, a manutenção passa a ser ainda mais importante, pois falhas em equipamentos e sistemas industriais podem, além de causar perdas econômicas, causar graves acidentes às pessoas e ao meio ambiente. Gerir a manutenção de uma planta industrial flutuante, localizada a 300 quilômetros da costa, como no caso daquelas localizadas nos campos do pré-sal brasileiro, é uma tarefa que requer a aplicação das técnicas mais modernas de gerenciamento de manutenção e processos de trabalho ágeis e dinâmicos para garantir o suporte técnico adequado a partir de instalações localizadas em ambientes onshore. Neste contexto, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar e propor uma metodologia para definição da estratégia de manutenção a ser implementada em novas unidades de produção de petróleo e gás natural destinadas a operar em ambiente offshore. Esta metodologia, pautada na manutenção centrada em confiabilidade, tem como objetivo garantir que a estratégia de manutenção, além de garantir a máxima disponibilidade e eficiência dos equipamentos e sistemas, também seja compatível com a filosofia das Operações Integradas, recentemente desenvolvida pela indústria norueguesa de exploração e produção de petróleo para otimizar a produção de seus campos que já estão em fase de amadurecimento. Dessa forma, este trabalho contribuirá para que, com base na metodologia proposta para definição da estratégia de manutenção, novas plataformas de petróleo e gás natural possam operar com ainda mais segurança e eficiência, garantindo o melhor aproveitamento possível das reservas de petróleo. Este trabalho inclui uma análise de custos simplificada para os estudos de caso propostos, não fazendo parte do escopo do trabalho uma análise de custos detalhada para toda instalação.
Background and Aims: Phosphate (Pi) is one of the most limiting nutrients for agricultural production in Brazilian soils due to low soil Pi concentrations and rapid fixation of fertilizer Pi by adsorption to oxidic minerals and/or precipitation by iron and aluminum ions. The objectives of this study were to quantify phosphorus (P) uptake and use efficiency in cultivars of the species Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora L., and group them in terms of efficiency and response to Pi availability. Methods: Plants of 21 cultivars of C. arabica and four cultivars of C. canephora were grown under contrasting soil Pi availabilities. Biomass accumulation, tissue P concentration and accumulation and efficiency indices for P use were measured. Key Results: Coffee plant growth was significantly reduced under low Pi availability, and P concentration was higher in cultivars of C. canephora. The young leaves accumulated more P than any other tissue. The cultivars of C. canephora had a higher root/shoot ratio and were significantly more efficient in P uptake, while the cultivars of C. arabica were more efficient in P utilization. Agronomic P use efficiency varied among coffee cultivars and E16 Shoa, E22 Sidamo, Iêmen and Acaiá cultivars were classified as the most efficient and responsive to Pi supply. A positive correlation between P uptake efficiency and root to shoot ratio was observed across all cultivars at low Pi supply. These data identify Coffea genotypes better adapted to low soil Pi availabilities, and the traits that contribute to improved P uptake and use efficiency. These data could be used to select current genotypes with improved P uptake or utilization efficiencies for use on soils with low Pi availability and also provide potential breeding material and targets for breeding new cultivars better adapted to the low Pi status of Brazilian soils. This could ultimately reduce the use of Pi fertilizers in tropical soils, and contribute to more sustainable coffee production.
The choice of foraging strategies implies an attempt at gaining energy by predators. Supposedly, the difference in employing the "sit and wait" or "active foraging" behavior lays in hunter skills, experience and the kind of prey consumed. With the hypothesis that "active foraging" demands no learning, in this study we compared the prey capture efficiency among Wattled Jacana juveniles and adults, and also present descriptive information about feeding habitat and the abundance variation of foragers throughout the day in the northern Pantanal. Prey capture efficiency did not differ significantly among juveniles and adults, corroborating our initial hypothesis that "active foraging" is an instinctive behavior and demands no experience to be effective. However, future work is necessary to compare the energetic quality of consumed items by juveniles and adults, searching for differences explained by adults' experience. Foraging individuals were found at an average distance of 14 m ranging from 2 to 42 m) from the margin of the sampled swamps, however 64% of the foragers were found closer to the margins. The average depth of foraging sites was 17 cm, ranging from 5 to 40 cm, although no preference for specific classes of depth was found (p > 0,05). Despite the accepted general pattern of birds being more active in the early morning, the largest number of individuals foraging was observed between 11:00 and 12:00 AM, but no significant difference was found in the abundance of foraging individuals among different periods of the day. Factors, which were not analyzed, such as food availability and presence of competitors and predators need to be studied to reveal the main factors of the spatial and temporal distribution of the Wattled Jacana.
Watershed services are the benefits people obtain from the flow of water through a watershed. While demand for such services is increasing in most parts of the world, supply is getting more insecure due to human impacts on ecosystems such as climate or land use change. Population and water management authorities therefore require information on the potential availability of watershed services in the future and the trade-offs involved. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is used to model watershed service availability for future management and climate change scenarios in the East African Pangani Basin. In order to quantify actual “benefits”, SWAT2005 was slightly modified, calibrated and configured at the required spatial and temporal resolution so that simulated water resources and processes could be characterized based on their valuation by stakeholders and their accessibility. The calibrated model was then used to evaluate three management and three climate scenarios. The results show that by the year 2025, not primarily the physical availability of water, but access to water resources and efficiency of use represent the greatest challenges. Water to cover basic human needs is available at least 95% of time but must be made accessible to the population through investments in distribution infrastructure. Concerning the trade-off between agricultural use and hydropower production, there is virtually no potential for an increase in hydropower even if it is given priority. Agriculture will necessarily expand spatially as a result of population growth, and can even benefit from higher irrigation water availability per area unit, given improved irrigation efficiency and enforced regulation to ensure equitable distribution of available water. The decline in services from natural terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. charcoal, food), due to the expansion of agriculture, increases the vulnerability of residents who depend on such services mostly in times of drought. The expected impacts of climate change may contribute to an increase or decrease in watershed service availability, but are only marginal and much lower than management impacts up to the year 2025.