990 resultados para Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics


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Many-electron systems confined to a quasi-one-dimensional geometry by a cylindrical distribution of positive charge have been investigated by density functional computations in the unrestricted local spin density approximation. Our investigations have been focused on the low-density regime, in which electrons are localized. The results reveal a wide variety of different charge and spin configurations, including linear and zig-zag chains, single-and double-strand helices, and twisted chains of dimers. The spin-spin coupling turns from weakly antiferromagnetic at relatively high density, to weakly ferromagnetic at the lowest densities considered in our computations. The stability of linear chains of localized charge has been investigated by analyzing the radial dependence of the self-consistent potential and by computing the dispersion relation of low-energy harmonic excitations.


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This paper reports a systematic study of the dependence on atomic number of the dielectronic recombination resonance strengths for He-like, Li-like and Be-like ions. Recent measurements of dielectronic recombination resonance strengths for the KLL and KLM manifolds for iron, yttrium, iodine, holmium, and bismuth are also described. The resonance strengths were normalized to calculated electron impact ionization cross sections. The measured resonance strengths generally agree well with theoretical calculations using the distorted wave approximation. However, KLM resonance strength measurements on high atomic number open-shell ions gave higher values than those suggested by calculations. Using recently measured data, along with existing results, scaling laws have been generated as a function of atomic number for He-like, Li-like, and Be-like ions in the KLL and KLM manifolds.


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The main curative therapy for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer is surgery. Despite this, the survival rate is only 50%, therefore it is important to more efficiently diagnose and predict prognosis for lung cancer patients. Raman spectroscopy is useful in the diagnosis of malignant and premalignant lesions. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of Raman microscopy to diagnose lung cancer from surgically resected tissue sections, and predict the prognosis of these patients. Tumor tissue sections from curative resections are mapped by Raman microscopy and the spectra analzsed using multivariate techniques. Spectra from the tumor samples are also compared with their outcome data to define their prognostic significance. Using principal component analysis and random forest classification, Raman microscopy differentiates malignant from normal lung tissue. Principal component analysis of 34 tumor spectra predicts early postoperative cancer recurrence with a sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 74%. Spectral analysis reveals elevated porphyrin levels in the normal samples and more DNA in the tumor samples. Raman microscopy can be a useful technique for the diagnosis and prognosis of lung cancer patients receiving surgery, and for elucidating the biochemical properties of lung tumors. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3323088]


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In this article, we present position indication functionality as obtained by using a retrodirective array, thereby allowing location information extraction of the position of the remote transmitter with which the retrodirective array is cooperating. This is carried out using straightforward circuitry with no requirement for complex angle of arrival algorithms, thereby giving a result in real time enabling tracking of fast moving transmitters. We show using a 10 x element retrodirective array, operating at 2.4 GHz that accuracies of far-field angle of arrival of within +/- 1 degrees over the arrays +/- 30 degrees azimuth field of view are possible. While in the near-field for angles of arrival of +/- 10 degrees it is possible to extract the position of a dipole source down to a resolution of 032 lambda. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 52: 1031-1034, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.25097


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This article presents a cascaded arrangement comprising a double-layer frequency selective surface circularly polarizing (CPFSS) and a second screen that can be switched between artificial magnetic conduction (AMC) or perfect electric conducting. (PEC) states. The CPFSS consists of two stacked aluminium sheets patterned with periodic split ring structures While the AMC is a PCB sheet patterned with metallic squares interconnected by links By either open or short circuiting these links it is shown that the cascade of screens can be made to twist, or not to twist, an incident 45 degrees linearly polirized signal through 90 degrees upon reflection from the assembly The system was designed and optimized using CST software and predictions were validated experimentally and measured monostatic reflection loss results (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc Microwave Opt Technol Lett 52 577-580, 2010. Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI 10.1002/mop.24979


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We analyse the process of rapid positron annihilation in large polyatomic molecules due to positron capture into vibrational Feshbach resonances. Resonant annihilation occurs in molecules which can bind positrons, and we analyse positron binding to alkanes using zero-range potentials. Related questions of spectra of annihilation gamma quanta and molecular fragmentation following annihilation, are discussed briefly.


