184 resultados para Automatized cataloguing
This thesis work has been developed in collaboration between the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna and the IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute during an internship period. The study aims to investigate the sensitivity of single-sided NMR in detecting structural differences of the articular cartilage tissue and their correlation with mechanical behavior. Suitable cartilage indicators for osteoarthritis (OA) severity (e.g., water and proteoglycans content, collagen structure) were explored through four NMR parameters: T2, T1, D, and Slp. Structural variations of the cartilage among its three layers (i.e., superficial, middle, and deep) were investigated performing several NMR pulses sequences on bovine knee joint samples using the NMR-MOUSE device. Previously, cartilage degradation studies were carried out, performing tests in three different experimental setups. The monitoring of the parameters and the best experimental setup were determined. An NMR automatized procedure based on the acquisition of these quantitative parameters was implemented, tested, and used for the investigation of the layers of twenty bovine cartilage samples. Statistical and pattern recognition analyses on these parameters have been performed. The results obtained from the analyses are very promising: the discrimination of the three cartilage layers shows very good results in terms of significance, paving the way for extensive use of NMR single-sided devices for biomedical applications. These results will be also integrated with analyses of tissue mechanical properties for a complete evaluation of cartilage changes throughout OA disease. The use of low-priced and mobile devices towards clinical applications could concern the screening of diseases related to cartilage tissue. This could have a positive impact both economically (including for underdeveloped countries) and socially, providing screening possibilities to a large part of the population.
Air pollution is one of the greatest health risks in the world. At the same time, the strong correlation with climate change, as well as with Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves, make more intense the effects of all these phenomena. A good air quality and high levels of thermal comfort are the big goals to be reached in urban areas in coming years. Air quality forecast help decision makers to improve air quality and public health strategies, mitigating the occurrence of acute air pollution episodes. Air quality forecasting approaches combine an ensemble of models to provide forecasts from global to regional air pollution and downscaling for selected countries and regions. The development of models dedicated to urban air quality issues requires a good set of data regarding the urban morphology and building material characteristics. Only few examples of air quality forecast system at urban scale exist in the literature and often they are limited to selected cities. This thesis develops by setting up a methodology for the development of a forecasting tool. The forecasting tool can be adapted to all cities and uses a new parametrization for vegetated areas. The parametrization method, based on aerodynamic parameters, produce the urban spatially varying roughness. At the core of the forecasting tool there is a dispersion model (urban scale) used in forecasting mode, and the meteorological and background concentration forecasts provided by two regional numerical weather forecasting models. The tool produces the 1-day spatial forecast of NO2, PM10, O3 concentration, the air temperature, the air humidity and BLQ-Air index values. The tool is automatized to run every day, the maps produced are displayed on the e-Globus platform, updated every day. The results obtained indicate that the forecasting output were in good agreement with the observed measurements.
En la civilización de la antigua Roma, tres de los aspectos más importantes de la vida cotidiana estaban vinculados a la arquitectura: las termas, los acueductos y las tumbas. Esta investigación propone el estudio de la integración de sistemas avanzados para la documentación, gestión y valorización del patrimonio arquitectónico funerario de la Vie Latina y la Appia Antica, en estrecha relación con el tema del Paisaje Cultural. De hecho, el Parque de las Tumbas Latinas alberga uno de los complejos funerarios más importantes, que en la actualidad conserva el aspecto tradicional del antiguo paisaje romano. A lo largo de una vía empedrada, como todas las vías consulares, la Vía Latina (al igual que la Vía Appia Antica), que, como recordaba Tito Livio, conectaba en su día las ciudades de Roma con Capua, sigue manteniendo "congelado" el antiguo trazado urbano/paisajístico. El sistema multiforme del Ager Romanus y del sitio cultural Via Latina/Appia Antica estudiado en esta investigación es, por tanto, comparable a una estructura viva y dinámica y, como tal, debe ser analizada. Por lo tanto, para diseñar una herramienta de protección y gestión tan "potente" y adecuada para un sitio histórico de enorme importancia, fue necesario utilizar las técnicas de levantamiento arquitectónico más avanzadas que se utilizan actualmente (como el escaneo láser y la fotogrametría, junto con un software de análisis específico), acompañadas de un estudio en profundidad de las técnicas de construcción antiguas. El último aspecto clave que pretende abordar la investigación es la catalogación. De hecho, los sitios y monumentos históricos no se pueden mantener sólo mediante su uso y utilización pasiva, sino activando todas las operaciones de protección y conservación mediante intervenciones directas (mantenimiento/restauración) e indirectas, como la catalogación constante de las obras históricas y la consiguiente "catalogación dinámica".
Il patrimonio residenziale italiano ammonta a 12,2 milioni di edifici, di cui il 57,5% ha più di 50 anni ed è stato costruito in assenza di normative specifiche, in termini di sicurezza sismica, resistenza al fuoco, efficienza energetica e accessibilità, e manifesta un’avanzata obsolescenza. Agire su questo patrimonio significa operare tramite le due macro categorie di intervento: demolizione/ricostruzione o riqualificazione energetica. Questa ricerca dottorale vuole indagare la demolizione/ricostruzione di comparti urbani periferici, costruiti tra 1945-1965, quale strategia di rigenerazione urbana, integrandola in un modello edilizio basato sui criteri dell’economia circolare. Vengono definite le caratteristiche costruttive e i principi di questo modello di progettazione ecosistemica, denominato Integrho, che coniuga i criteri di ecodesign nel ciclo di vita (Building in Layers, Design for Disassembly e il Design out Waste) con quelli di bioclimaticità e di adattabilità funzionale. Il lavoro è stato improntato secondo due livelli gerarchici, scala urbana e scala edilizia, tra loro correlate mediante quella intermedia dell’isolato, al fine di ottenere un obiettivo di natura metodologica: definire uno strumento di supporto decisionale, capace di indirizzare tra le categorie di intervento attraverso parametri oggettivi, valutati con analisi comparative speditive. Tale metodologia viene applicata al contesto di Bologna, e si fonda sulla creazione di un’approfondita base conoscitiva attraverso la catalogazione delle 8.209 pratiche edilizie di nuova costruzione presentate tra 1945 e il 1965. Tale strumento georeferenziato, contenente informazioni tipologiche, costruttive ecc., è impiegato per valutare in modo quantitativo e speditivo i consumi energetici, i materiali incorporati, gli impatti ambientali e i costi economici dei differenti scenari di intervento nel ciclo di vita. Infine, l’applicazione del modello edilizio Integrho e del paradigma Ri-Costruire per Ri-Generare ad uno degli isolati periferici selezionati, è impiegata come esemplificazione dell’intero processo, dalla fase conoscitiva a quella strumentale, al fine di verificarne l’attendibilità e l’applicabilità su larga scala.