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We study the process of low-energy electron capture by the SF(6) molecule. Our approach is based on the model of Gauyacq and Herzenberg [J. P. Gauyacq and A. Herzenberg, J. Phys. B 17, 1155 (1984)] in which the electron motion is coupled to the fully symmetric vibrational mode through a weakly bound or virtual s state. By tuning the two free parameters of the model, we achieve an accurate description of the measured electron attachment cross section and good agreement with vibrational excitation cross sections of the fully symmetric mode. An extension of the model provides a limit on the characteristic time of intramolecular vibrational relaxation in highly excited SF(6)(-). By evaluating the total vibrational spectrum density of SF(6)(-), we estimate the widths of the vibrational Feshbach resonances of the long-lived negative ion. We also analyze the possible distribution of the widths and its effect on the lifetime measurements, and investigate nonexponential decay features in metastable SF(6)(-).


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A many-body theory approach to the calculation of gamma spectra of positron annihilation on many-electron atoms is developed. We evaluate the first-order correlation correction to the annihilation vertex and perform numerical calculations for the noble gas atoms. Extrapolation with respect to the maximal orbital momentum of the intermediate electron and positron states is used to achieve convergence. The inclusion of correlation corrections improves agreement with experimental gamma spectra.


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Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements for a mixture of ground and metastable states of Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ are reported in the photon energy range of 4d -> nf transitions, which occur within or adjacent to the 13.5 nm window for extreme ultraviolet lithography light source development. The reported values allow the quantification of opacity effects in xenon plasmas due to these 4d -> nf autoionizing states. The oscillator strengths for the 4d -> 4f and 4d -> 5f transitions in Xeq+ (q=1-6) ions are calculated using nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock and random phase approximations. These are compared with published experimental values for Xe+ to Xe3+ and with the values obtained from the present experimental cross-section measurements for Xe4+ to Xe6+. The calculations assisted in the determination of the metastable content in the ion beams for Xe5+ and Xe6+. The experiments were performed by merging a synchrotron photon beam generated by an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source with an ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance ion source.


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This paper is a review of low-energy positron interactions with atoms and molecules. Processes of interest include elastic scattering, electronic and vibrational excitation, ionization, positronium formation and annihilation. An overview is presented of the currently available theoretical and experimental techniques to study these phenomena, including the use of trap-based positron beam sources to study collision processes with improved energy resolution. State-resolved measurements of electronic and vibrational excitation cross sections and measurement of annihilation rates in atoms and molecules as a function of incident positron energy are discussed. Where data are available, comparisons are made with analogous electron scattering cross sections. Resonance phenomena, common in electron scattering, appear to be less common in positron scattering. Possible exceptions include the sharp onsets of positron-impact electronic and vibrational excitation of selected molecules. Recent energy-resolved studies of positron annihilation in hydrocarbons containing more than a few carbon atoms provide direct evidence that vibrational Feshbach resonances underpin the anomalously large annihilation rates observed for many polyatomic species. We discuss open questions regarding this process in larger molecules, as well as positron annihilation in smaller molecules where the theoretical picture is less clear.


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This article presents an overview of current understanding of the interaction of low-energy positrons with molecules with emphasis on resonances, positron attachment, and annihilation. Measurements of annihilation rates resolved as a function of positron energy reveal the presence of vibrational Feshbach resonances (VFRs) for many polyatomic molecules. These resonances lead to strong enhancement of the annihilation rates. They also provide evidence that positrons bind to many molecular species. A quantitative theory of VFR-mediated attachment to small molecules is presented. It is tested successfully for selected molecule (e.g., methyl halides and methanol) where all modes couple to the positron continuum. Combination and overtone resonances are observed and their role is elucidated. Molecules that do not bind positrons and hence do not exhibit such resonances are discussed. In larger molecules, annihilation rates from VFR far exceed those explicable on the basis of single-mode resonances. These enhancements increase rapidly with the number of vibrational degrees of freedom, approximately as the fourth power of the number of atoms in the molecule. While the details are as yet unclear, intramolecular vibrational energy redistributio (IVR) to states that do not couple directly to the positron continuum appears to be responsible for these enhanced annihilation rates. In connection with IVR, experimental evidence indicates that inelastic positron escape channels are relatively rare. Downshifts of the VFR from the vibrational mode energies, obtained by measuring annihilate rates as a function of incident positron energy, have provided binding energies for 30 species. Their dependence upon molecular parameters and their relationship to positron-atom and positron-molecule binding-energy calculations are discussed. Feshbach resonances and positron binding to molecules are compared with the analogous electron-molecul (negative-ion) cases. The relationship of VFR-mediated annihilation to other phenomena such as Doppler broadening of the gamma-ray annihilation spectra, annihilation of thermalized positrons in gases, and annihilation-induced fragmentation of molecules is discussed. Possible areas for future theoretical and experimental investigation are also discussed.


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It has been suggested (Gribakin et al 1999 Aust. J. Phys. 52 443–57, Flambaum et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 012713) that strongly enhanced low-energy electron recombination observed in Au25+ (Hoffknecht et al 1998 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31 2415–28) is mediated by complex multiply excited states, while simple dielectronic excitations play the role of doorway states for the electron capture process. We present the results of an extensive study of con?guration mixing between doubly excited (doorway) states and multiply excited states which account for the large electron recombination rate on Au25+ . A detailed analysis of spectral statistics and statistics of eigenstate components shows that the dielectronic doorway states are virtually ‘dissolved’ in complicated chaotic multiply excited eigenstates. This work provides a justi?cation for the use of statistical theory to calculate the recombination rates of Au25+ and similar complex multiply charged ions. We also investigate approaches which allow one to study complex chaotic many-body eigenstates and criteria of strong con?guration mixing, without diagonalizing large Hamiltonian matrices.


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We use many-body theory to find the asymptotic behaviour of second-order correlation corrections to the energies and positron annihilation rates in many- electron systems with respect to the angular momenta l of the single-particle orbitals included. The energy corrections decrease as 1/(l+1/2)4, in agreement with the result of Schwartz, whereas the positron annihilation rate has a slower 1/(l+1/2)2 convergence rate. We illustrate these results by numerical calculations of the energies of Ne and Kr and by examining results from extensive con?guration-interaction calculations of PsH binding and annihilation.


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To study some of the interfacial properties of PtSi/Si diodes, Schottky structures were fabricated on (100) crystalline silicon substrates by conventional thermal evaporation of Pt on Si followed by annealing at different temperatures (from 400 degrees C to 700 degrees C) to form PtSi. The PtSi/n-Si diodes, all yielded Schottky barrier (SB) heights that are remarkably temperature dependent. The temperature range (20-290 K) over which the I-V characteristics were measured in the present study is broader with a much lower limit (20 K), than what is usually reported in literature. These variations in the barrier height are adequately interpreted by introducing spatial inhomogeneity into the barrier potential with a Gaussian distribution having a mean barrier of 0.76 eV and a standard deviation of 30 meV. Multi-frequency capacitance-voltage measurements suggest that the barrier is primarily controlled by the properties of the silicide-silicon interface. The forward C-V characteristics, in particular, show small peaks at low frequencies that can be ascribed to interface states rather than to a series resistance effect.


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Theoretical and numerical investigations are carried out for the amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic waves (DIAW) propagating in an unmagnetized weakly coupled collisionless fully ionized plasma consisting of isothermal electrons, warm ions and charged dust grains. Modulation oblique (by an angle theta) to the carrier wave propagation direction is considered. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE), exhibits a sensitivity of the instability region to the modulation angle theta, the dust concentration and the ion temperature. It is found that the ion temperature may strongly modify the wave's stability profile, in qualitative agreement with previous results, obtained for an electron-ion plasma. The effect of the ion temperature on the formation of DIAW envelope excitations (envelope solitons) is also discussed.